Modiwl:Citation/CS1: Gwahaniaeth rhwng fersiynau

Cynnwys wedi'i ddileu Cynnwys wedi'i ychwanegu
Diweddaru o enwiki
diweddaru o en
Llinell 5:
local dates, year_date_check, reformat_dates , date_hyphen_to_dash -- functions in Module:Citation/CS1/Date_validation
local is_set, in_array, substitute, error_comment, set_error, select_one, -- functions in Module:Citation/CS1/Utilities
Llinell 12:
local z ={}; -- tables in Module:Citation/CS1/Utilities
local extract_ids, extract_id_access_levels, build_id_list, is_embargoed; -- functions in Module:Citation/CS1/Identifiers
local make_coins_title, get_coins_pages, COinS; -- functions in Module:Citation/CS1/COinS
Llinell 18:
local cfg = {}; -- table of configuration tables that are defined in Module:Citation/CS1/Configuration
local whitelist = {}; -- table of tables listing valid template parameter names; defined in Module:Citation/CS1/Whitelist
--[[--------------------------< P A G E S C O P E V A R I A B L E S >--------------------------------------
delare variables here that have page-wide scope that are not brought in from other modules; thatare created here
and used here
local added_deprecated_cat; -- boolean flag so that the category is added only once
local added_prop_cats = {}; -- list of property categories that have been added to z.properties_cats
local added_vanc_errs; -- boolean flag so we only emit one Vancouver error / category
local Frame; -- holds the module's frame table
--[[--------------------------< F I R S T _ S E T >------------------------------------------------------------
Llinell 43 ⟶ 58:
Adds a category to z.properties_cats using names from the configuration file with additional text if any.
added_prop_cats is a table declared in page scope variables above
local added_prop_cats = {} -- list of property categories that have been added to z.properties_cats
local function add_prop_cat (key, arguments)
if not added_prop_cats [key] then
Llinell 58 ⟶ 74:
Adds a single Vancouver system error message to the template's output regardless of how many error actually exist.
To prevent duplication, added_vanc_errs is nil until an error message is emitted.
added_vanc_errs is a boolean declared in page scope variables above
local function add_vanc_error (source)
local added_vanc_errs; -- flag so we only emit one Vancouver error / category
local function add_vanc_error ()
if not added_vanc_errs then
added_vanc_errs = true; -- note that we've added this category
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'vancouver', {source}, true ) } );
Llinell 366 ⟶ 383:
local function external_link( URL, label, source, access)
local error_str = "";
local domain;
local path;
local base_url;
if not is_set( label ) then
Llinell 389 ⟶ 407:
if is_set (access) then -- access level (subscription, registration, limited)
return table.concat({ "[", URL, " ", safe_for_url( label ), "]", error_str });
local label_head = '';
local label_tail;
local markup = ''; -- can't start a span inside italic markup and end it outside the italic markup
label = safe_for_url (label); -- replace square brackets and newlines (is this necessary? already done above?)
if label:match ("(.*)%s+(.+)('''?)$") then -- for italicized titles (cite book, etc)
label_head, label_tail, markup = label:match ("(.*)%s+(.+)('''?)$"); -- split the label at the right-most space; separate the markup
elseif label:match ("(.*)%s+(.+)$") then -- for upright titles (journal, news, magazine, etc)
label_head, label_tail = label:match ("(.*)%s+(.+)$"); -- split the label at the right-most space; no markup
elseif label:match ("(.+)('''?)$") then -- single word label with markup
label_tail, markup = label:match ("(.+)('''?)$"); -- save label text as label tail; separate the markup
label_tail = label;
base_url = table.concat (
'<span class="plainlinks">[', -- opening css
URL, -- the url
' ', -- the required space
label_head, -- all but the last word of the label
' <span class="nowrap">', -- nowrap css for the last word and the signal icon
label_tail, -- last (or only) word of the label inside the span
'<span style="padding-left:0.15em">', -- signal spacing css
cfg.presentation[access], -- the appropriate icon
'</span></span>', -- close signal spacing and nowrap spans
markup, -- insert italic markup if any
']</span>' -- close the plain links span
base_url = table.concat({ "[", URL, " ", safe_for_url( label ), "]" }); -- no signal markup
return table.concat({ base_url, error_str });
Llinell 398 ⟶ 450:
offending parameter name to the error message. Only one error message is emitted regardless of the number of deprecated
parameters in the citation.
added_deprecated_cat is a boolean declared in page scope variables above
local page_in_deprecated_cat; -- sticky flag so that the category is added only once
local function deprecated_parameter(name)
if not page_in_deprecated_catadded_deprecated_cat then
page_in_deprecated_catadded_deprecated_cat = true; -- note that we've added this category
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'deprecated_params', {name}, true ) } ); -- add error message
Llinell 416 ⟶ 469:
" 'Kerned title with leading and trailing single quote marks' " (in real life the kerning isn't as wide as this example)
Double single quotes (italic or bold wikimarkup) are not kerned.
Replaces unicode quotemarks with typewriter quote marks regardless of the need for kerning.
Call this function for chapter titles, for website titles, etc; not for book titles.
Llinell 424 ⟶ 479:
local cap='';
local cap2='';
-- TODO: move this elswhere so that all title-holding elements get these quote marks replaced?
-- str= mw.ustring.gsub (str, '[“”]', '\"'); -- replace “” (U+201C & U+201D) with " (typewriter double quote mark)
-- str= mw.ustring.gsub (str, '[‘’]', '\''); -- replace ‘’ (U+2018 & U+2019) with ' (typewriter single quote mark)
cap, cap2 = str:match ("^([\"\'])([^\'].+)"); -- match leading double or single quote but not double single quotes
Llinell 475 ⟶ 533:
script_value = script_value:gsub ('^%l%l%s*:%s*', ''); -- strip prefix from script
-- is prefix one of these language codes?
if in_array (lang, cfg.script_lang_codes) then
if in_array (lang, {'am', 'ar', 'be', 'bg', 'bs', 'dv', 'el', 'fa', 'he', 'hy', 'ja', 'ka', 'ko', 'ku', 'mk', 'ml', 'ps', 'ru', 'sd', 'sr', 'th', 'uk', 'ug', 'yi', 'zh'}) then
add_prop_cat ('script_with_name', {name, lang})
Llinell 561 ⟶ 619:
if is_set (chapterurl) then
chapter = external_link (chapterurl, chapter, chapter_url_source, nil); -- adds bare_url_missing_title error if appropriate
Llinell 674 ⟶ 732:
--[[--------------------------< V A L I D A T E >--------------------------------------------------------------
Looks for a parameter's name in the whitelist.
Looks for a parameter's name in one of several whitelists.
Parameters in the whitelist can have three values:
Llinell 683 ⟶ 742:
--local function validate( name )
local function validate( name, cite_class )
local name = tostring( name );
local state = whitelist.basic_arguments[ name ];
if in_array (cite_class, {'arxiv', 'biorxiv', 'citeseerx'}) then -- limited parameter sets allowed for these templates
-- Normal arguments
state = whitelist.limited_basic_arguments[ name ];
if true == state then return true; end -- valid actively supported parameter
if true == state then return true; end -- valid actively supported parameter
if false == state then
deprecated_parameter (name); -- parameter is deprecated but still supported
return true;
if 'arxiv' == cite_class then -- basic parameters unique to these templates
state = whitelist.arxiv_basic_arguments[name];
if 'biorxiv' == cite_class then
state = whitelist.biorxiv_basic_arguments[name];
if 'citeseerx' == cite_class then
state = whitelist.citeseerx_basic_arguments[name];
if true == state then return true; end -- valid actively supported parameter
if false == state then
deprecated_parameter (name); -- parameter is deprecated but still supported
return true;
-- limited enumerated parameters list
name = name:gsub( "%d+", "#" ); -- replace digit(s) with # (last25 becomes last#)
state = whitelist.limited_numbered_arguments[ name ];
if true == state then return true; end -- valid actively supported parameter
if false == state then
deprecated_parameter (name); -- parameter is deprecated but still supported
return true;
return false; -- not supported because not found or name is set to nil
end -- end limited parameter-set templates
state = whitelist.basic_arguments[ name ]; -- all other templates; all normal parameters allowed
if true == state then return true; end -- valid actively supported parameter
if false == state then
deprecated_parameter (name); -- parameter is deprecated but still supported
return true;
-- all enumerated parameters allowed
name = name:gsub( "%d+", "#" ); -- replace digit(s) with # (last25 becomes last#
-- Arguments with numbers in them
name = name:gsub( "%d+", "#" ); -- replace digit(s) with # (last25 becomes last#
state = whitelist.numbered_arguments[ name ];
if true == state then return true; end -- valid actively supported parameter
if true == state then return true; end -- valid actively supported parameter
if false == state then
deprecated_parameter (name); -- parameter is deprecated but still supported
return true;
return false; -- Notnot supported because not found or name is set to nil
Llinell 841 ⟶ 937:
return str;
--[[--------------------------< I S _ S U F F I X >------------------------------------------------------------
returns true is suffix is properly formed Jr, Sr, or ordinal in the range 2–9. Puncutation not allowed.
local function is_suffix (suffix)
if in_array (suffix, {'Jr', 'Sr', '2nd', '3rd'}) or suffix:match ('^%dth$') then
return true;
return false;
--[[--------------------------< I S _ G O O D _ V A N C _ N A M E >--------------------------------------------
Llinell 858 ⟶ 968:
|firstn= also allowed to contain hyphens, spaces, apostrophes, and periods
This original test:
At the time of this writing, I had to write the 'if nil == mw.ustring.find ...' test ouside of the code editor and paste it here
if nil == mw.ustring.find (last, "^[A-Za-zÀ-ÖØ-öø-ƿDŽ-ɏ%-%s%']*$") or nil == mw.ustring.find (first, "^[A-Za-zÀ-ÖØ-öø-ƿDŽ-ɏ%-%s%'%.]+[2-6%a]*$") then
because the code editor gets confused between character insertion point and cursor position.
was written ouside of the code editor and pasted here because the code editor gets confused between character insertion point and cursor position.
