Pau: Gwahaniaeth rhwng fersiynau

Cynnwys wedi'i ddileu Cynnwys wedi'i ychwanegu
Dim crynodeb golygu
Dim crynodeb golygu
Llinell 6:
== Hanes ==
Pau oedd prifddinas [[Béarn]] o 1464 ymlaen, ond cyn hynny roedd [[Morlans]] ac [[Ortès]] yn brifddinasoedd y frenhiniaeth, ac doedd dim rôl arbennig gan Pau cyn y 10fed ganrif. Is-iarllaeth oedd Béarn, dan arweiniad ieirll [[Foish]] (Foix yn Ffrangeg), a oedd yn annibynnol ar adeg pan oedd teyrnasoedd [[Ffrainc]] a [[Lloegr]] yn cystadlu dros ardal [[Aquitaine]], gyda chlymbleidio yn newid yn aml. O'r 10fed tan y 12fed ganrif, pentref gyda chastell oedd Pau, math o gastell a gyfeiriwyd ato yn yr hen [[Ocsitaneg]] fel "castelnau" (sef castell newydd), "casteth nau" yn nhafodiaeth [[Gasconeg]] Ocsitaneg erbyn hyn. "Baile" oedd yn rheoli'r castell, wedi ei benodi gan Ieirll Béarn. [[Gaston Febus]] o deulu Foish-Bearn penderfynodd cryfhau yr amddiffynfeydd, ac a dewisodd Pau yn brifddinas wrth iddo ddod i fyw yn y Castell. Roedd y castell wedyn yn gartref i frenhinoedd [[Nafarroa]] hyd at yr uno gyda Theyrnas Ffrainc ym [[1620]].
<!--Pau ydyr bifddinas chau Bearn, i Bearn am lluniwr hisarll am Aquitaneg, lluniwr a'na brenhiniaeth am Aquitaneg.
I. From Viscounty of Bearn to Kingdom of Navarre.
We have no important elements about Pau before the Xth century.Morlans (in French Morlaàs) and Ortès(Orthez) were the former capitals of Bearn(Beneharnum which give the territory its name was just the name of the roman settlement probably near the actual suburb of Pau, Lescar) .
Nid yw tarddiad yr enw Pau yn eglur. Yn ôl un damcaniaeth, mae'r enw yn cyfeirio at y gweundir yr adeiladwyd Pau arni, ger afon y [[Gave Pau|Gave]], a gyfeirwyd ato yn [[Lladin]] fel ''palus, paludis (f) < palud < pau''. Yn ôl damcaniaeth arall, daw'r enw o'r [[Ffrangeg]] 'palissade' gan gyfeirio at ffensys amddiffynnol.
The origin of the name Pau is obscure, two hypothesis, Pau was built on a marsh from the latin palus, paludis (f) < palud < pau near the Gave river and its swamps, or was a little fortress built with palisades, fences from the French "palissade".
I. From Viscounty of Bearn to Kingdom of Navarre.
Bearn was a Viscounty, depending on the Counts of Foix (Foish in occitan language), they tried to preserve their independence between the rivalry of kingdom of England and France in Aquitany.
We have no important elements about Pau before the Xth century.Morlans (in French Morlaàs) and Ortès(Orthez) were the former capitals of Bearn(Beneharnum which give the territory its name was just the name of the roman settlement probably near the actual suburb of Pau, Lescar) .
From the Xth century to the XIIth, Pau was just a village with a Castle, a kind of "castrum", called in old occitan "castelnau" (castel+nau=new castle), "casteth nau" in modern gascon to protect the region against the french or english rulers( alliances oftenly varying following between the powerful rival kingdoms).
The castel nau was comanded by a "baile" (medieval french equivalent "bailli") designed by the Viscounts of Bearn.
The Foish-Bearn dynasty will re-enforce this castelnau and the territory of Bearn (with others secondary castel naus) to protect it and keep it independent, and then, when Gaston Febus (or Phebus),the more famous head of the dynasty, installed himself in the castle, he choose Pau as his new capital of Bearn.
The dynasties of Bearn from the Viscount of Bearn to the kingdom of Navarre and then the french annexion of 1620.
-Legendary origins:
Llinell 123 ⟶ 117:
==Eisteddfod Genedlaethol== [=??]-->
== Gefeilldrefi ==