Mongolwyr: Gwahaniaeth rhwng fersiynau

Cynnwys wedi'i ddileu Cynnwys wedi'i ychwanegu
Arwel Parry (sgwrs | cyfraniadau)
(Dim gwahaniaeth)

Fersiwn yn ôl 18:33, 12 Rhagfyr 2004

Mae'r Mongolwyr yn grwp ethnig sy'n dod yn wreiddiol o lle sydd rwan Mongolia, Rwsia a Tsieina, yn enwedig Mongolia Mewnol. Heddiw mae tua 8.5 miliwn o Fongolwyr, yn siarad yr iaith Mongoliaid. Mae nhw'n cynnwys un o'r 56 cenhedlau yn y Weriniaeth Pobl Tsieina. Mae tua 2.3 miliwn o Fongolwyr yn byw yn Mongolia, 4 miliwn ym Mongolia Mewnol (talaith Tsieina), a 2 filiwn yn nhaleithiau Tsieneeg cyfagos. Hefyd, mae nifer o grwpiau ethnig yng Nhgogledd Tsieina sydd yn perthynol i'r Mongolwyr: y Daur, Buryat, Evenk, Dorbod, a'r Tuvin.


Though few in number (approximately 200,000 people at the height of their empire), Mongols were important in world history. Under the leadership of Genghis Khan, the Mongols created the largest land empire in world history, ruling 13.8 million mile² (36 million km²) and more than 100 million people. At their height, Mongol Empire spanned from Korea to Hungary, and included most of the lands in between, such as Afghanistan, Georgia, Armenia, Russia, Persia, and much of the Middle East.

The Mongols were a nomadic people who in the 13th century found themselves encompassed by large, city-dwelling agrarian civilizations. However, none of these civilizations were part of a strong central state. Asia, Russia, and the Middle East were either declining kingdoms, or divided city states. Taking the strategic initiative, the Mongols exploited this power vacuum and linked all of these areas into a mutually supporting trade network.

The Mongols were largely dependent on trade with the city-dwelling peoples, and raiding these villages when times were particularly hard. As nomads, they could not accumulate a surplus against bad times, or support artisans. When trade was reduced by the northern Chinese kingdoms in the 1200's, shortly after Genghis Khan became Khan of the Mongol tribes, the Mongols repeated their tradition of getting their goods by looting Northern China.

Conquest, in the Khan's initial viewpoint, did not consist of subordination of competing cultures to the nomadic way of life, but rather in their looting and destruction if there was resistance. If there was no resistance, Mongols usually left the town unharmed and demanded them to pay tribute. As a nomad, Genghis Khan is supposed to not have understood or cared of the supposed benefits in the city dwellers' way of life. This contrasts with their dependence on trade with the cities. However, the economic theories of these relationships still lay seven centuries in the future.

The Khan's initial plan of conquest if people resisted was sacking all that was valuable, and then razing the city and killing the resistance, leaving only artists and human shields (for future campaigns) to survive. Genghis Khan himself was extremely supportful to the people that were loyal to him and even his enemies. Different theories exist for why the Mongols were initially so extreme. Militarily, the Mongols were often far from home territory and greatly out-numbered, and wouldn't want to leave enemies in their rear. Economically, destroying population centers gave the Mongols more room to graze their herds.

One such example is the capture of Beijing in 1215. Rather than adding the city to the Mongol Kingdom, he instead thorougly sacked the city for silk and other valuables.

As the Mongols grew more powerful, advisers convinced Genghis Khan to start building a vassal empire. If the city-dwelling peoples were allowed to continue their way of life, they could produce a surplus of food and goods, a portion of which could be paid to the Khan as taxes. Given the Khan's extraordinary success in his aggressive foreign policy, this wealth could be equally extraordinary. The Khan agreed, taking his tribute in tax, and saving countless lives and cultures in the process. Until 1225 they continued these invasions through Western Asia, into Persia and Russia.

In 1227, Genghis Khan died, leaving the Empire to his son Ogedei Khan. Ogedei Khan continued the expansion into Western Asia, also conquering Korea and Northern China. The armies of the Mongols had reached Poland and Egypt by 1241, and looked poised to continue, when Ogedei Khan died, leaving no clear successor. Mongol military leaders (who as descendants of Genghis Khan were possible heirs to the throne) rushed back to claim the throne. Nearly a decade later, Mongka Khan, grandson of Genghis and nephew of Ogodai, took the throne, through the assistance of his mother Sorghaghtani Beki. By this time, the Western expansion had lost its momentum.