The test has been rewritten to use decimal character escape sequence for the individual bytes of the unicode characters so that it is not necessary
to use an external editor to maintain this code.
\195\128-\195\150 – À-Ö (U+00C0–U+00D6 – C0 controls)
\195\152-\195\182 – Ø-ö (U+00D8-U+00F6 – C0 controls)
\195\184-\198\191 – ø-ƿ (U+00F8-U+01BF – C0 controls, Latin extended A & B)
\199\132-\201\143 – DŽ-ɏ (U+01C4-U+024F – Latin extended B)
local function is_good_vanc_name (last, first)
local first, suffix = first:match ('(.-),?%s*([%dJS][%drndth]+)%.?$') or first; -- if first has something that looks like a generational suffix, get it
if nil == mw.ustring.find (last, "^[A-Za-zÀ-ÖØ-öø-ƿDŽ-ɏ%-%s%']*$") or nil == mw.ustring.find (first, "^[A-Za-zÀ-ÖØ-öø-ƿDŽ-ɏ%-%s%'%.]*$") then
add_vanc_error ();
if is_set (suffix) then
return false; -- not a string of latin characters; Vancouver required Romanization
if not is_suffix (suffix) then
add_vanc_error ('suffix');
return false; -- not a name with an appropriate suffix
if nil == mw.ustring.find (last, "^[A-Za-z\195\128-\195\150\195\152-\195\182\195\184-\198\191\199\132-\201\143%-%s%']*$") or
nil == mw.ustring.find (first, "^[A-Za-z\195\128-\195\150\195\152-\195\182\195\184-\198\191\199\132-\201\143%-%s%'%.]*$") then
add_vanc_error ('non-Latin character');
return false; -- not a string of latin characters; Vancouver requires Romanization
return true;
Llinell 877 ⟶ 1,004:
Names in |firstn= may be separated by spaces or hyphens, or for initials, a period. See
Vancouver style requires family rank designations (Jr, II, III, etc) to be rendered as Jr, 2nd, 3rd, etc. ThisSee form is not
This code only accepts and understands generational suffix in the Vancouver format because Roman numerals look like, and can be mistaken for, initials.
currently supported by this code so correctly formed names like Smith JL 2nd are converted to Smith J2. See
This function uses ustring functions because firstname initials may be any of the unicode Latin characters accepted by is_good_vanc_name ().
Llinell 885 ⟶ 1,012:
local function reduce_to_initials(first)
iflocal name, suffix = mw.ustring.match(first, "^(%u+) ([%udJS][%drndth]+)$") then return first end; -- when first contains just two upper-case letters, nothing to do
local initials = {}
localif inot =name 0; then -- counterif fornot numberinitials ofand initialsa suffix
for name word in= mw.ustring.gmatchmatch(first, "[^(%s%.%-]u+)$") do; -- namesis separated by spaces, hyphens,it orjust periodsintials?
table.insert(initials, mw.ustring.sub(word,1,1)) -- Vancouver format does not include full stops.
i = i + 1; -- bump the counter
if 2 <= i then break; end -- only two initials allowed in Vancouver system; if 2, quit
if name then -- if first is initials with or without suffix
if 3 > mw.ustring.len (name) then -- if one or two initials
if suffix then -- if there is a suffix
if is_suffix (suffix) then -- is it legitimate?
return first; -- one or two initials and a valid suffix so nothing to do
add_vanc_error ('suffix'); -- one or two initials with invalid suffix so error message
return first; -- and return first unmolested
return first; -- one or two initials without suffix; nothing to do
end -- if here then name has 3 or more uppercase letters so treat them as a word
local initials, names = {}, {}; -- tables to hold name parts and initials
local i = 1; -- counter for number of initials
names = mw.text.split (first, '[%s,]+'); -- split into a table of names and possible suffix
while names[i] do -- loop through the table
if 1 < i and names[i]:match ('[%dJS][%drndth]+%.?$') then -- if not the first name, and looks like a suffix (may have trailing dot)
names[i] = names[i]:gsub ('%.', ''); -- remove terminal dot if present
if is_suffix (names[i]) then -- if a legitimate suffix
table.insert (initials, ' ' .. names[i]); -- add a separator space, insert at end of initials table
break; -- and done because suffix must fall at the end of a name
end -- no error message if not a suffix; possibly because of Romanization
if 3 > i then
table.insert (initials, mw.ustring.sub(names[i],1,1)); -- insert the intial at end of initials table
i = i+1; -- bump the counter
return table.concat(initials) -- Vancouver format does not include spaces.
Llinell 913 ⟶ 1,073:
sep = ','; -- name-list separator between authors is a comma
namesep = ' '; -- last/first separator is a space
elseif 'mla' == control.mode then
sep = ','; -- name-list separator between authors is a comma
namesep = ', ' -- last/first separator is <comma><space>
sep = ';' -- name-list separator between authors is a semicolon
Llinell 940 ⟶ 1,103:
one = person.last
local first = person.first
if is_set(first) then
if ( "vanc"'mla' == format )control.mode then -- if vancouver format
if i == 1 then -- for mla
one = one:gsub ('%.', ''); -- remove periods from surnames (
if one not= personone ..corporate andnamesep is_good_vanc_name (one,.. first) then; -- andfirst name islast, all Latin characters; corporate authors not testedfirst
else -- all other names
first = reduce_to_initials(first) -- attempt to convert first name(s) to initials
one = first .. ' ' .. one; -- first last
if ( "vanc" == format ) then -- if vancouver format
one = one:gsub ('%.', ''); -- remove periods from surnames (
if not person.corporate and is_good_vanc_name (one, first) then -- and name is all Latin characters; corporate authors not tested
first = reduce_to_initials(first) -- attempt to convert first name(s) to initials
one = one .. namesep .. first;
one = one .. namesep .. first
if is_set( and ~= control.page_name then
Llinell 961 ⟶ 1,132:
if count > 0 then
if count > 1 and is_set(lastauthoramp) and not etal then
if 'mla' == control.mode then
text[#text-2] = " & "; -- replace last separator with ampersand text
text[#text-2] = ", and "; -- replace last separator with ', and ' text
text[#text-2] = " & "; -- replace last separator with ampersand text
text[#text] = nil; -- erase the last separator
Llinell 1,029 ⟶ 1,204:
return name, etal; --
--[[--------------------------< N A M E _ H A S _ E D _ M A R K U P >------------------------------------------
Evaluates the content of author and editor parameters for extranious editor annotations: ed, ed., eds, (Ed.), etc.
These annotation do not belong in author parameters and are redundant in editor parameters. If found, the function
adds the editor markup maintenance category.
local function name_has_ed_markup (name, list_name)
local _, pattern;
local patterns = { -- these patterns match annotations at end of name
'%f[%(%[][%(%[]%s*[Ee][Dd][Ss]?%.?%s*[%)%]]?$', -- (ed) or (eds): leading '(', case insensitive 'ed', optional 's', '.' and/or ')'
'[,%.%s]%f[e]eds?%.?$', -- ed or eds: without '('or ')'; case sensitive (ED could be initials Ed could be name)
'%f[%(%[][%(%[]%s*[Ee][Dd][Ii][Tt][Oo][Rr][Ss]?%.?%s*[%)%]]?$', -- (editor) or (editors): leading '(', case insensitive, optional '.' and/or ')'
'[,%.%s]%f[Ee][Ee][Dd][Ii][Tt][Oo][Rr][Ss]?%.?$', -- editor or editors: without '('or ')'; case insensitive
-- these patterns match annotations at beginning of name
'^eds?[%.,;]', -- ed. or eds.: lower case only, optional 's', requires '.'
'^[%(%[]%s*[Ee][Dd][Ss]?%.?%s*[%)%]]', -- (ed) or (eds): also sqare brackets, case insensitive, optional 's', '.'
