

Croeso i'r wicipedia Cymraeg, Játi! 'Da chi wedi teithio cryn dipyn, dwi'n gweld. Gobeithio cewch chi'r cyfle i ychwanegu Cymru at eich rhestr ryw ddydd. Mwynhewch eich amser ar y cy.wikipedia! Anatiomaros 18:38, 31 Awst 2007 (UTC)Ateb

Diolch! Braf eich cyfarfod chi! --Ice201 18:39, 31 Awst 2007 (UTC)Ateb



Ydi, mae'n edrych yn fendigedig! Diolch yn fawr am yr holl waith 'ma ar y blwch Babel a'r categorïau newydd - diddorol medru gweld pa ieithoedd mae pobl yn medru defnyddio. Anatiomaros 19:11, 7 Medi 2007 (UTC)Ateb

Ar ei ben! Mae wicipedia yn gymraeg wicipedia, so mae User yn ----> Defnyddiwr mewn Babel categorïau. :) --Ice201 19:15, 7 Medi 2007 (UTC)Ateb



Thanks for your offer. I've thought of that in the past myself but do not really have the expertise to do it (especially on the front page!). Maybe you should talk with Adam about it as he is better with the technical side of things and also is working on the categories. Have a word with Deb about permission as well. Diolch am y cynnig - it would be a great improvement! Hwyl, Anatiomaros 19:30, 12 Medi 2007 (UTC)Ateb



Hwyl. I've never had to do this before - do you happen to know how it's done? The only thing I can think of is just to redirect your user article. Deb 20:06, 12 Medi 2007 (UTC)Ateb

Simple. :) Type in under chwilio - Special:Renameuser . --Ice201 20:28, 12 Medi 2007 (UTC)Ateb
Diolch yn fawr! :D --Girdi 02:07, 13 Medi 2007 (UTC)Ateb

Sveitarfélagið Hornafjörður‎


Gwaith da, Girdi. Dim ond ambell gamgymeriad bach: daliwch ati! Braf gweld y nodyn eginyn am Ísland hefyd; oes siawns y medrech chi wneud un ar gyfer Cymru (a Hanes Cymru a Llenyddiaeth Gymraeg)? Gyda llaw, mae'ch enw newydd yn well hefyd!. Anatiomaros 16:40, 15 Medi 2007 (UTC)Ateb

Diolch yn fawr Anatiomaros. So, yng Ngwlad yr Iâ? Useful expression for me haha. Mae'r Nodyn:Eginyn Cymru yn okay? I made the image just now. --Girdi 17:15, 15 Medi 2007 (UTC)Ateb
Bendigedig, Girdi. What I really like is the fact that it fits so neatly at the bottom of the page. Anatiomaros 18:12, 15 Medi 2007 (UTC)Ateb
Wiki-magic :) --Girdi 18:13, 15 Medi 2007 (UTC)Ateb
Helo Girdi. Newydd edrych ar dy proffeil. yng Ngwlad yr Iâ is 'in Iceland' but if you want to 'from Iceland', it would be: o Wlad yr Iâ--Ben Bore 10:39, 17 Medi 2007 (UTC)Ateb
Oh yeah, of course. Mae drwgg gen i a diolch! --Girdi 18:55, 17 Medi 2007 (UTC)Ateb