Various members of the Mongol Court, including Sorghaghtani Beki, were Nestorian Christians. While the court was nominally Buddhist and maintained a policy of being open to all religions, it was known as particularly sympathetic to Christians (which may have helped contribute to the legend of Prester John). In 1253 the court followed the suggestion from Crusader Kingdoms in Syria to attack the Muslim capitals of Baghdad and Cairo. Baghdad was conquered and sacked in 1258, with the city's Christians spared, and the Abbasid caliph killed. However, with the troops on the road to Cairo, Mongka Khan died in 1259. Much of the force returned home for the selection of the new leader, and Egyptian troops repelled the attack in 1260. This marked the farthest West the Mongol Empire would progress.

Kublai Khan quickly succeeded Mongka Khan, moved the court to Beijing, formed the Yuan dynasty, and re-started the invasion of China, in the first war with guns on both sides. After 18 years, Kublai Khan conquered both Northern and Southern China, forming the largest empire in history (as famously described by Marco Polo).

However, by the early 14th century, the prominence of trade, and a possible cooling of the world's climates, led to worldwide outbreaks of plague, which encouraged revolt and invasion. Mongols quit China around 1360, and the Turks (among others) carved out their gains throughout the 14th century. The Chinese invaded Mongolia, and in Mongolia started wars between tribes. Western Mongolian tribes (Oirats) conqure other tribes, but after death of Esen-Khan they separated from other Mongolians 15th century. In 17 century Oirats lost control under Outer Mongolia, in 18 century they lost Qinghai, Gansu and Tibeth, in 1754 Oirats lost Jarkend and in 1758 Manchu Army crashed Oirats in Jungaria. Many Oirats from Jungaria retreated to Volga-river, and joined to Oirats in Europe (Kalmyks). The Qing dynasty fully incorporated Mongolia into its empire, forming the states of Outer Mongolia, a more Sinocized Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang.

Cyfnewidiad milwrol

The western expansion was halted in 1241 (see Wahlstatt) when high-ranking Mongol generals returned back to Mongol capital Kharakhorum to participate in the selection of new Great Khan. As they encountered the peoples of Europe, the Mongols with their advanced way of warfare were unstoppable. One of key to successes was strategy used by Genghis Khan to chase the enemy leader until he was killed, so that he couldn't be a rallying point for his armies. Genghis Khan didn't place high importance on tracking down the enemy leaders before, and it haunted him later. The Mongols used, and introduced, several revolutionary military ideas to European combatants.

  • Use of articulation. Mongols used a system of horns and flags, blown or raised-and-lowered by the field commander. This allowed them to move their troops to preplanned positions on the field of battle, or modes of attack or retreat (such as charge, withdraw, or flank). In addition, their subcommanders were allowed to make decisions on the spot.
  • Mongols based their forces almost entirely on light cavalry. Light cavalry consisted primarily of archers and light swordsman mounted on horseback. Mobile and light cavalry could choose its battles and retreat from forces it could not handle, such as heavy cavalry. Heavy cavalry lacked archers (who could kill at range) and was designed mainly to provide shock -- using weight, speed, and fear of their massed movement to break enemy heavy infantry lines.

Thus, when light cavalry met heavy cavalry, the lighter, faster moving, bow using, well-articulated light cavalry usually defeated mounted knights -- the cream of European military power.

  • Their conception of armor was markedly different. European knights used heavy plate armour (sheets of loops of chain and pieces of metal plate to protect the wearer, restricting vision and movement). Mongols used silk clothes. The cloth allowed Mongol warriors greater range of movement, better vision and endurance but still provided resistance to projectile weapons. It thus gave them a qualitative advantage over their opponents.

If a Mongol soldier was struck with an arrow, it penetrated the skin and sank into the flesh. However, the silk was not cut but pushed into the wound. Mongol doctors could easily pull an arrow from the wound, because it was wrapped in silk cloth. This reduced the chance of infection and made cleaning and dressing the wound easier, returning the skilled warrior to combat more quickly.

This simple procedure saved many lives. In a prolonged conflict, the Mongols retained more battlefield veterans than their opponents. This usually resulted in a situation where an army of veteran Mongols faced a conscript peasant army, with disastrous results for the Mongols' opponents.

  • Mongols used innovative doctrines. As nomads, Mongols carried all of their wealth and provisions with them on horseback. It was equivalent to placing an entire city on horseback. It was more mobile than many of their opponents' armed forces, who were tied to the towns for supplies.

Since their way of warfare was superior (articulated veteran light cavalry) they could not be bested in combat. The traditional solution to this problem is to attack the opponents' supply tail (food, fields, water, etc.). However, their city-dwelling opponents were tied to a supply tail, not the Mongols.

These strategies and tactics assured them victory against foes throughout their history. The closest modern analogue is the modern aircraft carrier, with its ability to bring an entire city of warriors next door to an opponent on short notice, strike, and retreat, without pursuit.