'^[%(%[]?%s*[Ee][Dd][Ii][Tt][Oo][Rr][Ss]?%A', -- (editor or (editors: also sq brackets, case insensitive, optional brackets, 's'
'^[%(%[]?%s*[Ee][Dd][Ii][Tt][Ee][Dd]%A', -- (edited: also sq brackets, case insensitive, optional brackets
if is_set (name) then
for _, pattern in ipairs (patterns) do -- spin through patterns table and
if name:match (pattern) then
add_maint_cat ('extra_text_names', cfg.special_case_translation [list_name]); -- add a maint cat for this template
return name; -- and done
--[[--------------------------< N A M E _ H A S _ M U L T _ N A M E S >----------------------------------------
Llinell 1,041 ⟶ 1,253:
local count, _;
if is_set (name) then
if_, count = name:matchgsub ('^%(%(.*%)%)$[;,]'), then''); -- ifcount wrappedthe innumber doubledof parentheses, ignoreseparator-like characters
name = name:match ('^%(%((.*)%)%)$'); -- strip parens
if 1 < count then -- param could be |author= or |editor= so one separator character is acceptable
add_maint_cat ('mult_names', cfg.special_case_translation [list_name]); -- more than one separator indicates multiple names so add a maint cat for this template
_, count = name:gsub ('[;,]', ''); -- count the number of separator-like characters
if 1 < count then -- param could be |author= or |editor= so one separactor character is acceptable
add_maint_cat ('mult_names', list_name:lower()); -- more than one separator indicates multiple names so add a maint cat for this template
return name; -- and done
--[[--------------------------< N A M E _ C H E C K S >--------------------------------------------------------
This function calls various name checking functions used to validate the content of the various name-holding
local function name_checks (last, first, list_name)
if is_set (last) then
if last:match ('^%(%(.*%)%)$') then -- if wrapped in doubled parentheses, accept as written
last = last:match ('^%(%((.*)%)%)$'); -- strip parens
last = name_has_mult_names (last, list_name); -- check for multiple names in the parameter (last only)
last = name_has_ed_markup (last, list_name); -- check for extraneous 'editor' annotation
if is_set (first) then
if first:match ('^%(%(.*%)%)$') then -- if wrapped in doubled parentheses, accept as written
first = first:match ('^%(%((.*)%)%)$'); -- strip parens
first = name_has_ed_markup (first, list_name); -- check for extraneous 'editor' annotation
return last, first; -- done
--[[--------------------------< E X T R A C T _ N A M E S >----------------------------------------------------
Llinell 1,090 ⟶ 1,325:
last, etal = name_has_etal (last, etal, false); -- find and remove variations on et al.
first, etal = name_has_etal (first, etal, false); -- find and remove variations on et al.
last, first= name_has_mult_namesname_checks (last, err_msg_list_namefirst, list_name); -- check for multiple names, inextraneous last andannotation, itsetc aliaseschecks
if first and not last then -- if there is a firstn without a matching lastn
Llinell 1,137 ⟶ 1,372:
local function get_iso639_code (lang, this_wiki_code)
if 'bangla' == lang:lower() then -- special case related to Wikimedia remap of code 'bn' at mw:Extension:CLDR
return 'Bengali', 'bn'; -- make sure rendered version is properly capitalized
local languages = mw.language.fetchLanguageNames(this_wiki_code, 'all') -- get a list of language names known to Wikimedia
-- ('all' is required for North Ndebele, South Ndebele, and Ojibwa)
Llinell 1,151 ⟶ 1,390:
return lang; -- not valid language; return language in original case and nil for the code
--[[--------------------------< L A N G U A G E _ P A R A M E T E R >------------------------------------------
Llinell 1,197 ⟶ 1,437:
if is_set (code) then -- only 2- or 3-character codes
if 'bn' == code then name = 'Bengali' end; -- override wikimedia when code is 'bn'
if this_wiki_code ~= code then -- when the language is not the same as this wiki's language
if 2 == code:len() then -- and is a two-character code
Llinell 1,223 ⟶ 1,464:
return (" " .. wrap_msg ('language', name)); -- otherwise wrap with '(in ...)'
--[[ TODO: should only return blank or name rather than full list
so we can clean up the bunched parenthetical elements Language, Type, Format
Llinell 1,284 ⟶ 1,528:
sep, ps, ref = set_cs2_style (ps, ref);
elseif 'cs1' == mode then -- if this template is to be rendered in CS1 (cite xxx) style
sep, ps = set_cs1_style (ps);
elseif 'mla' == mode then -- if this template is to be rendered in mla style use cs1 for bot cs1 & cs2 templates
sep, ps = set_cs1_style (ps);
else -- anything but cs1 or cs2
Llinell 1,362 ⟶ 1,608:
max = tonumber (max); -- make it a number
if max >= count then -- if |display-xxxxors= value greater than or equal to number of authors/editors
add_maint_cat ('disp_auth_ed', cfg.special_case_translation [list_name]);
else -- not a valid keyword or number
Llinell 1,399 ⟶ 1,645:
--[[--------------------------< G E T _ V _ N A M E _ T A B L E >----------------------------------------------
split apart a |vautthors= or |veditors= parameter. This function allows for corporate names, wrapped in doubled
parentheses to also have commas; in the old version of the code, the doubled parnetheses were included in the
rendered citation and in the metadata.
|vauthors=Jones AB, White EB, ((Black, Brown, and Co.))
This code is experimental and may not be retained.
local function get_v_name_table (vparam, output_table)
local name_table = mw.text.split(vparam, "%s*,%s*"); -- names are separated by commas
local i = 1;
while name_table[i] do
if name_table[i]:match ('^%(%(.*[^%)][^%)]$') then -- first segment of corporate with one or more commas; this segment has the opening doubled parens
local name = name_table[i];
i=i+1; -- bump indexer to next segment
while name_table[i] do
name = name .. ', ' .. name_table[i]; -- concatenate with previous segments
if name_table[i]:match ('^.*%)%)$') then -- if this table member has the closing doubled parens
break; -- and done reassembling so
i=i+1; -- bump indexer
table.insert (output_table, name); -- and add corporate name to the output table
table.insert (output_table, name_table[i]); -- add this name
i = i+1;
return output_table;
--[[--------------------------< P A R S E _ V A U T H O R S _ V E D I T O R S >--------------------------------
Llinell 1,408 ⟶ 1,689:
may sometimes be required and because such names will often fail the is_good_vanc_name() and other format compliance
tests, are wrapped in doubled paranethese ((corporate name)) to suppress the format tests.
Supports generational suffixes Jr, 2nd, 3rd, 4th–6th.
This function sets the vancouver error when a reqired comma is missing and when there is a space between an author's initials.
TODO: check for names like Coon V JS (Coon JS 5th at PMID 25205766, John S. Coon V at doi:10.1093/humupd/dmu048)?
Llinell 1,419 ⟶ 1,700:
local v_name_table = {};
local etal = false; -- return value set to true when we find some form of et al. vauthors parameter
local last, first, link, mask, suffix;
local corporate = false;
vparam, etal = name_has_etal (vparam, etal, true); -- find and remove variations on et al. do not categorize (do it here because et al. might have a period)
if vparam:find ('%[%[') or vparam:find ('%]%]') then -- no wikilinking vauthors names
add_vanc_error ('wikilink');
v_name_table = mw.text.splitget_v_name_table (vparam, "%s*,%s*"v_name_table) ; -- names are separated by commas
for i, v_name in ipairs(v_name_table) do
if v_name:match ('^%(%(.+%)%)$') then -- corporate authors are wrapped in doubled parentheseparentheses to supress vanc formatting and error detection
first = ''; -- set to empty string for concatenation and because it may have been set for previous author/editor
last = v_name:match ('^%(%((.+)%)%)$') -- remove doubled parntheses
corporate = true; -- flag used in list_people()
elseif string.find(v_name, "%s") then
if v_name:find('[;%.]') then -- look for commonly occurring punctuation characters;
add_vanc_error ('punctuation');
local lastfirstTable = {}
lastfirstTable = mw.text.split(v_name, "%s")
first = table.remove(lastfirstTable); -- removes and returns value of last element in table which should be author intials
if is_suffix (first) then -- if a valid suffix
last = table.concat(lastfirstTable, " ") -- returns a string that is the concatenation of all other names that are not initials
suffix = first -- save it as a suffix and
if mw.ustring.match (last, '%a+%s+%u+%s+%a+') or mw.ustring.match (v_name, ' %u %u$') then
first = table.remove(lastfirstTable); -- get what should be the initials from the table
add_vanc_error (); -- matches last II last; the case when a comma is missing or a space between two intiials
end -- no suffix error message here because letter combination may be result of Romanization; check for digits?
