multi-paradigm (object-oriented) programming language
enghraifft o'r canlynol
rhan o'r canlynol
delwedd logo
ffeil sain o'r ynganiad
iaith y gwaith neu'r enw: Ffrangeg
ceir argraffiad(au)
dylanwadwyd gan
programming paradigm
source code repository URL
ynghyd â'r canlynol: Visual Basic .NET
version control system: Git
nodwedd o'r endid: reference implementation
swyddogaeth y gwrthrych: implementation of a programming language
web interface software: GitHub
yn briodol i'r rhan: .NET Compiler Platform
issue tracker URL
iaith y gwaith neu'r enw: Saesneg
dyddiad neu amser cychwyn: Chwefror 2017
peiriant meddalwedd: GitHub Issues
software version identifier
gwefan swyddogol
iaith y gwaith neu'r enw: Saesneg America
teitl: C# docs - get started, tutorials, reference. | Microsoft Docs
iaith y gwaith neu'r enw: Almaeneg
teitl: C#-Dokumentation: Einstieg, Tutorials, Referenz. | Microsoft Docs
iaith y gwaith neu'r enw: Japaneg
teitl: C# 関連のドキュメント - はじめに、チュートリアル、リファレンス。 | Microsoft Docs
iaith y gwaith neu'r enw: Ffrangeg
teitl: Documentation C# – Démarrage, tutoriels et informations de référence | Microsoft Docs
iaith y gwaith neu'r enw: Eidaleg
teitl: Documentazione di C# - Guide introduttive, esercitazioni e informazioni di riferimento. | Microsoft Docs
cyhoeddwr: Microsoft
disgrifiwyd gan y ffynhonnell
typing discipline
file extension
Stack Exchange tag
iaith y gwaith neu'r enw: Saesneg
iaith y gwaith neu'r enw: Japaneg
iaith y gwaith neu'r enw: Sbaeneg
iaith y gwaith neu'r enw: Rwseg
iaith y gwaith neu'r enw: Portiwgaleg
categori Comin
prif gategori
- ↑ Freebase Data Dumps, 28 Hydref 2013
- ↑ Regional Database of the Central Bohemian Research Library in Kladno, https://ipac.svkkl.cz/arl-kl/cs/detail-kl_us_auth-0240000-C-programovaci-jazyk, 22 Mawrth 2021, 0240000-C-programovaci-jazyk
- ↑ YSO-Wikidata mapping project
- ↑ Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Israel
- ↑ http://jameskovacs.com/2007/09/07/cnet-history-lesson/
- ↑ https://www.computerworld.com.au/article/261958/a-z_programming_languages_c_/?pp=2, 23 Gorffennaf 2017, So the naming committee had to get to work and we sort of liked the notion of having an inherent reference to C in there, and a little word play on C++, as you can sort of view the sharp sign as four pluses, so it’s C++++. And the musical aspect was interesting too. So C# it was, and I’ve actually been really happy with that name. It’s served us well., The A-Z of Programming Languages: C# - Computerworld
- ↑ https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/17054, Proposal: Move C# and VB language design discussions to their new GitHub repos · Issue #17054 · dotnet/roslyn, 23 Hydref 2022
- ↑ https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/18002, [Meta Discussion] Moving Language Design issues out of this repo · Issue #18002 · dotnet/roslyn, 23 Hydref 2022
- ↑ https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/announcing-dotnet-9/
- ↑ https://learn.microsoft.com/en-gb/dotnet/csharp/whats-new/csharp-13