  • Mongols' effective use of terror is often credited for the unprecedented speed with which Mongol armies spread across western Asia and eastern Europe.

First, the Mongols would provide an opportunity to surrender, usually on terms favourable to the Mongols. These offers were typically dictated to the first major population center in a new territory.

If the offer was refused, the Mongols would sack the city, execute the entire population (save a handful of skilled workers), and burn the city and the surrounding fields to the ground. They would often construct an edifice of cleaned skulls outside the walls of the destroyed city to serve as a reminder of their passage.

Finally, they would allow a few survivors to flee, to spread terror throughout the countryside. By first offering favourable (or at least acceptable) terms for surrender, and then invariably completely destroying any resistance, it is argued that Mongols forestalled most combat with invaded peoples. The Mongols quickly developed a reputation of being unstoppable, genocidal opponents. After the initial victories, and proof of the Mongols good intentions, it became more difficult for rulers to convince their people to resist an invasion.

Rhestr goruchafiaeth

Ymgeisodd y Mongolwyr i goresgyn Siapan dwy waith. Y tro cyntaf, yn 1281, gaeth y llynges goresgynol eu ddinistro'n llwyr mewn storm mawr (y kamikaze). Yr ail dro, cyrraeddodd milwyr Mongol yr ynysoedd, ond fe newynodd nhw am achos roedd nhw wedi colli eu cyflenwadau mewn storm arall -- roedd y milwyr a samurais Siapaneeg yn medru trechu nhw.

Roedd buddugoliaethau'r Mongolwyr yn cynnwys eu goresyniadau ynys Java a de-ddwyrain Asia (Fietnam heddiw). Roedd y tywydd trofannol yn anaddas i'r gwŷr meirch, ac roedd Java'n dal yn ymreolaethol.

  • 1200, Gogledd Tsieina - lladdodd 30,000,000 o bobol.
  • 1215, Yanjing, Tsieina (Beijing heddiw) - lladdodd 25,000,000 o bobol.
  • 1221, Nishapur, Iran - tua 1.7 miliwn o bobol lladd yn yr ymosodiad.
  • 1221, Merv, Iran - tua 1.3 miliwn o bobol lladd yn yr ymosodiad.
  • 1221, Meru Chahjan, Iran - tua 1.3 miliwn o bobol lladd yn yr ymosodiad.
  • 1221, Rayy, Iran - tua 1.6 miliwn o bobol lladd yn yr ymosodiad.
  • 1226, Ymgyrch Tangut - Lawnsiodd Genghis Khan rhyfel yn erbyn y pobol Tangut o Gogledd Tsieina.
  • 1236, Bilär, dinasoedd Bulgar, Volga Bwlgaria - lladdodd 150,000 neu mwy (bron hanner y poblogaeth)
  • 1237-1240, Rwsia Kiev - hanner y poblogaeth
  • 1241, Wahlstatt/Legnica -- trechiad byddin Pwyleg-Almaeneg yn Is-Silesia (gorllewin Gwlad Pwyl heddiw); aeth y Mongolwyr yn ôl i'eu prif ddinas, Karakorum, i etholi Khan Mawr newydd ar ôl marwolaeth Ogedei Khan.
  • 1258, Baghdad - tua 800,000 o bobol. Dinistr y frenhinllin Abbasid.
  • 1226-1266, Gohebiadau o 18 miliwn o bobol yn cael eu lladd mewn goruchafiaeth gogledd Tsieina. Mae rhif hwn yn amcangyfrif Kublai Khan eu hun.

Hanes cyfoes

Yn 1921, gwrthryfelodd Mongolia Allanol gyda cymorth o Rwsia, i creu Mongolia cyfoes. Dechreuodd llywodraeth Comiwnyddol yn 1924. Amddiffynnodd yr Undeb Sofietaidd Mongolia yn erbyn goresgyn gan Siapan. Cynhaliodd Mongolia yr Undeb Sofietaidd yn y ffrae gyda Tsieina yn 1958. Yn 1990 gaeth y llywodraeth Comiwnyddol eu ddymchweliad, a sefydlodd llywodraeth Seneddol yn 1992.

Mae Mongolia Mewnol yn talaith ymreolaethol mewn Tsieina. Mae llawer o pobl Han (Tsieineeg) wedi symud ynddo, ac maent hwy'n y grwp ethnig pwysicaf. Ni rhaid i'r Mongolwyr dilyn y polisi un plentyn y llywodraeth, ac mae llywodraeth y GPT yn cefnogi'r iaith Mongoliaid.

Mae gan Rwsia rhai ardaloedd ymreolaethol am disgynnyddion y Mongolwyr, fel y Buryatau: