S'mae, a chroeso i wicipedia. Diolch am eich erthygl newydd Cymdeithas y Cymod, ond mae'n ymddangos i mi bod problemau posibl o hawlfraint gyda'r testun. Allech chi weld y sgwrs amdano ar Sgwrs:Cymdeithas y Cymod os gwelwch yn dda. Diolch. Alan 10:18, 28 Hydref 2008 (UTC)Ateb

Diolch am eich e-bost. Maddewch i mi ateb yn Saesneg os gwelwch yn dda. Please accept apologies for any inconvenience that may have been caused by my contacting the Fellowship to check that the statement was authentic, and sorry if I appeared to you to be playing games. However you will appreciate that unfortunately anyone can claim to be more or less anyone online, and I was only wanting to safeguard the best interests of your Fellowship by trying to make sure that the contents of your website were only copied here if you authorised it. The email address you use on Wikipedia does not match anything I could find on the web page of the Fellowship, so I thought it safest to double-check. Many thanks for your response. Best wishes, Alan 15:53, 28 Hydref 2008 (UTC)Ateb

Bydd eich cyfri'n cael ei ailenwi


22:30, 17 Mawrth 2015 (UTC)



03:21, 19 Ebrill 2015 (UTC)