Pibau Cymreig: Gwahaniaeth rhwng fersiynau

Cynnwys wedi'i ddileu Cynnwys wedi'i ychwanegu
Tudalen newydd: == Pibgorn Bagbib Cymreig (pibgorn, pibgod, pibgwd, pibau cyrn, pibau cwd, bacbib, pibau gwynt a bagpipes Cymreig) == Dogennir pipaugwynt yng Nghymru ers y degfen ganrif ond bu i'r ...
(Dim gwahaniaeth)

Fersiwn yn ôl 21:49, 22 Awst 2007

Pibgorn Bagbib Cymreig (pibgorn, pibgod, pibgwd, pibau cyrn, pibau cwd, bacbib, pibau gwynt a bagpipes Cymreig)

Dogennir pipaugwynt yng Nghymru ers y degfen ganrif ond bu i'r traddodiad bu farw eryn ddiwed y G19 oherywdd newidiadau mewn ffasiwn a chwaeth cerddorol a dylanwad y mudiad Methodistaidd a filwriodd, ar y cychwyn, yn erbyn cerddoriaeth 'werin' am resymau crefyddol. Erbn hyn ceir dim ond un esiampl posib o pibau gwynt Cymreig a hynny yr Amgueddfa Werin yn Sain Ffagan.

Serch hynny, cafwyd adfywiad mewn diddordeb a canu'r pibau ers yr 1980au. In the last 20 or so years there has been a revival in piping in Wales. This revival lead to the formation of a repertoire of Welsh piping tunes, the reconstruction of extinct instruments and the introduction of new instruments based on common European types.

Pibgorn (Welsh lit. "pipe horn")- A number of examples of this instrument survive, these date from the 17th and 18th centuries. The pibgorn is a mouthblown hornpipe, having a parallel bore, six finger holes and a thumb hole. The pipe has a cowhorn mouth piece and an intricately carved cowhorn bell. The reed is of the single beating type usually made of cane but some players now use synthetic reeds. Modern pibgyrn (pl.) play in the key of D using open fingering, with many tunes in E minor.

A further development (probably a redevelopment) of the pibgorn are the pibau cyrn where the pibgorn is played with a mouthblown bag and a bass drone playing an octave below the tonic . A notable player of these pipes is Ceri Rhys Matthews who has done much to ignite the interest of many in this revival. Makers include John Glennydd of Carmarthenshire and John Tose from Pembrokeshire.

Another development of piping in Wales has been the making of mouth blown pibau cwd, pibgwd or bacbib which are based on the veuze and Galician gaita. They have a steep conically bored chanter with seven finger holes and thumb hole with a double reed and a single base drone usually tuned two octaves below the tonic. Drones are also tuned to one note below the tonic for minor tunes. Welsh pipers most often play bagpipes in the key of D but other keys are also used, particularly C or B#.

Welsh pipe groups/bands: Pibau Pencader, Pibe Bach, Pibau Preseli, and Bagad Pibau Morgannwg. Welsh musicians/groups using pigyrn pibe cwd etc: Fernhill, Carreg Lafar, Crasdant, Stephen Rees and Andy Mclaughlin, Jason Lawday, and Antwn Owen Hicks and Gafin Morgan.

[edit] External links Pibau Pencader (Site in Welsh and English) Welsh Bagpipes and the Welsh Pibgorn Welsh pipers Antwn Owen Hicks and Gafin Morgan (Dwylaw Cwyth) and Bagad Pibau Morgannwg. Ceri Rhys Matthews - Yscolan