last = table.concat(lastfirstTable, " ") -- returns a string that is the concatenation of all other names that are not initials
if mw.ustring.match (last, '%a+%s+%u+%s+%a+') then
add_vanc_error ('missing comma'); -- matches last II last; the case when a comma is missing
if mw.ustring.match (v_name, ' %u %u$') then -- this test is in the wrong place TODO: move or replace with a more appropriate test
add_vanc_error ('name'); -- matches a space between two intiials
Llinell 1,446 ⟶ 1,737:
if is_set (first) andthen
if not mw.ustring.match (first, "^%u?%u$") then -- first shall contain one or two upper-case letters, nothing else
add_vanc_error ('initials'); -- too many initials; mixed case initials (which may be ok Romanization); hyphenated initials
add_vanc_error ();
is_good_vanc_name (last, first); -- check first and last before restoring the suffix which may have a non-Latin digit
if is_set (suffix) then
first = first .. ' ' .. suffix; -- if there was a suffix concatenate with the initials
suffix = ''; -- unset so we don't add this suffix to all subsequent names
if not corporate then
is_good_vanc_name (last, '');
-- this from extract_names ()
Llinell 1,456 ⟶ 1,758:
return names, etal; -- all done, return our list of names
--[[--------------------------< S E L E C T _ A U T H O R _ E D I T O R _ S O U R C E >------------------------
Llinell 1,477 ⟶ 1,780:
local function select_author_editor_source (vxxxxors, xxxxors, args, list_name)
local lastfirst = false;
if select_one( args, cfg.aliases[list_name .. '-Last'], 'none', 1 ) or -- do this twice incase we have a first 1|first1= without a |last1=; this ...
select_one( args, cfg.aliases[list_name .. '-LastFirst'], 'none', 21 ) thenor -- ... also catches the case where |first= is used with |vauthors=
select_one( args, cfg.aliases[list_name .. '-Last'], 'none', 2 ) or
select_one( args, cfg.aliases[list_name .. '-First'], 'none', 2 ) then
Llinell 1,511 ⟶ 1,816:
local function is_valid_parameter_value (value, name, possible, cite_class)
-- begin hack to limit |mode=mla to a specific set of templates
if ('mode' == name) and ('mla' == value) and not in_array (cite_class, {'book', 'journal', 'news'}) then
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'invalid_param_val', {name, value}, true ) } ); -- not an allowed value so add error message
return false
-- end hack
if not is_set (value) then
return true; -- an empty parameter is ok
Llinell 1,533 ⟶ 1,845:
local function terminate_name_list (name_list, sepc)
if (string.sub (name_list,-1,-1) == sepc) or (string.sub (name_list,-3,-1) == sepc .. ']]. ') then -- if lastalready name in list ends with sepcproperly charterminated
return name_list; -- just return the name list
elseif (string.sub (name_list,-1,-1) == sepc) or (string.sub (name_list,-3,-1) == sepc .. ']]') then -- if last name in list ends with sepc char
return name_list .. " "; -- don't add another
Llinell 1,548 ⟶ 1,862:
local function format_volume_issue (volume, issue, cite_class, origin, sepc, lower, mode)
if not is_set (volume) and not is_set (issue) then
return '';
if ('mla' == mode) and ('journal' == cite_class) then -- same as cs1 for magazines
lower = true; -- mla 8th edition; force these to lower case
if is_set (volume) and is_set (issue) then
return wrap_msg ('vol-no', {sepc, volume, issue}, lower);
elseif is_set (volume) then
return wrap_msg ('vol', {sepc, volume}, lower);
return '';
if 'magazine' == cite_class or (in_array (cite_class, {'citation', 'map'}) and 'magazine' == origin) then
if is_set (volume) and is_set (issue) then
Llinell 1,562 ⟶ 1,887:
local vol = '';
Llinell 1,569 ⟶ 1,894:
vol = substitute (cfg.messages['j-vol'], {sepc, volume});
vol = wrap_stylesubstitute (cfg.presentation['vol-bold'], {sepc, hyphen_to_dash(volume)});
Llinell 1,577 ⟶ 1,902:
return vol;
Llinell 1,600 ⟶ 1,921:
--[[-------------------------< F O R M A T _ P A G E S _ S H E E T S >-----------------------------------------
Llinell 1,611 ⟶ 1,933:
local function format_pages_sheets (page, pages, sheet, sheets, cite_class, origin, sepc, nopp, lower, mode)
if 'map' == cite_class then -- only cite map supports sheet(s) as in-source locators
if is_set (sheet) then
Llinell 1,629 ⟶ 1,951:
local is_journal = 'journal' == cite_class or (in_array (cite_class, {'citation', 'map'}) and 'journal' == origin);
if is_journal and 'mla' == mode then
is_journal = false; -- mla always uses p & pp
if is_set (page) then
Llinell 1,657 ⟶ 1,983:
Check urls to make sure they at least look like they are pointing at valid archives and not to the
save snapshot url or to calendar pages. When the archive url is '' (or http://...) saves a snapshot saves a snapshot of the target page in the url. That is something that Wikipedia should not allow
unwitting readers to do.
When the url does not have a complete timestamp, chooses a snapshot according to its own
algorithm or provides a calendar 'search' result. [[WP:ELNO]] discourages links to search results.
This function looks at the value assigned to |archive-url= and returns empty strings for |archive-url= and
|archive-date= and an error message when:
|archive-url= holds an save command url
|archive-url= is an url that does not have a complete timestamp (YYYYMMDDhhmmss 14 digits) in the
correct place
otherwise returns |archive-url= and |archive-date=
Llinell 1,676 ⟶ 2,004:
('id_', 'js_', 'cs_', 'im_') but since ignores others following the same form (two letters and an underscore)
we don't check for these specific flags but we do check the form.
This function supports a preview mode. When the article is rendered in preview mode, this funct may return a modified
archive url:
for save command errors, return undated wildcard (/*/)
for timestamp errors when the timestamp has a wildcard, return the url unmodified
for timestamp errors when the timestamp does not have a wildcard, return with timestamp limited to six digits plus wildcard (/yyyymm*/)
Llinell 1,683 ⟶ 2,017:
local path, timestamp, flag; -- portions of the archive.or url
if (not url:match('//')) and (not url:match('//')) then -- also deprecated liveweb Wayback machine url
return url, date; -- not an archive, return archiveURLArchiveURL and ArchiveDate
if url:match('//') then -- if a save command url, we don't want to allow saving of the target page
err_msg = 'save command';
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'archive_url', {'save command'}, true ) } ); -- add error message
url = url:gsub ('(//', '%1/*/', 1); -- for preview mode: modify ArchiveURL
return '', ''; -- return empty strings for archiveURL and ArchiveDate
elseif url:match('//') then
err_msg = 'liveweb';
if url:match('//*/') or url:match('//*/') then -- wildcard with or without 'web/' path element
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'archive_url', {'wildcard'}, true ) } ); -- add error message and
return '', ''; -- return empty strings for archiveURL and ArchiveDate
path, timestamp, flag = url:match('//[^%d]*)(%d+)([^/]*)/'); -- split out some of the url parts for evaluation
if not is_set(timestamp) or 14 ~= timestamp:len() then -- path and flag optional, must have 14-digit timestamp here
err_msg = 'timestamp';
elseif is_set(path) and 'web/' ~= path then -- older archive urls do not have the extra 'web/' path element
err_msg = 'path';
elseif is_set (flag) and not is_set (path) then -- flag not allowed with the old form url (without the 'web/' path element)
err_msg = 'flag';
elseif is_set (flag) and not flag:match ('%a%a_') then -- flag if present must be two alpha characters and underscore (requires 'web/' path element)
err_msg = 'flag';
path, timestamp, flag = url:match('//[^%d]*)(%d+)([^/]*)/'); -- split out some of the url parts for evaluation
return url, date; -- return archiveURL and ArchiveDate
if not is_set(timestamp) or 14 ~= timestamp:len() then -- path and flag optional, must have 14-digit timestamp here
err_msg = 'timestamp';
if '*' ~= flag then
url=url:gsub ('(//[^%d]*%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?)[^/]*', '%1*', 1) -- for preview, modify ts to be yearmo* max (0-6 digits plus splat)
elseif is_set(path) and 'web/' ~= path then -- older archive urls do not have the extra 'web/' path element
err_msg = 'path';
elseif is_set (flag) and not is_set (path) then -- flag not allowed with the old form url (without the 'web/' path element)
err_msg = 'flag';
elseif is_set (flag) and not flag:match ('%a%a_') then -- flag if present must be two alpha characters and underscore (requires 'web/' path element)
err_msg = 'flag';
return url, date; -- return archiveURL and ArchiveDate
-- if here, something not right so
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'archive_url', {err_msg}, true ) } ); -- add error message and
if is_set (Frame:preprocess('{{REVISIONID}}')) then
return '', ''; -- return empty strings for archiveURL and ArchiveDate
return '', ''; -- return empty strings for archiveURL and ArchiveDate
return url, date; -- preview mode so return archiveURL and ArchiveDate
Llinell 1,757 ⟶ 2,095:
-- Pick out the relevant fields from the arguments. Different citation templates
-- define different field names for the same underlying things.
-- set default parameter values defined by |mode= parameter. If |mode= is empty or omitted, use CitationClass to set these values
local Mode = A['Mode'];
if not is_valid_parameter_value (Mode, 'mode', cfg.keywords['mode'], config.CitationClass) then
Mode = '';
local author_etal;
local a = {}; -- authors list from |lastn= / |firstn= pairs or |vauthors=
Llinell 1,772 ⟶ 2,117:
elseif 3 == selected then
Authors = A['Authors']; -- use content of |authors=
if 'authors' == A:ORIGIN('Authors') then -- but add a maint cat if the parameter is |authors=
add_maint_cat ('authors'); -- because use of this parameter is discouraged; what to do about the aliases is a TODO:
if is_set (Collaboration) then
Llinell 1,778 ⟶ 2,126:
local Coauthors = A['Coauthors'];
local Others = A['Others'];
Llinell 1,794 ⟶ 2,141:
elseif 3 == selected then
Editors = A['Editors']; -- use content of |editors=
add_maint_cat ('editors'); -- but add a maint cat because use of this parameter is discouraged
Llinell 1,801 ⟶ 2,149:
t = extract_names (args, 'TranslatorList'); -- fetch translator list from |translatorn= / |translator-lastn=, -firstn=, -linkn=, -maskn=
local interviewers_list = {};
local Interviewers = A['Interviewers']
if is_set (Interviewers) then -- add a maint cat if the |interviewers= is used
add_maint_cat ('interviewers'); -- because use of this parameter is discouraged
interviewers_list = extract_names (args, 'InterviewerList'); -- else, process preferred interviewers parameters
local c = {}; -- contributors list from |contributor-lastn= / contributor-firstn= pairs
local Contributors; -- assembled contributors name list
Llinell 1,857 ⟶ 2,214:
ArchiveURL, ArchiveDate = archive_url_check (A['ArchiveURL'], A['ArchiveDate'])
-- local ArchiveDate = A['ArchiveDate'];
-- local ArchiveURL = A['ArchiveURL'];
-- if ArchiveURL:match('//') then -- if an save command url, we don't want to save target page ...
-- ArchiveURL = ''; -- every time a reader clicks the link so
-- ArchiveDate = ''; -- unset these
-- table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'archive_save', {}, true ) } ); -- and add error message
-- end
local DeadURL = A['DeadURL']
if not is_valid_parameter_value (DeadURL, 'dead-url', cfg.keywords ['deadurl']) then -- set in config.defaults to 'yes'
Llinell 1,886 ⟶ 2,236:
local Pages;
local At;
-- previously conference books did not support volume
-- if in_array (config.CitationClass, cfg.templates_using_volume) and not ('conference' == config.CitationClass and not is_set (Periodical)) then
if in_array (config.CitationClass, cfg.templates_using_volume) then
Volume = A['Volume'];
-- conference & map books do not support issue
if in_array (config.CitationClass, cfg.templates_using_issue) and not (in_array (config.CitationClass, {'conference', 'map'}) and not is_set (Periodical))then
Issue = A['Issue'];
Llinell 1,913 ⟶ 2,265:
local UrlAccess = A['UrlAccess'];
if not is_valid_parameter_value (UrlAccess, 'url-access', cfg.keywords ['url-access']) then
UrlAccess = nil;
if not is_set(URL) and is_set(UrlAccess) then
UrlAccess = nil;
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'param_access_requires_param', {'url'}, true ) } );
if is_set (UrlAccess) and is_set (SubscriptionRequired) then -- while not aliases, these are much the same so if both are set
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'redundant_parameters', {wrap_style ('parameter', 'url-access') .. ' and ' .. wrap_style ('parameter', 'subscription')}, true ) } ); -- add error message
SubscriptionRequired = nil; -- unset; prefer |access= over |subscription=
if is_set (UrlAccess) and is_set (RegistrationRequired) then -- these are not the same but contradictory so if both are set
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'redundant_parameters', {wrap_style ('parameter', 'url-access') .. ' and ' .. wrap_style ('parameter', 'registration')}, true ) } ); -- add error message
RegistrationRequired = nil; -- unset; prefer |access= over |registration=
local Via = A['Via'];
Llinell 1,932 ⟶ 2,302:
local ID_list = extract_ids( args );
local ID_access_levels = extract_id_access_levels( args, ID_list );
local Quote = A['Quote'];
Llinell 1,945 ⟶ 2,316:
local LastAuthorAmp = A['LastAuthorAmp'];
if not is_valid_parameter_value (LastAuthorAmp, 'last-author-amp', cfg.keywords ['yes_true_y']) then
LastAuthorAmp = nil; -- set to empty string
if 'mla' == Mode then
LastAuthorAmp = 'yes'; -- replaces last author/editor separator with ' and ' text
local no_tracking_cats = A['NoTracking'];
Llinell 1,951 ⟶ 2,325:
no_tracking_cats = nil; -- set to empty string
--these are used by cite interview
local Callsign = A['Callsign'];
local City = A['City'];
local Program = A['Program'];
--local variables that are not cs1 parameters
Llinell 1,968 ⟶ 2,337:
-- set default parameter values defined by |mode= parameter. If |mode= is empty or omitted, use CitationClass to set these values
local Mode = A['Mode'];
if not is_valid_parameter_value (Mode, 'mode', cfg.keywords['mode']) then
Mode = '';
local sepc; -- separator between citation elements for CS1 a period, for CS2, a comma
local PostScript;
Llinell 2,067 ⟶ 2,431:
-- Special case for cite techreport.
if (config.CitationClass == "techreport") then -- special case for cite techreport
if is_set(A['Number']) then -- cite techreport uses 'number', which other citations alias to 'issue'
if not is_set(ID) then -- can we use ID for the "number"?
ID = A['Number']; -- yes, use it
else -- ID has a value so emit error message
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error('redundant_parameters', {wrap_style ('parameter', 'id') .. ' and ' .. wrap_style ('parameter', 'number')}, true )});
-- special case for cite interview
if (config.CitationClass == "interview") then
if is_set(Program) then
ID = ' ' .. Program;
if is_set(Callsign) then
if is_set(ID) then
ID = ID .. sepc .. ' ' .. Callsign;
ID = ' ' .. Callsign;
if is_set(City) then
if is_set(ID) then
ID = ID .. sepc .. ' ' .. City;
ID = ' ' .. City;
if is_set(Others) then
if is_set(TitleType) then
Others = ' ' .. TitleType .. ' with ' .. Others;
TitleType = '';
Others = ' ' .. 'Interview with ' .. Others;
Others = '(Interview)';
Llinell 2,221 ⟶ 2,553:
-- end of {{cite episode}} stuff
-- Account for the oddities that are {{cite arxiv}}, {{cite biorxiv}}, {{cite citeseerx}}, before generation of COinS data.
if 'arxiv' == config.CitationClass then
if in_array (config.CitationClass, {'arxiv', 'biorxiv', 'citeseerx'}) then
if not is_set (ID_list['ARXIV']) then -- |arxiv= or |eprint= required for cite arxiv
if not is_set (ID_list[config.CitationClass:upper()]) then -- |arxiv= or |eprint= required for cite arxiv; |biorxiv= & |citeseerx= required for their templates
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'arxiv_missing', {}, true ) } ); -- add error message
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( config.CitationClass .. '_missing', {}, true ) } ); -- add error message
elseif is_set (Series) then -- series is an alias of version
ID_list['ARXIV'] = ID_list['ARXIV'] .. Series; -- concatenate version onto the end of the arxiv identifier
Series = ''; -- unset
if 'arxiv' == config.CitationClass then
deprecated_parameter ('version'); -- deprecated parameter but only for cite arxiv
Periodical = 'arXiv'; -- set to arXiv for COinS; after that, must be set to empty string
if 'biorxiv' == config.CitationClass then
if first_set ({AccessDate, At, Chapter, Format, Page, Pages, Periodical, PublisherName, URL, -- a crude list of parameters that are not supported by cite arxiv
Periodical = 'bioRxiv'; -- set to bioRxiv for COinS; after that, must be set to empty string
ID_list['ASIN'], ID_list['BIBCODE'], ID_list['DOI'], ID_list['ISBN'], ID_list['ISSN'],
ID_list['JFM'], ID_list['JSTOR'], ID_list['LCCN'], ID_list['MR'], ID_list['OCLC'], ID_list['OL'],
if 'citeseerx' == config.CitationClass then
ID_list['OSTI'], ID_list['PMC'], ID_list['PMID'], ID_list['RFC'], ID_list['SSRN'], ID_list['USENETID'], ID_list['ZBL']},27) then
Periodical = 'CiteSeerX'; -- set to CiteSeerX for COinS; after that, must be set to empty string
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'arxiv_params_not_supported', {}, true ) } ); -- add error message
AccessDate= ''; -- set these to empty string; not supported in cite arXiv
PublisherName = ''; -- (if the article has been published, use cite journal, or other)
Chapter = '';
URL = '';
Format = '';
Page = ''; Pages = ''; At = '';
Periodical = 'arXiv'; -- set to arXiv for COinS; after that, must be set to empty string
-- handle type parameter for those CS1 citations that have default values
if in_array(config.CitationClass, {"AV-media-notes", "DVD-notesinterview", "mailinglist", "map", "podcast", "pressrelease", "report", "techreport", "thesis"}) then
TitleType = set_titletype (config.CitationClass, TitleType);
if is_set(Degree) and "Thesis" == TitleType then -- special case for cite thesis
TitleType = Degree .. "' ' .. cfg.title_types ['thesis"']:lower();
if is_set(TitleType) then -- if type parameter is specified
TitleType = substitute( cfg.messages['type'], TitleType); -- display it in parentheses
-- TODO: Hack on TitleType to fix bunched parentheses problem
-- legacy: promote concatenation of |month=, and |year= to Date if Date not set; or, promote PublicationDate to Date if neither Date nor Year are set.
