Sgwrs Wicipedia:Polisïau a chanllawiau

Latest comment: 16 o flynyddoedd yn ôl by Lloffiwr in topic Copi o'r dudalen ar en 6.7.08

Oes tudalen yma yn angen cyfieithu?

Draig goch20 23:15, 21 Gorffennaf 2005 (UTC)Ateb

Copi o'r dudalen ar en 6.7.08


Fe ddilyn gopi o'r dudalen ar Wikipedia Saesneg i'w haddasu at ein dibenion ni. Fe gaiff ei chyfieithu a'i haddasu yma i'w drafod cyn ei drosglwyddo i'r dudalen ei hunan. Lloffiwr 20:00, 6 Gorffennaf 2008 (UTC)Ateb

Mae polisïau a chanllawiau wedi eu datblygu ar Wikipedia Saesneg i hyrwyddo creu gwyddoniadur rhad. Mae rhai polisïau a chanllawiau wedi eu haddasu at ddibenion Wicipedia Cymraeg neu wedi eu creu'n unswydd ar gyfer Wicipedia Cymraeg. Fe geir rhestr o'r rhain isod. Pan nad oes polisi neu ganllaw wedi ei ddatblygu'n unswydd ar Wicipedia yna gellir cymryd ein bod yn dilyn y polisi neu ganllaw sydd ar Wikipedia Saesneg. Os oes rhywun am greu polisi neu ganllaw newydd ar Wicipedia, neu addasu un arall o bolisïau a chanllawiau Wikipedia Saesneg i'r Wicipedia Cymraeg, yna dylid codi'r pwnc a'i drafod ar Y Caffi.

Mae polisïau a chanllawiau Wicipedia yn rhoi ar glawr y safonau y mae'r gymuned wedi cytuno arnynt. Mae'r polisïau yn gosod safonau y dylai pawb o'r defnyddwyr gadw atynt, ac mae'r canllawiau yn gosod safonau y'n cynghorir i'w dilyn. Ym mhob peth synnwyr cyffredin sy'n ben. Os gwnaiff defnyddiwr ymddwyn mewn ffordd sydd tu chwith i synnwyr y polisïau a'r canllawiau yna gall gael ei geryddi, hyd yn oed os nad ydy wedi torri llythyren unrhyw reol. Mae croeso i'r rhai hynny sy'n ddidwyll eu cyfraniad at Wicipedia, yn gwrtais, yn ceisio gweithio'n gytûn, ac yn ymroi at adeiladu gwyddoniadur gwerth chweil.

Rhestr polisïau


Rhestr canllawiau


Ffurfio polisi


Mae newidiadau mewn polisïau yn digwydd mewn tri modd:

  1. Cofnodi'r hyn sy'n digwydd yn barod a cheisio cytundeb bod y cofnod o'r polisi yn gywir ac yn gymeradwy.
  2. Cynnig newid yn yr arfer a cheisio cymeradwyaeth i weithredu'r newid.
  3. Datganiad gan Jimmy Wales, Bwrdd yr Ymddiriedolwyr, neu'r Datblygwyr, yn enwedig ar faterion yn ymwneud â hawlfraint, materion cyfreithiol, neu pwysau gwaith y gweinyddion.

Mewn gwirionedd y ffordd gyntaf yw'r un mwyaf tebygol o lwyddo. Anaml y bydd cynnig arfer newydd yn llwyddo. Mae Jimmy Wales a'r bwrdd wedi crybwyll bod yn well ganddynt weld y gymuned wici yn delio â'i pholisïau, ac anaml y byddant yn pennu polisi eu hunain.



Mae polisïau yn cael eu derbyn gan y mwyafrif llethol o'r golygyddion ac wedi eu gosod fel safon y dylai pob defnyddiwr lynu wrtho.



Mae canllawiau yn cynnwys argymhellion sydd i'w trin yn debycach i gyngor yn hytrach na safonau. Nid yw'r argymhellion ynddynt mor gryf ag ydynt mewn polisïau. Os am ddiwygio canllaw fel arfer ceir cynnig a thrafod ar dudalen sgwrs y canllaw, ond mae hefyd yn dderbyniol i ddiwygio canllaw yn uniongyrchol. Pe ddigwydd anghytundeb ynglŷn â geiriad addas mewn canllaw yna'r arfer yw trafod a cheisio adeiladu cydsyniad.

