T. S. Eliot

bardd Prydeinig a aned yn UDA (1888-1965)

Bardd, dramodydd a beirniad llenyddol oedd Thomas Stearns Eliot, OM (26 Medi 18884 Ionawr 1965). Derbyniodd Wobr Lenyddol Nobel yn 1948. Ysgrifennodd y cerddi The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, The Waste Land, The Hollow Men, Ash Wednesday, a Four Quartets; y dramâu Murder in the Cathedral a The Cocktail Party; a'r traethawd Tradition and the Individual Talent. Ganwyd Eliot yn yr Unol Daleithiau, ond symudodd i Loegr yn 1914 (yn 25 oed), a daeth yn ddinesydd Prydeinig yn 1927, yn 39 oed.

T. S. Eliot
GanwydThomas Stearns Eliot Edit this on Wikidata
26 Medi 1888 Edit this on Wikidata
St. Louis Edit this on Wikidata
Bu farw4 Ionawr 1965 Edit this on Wikidata
o emffysema ysgyfeiniol Edit this on Wikidata
Kensington, Llundain Edit this on Wikidata
Man preswylMissouri, St. Louis, Ash Street Edit this on Wikidata
DinasyddiaethBaner UDA UDA
AddysgDoctor of Sciences Edit this on Wikidata
Alma mater
Galwedigaethdramodydd, bardd, awdur ysgrifau, beirniad llenyddol, beirniad cymdeithasol, awdur storiau byrion, academydd, sgriptiwr, awdur geiriau, awdur plant, newyddiadurwr, critig, llenor, Nobel Prize winner Edit this on Wikidata
Adnabyddus amThe Waste Land, Four Quartets Edit this on Wikidata
Arddullbarddoniaeth, beirniadaeth lenyddol Edit this on Wikidata
Prif ddylanwadDante Alighieri, Kyriakos Charalambides, John Donne, Alfred, Arglwydd Tennyson, James George Frazer, Fyrsil, John Ruskin, Ezra Pound, G. K. Chesterton, Matthew Arnold, Robert Browning, Samuel Johnson, Paul Valéry, F. H. Bradley, Jules Laforgue, Charles Maurras, Evelyn Underhill, Richard Crashaw, William Butler Yeats, Charles Baudelaire, William Shakespeare, John Milton, Homeros, Charles Dickens, Walt Whitman, Stéphane Mallarmé, Joseph Conrad, Immanuel Kant, F. Scott Fitzgerald Edit this on Wikidata
Mudiadllenyddiaeth fodernaidd Edit this on Wikidata
TadHenry Ware Eliot Edit this on Wikidata
MamCharlotte Champe Stearns Edit this on Wikidata
PriodVivienne Haigh-Wood Eliot, Valerie Eliot Edit this on Wikidata
Gwobr/auGwobr Lenyddol Nobel, Urdd Teilyngdod am Wyddoniaeth a Chelf, doethor anrhydeddus o Brifysgol Paris, Medal Emerson-Thoreau, Medal Rhyddid yr Arlywydd, Laurence Olivier Award for Best New Musical, Tony Award for Best Original Score, Tony Award for Best Book of a Musical, Officier de la Légion d'honneur, Urdd Teilyngdod, Commandeur des Arts et des Lettres‎, Q126658920 Edit this on Wikidata



Gwaith cynnar

  • Rhyddiaith
    • "The Birds of Prey" (Stori fer; 1905)[1]
    • "A Tale of a Whale" (Stori fer; 1905)
    • "The Man Who Was King" (Stori fer; 1905)[2]
    • [A review of] "The Wine and the Puritans" (1909)
    • "The Point of View" (1909)
    • "Gentlemen and Seamen" (1909)
    • [A review of] "Egoist" (1909)
  • Barddoniaeth
    • "A Fable for Feasters" (1905)
    • "[A Lyric:]'If Time and Space as Sages say'" (1905)
    • "[At Graduation 1905]" (1905)
    • "Song:'If space and time,as sages say'" (1907)
    • "Before Morning" (1908)
    • "Circe's Palace" (1908)
    • "Song: 'When we came home across the hill'" (1909)
    • "On a Portrait" (1909)
    • "Nocturne" (1909)
    • "Humoresque" (1910)
    • "Spleen" (1910)
    • "Class Ode" (1910)


  • R. Gerallt Jones, Eliot, Y Meddwl Modern (Gwasg Gee, 1982)


  1. The three short stories published in the Smith Academy Record (1905) have never been recollected in any form and have virtually been neglected.
  2. As for a comparative study of this short story and Rudyard Kipling's "The Man Who Would Be King", see Tatsushi Narita, T. S. Eliot and his Youth as "A Literary Columbus" (Nagoya: Kougaku Shuppan, 2011), 21-30.
Portread T. S. Eliot gan Simon Fieldhouse
  Eginyn erthygl sydd uchod am lenor neu awdur. Gallwch helpu Wicipedia drwy ychwanegu ato.