Angen gwirio cyfraniadau


Diolch am dy gyfraniadau, ond rwyt ti wedi bod yn rhoi nifer o gamgymeriadau yn dy erthyglau (cenedligrwydd anghywir, labelu actorion arferol yn ddigrifwyr), felly mae angen gwirio dy waith yn y dyfodol. —Adam (sgwrscyfraniadau) 21:26, 5 Mai 2012 (UTC)Ateb

please reference your articles withat least ONE ref


You have written quite a few stubs lately; great stuff. However, please refernce the articles. All you have to do is:

1. Copy and paste the English (or any other language) references into Wiki-cy.
2. Copy and paste our reflist, which is:

Articles which do NOT have references on Wiki-en are automatically deleted. Diolch! Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 07:35, 14 Mai 2012 (UTC)Ateb

Mistakes in articles


I left you a message a few months ago (above) about mistakes in your biography articles. Almost all your articles say: "Actor a digrifwr Americanaidd yw...". However, some aren't actors, some aren't comedians, some aren't American, and some aren't even "yw", i.e. they're no longer alive. You even claim in some articles that the subjects are dwarves, but as far as I can tell the only individuals for whom this is true are Verne Troyer and Warwick Davis. You need to make sure your articles are accurate in future, or this may be seen as disruptive editing. You've created a large number of articles that now need to be checked by other users. —Adam (sgwrscyfraniadau) 20:18, 15 Medi 2012 (UTC)Ateb



Page Modiwl:Message box/tmbox.css has no content.

I've given you a two-week block since you have ignored admin messages and have continued to create articles without sources and with incorrect information. —Adam (sgwrscyfraniadau) 05:58, 17 Medi 2012 (UTC)Ateb

Page Modiwl:Message box/tmbox.css has no content.

You disregards every warning. One month block as from today.
Rwyt yn anwybyddu pob rhybudd. Ataliwyd dy alluoedd am gyfnod o fis. Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 07:17, 25 Medi 2012 (UTC)Ateb

Page Modiwl:Message box/tmbox.css has no content.

Since you've failed to respond to messages on your talk page, and have continued to create stubs with mistakes in them, I had no option but to block you indefinitely. —Adam (sgwrscyfraniadau) 02:11, 31 Hydref 2012 (UTC)Ateb

Dyma dudalen sgwrs ar gyfer defnyddiwr anhysbys sydd heb greu cyfrif eto, neu nad yw'n ei ddefnyddio. Felly mae'n rhaid inni ddefnyddio'r cyfeiriad IP i'w adnabod. Mae cyfeiriadau IP yn gallu cael eu rhannu rhwng nifer o ddefnyddwyr. Os ydych chi'n ddefnyddiwr anhysbys ac yn teimlo'ch bod wedi derbyn sylwadau amherthnasol, crëwch gyfrif neu mewngofnodwch i osgoi cael eich drysu gyda defnyddwyr anhysbys eraill o hyn ymlaen.