• My talk page on Meta is here.

Thank you, I think you should make it so that people need extra passwords to edit during the night. They come in from different countries and wipe the articles. This website is for Welsh so most people don't need edit at night, just people who don't sleep much or maybe from Patagonia. Y wiwer wen 00:23, 6 Rhagfyr 2009 (UTC)Ateb

Ah well, we can cope with Bambifan. :-)   Wutsje 20:15, 6 Rhagfyr 2009 (UTC)Ateb

Thank you.


Thanks for your vandal fighting. Luke 22:13, 19 Rhagfyr 2009 (UTC)Ateb

I have suggested that you get admin rights to help with your vandal-fighting. I can't promise what the outcome will be, as I'm a new user, so we'll have to see what the regular users say about it. But I think it would be a good idea if you can block the vandals. Luke 21:40, 28 Rhagfyr 2009 (UTC)Ateb
Thanks. My impression is that cy:wiki is quite capable of handling its own maintenance, and my knowledge of cy is extremely limited. I wouldn't be able to do much more than deleting obvious speedies and blocking vandals on sight. But if the cy:wiki community is all right with that, I have no objections to being a sysop here. Regards, Wutsje 00:00, 29 Rhagfyr 2009 (UTC)Ateb
You have now been made an administrator here, in recognition of your valuable assistance in vandal reversion and tagging, particularly at times of day when the existing local admins aren't available. I can see that you are sensitive to the fact that you won't be able to put the full range of admin abilities to good use here as a non Welsh speaker, but doing the tasks that you mention in your comment above could prove very useful to us. Many thanks. Luke 17:23, 20 Chwefror 2010 (UTC)Ateb
Llongyfarchiadau i ti ar ddod yn weinyddwr, Wutsje! Congratulations on becoming an administrator, Wutsje!
We don't expect you to be able to contribute much to the site's maintenance, of course, but please feel free to use your new powers to block any vandal who turns up here (one in particular comes to mind!). Anatiomaros 17:28, 20 Chwefror 2010 (UTC)Ateb
Thank you both kindly. Of course I will use the tool very carefully. On a personal note: I was raised in a minority language myself (Frisian). Welsh is one of the very first other minority languages I became aware of as a child and the language has always fascinated me. In that sense becoming an admin on cy:wiki feels a bit like a circle is closed. Wutsje 18:06, 21 Chwefror 2010 (UTC)Ateb

Eich statws fel Gweinyddwr


Pa hwyl? Yr wyf fi yn stiward. Derbyniwyd polisi newydd yn ddiweddar ynglŷn â dileu "galluoedd pellach" (yn perthyn i weinyddwyr, biwrocratiaid, ayb), a hynny drwy gonsensws barn y gymuned. Yn unol â'r polisi hwn, mae stiwardiaid wrthi'n gwerthuso gweithgaredd gweinyddwyr, neu ddiffyg gweithgaredd, ar wicis sydd heb bolisi.

Rydych yn cael eich cyfrif yn segur (dim golygiadau na gweithredoedd eraill ers dwy flynedd) ar Wicipedia Cymraeg, lle rydych yn weinyddwr. Gan nad oes gan Wicipedia Cymraeg bolisi penodedig ar gyfer adolygu galluoedd gweinyddwyr, mae'r polisi cyd-wici hwn yn ddilys.

Os ydych yn bwriadu parhau gya'ch galluoedd presennol, dylech hysbysu cymuned eich wici bod y stiwardiaid wedi anfon y neges hon atoch, i'r gymuned gael trafod y mater. Os ydy'r gymuned am i chi gadw'ch swydd, cysylltwch â'r stiwardiaid ar m:Stewards' noticeboard, gan osod dolen i'r drafodaeth berthnasol. Yn y drafodaeth honno, bydd yn rhaid iddynt fynegi eu dymuniad i chi barhau gyda'r galluoedd sydd gennych, ac egluro'r angen am hyn.

Byddwn fel stiwardiaid, wedyn, yn gwerthuso eich ymateb. Os na cheir ymateb wedi tua mis, byddwn yn dileu eich galluoedd ychwanegol. Os cwyd rhyw ansicrwydd byddwn yn gosod unrhyw benderfyniad gennym gerbron y gymuned ar y Wici Cymraeg, i'w drafod a'i adolygu. Os oes gennych gwestiwn cysylltwch â m:Stewards' noticeboard.

Cofion cynnes, Rschen7754 08:17, 10 Ebrill 2014 (UTC)Ateb

Hi Rs, thanks for your message. Revoking my admin rights on cy:wiki is fine with me, since I haven't been too active on this project lately and I probably won't be in the foreseeable future either. Regards, Wutsje (sgwrs) 14:25, 10 Ebrill 2014 (UTC)Ateb