Croeso i'r Wicipedia! :-) --okapi 22:51, 27 Gor 2004 (UTC)

Diolch Okapi! Wi 'di bod yn chwarae o gwmpas 'da'r un Saesneg (fel Bibble) am sbel, ac wi'n trio ail-ddysgu fy mamiaith :).
Cwestiwn bach: oes 'na bolisi ar addasu erthyglau o'r Wikipedia, yn hytrach na dechrau erthyglau newydd sbon? --Bibl 16:27, 28 Gor 2004 (UTC)
Nag oes, dw i ddim yn credu y fod 'na. Dyn ni'n dal i fod yn bychain iawn, s'dim cymaint o bolisiau eto. Ond mae eisiau popeth: ychwanegi at stwbynau, cywiro hen erthyglau a sgrifennu erthyglau newydd. Your choice, byddwn i'n dweud! Dal ati! :D --okapi 23:39, 28 Gor 2004 (UTC)

Croeso. Deb 19:35, 29 Gor 2004 (UTC)

Diolch Deb! I only just noticed your comment - I still haven't really got used to tracking all the articles/talk pages I've edited (even my user space :-)) --Bibl 22:23, 2 Aws 2004 (UTC)



Diolch am pwyntio allan am y dwrgi/dyfrgi. Dw i wedi ail-tsecio mewn geiriadur ar-lein y BBC, mae'r dau yna! Dw i wedi weld fod enwau wahanol am nifer o blanhigion ac anifeiliaid, efallai enw'r gogledd ac enw'r de? Os yw gwybodaeth ar gyfer hynny ganddi ti/gennoch chi (pa un?), don't hesitate to ychwanegu i'r erthyglau! Dim ond stwbyn maent nhw erbyn hyn beth bynnag... --okapi 01:07, 30 Gor 2004 (UTC)

'Nes i ffindio hwn ar y wê[1]:
Y Nyfer, Sir Benfro (English name: "Nevern")
Dwrgwn y Nyfer {(the) otters (of) Y Nyfer. Dyfrgi = otter, dyfrgwn = otters. Colloquially in the south - dwrgi, dwrgwn} 
Ffynhonnell / source: Llafar Gwlad 52 (1996)
Felly mae'n tebygol dwrgi yw'r enw gwerin(?) yn y Dde. Dwi o'r Dde ond roeddwn i ddim ond yn gwybod e fel dyfrgi. Dysgu rhywbeth newydd pob dydd... --Bibl 13:01, 30 Gor 2004 (UTC)



Diolch am y neges! No, unfortunately you can't change them centrally, it would have to be done manually as we come across them. The animal infoboxes have some spaces in {{ }} instead of [[ ]], like {{Classis}} with a [[Template:Classis]] that contains the translation and link belonging to them. With those you can change the template and all boxes change simultaneously. But I only discovered that you could do that a few weeks ago. It might be an idea to use that with the remaining countries, as well. Maybe it would be a good idea to leave standard Infoboxes somewhere, e.g. linked to Wicipedia:Arddull. Marnernel produced a Template-box for taxonomy, but that doesn't contain the binominal name and I don't know how it works. If you like I'll change the binominal names...

Another thing I have been wondering about and still have not managed to find: Have you got any clue what the term that is used instead of Ffylwm for plants and fungi might be? That could be solved by producing a template... --okapi 23:10, 2 Aws 2004 (UTC)

Hmmm, the how's are getting a bit beyond me. I'm moving this into the Caffi, so that everyboy can have a chance to toss it about a bit... --okapi 00:06, 3 Aws 2004 (UTC)
I've had a look at the page you mentioned and found "genus" = "genws" On another page of the same homepage it says "enw Lladin" for binominal name somewhere. Fair enough. Should we change all info-boxes to Teyrnas - Dosbarthiad/Ffylwm - Dosbarth - Teulu - Genws - Rhywogaeth (apart from Dosbarthiad/Ffylwm they ought be the same anyways) and Enw Lladin? I'd volunteer to do all the copy-and-paste tables... --okapi 01:00, 4 Aws 2004 (UTC)
Diolch am y neges! It looks fine to me. You will find that the boxes with Binominal name have that in English as well and in the same place (as I said, they are simple cut-and-paste jobs). Another thing that might be a bit irritating (or rather potentially increasing the number of taxo-boxes to an almost infinite number) is that some also have is-deulu, is-ddosbarth and what not... So either leave the is-whatever out of the box and mention it in the text or... what? --okapi 14:38, 4 Aws 2004 (UTC) P.S. I've had another look at eirlys. I suppose it really should have one more level, as the text gives the binominal name and in the taxo-box it is one of many... (like in Ocapi, for example...). Just wondering, you know...

Heia! Just to see what it looks like: I have given the eirlys an is-ddosbarth. It is possible to use <br> to start a new line. Then we could just add the is-ddosbarth in brackets, and in the case that there is a uwch-ddosbarth or uwch-whatever we could do the same... Does that look like a workable compromise?

About the name: I have found a binominal name on a number of pages, but none saying only Galanthus. One also gave two names in Welsh: Galanthus nivalis = Liliwen fach (Eirlys) So it seems to be rhywogaeth rather than genws... --okapi 22:51, 4 Aws 2004 (UTC)

Hmmm... Yes, you ar right, it can be misunderstood. But to be quite honest I also have my doubts about a complex modular construction - it will get rather difficult to edit, especially for those not used to handling templates. Even tables are bad enough for some (including me?)... But sorry about only talking and not doing anything very constructive, but I'm suddenly swamped with real work... :( --okapi 23:17, 4 Aws 2004 (UTC)

Since you were last here in 2004, we've completly changed how taxoboxes are used, using Nodyn:Blwch tacson, which has been applied to (nearly) all the varieties of life that used many of the old formats of Taxoboxes, so I've changed your userpage to reflect this. Paul-L 17:07, 7 Mawrth 2008 (UTC)Ateb

Bydd eich cyfri'n cael ei ailenwi


22:30, 17 Mawrth 2015 (UTC)



03:21, 19 Ebrill 2015 (UTC)