Techoleg mân bethau tebyg i robotiaid neu beiriannau bychain yw Nanoroboteg. Maent, fel yr awgryma'r enw, tua'r un faint â nano-ronyn(10−9 meters).[1][2][3]

Yn benodol, nanoroboteg ydy'r ddisgyblaeth o gynllunio ac adeiladu "nanorobotiaid" gyda dyfeisiadau er mwyn gwneud rhyw job o waith penodol; maent rhwng 0.1–10 micrometr o ran maint ac wedi'u creu o gydrannau moleciwlaidd.[4][5]

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  1. Vaughn JR. (2006). "Over the Horizon: Potential Impact of Emerging Trends in Information and Communication Technology on Disability Policy and Practice". National Council on Disability, Washington DC.: 1–55.
  2. Ghosh, A., Fischer, P. (2009). "Controlled Propulsion of Artificial Magnetic Nanostructured Propellers". Nano Letters 9 (6): 2243–2245. doi:10.1021/nl900186w. PMID 19413293.
  3. Sierra, D. P., Weir, N. A., Jones, J. F. (2005). "A review of research in the field of nanorobotics". U.S. Department of Energy - Office of Scientific and Technical Information Oak Ridge, TN SAND2005-6808: 1–50. doi:10.2172/875622.
  4. Tarakanov, A. O., Goncharova, L. B., Tarakanov Y. A. (2009). "Carbon nanotubes towards medicinal biochips". Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology 2 (1): 1–10. doi:10.1002/wnan.69.
  5. Ignatyev, M. B. (2010). "Necessary and sufficient conditions of nanorobot synthesis". Doklady Mathematics 82 (1): 671–675. doi:10.1134/S1064562410040435.
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