Gwleidydd, darlledwr ac awdur yw George Galloway (ganwyd 16 Awst 1954) a fu'n Aelod Seneddol o 1987 hyd at 2010, o 2012 hyd 2015 ac er Mawrth 2024. Daeth i amlygrwydd oherwydd ei ddaliadau cryf yn erbyn rhyfel, yn enwedig "Ymosodiad Israel ar Lain Gaza 2008–2009" yn erbyn y Palesteiniaid ac yn erbyn yr ymosodiad ar Irac.[1] Cafodd ei ddiarddel gan y Blaid Lafur yn Hydref 2003.[2] a sefydlu plaid newydd o'r enw Respect.

George Galloway
Ganwyd16 Awst 1954 Edit this on Wikidata
Dundee Edit this on Wikidata
Man preswylLlundain Edit this on Wikidata
DinasyddiaethYr Alban, y Deyrnas Unedig, Gweriniaeth Iwerddon Edit this on Wikidata
Alma mater
  • Harris Academy Edit this on Wikidata
Galwedigaethgwleidydd, colofnydd, ysgrifennwr gwleidyddol, cyflwynydd radio, cyflwynydd teledu, propagandydd Edit this on Wikidata
SwyddAelod o Senedd 55 y Deyrnas Unedig, Aelod o 54ain Senedd y Deyrnas Unedig, Aelod o 53ain Senedd y Deyrnas Unedig, Aelod o 53ain Senedd y Deyrnas Unedig, Aelod o 52ain Senedd y Deyrnas Unedig, Aelod o 51ain Senedd y Deyrnas Unedig, Aelod o 50fed Llywodraeth y DU, Aelod o 53ain Senedd y Deyrnas Unedig, Aelod o 58ain Senedd y Deyrnas Unedig Edit this on Wikidata
Plaid WleidyddolRespect Party, y Blaid Lafur, Workers Party of Britain Edit this on Wikidata
Gwefan Edit this on Wikidata

Areithiodd o flaen Arlywydd Irac, sef Saddam Hussein, a dywed rhai iddo frolio'r Arlywydd, [3] er fod Galloway ei hun wastad mynnu nad oedd yn cytuno gydag Irac tan 1991 (Rhyfel y Gwlff). Bu o flaen Senedd yr Unol Daleithiau yn 2005 gan ateb llawer o gyhuddiadau gan y Seneddwyr.[4]

Ym Mawrth 2012 cafodd ei ethol yn Aelod Seneddol dros Gorllewin Bradford,[5][6] ac ym Mawrth 2024 cafodd ei ethol yn Aelod Seneddol dros Rochdale.

Blair a Bush


Ar 30 Mehefin 2003 ymddiheurodd Galloway am alw George W. Bush yn "flaidd". Ychwanegodd fod dweud hynny yn sarhau bleidiaid:

No wolf would commit the sort of crimes against humanity that George Bush committed against the people of Iraq.

Ar 20 Tachwedd 2004 rhoddodd gyfweliad ar Abu Dhabi TV a dywedodd:[7]

The people who invaded and destroyed Iraq and have murdered more than a million Iraqi people by sanctions and war will burn in Hell in the hell-fires, and their name in history will be branded as killers and war criminals for all time. Fallujah is a Guernica, Falluaja is a Stalingrad, and Iraq is in flames as a result of the actions of these criminals. Not the resistance, not anybody else but these criminals who invaded and fell like wolves upon the people of Iraq. And by the way, those Arab regimes which helped them to do it will burn in the same hell-fires.

Lambastiodd y ddau arweinydd hyn ar 20 Mehefin 2005 ar Al Jazeera:

Bush, and Blair, and the Prime Minister of Japan, and Silvio Berlusconi, these people are criminals, and they are responsible for mass murder in the world, for the war, and for the occupation, through their support for Israel, and through their support for a globalised capitalist economic system, which is the biggest killer the world has ever known. It has killed far more people than Adolf Hitler. It has killed far more people than George Bush. The economic system which these people support, which leaves most of the people in the world hungry, and without clean water to drink. So we're going to put them on trial, the leaders, when they come. They think they're coming for a holiday in a beautiful country called Scotland; in fact, they're coming to their trial....Ancient freedoms, which we had for hundreds of years, are being taken away from us under the name of the war on terror, when the real big terrorists are the governments of Britain and the United States. They are the real rogue states breaking international law, invading other people's countries, killing their children in the name of anti-terrorism, when in fact, all they're achieving is to make more terrorists in the world, not less, to make the world more dangerous, rather than less.

Mewn cyfweliad gyda Piers Morgan i'r cylchgrawn 'GQ Magazine' ym mis Mai 2006, gofynnwyd i Galloway a ellid cyfiawnhau lladd Tony Blair gan fom terfysgwr, pe na bai neb arall yn cael ei frifo fel dial am Ryfel Irac? Atebodd Galloway:

Yes it would be morally justified. I am not calling for it, but if it happened it would be of a wholly different moral order to the events of 7/7. It would be entirely logical and explicable, and morally equivalent to ordering the deaths of thousands of innocent people in Iraq as Blair did.


  1. "Galloway to speak out on Gaza war"
  2. "Galloway expelled by Labour". Adalwyd ar 04-01-2010
  3. "Profile of George Galloway", BBC News, 22 Ebrill 2003. Adalwyd ar 8 Medi 2007.
  4. "Galloway defends himself at US Senate; World news; Guardian; 2005-05-17. Adalwyd ar 09-01-2010
  5. "Poplar & Limehouse: Constituency". The Daily Telegraph. London. Unknown parameter |dyddiad= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |adalwyd= ignored (help)[dolen marw]
  6. "Glasgow region round-up: Galloway misses out". Archifwyd o'r gwreiddiol ar 2011-11-06. Cyrchwyd 2012-03-31. Unknown parameter |lleoliad= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |dyddiad= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |cyhoeddwr= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |adalwyd= ignored (help)
  7. "British MP George Galloway on Al-Jazeera: Calls for Bush, Blair, Koizumi, and Berlusconi to Stand Trial". Adalwyd 08-06-2005

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