Cnocell Magellan: Gwahaniaeth rhwng fersiynau

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Duncan Brown (sgwrs | cyfraniadau)
Dim crynodeb golygu
Tagiau: Golygiad drwy declyn symudol Golygiad ar declun symudol (ap) Golygiad trwy'r ap iOS
Duncan Brown (sgwrs | cyfraniadau)
Dim crynodeb golygu
Tagiau: Golygiad drwy declyn symudol Golygiad ar declun symudol (ap) Golygiad trwy'r ap iOS
Llinell 131:
Gwyddys am nifer o ysglyfaethwyr posib a fydd yn ymosod ar gnocell Mahellan, yar rhany fwyafcyfan yn adar ysglyfaethus yn unig. Ymhlith y rhain mae hebogau gwddf gwyn [[Buteo albigula]], hebogau amrywiol ‘’[[B.Buteo polyosoma]]’’, hebogau bicolored ‘’[[Accipiter bicolor]]’’, a characaras cribog ‘’[[Caracara plancus]]‘’ (yr olaf yn hela rhai ifanc yn unig). Pan ddônt ar draws yr ysglyfaethwyr posibl hyn y tu allan i’r tymor nythu, mae cnocell y coed MagellanicMagellan fel arfer yn ymateb trwy fod yn dawel ac yn aros yn eu hunfan. Fodd bynnag, yn ystod y tymor nythu mae’r cnocellod hyn yn ymosod yn ffyrnig arnynt.
Currently, the species is listed as of least concern, but population reductions have been reported. Forest loss and fragmentation are affecting the temperate forests of southern South America at an increasing rate, so these practices also represent a threat for the Magellanic woodpecker. The distribution of the species has contracted and was fragmented as a consequence of native forest clearance, especially in south-central Chile, where the species now is restricted to protected and relict areas. Changes in structural forest components after timber extraction, forest conversion to exotic plantations, and fragmentation due to forest clearance are the main threats to their populations. The species is protected from hunting in both Chile and Argentina, where it is not or very rarely illegally hunted.
==Statws cadwriaethol==