Nodyn:Timeline of ancient philosophers

ProclusIamblichus o SyriaPorphyryPlotinusSextus EmpiricusMarcus AureliusPtolemiEpictetusSeneca'r IeuafPhiloLucretiusCiceroCarneadesEratosthenesChrysippusArchimedesAristarchus o SamosTimon (athronydd)EuclidZeno o CitiumEpicurusStrato o LampsacusPyrrhoTheophrastusAristotelesDiogenes o SinopePlatonXenophonAristippusAntisthenesSocratesDemocritusMelissus o SamosLeucippusPhilolausGorgiasProtagorasZeno o EleaEmpedoclesAnaxagorasParmenidesHeraclitusXenophanesPythagorasAnaximenes o MiletusAnaximandrosThales

  • Marks point out approximately different periods in philosophy. Note the division is not strict, some Roman philosophers may be considered followers of hellenism, depending on the font, for example.
    • (-600, -450): Pre-Socratic philosophy.
    • (-450,-300): Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, ...
    • (-300,-100): Hellenistic philosophy.
    • (-100,450): Roman philosophy.
  • Ionic school has not been represented (not really a school), nor cirenaic, megaric and peripatetic.
  • In some cases, there are not exact birth and death dates, and there have been representat merely orientative boxes. Bear in mind that there could be important divergencies, depending on the font.

Fonts and tools
