Sgwrs Wicipedia:Gwahaniaethu

Latest comment: 10 o flynyddoedd yn ôl by Anatiomaros in topic Ailwampio

Emphasising most common meaning?


Often there is a disambig page with one meaning which is substantially more common than the others, possibly out of a long list. In that case:

  1. is it appropriate to emphasise that one link somehow?
  2. if so, then what is the best style for doing so?

Specifically, I put a link in bold type here but it didn't meet with approval.

Thanks. Luke 12:07, 15 Chwefror 2010 (UTC)Ateb



Dw i 'di ailwampio'r canllaw hwn; mae croseo i chi ailwampio'r ailwampiad wrth gwrs! Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 10:06, 17 Ionawr 2014 (UTC)Ateb

Mae hynny'n welliant. Diolch. Mae angen rhagor o esboniad, gan gynnwys efallai peidio symud tudalen bwysig sydd wedi bod yma ers hydoedd heb ofyn barn cyfranwyr eraill yn gyntaf efallai, a chwaneg o engreifftiau, e.e. pobl, pethau ayyb, dwi'n meddwl - ond dim heno! Anatiomaros (sgwrs) 23:52, 17 Ionawr 2014 (UTC)Ateb
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