Rhestr Penodau Arthur

Dyma rhestr penodau y gyfres teledu Arthur.

Tymor 1 (1996)

  • 1A. Arthur's Eyes ("Llygaid Arthur")
  • 1B. Francine's Bad Hair Day ("Dydd Gwallt Drwg Francine")
  • 2A. Arthur and the Real Mr. Ratburn ("Arthur a'r Gwir Mr. Ratburn")
  • 2B. Arthur's Spelling Trubble ("Problemau "Sullafi" Arthur")
  • 3A. D.W. All Wet
  • 3B. Buster's Dino Dilemma
  • 4A. D.W.'s Imaginary Friend
  • 4B. Arthur's Lost Library Book
  • 5A. Arthur's Pet Business
  • 5B. D.W. The Copycat
  • 6A. Locked in the Library
  • 6B. Arthur Accused
  • 7A. Arthur Goes to Camp ("Mae Arthur yn mynd i'r gwersyll")
  • 7B. Buster Makes the Grade ("Mae Buster yn cael marc da")
  • 8A. Arthur's New Puppy ("Ci Bach Newydd Arthur")
  • 8B. Arthur Bounces Back
  • 9A. Arthur Babysits ("Mae Arthur yn gwarchod plant")
  • 9B. Arthur's Cousin Catastrophe
  • 10A. Arthur's Birthday ("Penblwydd Arthur")
  • 10B. Francine Frensky, Superstar
  • 11A. Arthur's Baby ("Baban Arthur")
  • 11B. D.W.'s Baby ("Baban D.W.")
  • 12A. Arthur Writes a Story ("Mae Arthur yn ysgrifennu stori")
  • 12B. Arthur's Lost Dog ("Ci ar Goll Arthur")
  • 13A. So Long, Spanky ("Ffarwel, Spanky")
  • 13B. Buster's New Friend ("Ffrind Newydd Buster")
  • 14A. Arthur the Wrecker
  • 14B. Arthur and the True Francine ("Arthur a'r Gwir Francine")
  • 15A. Arthur's Family Vacation ("Gwyliau Teuluol Arthur")
  • 15B. Grandpa Dave's Old Country Farm
  • 16A. Arthur and the Crunch Cereal Contest
  • 16B. D.W. Flips
  • 17A. Meek for A Week ("Addfwyn am Wythnos")
  • 17B. Arthur, World's Greatest Gleeper ("Arthur, Ysbeiliwr Mwyaf yn y Byd")
  • 18A. Arthur's Chicken Pox ("Breich Ieir Arthur")
  • 18B. Sick as a Dog ("Tost fel Ci")
  • 19A. D.W. Rides Again
  • 19B. Arthur Makes the Team
  • 20A. Arthur's Almost Boring Day
  • 20B. The Half-Baked Sale
  • 21A. Sue Ellen Moves In
  • 21B. The Perfect Brother ("Y Brawd Perffaith")
  • 22A. D.W.'s Snow Mystery ("Dirgelwch Eira D.W.")
  • 22B. Team Trouble
  • 23A. Bully for Binky
  • 23B. Misfortune Teller
  • 24A. Arthur's Tooth ("Dant Arthur")
  • 24B. D.W. Gets Lost ("Mae D.W. yn cael ei cholli hi")
  • 25A. D.W. Thinks Big ("Mae D.W. yn meddwl yn fawr")
  • 25B. Arthur Cleans Up ("Mae Arthur yn glanhau")
  • 26A. My Dad, the Garbage Man ("Fy nhad, dyn y sbwriel")
  • 26B. Poor Muffy ("Druan o Muffy")
  • 27A. D.W.'s Blankie ("Blanced D.W.")
  • 27B. Arthur's Substitute Teacher Trouble
  • 28A. I'm a Poet ("Bardd dw i")
  • 28B. The Scare-Your-Pants-Off-Club
  • 29A. My Club Rules ("Rheolau fy nghlwb")
  • 29B. Stolen Bike ("Beic wedi'i ddwyn")
  • 30A. Arthur's First Sleepover
  • 30B. Arthur's New Years Eve ("Nos Galan Arthur")

Tymor 2 (1997-1998)