A naming convention or Manual of Style entry is a specific kind of guideline, related to proper naming, or the way articles should be written. Note that guidelines are subcategorized merely for convenience, and that there is no practical difference between several "kinds" of guidelines.



Gellir cynnig canllaw, polisi neu ddull gweithredu newydd. Cynigion a fyddant yn aros tra bod trafod arnynt yn parhau, hyd nes y daw hi'n glir a oes cydsyniad arno ai pheidio. Yn ystod y cyfnod hwn o fod â statws cynnig gellir diwygio geiriad y cynnig yn ogystal â'i drafod ar y dudalen sgwrs. Dylid tynnu sylw'r gymuned at y cynnig er mwyn sicrhau bod digon o drafod arno i allu adeiladu cydsyniad ar y cynnig. Gellir gweld y cynigion cyfredol dros bolisïau newydd ar ar Wicipedia ac ar en:Category:Wikipedia proposals ar Wikipedia.

  • Nid ar sail nifer yn pleidleisio drosto y mae penderfynu statws unrhyw gynnig. Ni ddylid hepgor trafod cynnig a chynnal pleidlais yn unig. Ni ellir ychwaith dweud bod cydsyniad wedi ei ennill dim ond ar sail canlyniad pleidlais.
  • Mae dull gweithredu hanesyddol yn cyfeirio at ddull gweithredu na ddefnyddir ragor. Gellir adfer tudalennau hanesyddol trwy eu hysbysebu.
  • A failed proposal (AKA:rejected) is one for which consensus for acceptance has not developed after a reasonable time period. Consensus need not be fully opposed; if consensus is neutral or unclear on the issue and unlikely to improve, the proposal has likewise failed. It is considered bad form to hide this fact, e.g. by removing the tag. Making small changes will not change this fact, nor will repetitive arguments. Generally it is wiser to rewrite a failed proposal from scratch and start in a different direction.

Other pages in Wikipedia namespace


Process pages


A process is a central and organized way of doing things, generally following certain policies or guidelines (e.g. the "deletion policy" tells us how the "deletion process" works). See WP:PPP for details.



A WikiProject is a group of people that edit articles related to a particular subject. WikiProjects often have pages that explain how that project works, and give best practices or recommendations for the articles within that project's scope. These documents may only represent a consensus of a small number of editors, and it should be clear from their names that they are parts of projects. They do not overrule policies or guidelines, though some are eventually considered guidelines after sufficient consensus has been reached.

Community pages


Certain pages exist to give members of the Wikipedia community an opportunity to raise and discuss issues, make suggestions and proposals, and draw other users' attention to discussions taking place elsewhere. Such pages include the village pump, the centralized discussions page, various requests for comments pages, and others.

Notice that specific feature requests and bug reports involving changes to the Wikipedia software (and thus requiring the attention of the developers) are filed not within Wikipedia itself, but at Bugzilla. Such requests may of course be the subject of discussion within the Wikipedia community, but it should never be assumed that a proposal will necessarily be implemented by the developers.

"How to" or help pages


A how-to or help page is any instructive page that tells people how to do things. These will of course be edited by people who have suggestions on how to do things differently. A how-to differs from a guideline in that the former explains how to perform a certain action, and the latter explains when or why certain actions are recommended.



Essays are pages reflecting the views of an editor or a group of editors. The term is used for many opinion pages that do not fall into other categories. Essays may become guidelines if they have sufficient support, although in practice this happens rarely.

Essays need not be proposed or advertised; you can simply write them, as long as you understand that you do not necessarily speak for the entire community. If you do not want other people to edit your essay, put it in your userspace.

How are policies enforced?


You are a Wikipedia editor. Since Wikipedia has no editor-in-chief or top-down article approval mechanism, active participants make copyedits and corrections to the format and content problems they see. So the participants are both writers and editors.

Individual users thus enforce most of the policies and guidelines by editing pages, and discussing matters with each other. Some policies, such as vandalism, are enforced by administrators by blocking users. In extreme cases the Arbitration Committee has the power to deal with highly disruptive situations, as part of the general dispute resolution procedure.

Some features of the software which could potentially be misused, such as deleting pages and locking pages from editing, are restricted to administrators, who are experienced and trusted members of the community. See the administrators' reading list for further information.

Other essays and discussions about Wikipedia


Gweler hefyd


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