if not is_set (Date) then
Date = Year; -- promote Year to Date
Llinell 2,296 ⟶ 2,622:
if not is_set(error_message) then -- error free dates only
local modified = false; -- flag
if is_set (DF) then -- if we need to reformat dates
modified = reformat_dates (date_parameters_list, DF, false); -- reformat to DF format, use long month names if appropriate
if true == date_hyphen_to_dash (date_parameters_list) then -- convert hyphens to dashes where appropriate
if is_set(error_message) then
modified = true;
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'bad_date', {error_message}, true ) } ); -- add this error message
add_maint_cat ('date_format'); -- hyphens were converted so add maint category
elseif is_set (DF) then
if reformat_dates (date_parameters_list, DF, false) then -- reformat to DF format, use long month names if appropriate
AccessDate = date_parameters_list['access-date']; -- overwrite date holding parameters with reformatted values
if modified then -- if the date_parameters_list values were modified
AccessDate = date_parameters_list['access-date']; -- overwrite date holding parameters with modified values
ArchiveDate = date_parameters_list['archive-date'];
Date = date_parameters_list['date'];
Llinell 2,308 ⟶ 2,642:
PublicationDate = date_parameters_list['publication-date'];
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'bad_date', {error_message}, true ) } ); -- add this error message
end -- end of do
Llinell 2,319 ⟶ 2,655:
URL=cfg.id_handlers['PMC'].prefix .. ID_list['PMC']; -- set url to be the same as the PMC external link if not embargoed
URLorigin = cfg.id_handlers['PMC'].parameters[1]; -- set URLorigin to parameter name for use in error message if citation is missing a |title=
if is_set(AccessDate) then -- access date requires |url=; pmc created url is not |url=
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'accessdate_missing_url', {}, true ) } );
AccessDate = ''; -- unset
Llinell 2,388 ⟶ 2,729:
-- Account for the oddities that are {{cite arxiv}}, AFTER generation of COinS data.
-- if 'arxiv' == config.CitationClass then -- we have set rft.jtitle in COinS to arXiv, now unset so it isn't displayed
if in_array (config.CitationClass, {'arxiv', 'biorxiv', 'citeseerx'}) then -- we have set rft.jtitle in COinS to arXiv, bioRxiv, or CiteSeerX now unset so it isn't displayed
Periodical = ''; -- periodical not allowed in cite arxiv; if article has been published, use cite journal
Periodical = ''; -- periodical not allowed in these templates; if article has been published, use cite journal
Llinell 2,395 ⟶ 2,737:
if 'newsgroup' == config.CitationClass then
if is_set (PublisherName) then
PublisherName = substitute (cfg.messages['newsgroup'], external_link( 'news:' .. PublisherName, PublisherName, A:ORIGIN('PublisherName'), nil ));
Llinell 2,407 ⟶ 2,749:
local last_first_list;
-- local maximum;
local control = {
format = NameListFormat, -- empty string or 'vanc'
maximum = nil, -- as if display-authors or display-editors not set
lastauthoramp = LastAuthorAmp,
page_name = this_page.text, -- get current page name so that we don't wikilink to it via editorlinkn
mode = Mode
do -- do editor name list first because the now unsupported coauthors canused to modify control table
control.maximum , editor_etal = get_display_authors_editors (A['DisplayEditors'], #e, 'editors', editor_etal);
last_first_list, EditorCount = list_people(control, e, editor_etal);
Llinell 2,433 ⟶ 2,775:
EditorCount = 2; -- spoof to display (eds.) annotation
do -- now do interviewers
control.maximum = #interviewers_list; -- number of interviewerss
Interviewers = list_people(control, interviewers_list, false); -- et al not currently supported
do -- now do translators
Llinell 2,445 ⟶ 2,791:
control.maximum , author_etal = get_display_authors_editors (A['DisplayAuthors'], #a, 'authors', author_etal);
if is_set(Coauthors) then -- if the coauthor field is also used, prevent ampersand and et al. formatting.
control.lastauthoramp = nil;
control.maximum = #a + 1;
last_first_list = list_people(control, a, author_etal);
Llinell 2,466 ⟶ 2,807:
if not is_set(Authors) and is_set(Coauthors) then -- coauthors aren't displayed if one of authors=, authorn=, or lastn= isn't specified
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error('coauthors_missing_author', {}, true) } ); -- emit error message
Llinell 2,480 ⟶ 2,818:
-- special case for chapter format so no error message or cat when chapter not supported
if not (in_array(config.CitationClass, {'web', 'news', 'journal', 'magazine', 'pressrelease', 'podcast', 'newsgroup', 'arxiv', 'biorxiv', 'citeseerx'}) or
('citation' == config.CitationClass and is_set (Periodical) and not is_set (Encyclopedia))) then
ChapterFormat = style_format (ChapterFormat, ChapterURL, 'chapter-format', 'chapter-url');
Llinell 2,497 ⟶ 2,835:
local OriginalURL, OriginalURLorigin, OriginalFormat, OriginalAccess; -- TODO: swap chapter and title here so that archive applies to most specific if both are set?
DeadURL = DeadURL:lower(); -- used later when assembling archived text
if is_set( ArchiveURL ) then
if is_set (ChapterURL) then -- swapped -- URL not set so if chapter-url is set apply archive url to it
OriginalURL = ChapterURL; -- save copy of source chapter's url for archive text
OriginalURLorigin = ChapterURLorigin; -- name of chapter-url parameter for error messages
Llinell 2,512 ⟶ 2,850:
OriginalURL = URL; -- save copy of original source URL
OriginalURLorigin = URLorigin; -- name of url parameter for error messages
OriginalFormat = Format; -- and original |format=
OriginalAccess = UrlAccess;
if 'no' ~= DeadURL then -- if URL set then archive-url applies to it
URL = ArchiveURL -- swap-in the archive's url
URLorigin = A:ORIGIN('ArchiveURL') -- name of archive url parameter for error messages
Format = ArchiveFormat or ''; -- swap in archive's format
UrlAccess = nil; -- restricted access levels do not make sense for archived urls
if in_array(config.CitationClass, {'web','news','journal', 'magazine', 'pressrelease', 'podcast', 'newsgroup', 'arxiv', 'biorxiv', 'citeseerx'}) or -- if any of the 'periodical' cites except encyclopedia
('citation' == config.CitationClass and is_set (Periodical) and not is_set (Encyclopedia)) then
local chap_param;
Llinell 2,569 ⟶ 2,909:
if in_array(config.CitationClass, {'web', 'news', 'journal', 'magazine', 'pressrelease', 'podcast', 'newsgroup', 'mailinglist', 'interview', 'arxiv', 'biorxiv', 'citeseerx'}) or
('citation' == config.CitationClass and is_set (Periodical) and not is_set (Encyclopedia)) or
('map' == config.CitationClass and is_set (Periodical)) then -- special case for cite map when the map is in a periodical treat as an article
Title = kern_quotes (Title); -- if necessary, separate title's leading and trailing quote marks from Module provided quote marks
Title = wrap_style ('quoted-title', Title);
Title = script_concatenate (Title, ScriptTitle); -- <bdi> tags, lang atribute, categorization, etc; must be done after title is wrapped
TransTitle= wrap_style ('trans-quoted-title', TransTitle );
Llinell 2,594 ⟶ 2,933:
Title = Title .. TransTitle;
if is_set(Title) then
if not is_set(TitleLink) and is_set(URL) then
Title = external_link( URL, Title, URLorigin ) .. TransError .. Format;
Title = external_link( URL, Title, URLorigin, UrlAccess ) .. TransTitle .. TransError .. Format;
-- this experiment hidden 2016-04-10; see Help_talk:Citation_Style_1#Recycled_urls
-- local temp_title = external_link( URL, Title, URLorigin ) .. TransError .. Format; -- do this so we get error message even if url is usurped no archive
Llinell 2,615 ⟶ 2,953:
Format = "";
Title = Title .. TransTitle .. TransError;
Llinell 2,625 ⟶ 2,963:
if is_set (Conference) then
