The Secret of NIMH: Gwahaniaeth rhwng fersiynau

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Glanhawr (sgwrs | cyfraniadau)
B Wedi gwrthdroi golygiadau gan (Sgwrs); wedi adfer y golygiad diweddaraf gan HRoestBot.
Legobot (sgwrs | cyfraniadau)
B Bot: Migrating 14 interwiki links, now provided by Wikidata on d:q174374 (translate me)
Llinell 8:
[[Categori:Ffilmiau Saesneg]]
{{eginyn ffilm plant}}
[[de:Mrs. Brisby und das Geheimnis von NIMH]]
[[en:The Secret of NIMH]]
[[eo:The Secret of NIMH]]
[[es:The Secret of NIMH]]
[[fi:NIMH – rouva Brisby ja hänen salainen maailmansa]]
[[fr:Brisby et le Secret de NIMH]]
[[it:Brisby e il segreto di NIMH]]
[[nl:The Secret Of Nimh]]
[[pl:Tajemnica IZBY]]
[[pt:The Secret of NIMH]]
[[ru:Секрет крыс]]
[[simple:The Secret of NIMH]]
[[sv:Brisby och NIMHs hemlighet]]