  • 201 / 31A. Arthur meets Mr. Rogers ("Mae Arthur yn cwrdd â Mr. Rogers")
  • 201 / 31B. Draw
  • 202 / 32A. Binky Barnes, Art Expert ("Binky Barnes, Arbenigwr mewn celfyddyd")
  • 202 / 32B. Arthur's Lucky Pencil ("Pensil Lwcus Arthur")
  • 203 / 33A. D.W. The Picky Eater
  • 203 / 33B. Buster and the Daredevils
  • 204 / 34A. Arthur Makes a Movie ("Mae Arthur yn gwneud ffilm")
  • 204 / 34B. Go to Your Room, D.W. ("Cer i'th stafell, D.W.")
  • 205 / 35A. Arthur's Underwear ("Dillad isaf Arthur")
  • 205 / 35B. Francine Frensky, Olympic Rider
  • 206 / 36A. Buster Baxter, Cat Saver ("Buster Baxter, Achubwr Cathod")
  • 206 / 36B. Play it Again, D.W.
  • 207 / 37A. Arthur's TV-Free Week ("Wythnos Heb Deledu Arthur")
  • 207 / 37B. Night Fright
  • 208 / 38A. Arthur vs. the Piano ("Arthur yn erbyn y piano")
  • 208 / 38B. The Big Blow-Up
  • 209 / 39A. Arthur Gets Lost ("Mae Arthur yn cael ei golli e")
  • 209 / 39B. The Short, Quick Summer ("Yr Haf Cyflym Byr")
  • 210 / 40A. D.W. Goes to Washington ("Mae D.W. yn mynd i Washington")
  • 210 / 40B. Arthur's Mystery Envelope ("Amlen Ddirgelwch Arthur")
  • 211 / 41A. D.W.'s Deer Friend ("Ffrind Carw D.W.")
  • 211 / 41B. Buster Hits The Books
  • 212 / 42A. Arthur's Faraway Friend ("Ffrind Tramor Arthur")
  • 212 / 42B. Arthur and the Square Dance
  • 213 / 43A. Water and the Brain ("Dŵr a'r Brain")
  • 213 / 43B. Arthur the Unfunny
  • 214 / 44A. Sue Ellen's Lost Diary ("Dyddiadur ar goll Sue Ellen")
  • 214 / 44B. Arthur's Knee ("Pen-glin Arthur")
  • 215 / 45A. Grandma Thora's Appreciaton Day
  • 215 / 45B. Fern's Slumber Party
  • 216 / 46A. Love Notes for Muffy ("Nodau Cariad i Muffy")
  • 216 / 46B. D.W. Blows the Whistle ("Mae D.W. yn chwythu'r chwiban")
  • 217 / 47A. Francine Redecorates
  • 217 / 47B. Arthur the Loser
  • 218 / 48A. Arthur vs. the Very Mean Crossing Guard
  • 218 / 48B. D.W.'s Very Bad Mood
  • 219 / 49A. D.W.'s Name Game ("Gêm Enw D.W.")
  • 219 / 49B. Finders Key-pers
  • 220 / 50A. How the Cookie Crumbles
  • 220 / 50B. Sue Ellen's Little Sister ("Chwaer Fach Sue Ellen")

Tymor 3 (1998-1999)

  • 301 / 51A. Buster's Back ("Mae Buster yn ôl")
  • 301 / 51B. The Ballad of Buster Baxter
  • 302 / 52A. D.W. All Fired Up
  • 302 / 52B. I'd rather read myself ("Well i mi ddarllen fy hunan")
  • 303 / 53A. Arthur Goes Crosswire
  • 303 / 53B. Sue Ellen and the Brainasaurus
  • 304 / 54A. Background Blues
  • 304 / 54B. And Now Let's Talk to Some Kids
  • 305 / 55A. The Chips are Down
  • 305 / 55B. Revenge of the Chip
  • 306 / 56A. Binky Rules ("Mae Binky yn rheoli")
  • 306 / 56B. Meet Binky ("Cwrdd â Binky")
  • 307 / 57A. Arthur Rides the Bandwagon
  • 307 / 57B. Dad's Desert Dilemma
  • 308 / 58A. Popular Girls ("Merched Boblogaidd")
  • 308 / 58B. Buster's Growing Grudge
  • 309 / 59A. Arthur's Treasure Hunt ("Helfa Drysor Arthur")
  • 309 / 59B. The Return of the King ("Dychwelyd y Brenin")
  • 310 / 60A. Attack of the Turbo Tibbles
  • 310 / 60B. D.W. Tricks the Tooth Fairy
  • 311 / 61A. Double Tibble Trouble
  • 311 / 61B. Arthur's Almost Live Not Real Music Festival
  • 312 / 62A. What Scared Sue Ellen?
  • 312 / 62B. Clarissa is Cracked
  • 313 / 63A. Arthur's Dummy Disaster
  • 313 / 63B. Francine and the Feline
  • 314 / 64A. Mom and Dad Have a Great Big Fight
  • 314 / 64B. D.W.'s Perfect Wish ("Dymuniad Perffaith D.W.")
  • 315 / 65A. Arthur and D.W. Clean Up ("Mae Arthur a D.W. yn glanhau")
  • 315 / 65B. The Long, Dull Winter ("Y Gaeaf Diflas Hir")