if is_set (ConferenceURL) then
Conference = external_link( ConferenceURL, Conference, ConferenceURLorigin, nil );
Conference = sepc .. " " .. Conference .. ConferenceFormat;
elseif is_set(ConferenceURL) then
Conference = sepc .. " " .. external_link( ConferenceURL, nil, ConferenceURLorigin, nil );
Llinell 2,658 ⟶ 2,996:
Page, Pages, Sheet, Sheets = format_pages_sheets (Page, Pages, Sheet, Sheets, config.CitationClass, Periodical_origin, sepc, NoPP, use_lowercase, Mode);
At = is_set(At) and (sepc .. " " .. At) or "";
Llinell 2,683 ⟶ 3,021:
Language=""; -- language not specified so make sure this is an empty string;
--[[ TODO: need to extract the wrap_msg from language_parameter
so that we can solve parentheses bunching problem with Format/Language/TitleType
Llinell 2,688 ⟶ 3,029:
if is_set (Translators) then
if 'mla' == Mode then
Others = sepc .. ' Translated by ' .. Translators .. Others;
Others = sepc .. ' Trans. ' .. Translators .. Others;
Others = sepc .. ' ' .. wrap_msg ('translated', Translators, use_lowercase) .. Others;
if is_set (Interviewers) then
Others = sepc .. ' ' .. wrap_msg ('interview', Interviewers, use_lowercase) .. Others;
TitleNote = is_set(TitleNote) and (sepc .. " " .. TitleNote) or "";
if is_set (Edition) then
Llinell 2,696 ⟶ 3,044:
add_maint_cat ('extra_text', 'edition');
if 'mla' == Mode then
Edition = " " .. wrap_msg ('edition', Edition);
Edition = '. ' .. Edition .. ' ed.';
Edition = " " .. wrap_msg ('edition', Edition);
Edition = '';
Llinell 2,702 ⟶ 3,054:
Series = is_set(Series) and (sepc .. " " .. Series) or "";
if 'mla' == Mode then -- not in brackets for mla
OrigYear = is_set(OrigYear) and (" [" .. OrigYear .. "]") or "";
OrigYear = is_set(OrigYear) and (". " .. OrigYear) or "";
OrigYear = is_set(OrigYear) and (" [" .. OrigYear .. "]") or "";
Agency = is_set(Agency) and (sepc .. " " .. Agency) or "";
Volume = format_volume_issue (Volume, Issue, config.CitationClass, Periodical_origin, sepc, use_lowercase, Mode);
------------------------------------ totally unrelated data
Llinell 2,729 ⟶ 3,085:
AccessDate = nowrap_date (AccessDate); -- wrap in nowrap span if date in appropriate format
if 'mla' == Mode then -- retrieved text not used in mla
if (sepc ~= ".") then retrv_text = retrv_text:lower() end -- if 'citation', lower case
AccessDate = substitute' (retrv_text,' .. AccessDate); -- add retrieved text
-- neither of these work; don't know why; it seems that substitute() isn't being called
if (sepc ~= ".") then retrv_text = retrv_text:lower() end -- if mode is cs2, lower case
AccessDate = substitute (retrv_text, AccessDate); -- add retrieved text
AccessDate = substitute (cfg.presentation['accessdate'], {sepc, AccessDate}); -- allow editors to hide accessdates
Llinell 2,743 ⟶ 3,102:
ID_list = build_id_list( ID_list, {IdAccessLevels=ID_access_levels, DoiBroken = DoiBroken, ASINTLD = ASINTLD, IgnoreISBN = IgnoreISBN, Embargo=Embargo, Class = Class} );
if is_set(URL) then
URL = " " .. external_link( URL, nil, URLorigin, UrlAccess );
Llinell 2,766 ⟶ 3,125:
if sepc ~= "." then arch_text = arch_text:lower() end
Archived = sepc .. " " .. substitute( cfg.messages['archived-not-dead'],
{ external_link( ArchiveURL, arch_text, A:ORIGIN('ArchiveURL'), nil ) .. ArchiveFormat, ArchiveDate } );
if not is_set(OriginalURL) then
Archived = Archived .. " " .. set_error('archive_missing_url');
Llinell 2,773 ⟶ 3,132:
local arch_text = cfg.messages['archived-dead'];
if sepc ~= "." then arch_text = arch_text:lower() end
if in_array (DeadURL, {'unfit', 'usurped', 'bot: unknown'}) then
Archived = sepc .. " " .. 'Archived from the original on ' .. ArchiveDate; -- format already styled
if 'bot: unknown' == DeadURL then
add_maint_cat ('bot:_unknown'); -- and add a category if not already added
add_maint_cat ('unfit'); -- and add a category if not already added
else -- DeadURL is empty, 'yes', 'true', or 'y'
Archived = sepc .. " " .. substitute( arch_text,
{ external_link( OriginalURL, cfg.messages['original'], OriginalURLorigin, OriginalAccess ) .. OriginalFormat, ArchiveDate } ); -- format already styled
Llinell 2,800 ⟶ 3,164:
if sepc == '.' then
Lay = sepc .. " " .. external_link( LayURL, cfg.messages['lay summary'], A:ORIGIN('LayURL'), nil ) .. LayFormat .. LaySource .. LayDate
Lay = sepc .. " " .. external_link( LayURL, cfg.messages['lay summary']:lower(), A:ORIGIN('LayURL'), nil ) .. LayFormat .. LaySource .. LayDate
elseif is_set (LayFormat) then -- Test if |lay-format= is given without giving a |lay-url=
Llinell 2,810 ⟶ 3,174:
if is_set(Transcript) then
if is_set(TranscriptURL) then
Transcript = external_link( TranscriptURL, Transcript, TranscriptURLorigin, nil );
Transcript = sepc .. ' ' .. Transcript .. TranscriptFormat;
elseif is_set(TranscriptURL) then
Transcript = external_link( TranscriptURL, nil, TranscriptURLorigin, nil );
local Publisher;
if is_set(PeriodicalPublicationDate) andthen
PublicationDate = wrap_msg ('published', PublicationDate);
not in_array(config.CitationClass, {"encyclopaedia","web","pressrelease","podcast"}) then
if is_set(PublisherName) then
if is_set(PublicationPlacePublisherName) then
Publisher =if is_set(PublicationPlace) .. ": " .. PublisherName;then
Publisher = sepc .. " " .. PublicationPlace .. ": " .. PublisherName .. PublicationDate;
Publisher = PublisherName;
Publisher = sepc .. " " .. PublisherName .. PublicationDate;
elseif is_set(PublicationPlace) then
Publisher= elseif is_set(PublicationPlace;) then
Publisher= sepc .. " " .. PublicationPlace .. PublicationDate;
Publisher = "";
Publisher = PublicationDate;
if is_set(PublicationDate) then
if is_set(Publisher) then
Publisher = Publisher .. ", " .. wrap_msg ('published', PublicationDate);
Publisher = PublicationDate;
if is_set(Publisher) then
Publisher = " (" .. Publisher .. ")";
if is_set(PublicationDate) then
PublicationDate = " (" .. wrap_msg ('published', PublicationDate) .. ")";
if is_set(PublisherName) then
if is_set(PublicationPlace) then
Publisher = sepc .. " " .. PublicationPlace .. ": " .. PublisherName .. PublicationDate;
Publisher = sepc .. " " .. PublisherName .. PublicationDate;
elseif is_set(PublicationPlace) then
Publisher= sepc .. " " .. PublicationPlace .. PublicationDate;
Publisher = PublicationDate;
Llinell 2,889 ⟶ 3,228:
if in_array(config.CitationClass, {"journal","citation"}) and is_set(Periodical) then
if is_set(Others) then Others = Others .. sepc .. " " end
if 'mla' == Mode then
tcommon = safe_join( {Others, Title, TitleNote, Conference, Periodical, Format, TitleType, Series,
tcommon = safe_join( {Conference, Periodical, Format, TitleType, Series, Language, Edition, Publisher, Agency, Volume}, sepc );
tcommon = safe_join( {Others, Title, TitleNote, Conference, Periodical, Format, TitleType, Series,
Language, Edition, Publisher, Agency, Volume}, sepc );
elseif in_array(config.CitationClass, {"book","citation"}) and not is_set(Periodical) then -- special cases for book cites
if is_set (Contributors) then -- when we are citing foreword, preface, introduction, etc
tcommon = safe_join( {Title, TitleNote}, sepc ); -- author and other stuff will come after this and before tcommon2
if 'mla' == Mode then
tcommon2 = safe_join( {Conference, Periodical, Format, TitleType, Series, Language, Volume, Others, Edition, Publisher, Agency}, sepc );
tcommon2 = safe_join( {Conference, Periodical, Format, TitleType, Series, Language, Volume, Edition, Publisher, Agency}, sepc );
tcommon2 = safe_join( {Conference, Periodical, Format, TitleType, Series, Language, Volume, Others, Edition, Publisher, Agency}, sepc );
elseif 'mla' == Mode then
tcommon = safe_join( {TitleNote, Conference, Periodical, Format, TitleType, Series, Language, Volume, Publisher, Agency}, sepc );
