Sgwrs:Rhestr o gopaon dros 610m (2,000 troedfedd) yn yr Alban

Latest comment: 12 o flynyddoedd yn ôl by RobinLeicester in topic Teitl



Mae angen diwygio hyn - yn amlwg dydy'r "Grahams" ddim yn cynnwys pob copa dros 610m neu mi fyddai'n cynnwys y Munros hefyd. Dwi wedi clywed am Corbetts a Hewitts ond dwi ddim yn gyfarwydd gyda'r "Grahams" - be ydy'r diffiniad? Fyddai rhywbeth fel 'Rhestr o gopaon 610–xxxm yr Alban' yn well efallai? Oes 'na restr debyg ar en? Dwi'n debyg o fod yn brysur gyda'r argyfwng dychrynllyd yn Tunisia o hyd dros y dyddiau nesa (dim yma yn unig...) ond dof yn ôl at hyn pan gaf y cyfle. Anatiomaros 16:59, 15 Ionawr 2011 (UTC)Ateb

Wrth gwrs, mae'n bosibl rhestru'r math o gopa'n llawn e.e. "copaon sydd wedi'u rhestru fel Graham (609.6 i 761.9m), Corbett (762.0 i 914.3m) a'r Munro sef copaon dros 914.4m." Ond fy mwriad oedd rhoi'r wybodaeth honno yn nes ymlaen. Gellir categoreiddio'r copaon o dan yr isbenawdau hyn. Mi wna i hynny rwan. Ynglyn a'th gwestiwn am Wiki, na tydyn nhw ddim mor fanwl a hynny, eto. Ond tydy hynny ddim ots. Sylwa hefyd, mai "copaon sydd wedi'u rhestru fel Graham neu uwch" wnes i sgwennu, "neu uwch": hy Corbett neu Munro.
Ysywaeth, fedra i ddim symud ymlaen heb gaboli'r Nodyn:Mynydd a mi rydan ni'n methu a chael hwnnw i weithio ar draws yr amrywiaeth eang o gopaon a gwledydd e.e. efo Cyfeirnodau OS gwahanol. Diolch am dy sylwadau. Llywelyn2000 22:36, 15 Ionawr 2011 (UTC)Ateb
I symud ymlaen, dw i am ddefnyddio Nodyn:Mynydd2 ar gyfer mynyddoedd gwledydd Prydain, os nad oes gwrthwynebiad. Llywelyn2000 06:14, 23 Ionawr 2011 (UTC)Ateb
Hi Llywelyn. There will be the same overflow problems here as with welsh ones if we include coords for all of these. There are over 600 on 1-4. Should they be split to make 1-2 and 3-4?, and then potentially similar for the other pages I have not looked at them yet. It all comes down to whether you want geohack/geogroup available. This first load are all ready to go, so if you wanted to create pages and add the relevant headings, I can add the tables. I will email you the location maps as I go (I am not getting them to work on cy). RobinLeicester (sgwrs) 01:20, 13 Mawrth 2012 (UTC)Ateb
I have finally got round to completing the tables, and will get the maps to you as soon as I can. Sorry things have slowed. You may notice I have added a switch into the Mynydd2 template, to show Cymru or Alban map as appropriate - provided Gwlad entry has been consistent. It is easy to add additional options (and also varients) on the same switch. It would then notbe hard to turn them into LocationMap items with a dot - once the Lat and Long are included. I saw your enquiry about that. Is there any good way forward with a bot? Can something extract coord data from the Lists, and apply it to to pages? If required I could add the relevant fields to Mynydd2, and supply all the coord lines that will need to be added, but wouldn't have time/endurance to do the pasting in. If there is data that would be helpful, let me know. Diolch. RobinLeicester (sgwrs) 00:04, 22 Mai 2012 (UTC)Ateb
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