Croeso! A diolch am dy gyfraniadau! Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 15:48, 30 Gorffennaf 2016 (UTC)Ateb

Dw i am newid ychydig gyda AWB / Defnyddiwr:BOT-Twm Crys:
  1. ychwanegu [[Categori:Pêl-droedwyr o Japan]]
  2. ychwanegu: {{Rheoli awdurdod}} rhag ofn iddyn nhw ymddangos yng Nghofnodion llyfrgelloedd y byd
  3. cyfieithu'r dolennau allanol i: 'Tîm Pêl-droed Cenedlaethol Japan' a 'Timau Pêl-droed Cenedlaethol'
gan obeithio fod hyn yn iawn gen ti.
Awgrym y tro nesaf: beth am ychwanegu ail / trydydd brawddeg (i wella 'dyfnder' yr erthyglau) ee Cafodd ei eni yn XXX a chwaraeodd X gwaith dros ei wlad. Oes gen ti dimau eraill? Dw i'n dechrau cyffroi! Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 17:58, 30 Gorffennaf 2016 (UTC)Ateb
Hello, Okay. --Japan Football (sgwrs) 05:33, 31 Gorffennaf 2016 (UTC)Ateb
1 gwaith = unwaith
2 gwaith = dwywaith
3 gwaith - deirgwaith
leave the rest as they are ie 43 gwaith - 43 gwaith. Bril! Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 05:00, 4 Awst 2016 (UTC)Ateb
PS I had to do it by hand (rather than bot) as awb replaces 'x1 gwaith' to '3unwaith gwaith' dros ei wlad etc. No probs, though. Any databases of women athletes etc? We need to keep the gender balance where possible. Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 05:00, 4 Awst 2016 (UTC)Ateb
Okay, Thank you. --Japan Football (sgwrs) 08:33, 4 Awst 2016 (UTC)Ateb

New articles on Brasilian Footballers


It's great to have you back! Can you tell me how many articles are you going to create? We're the only language with more articles on women than we have on men. Can you create articles on women too? Thanks. Secondly, you can copy/paste the infobox from enwiki - there's more info than on yours. It will translate itself. Defnyddiwr:Llywelyn2000

I want to create footballers who played for Tîm pêl-droed cenedlaethol Japan and Japanese League club. I want to create about 100 articles after this. --Japan Football (sgwrs) 14:02, 12 Ionawr 2017 (UTC)Ateb
Thanks. At least we know your agenda. Please discuss if you have any other thoughts - especially on articles on women athletes etc. Ti'n siarad Cymraeg? Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 16:24, 12 Ionawr 2017 (UTC)Ateb
I will not create female footballers. I do not speak Welsh language. --Japan Football (sgwrs) 10:16, 13 Ionawr 2017 (UTC)Ateb