tcommon = safe_join( {Title, TitleNote, Conference, Periodical, Format, TitleType, Series, Language, Volume, Others, Edition, Publisher, Agency}, sepc );
Llinell 2,911 ⟶ 3,259:
elseif 'episode' == config.CitationClass then -- special case for cite episode
tcommon = safe_join( {Title, TitleNote, TitleType, Series, Transcript, Language, Edition, Publisher}, sepc );
elseif ('news' == config.CitationClass) and ('mla' == Mode) then -- special case for cite news in MLA mode
tcommon = safe_join( {Periodical, Format, TitleType, Series, Language, Edition, Agency}, sepc );
elseif ('web' == config.CitationClass) and ('mla' == Mode) then -- special case for cite web in MLA mode
tcommon = safe_join( {Periodical, Format, TitleType, Series, Language,
Edition, Publisher, Agency}, sepc );
else -- all other CS1 templates
tcommon = safe_join( {Title, TitleNote, Conference, Periodical, Format, TitleType, Series, Language,
Llinell 2,927 ⟶ 3,283:
if is_set(Date) then
if ('mla' == Mode) then
if is_set (Authors) or is_set (Editors) then -- date follows authors or editors when authors not set
if in_array (config.CitationClass, {'book', 'news', 'web'}) then
Date = ', ' .. Date; -- origyear follows title in mla
elseif 'journal' == config.CitationClass then
Date = ', (' .. Date .. ')';
elseif is_set (Authors) or is_set (Editors) then -- date follows authors or editors when authors not set
Date = " (" .. Date ..")" .. OrigYear .. sepc .. " "; -- in paranetheses
else -- neither of authors and editors set
Llinell 2,938 ⟶ 3,300:
if is_set(Authors) then
if (not is_set (Date)) or ('mla' == Mode) then -- when date is set it's in parentheses; no Authors termination
if is_set(Coauthors) then
if 'vanc' == NameListFormat then -- separate authors and coauthors with proper name-list-separator
Authors = Authors .. ', ' .. Coauthors;
Authors = Authors .. '; ' .. Coauthors;
if not is_set (Date) then -- when date is set it's in parentheses; no Authors termination
Authors = terminate_name_list (Authors, sepc); -- when no date, terminate with 0 or 1 sepc and a space
Llinell 2,951 ⟶ 3,306:
local in_text = " ";
local post_text = "";
if is_set(Chapter) and 0 == #c and 'mla' ~= Mode then
in_text = in_text .. cfg.messages['in'] .. " "
if (sepc ~= '.') then in_text = in_text:lower() end -- lowercase for cs2
elseif is_set(Chapter) and 'mla' == Mode then
if EditorCount <= 1 then
in_text = '. Ed. ';
in_text = '. Eds. ';
if EditorCount <= 1 then
Llinell 2,967 ⟶ 3,328:
if (sepc ~= '.') then by_text = by_text:lower() end -- lowercase for cs2
Authors = by_text .. Authors; -- author follows title so tweak it here
if is_set (Editors) and is_set (Date) and ('mla' ~= Mode) then -- when Editors make sure that Authors gets terminated
Authors = terminate_name_list (Authors, sepc); -- terminate with 0 or 1 sepc and a space
if (not is_set (Date)) or ('mla' == Mode) then -- when date is set it's in parentheses; no Contributors termination
Contributors = terminate_name_list (Contributors, sepc); -- terminate with 0 or 1 sepc and a space
if 'mla' == Mode then
text = safe_join( {Contributors, Date, Chapter, tcommon, Authors, Place, Editors, tcommon2, pgtext, idcommon }, sepc );
text = safe_join( {Contributors, Chapter, tcommon, OrigYear, Authors, Place, Others, Editors, tcommon2, Date, pgtext, idcommon }, sepc );
text = safe_join( {Contributors, Date, Chapter, tcommon, Authors, Place, Editors, tcommon2, pgtext, idcommon }, sepc );
elseif 'mla' == Mode then
tcommon = tcommon .. Date; -- hack to avoid duplicate separators
text = safe_join( {Authors, Chapter, Title, OrigYear, Others, Editors, Edition, Place, tcommon, pgtext, idcommon }, sepc );
text = safe_join( {Authors, Date, Chapter, Place, Editors, tcommon, pgtext, idcommon }, sepc );
Llinell 2,991 ⟶ 3,359:
if 'mla' == Mode then
text = safe_join( {Editors, Date, Chapter, Place, tcommon, pgtext, idcommon}, sepc );
if in_array(config.CitationClass, {'journal', 'news', 'web'}) and is_set(Periodical) then
text = safe_join( {Editors, Title, Place, tcommon, pgtext, Date, idcommon}, sepc );
text = safe_join( {Editors, Chapter, Title, Place, tcommon, Date, pgtext, idcommon}, sepc );
text = safe_join( {Editors, Date, Chapter, Place, tcommon, pgtext, idcommon}, sepc );
elseif 'mla' == Mode then
if in_array(config.CitationClass, {'journal', 'news', 'web'}) and is_set(Periodical) then
text = safe_join( {Title, Place, tcommon, pgtext, Date, idcommon}, sepc );
text = safe_join( {Chapter, Title, Place, tcommon, Date, pgtext, idcommon}, sepc );
if in_array(config.CitationClass==, {"journal","citation"}) and is_set(Periodical) then
text = safe_join( {Chapter, Place, tcommon, pgtext, Date, idcommon}, sepc );
Llinell 3,030 ⟶ 3,412:
namelist = e;
idif =#namelist anchor_id> (namelist,0 year);then -- goif makethere theare CITEREFnames anchorin namelist
id = anchor_id (namelist, year); -- go make the CITEREF anchor
id = ''; -- unset
end = id;
if string.len(text:gsub("<span[^>/]*>(.-)</span>", "%1"):gsub("%b<>","")) <= 2 then -- remove <span> tags and other html-like markup; then get length of what remains
z.error_categories = {};
text = set_error('empty_citation');
Llinell 3,063 ⟶ 3,449:
if #z.maintenance_cats ~= 0 then
text = text .. '<span class="citation-comment" style="display:none; color:#33aa33; margin-left:0.3em">';
for _, v in ipairs( z.maintenance_cats ) do -- append maintenance categories
text = text .. ' ' .. v .. ' ([[:Category:' .. v ..'|link]])';
text = text .. '</span>'; -- maintenance mesages (realy just the names of the categories for now)
Llinell 3,085 ⟶ 3,471:
return text
--[[--------------------------< C S 1 . C I T A T I O N >------------------------------------------------------
Llinell 3,093 ⟶ 3,480:
function cs1.citation(frame)
Frame = frame; -- save a copy incase we need to display an error message in preview mode
local pframe = frame:getParent()
local validation, utilities, identifiers, metadata;
Llinell 3,121 ⟶ 3,509:
year_date_check = validation.year_date_check;
reformat_dates = validation.reformat_dates;
date_hyphen_to_dash = validation.date_hyphen_to_dash;
is_set = utilities.is_set; -- imported functions from Module:Citation/CS1/Utilities
Llinell 3,135 ⟶ 3,524:
z = utilities.z; -- table of error and category tables in Module:Citation/CS1/Utilities
extract_ids = identifiers.extract_ids; -- imported functions from Module:Citation/CS1/UtilitiesIdentifiers
build_id_list = identifiers.build_id_list;
is_embargoed = identifiers.is_embargoed;
extract_id_access_levels = identifiers.extract_id_access_levels;
make_coins_title = metadata.make_coins_title; -- imported functions from Module:Citation/CS1/COinS
Llinell 3,143 ⟶ 3,533:
COinS = metadata.COinS;
local args = {}; -- table where we store all of the template's arguments
local suggestions = {}; -- table where we store suggestions if we need to loadData them
local args = {};
local suggestions = {};
local error_text, error_state;
local config = {}; -- table to store parameters from the module {{#invoke:}}
for k, v in pairs( frame.args ) do
config[k] = v;
-- args[k] = v; -- debug tool that allows us to render a citation from module {{#invoke:}}
args[k] = v;
Llinell 3,157 ⟶ 3,546:
for k, v in pairs( pframe.args ) do
if v ~= '' then
if not validate( k, config.CitationClass ) then
error_text = "";
if type( k ) ~= 'string' then
Llinell 3,164 ⟶ 3,553:
error_text, error_state = set_error( 'text_ignored', {v}, true );
elseif validate( k:lower(), config.CitationClass ) then
error_text, error_state = set_error( 'parameter_ignored_suggest', {k, k:lower()}, true );
Llinell 3,186 ⟶ 3,575:
error_text, error_state = set_error( 'parameter_ignored', {k}, true );
v = ''; -- unset value assigned to unrecognized parameters (this for the limited parameter lists)