News of the World: Gwahaniaeth rhwng fersiynau

Cynnwys wedi'i ddileu Cynnwys wedi'i ychwanegu
BDim crynodeb golygu
B r2.7.1) (robot yn ychwanegu: bg, da, de, es, fi, fr, he, is, it, ja, nl, no, pl, pt, ro, ru, sh, sv, tr, vi, zh, zh-yue
Llinell 10:
[[Categori:Sefydliadau 1821]]
[[bg:News of the World (вестник)]]
[[da:News of the World (avis)]]
[[de:News of the World]]
[[en:News of the World]]
[[es:News of the World (periódico)]]
[[fi:News of the World (lehti)]]
[[fr:News of the World (journal)]]
[[he:ניוז אוף דה וורלד]]
[[is:News of the World]]
[[it:News of the World (giornale)]]
[[nl:News of the World]]
[[no:News of the World (avis)]]
[[pl:News of the World]]
[[pt:News of the World (jornal)]]
[[ro:News of the World]]
[[ru:News of the World (газета)]]
[[sh:News of the World]]
[[sv:News of the World (brittisk tidning)]]
[[tr:News of the World]]
[[vi:News of the World]]