You are welcome to come here and make constructive edits, however moving Fiet Nam to Fietnam as your first edit is not very helpful. If "the Vietnamese name for Vietnam is Việt Nam with a space and a capital N", surely the Welsh form Fiet Nam is closer to that than the usual English version? And besides, this is the WELSH-language wikipedia! Please respect that. Anatiomaros 20:13, 23 Awst 2007 (UTC)Ateb

If your only reason for being here is to move Fiet Nam to Fietnam simply because YOU happen to think that is correct (and I assume you don't understand Welsh), and you continue to do so without the courtesy of discussion or explanation, you will be blocked from further editing. Anatiomaros 13:29, 26 Awst 2007 (UTC)Ateb