

I don't really understand why my edit was reverted and the 'N, S, E and W' subdivisions put back in. The Yorkshire discussed in the article is not divided into four; it's divided into the wapentakes and ridings I wrote down. Modern Yorkshire, post-1974, is divided into four and is not the same thing as what this article is about. I have no doubt whoever decided to change it back will endeavour to do so again so here are two images highlighting the differences:

Post 1974 Yorkshire: https://image.shutterstock.com/z/stock-vector-modern-map-yorkshire-and-the-humber-uk-221084707.jpg

Pre-1974 Yorkshire: http://www.yorkshireridings.org/files/ABC_Yorkshire_Map_v1-2.png

Basically, because of poor Welsh! Nothing to do with the information. Those two images are interesting. Are there equivelant on Commons? I've done some work on the article during my dinner break, and I'll do a bit more later. Thanks! Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 13:37, 13 Chwefror 2017 (UTC)Ateb
Thank you. You know what? I wrote it all myself and decided I'd let my partner (a native Welsh speaker; I'm L2) proof read it and she changed the whole thing. I decided she must be right and the regret is strong now! Diolch yn fawr iawn. Byddai'n edrych am y llunia yn y Commons pan dwi'n gallu.--YorkshireNation (sgwrs) 14:11, 13 Chwefror 2017 (UTC)Ateb
Paid dweud wrthi! We've got the 3 part image, it's in the enwiki infobox; but not the 4 part. Getting there! Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 14:30, 13 Chwefror 2017 (UTC)Ateb