Tymor 4 (1999)

  • 401 / 66A. D.W.'s Library Card
  • 401 / 66B. Arthur's Big Hit
  • 402 / 67A. Hide and Snake
  • 402 / 67B. Muffy's New Best Friend ("Ffrind Gorau Newydd Muffy")
  • 403 / 68A. Buster's Breathless
  • 403 / 68B. The Fright Stuff
  • 404 / 69A. The Contest
  • 404 / 69B. Prove It!
  • 405 / 70A. The Blizzard
  • 405 / 70B. The Rat Who Came to Dinner
  • 406 / 71A. D.W. Tale Spins
  • 406 / 71B. Prunella Gets it Twice
  • 407 / 72A. Binky Barnes, Wingman!
  • 407 / 72B. To Beat or Not to Beat
  • 408 / 73A. 1001 Dads
  • 408 / 73B. Prunella's Prediction
  • 409 / 74A. What is that Thing? ("Beth ydy'r peth 'na?")
  • 409 / 74B. Buster's Best Behaviour
  • 410 / 75A. My Music Rules
  • 410 / 75B. That's a Baby Show!

Tymor 5 (2000)

  • 501 / 76A. Arthur and the Big Riddle ("Arthur a'r Rhidyll Fawr")
  • 501 / 76B. Double Dare
  • 502 / 77A. Kids are From Earth, Parents are from Pluto ("Mae plant yn dod o'r Ddaear, Mae Rhieni'n dod o Blwton")
  • 502 / 77B. Nerves of Steal
  • 503 / 78A. It's A No-Brainer
  • 503 / 78B. The Shore Thing
  • 504 / 79A. The World Record
  • 504 / 79B. The Cave ("Yr Ogof")
  • 505 / 80A. The Lousy Week
  • 505 / 80B. You Are Arthur ("Arthur wyt ti")
  • 506 / 81A. The Election ("Yr Etholiad")
  • 506 / 81B. Francine Goes to War ("Mae Francine yn mynd i ryfel")
  • 507 / 82A. Sleep No More
  • 507 / 82B. Pet Peeved
  • 508 / 83A. The Last of Mary Moo Cow
  • 508 / 83B. Bitzi's Beau
  • 509 / 84A. Just Desserts
  • 509 / 84B. The Big Dig
  • 510 / 85A. Arthur's Family Feud
  • 510 / 85B. Muffy Gets Mature

Tymor 6 (2001)

  • 601 / 86A. Sue Ellen Gets Her Goose Cooked
  • 601 / 86B. Best of the Nest
  • 602 / 87A. Arthur Plays the Blues
  • 602 / 87B. Buster's Sweet Success
  • 603 / 88A. Prunella's Special Edition
  • 603 / 88B. The Secret Life of Dogs and Babies ("Bywyd Cudd Cŵn a Babanod")
  • 604 / 89A. Muffy's Soccer Shocker
  • 604 / 89B. Brother Can You Spare a Clarinet?
  • 605 / 90A. The Boy Who Cried Comet!
  • 605 / 90B. Arthur and Los Vecinos ("Arthur a 'Los Vecinos'")
  • 606 / 91A. Citizen Frensky
  • 606 / 91B. D.W.'s Backpack Mishap
  • 607 / 92A. The Boy with His Head in the Clouds
  • 607 / 92B. More! ("Mwy!")
  • 608 / 93A. Rhyme for Your Life
  • 608 / 93B. For Whom the Bell Tolls
  • 609 / 94A. The Good Sport
  • 609 / 94B. Crushed
  • 610 / 95A. Arthur Loses His Marbles
  • 610 / 95B. Friday the 13th

Tymor 7 (2002)

  • 701 / 96A. Cast Away
  • 701 / 96B. The Great Sock Mystery
  • 702 / 97A. Francine's Split Decision
  • 702 / 97B. Muffy Goes Metropolitan
  • 703 / 98A. Ants in Arthur's Pants
  • 703 / 98B. Don't Ask Muffy
  • 704 / 99A. To Tibble the Truth
  • 704 / 99B. Waiting to Go
  • 705 / 100. Elwood City Turns 100!
  • 706 / 101A. Pick a Car, Any Car
  • 706 / 101B. Jenna's Bedtime Blues
  • 707 / 102A. D.W.'s Time Trouble
  • 707 / 102B. Buster's Amish Mismatch
  • 708 / 103A. The World of Tomorrow
  • 708 / 103B. Is There a Doctor in the House?
  • 709 / 104A. Prunella Sees the Light
  • 709 / 104B. Return of the Snowball
  • 710 / 105. April 9th

Gweler Hefyd
