Shwmae, Dysgwr! Croeso mawr i Wicipedia — y gwyddoniadur rhydd. Message in English | Message en français
Diolch am ymuno â Wicipedia ac am eich cyfraniadau diweddaraf — fe obeithiwn y byddwch yn mwynhau cyfrannu yma.
Prosiect amlieithog i greu gwyddoniadur rhydd yw Wicipedia. Fe sefydlwyd y fersiwn gwreiddiol yn Saesneg yn 2001, a'r fersiwn Cymraeg yn 2003, a bellach mae 280,802 erthygl gennym. Rhowch gynnig ar y dolenni defnyddiol isod, a dysgu sut gallwch chi olygu unrhyw erthygl o ganlyniad. A chofiwch — dyfal donc a dyr y garreg.
Y Caffi
Tudalen i ofyn cwestiynau ynglŷn â Wicipedia.
Cymorth ynglŷn â defnyddio Wicipedia.
Porth y Gymuned
Gwelwch beth sy'n mynd ymlaen a beth
sydd angen gwneud yma.
Golygu ac Arddull
Sut i olygu erthygl ac arddull erthyglau.
Y rheolau hawlfraint yma.
Cymorth iaith
Cymorth gyda'r iaith Gymraeg.
Polisïau a Chanllawiau
Rheolau a safonau a dderbynnir gan y gymuned.
Cwestiynau Cyffredin
Y cwestiynau cyffredin a ofynnir gan ddefnyddwyr.
Tiwtorial a'r Ddesg Gyfeirio
Dysgu sut i olygu cam wrth gam gyda'r Tiwtorial,
a chyflwynwch eich cwestiynau wrth y Ddesg Gyfeirio.
Y Pum Colofn
Egwyddorion sylfaenol y prosiect.

Dyma eich tudalen sgwrs lle gallwch dderbyn negeseuon gan Wicipedwyr eraill. I adael neges i Wicipedwr arall, dylech ysgrifennu ar dudalen sgwrs y defnyddiwr gan glicio ar y cysylltiad iddi, ac wedyn clicio ar y tab "sgwrs".

Ar ddiwedd y neges mewn tudalennau sgwrs (fel yr un yma), gadewch ~~~~, a bydd y cod yma yn gadael stamp eich enw ac amser gadael y neges. Os ydych am gael cymorth gan weinyddwyr, rhowch y nodyn {{Atsylwgweinyddwr}} ar eich tudalen sgwrs.

Fe obeithiwn y byddwch yn mwynhau cyfrannu yma,
Y Wicipedia Cymraeg

Cofion cynnes,

--Ben Bore 09:27, 3 Mawrth 2010 (UTC)Ateb

Parthed cod Cymraeg/Saesneg, does dim ots gyda rhai (File, redirect aayb) ond mae ots gyda eraill. Dw i ddim yn siwr os oes tudalen yn dangos pa rai, sori.--Ben Bore 09:27, 3 Mawrth 2010 (UTC)Ateb

Diolch. Os rydw i'n gweld enghraifftau Cymraeg rydw i'n gallu copio nhw. Bydda i defnyddio Saesneg am y geiriau arall. Os dydy rhwybeth ddim yn gweithio, rydw i'n edrych yn y geiriadur. Dysgwr 09:34, 3 Mawrth 2010 (UTC)Ateb



I would like to welcome you to Wicipedia. However, with the greatest respect, can I please enquire why you write "Dydy hi ddim gallu i mi newid erthyglau, dydy fy Gymraeg ddim yn dda digon" on your page, and then proceed to edit articles anyway? Forgive me for saying this, but it does appear a little inconsistent. Kindest regards, Y ddraig felen 22:00, 3 Mawrth 2010 (UTC)Ateb

I take your point, and thanks for your concern. But I do think that there is a distinction here. I was talking about changing existing articles. Presumably if an article already exists, then it will spoil it to have a learner come along and edit it (except for things like adding images). But if there is no existing article on a subject, then can I not at least assume that an article started by a learner (which is what I did) is better than no article at all? Once someone has improved the language, I can then leave it well alone. Dysgwr 22:39, 3 Mawrth 2010 (UTC)Ateb
Sorry, no, I don't think you can reasonably assume that. I sympathise to some extent as I am a learner myself. However, there have to be certain basic standards, and with respect, your Welsh does seem to be rather "entry-level", and so the article on James Bulger really wasn't very readable until another user revised it extensively. (I was hoping that one of the more experienced users might be able to say the same thing a little more tactfully, but unfortunately they seem to be otherwise occupied at the moment.) I see that you are living in England, so you have done very well to reach the level you have, as there is doubtless not much opportunity to practise. But you really can't treat editing Wikipedia as a way to reach that basic standard, you have to first do so by some other means, and I can't really see any way for you to do that other than coming and living in Wales for a bit. (I would recommend North Wales, as your chance of learning much Welsh in the South is only marginally better than in England. But I'd better not push that particular point in case I get into more trouble, as there are some people here closely monitoring what I write.) (unsigned comment by Defnyddiwr:Y ddraig felen)
There is no minimum standard for editing. I think the above comments are a little harsh so please do not be discouraged. I'm sure other editors will be happy to correct your edits if need be. Everyone has to start somewhere, the more you edit the more you will learn (just like being corrected by a teacher!). I think it helps if editors aren't overambitious with what they're trying to write otherwise it can end up rather like gobbledygook and difficult for others to decipher and correct, but I haven't seen any evidence to show that you have been guilty of this. Thaf 17:00, 4 Mawrth 2010 (UTC)Ateb
Thanks for the encouragment. Dysgwr 17:09, 4 Mawrth 2010 (UTC)Ateb
I also agree with Thaf. See my comments in the Y Caffi. Rhodri77



The comment I deleted doesn't really translate, as it's a pun which doesn't work in English. "Trowch y foch arall" is "Turn the other cheek", bur "foch" is also a mutation of "moch" (pigs); so "Turn the other cheek even if the other user is a pig". I don't think it was aimed at anybody in particular. Rhion 07:07, 5 Mawrth 2010 (UTC)Ateb

Enw lleodd yn Lloegr


Mae nifer o leodd yn Loegr gyda enwau Cymraeg, yn arbennig os ydynt yn agos i'r ffin neu yn yr Hen Ogledd. Mae rhestr defnyddiol, ond anghyflawn (incomplete) ar y Wikipedia Saeseng o'r enw Welsh exonyms - rhywbeth i fi ychwanegu ato yn y dyfodol, ac hefyd mae Swyddi seremonïol Lloegr ynw dangos pa siroedd sydd ag enwau Cymraeg. Hefyd, os nad yw'r enw yn un Cymraeg, does dim eisiau ei dreiglo.--Ben Bore 14:04, 5 Mawrth 2010 (UTC)Ateb

Diolch am y cyngor. Mae'r rhestrau yn edrych defnyddiol. Dysgwr 14:41, 5 Mawrth 2010 (UTC)Ateb



Very sorry that I made bad articles to make fun of you - that was very nasty of me. Good luck with the Welsh. Y ddraig felen 22:25, 5 Mawrth 2010 (UTC)Ateb

Okay thanks. Dysgwr 09:17, 6 Mawrth 2010 (UTC)Ateb