Defnyddiwr:Adda'r Yw/cyfeirlyfrau/Dictionary of Historical Allusions

Thomas Benfield Harbottle, Dictionary of Historical Allusions (1903).

A B C Ch D Dd E F Ff G Ng H I J L Ll M N O P Ph R Rh S T Th U W Y

  • Babington Plot
  • Babylonish Captivity, See Avignon
  • Back Lane Parliament
  • Baconists
  • Badger State - Wisconsin
  • Badinguet - Napoleon III
  • Bag and Baggage Policy
  • Bagimont's Roll
  • Bailli
  • Baiser de Lamourette
  • Balafré, Le
  • Balkan Agreement
  • Ballarat Reform League
  • Ballot Act
  • Banbury Man
  • Banda Oriental
  • Bandes d'Ordonnance
  • Bank Charter Act, 1833
  • Bank Charter Act, 1844
  • Bar, Confederation of
  • Barbarossa - Ffredrig I, Ymerawdwr Glân Rhufeinig
  • Barbons
  • Barcelona, Treaty of, 1493
  • Barcelona, Treaty of, 1529
  • Bardo, Treaty of
  • Barebone's Parliament - Senedd y Saint
  • Bari, Council of
  • Barmecides
  • Barnburners
  • Barnburners
  • Baroda Commission
  • Barons, League of the
  • Barons' War
  • Barrackpur Mutiny
  • Barricades, Journée des
  • Barrier Treaty, First
  • Barrier Treaty, Second
  • Barwalde, Treaty of
  • Bashi-Bazouks
  • Basilikon Doron
  • Basle, Council of
  • Basle Treaties
  • Basle, Treaty of
  • Bassein, Treaty of
  • Bastard of Orleans
  • Bastille
  • Bates' Case
  • Bath, Order of the - Urdd y Baddon
  • Bats Parliament of, See Club Parliament
  • Battles, See Brothers, Chapter of Mitton, Clan Chattan, Clouds, Death Ride, Dingaan, Dysiefald, Eperons, Field of Mourning, Giants, Glorious, Herrings, Last, Loose Coat, Nations, Seven Days, Soldiers, Spurs, Standard, Thirty, Three Emperors
  • Bavarian Succession, War of the - Rhyfel Olyniaeth Bafaria
  • Bay State - Massachusetts, Bae Massachusetts
  • Bayonne Decree
  • Bayou State - Mississippi, mernant
  • Bear State - Arkansas
  • Béarnais, Le - Harri IV, brenin Ffrainc
  • Beau Sabreur, Le
  • Beauclerc - Harri I, brenin Lloegr
  • Bec, Compromise of
  • Bedchamber Question
  • Bedford Protest
  • Beggars, The, See Gueux
  • Beggars of the Sea
  • Beggars, The Wild
  • Behring Sea Fisheries
  • Bekcagsog, Convention of
  • Bel Anglais, Le
  • Belgian Neutrality Treaty
  • Belgrade, Treaty of
  • Bell the Cat
  • Belski
  • Belted Will
  • Benares, Treay of
  • Benedictines
  • Benefit of Clergy
  • Benevolences
  • Bengal Land Law
  • Bengal Mutiny
  • Bergara, Convention of
  • Berlin Congress
  • Berlin Decree
  • Beserker
  • Berwick, Treaty of
  • Bessborough Commission
  • Betterment
  • Betting Act, See Cockburn's Act
  • Bezaaygeld
  • Bianchi
  • Bianchi and Neri
  • Biatagh
  • Bien Aimé, Le
  • Bien Public, Guerre du
  • Big Beggarman
  • Bill of Right
  • Bills of Exchange Act
  • Bimetallists
  • Birkenhead, Wreck of the
  • Birmingham Riots
  • Biron's Plot
  • Bishop Usher's Model
  • Bishops in Partibus Infidelium
  • Bismarck of Asia - Li Hongzhang
  • Black Act
  • Black Agnes
  • Black Assize
  • Black Bands
  • Black Bartholomew
  • Black Book
  • Black Box
  • Black Brunswickers
  • Black Circuit
  • Black Clergy
  • Black Death - Y Pla Du
  • Black Eagle, Order of the
  • Black Flags
  • Black Friday
  • Black Hole of Calcutta
  • Twll Du Calcutta
  • Black Monday
  • Black Popes
  • Black Prince - Edward, y Tywysog Du
  • Black Rent
  • Black Sea Treaty
  • Black Thursday
  • Black Watch - Y Gwarchodlu Du
  • Black Wednesday, See Victorian Deadlocks
  • Blackbirders
  • Blackburn Riots
  • Blanche Nef
  • Blancs d'Espagne
  • Bland Act
  • Blanketeers
  • Blanquillos
  • Bloc, Le
  • Bloemfontein Conference
  • Bloemfontein Convention
  • Blood and Iron, The Man of - Otto von Bismarck
  • Blood Bath of Stockholm
  • Blood Council
  • Blood, Man of - Siarl I, brenin Lloegr a'r Alban
  • Blood Tax
  • Blood-red Wedding, See Noces Vermeilles
  • Blood-wite
  • Bloods, The Five
  • Bloody Assize of Eperies
  • Bloody Assizes - Y Frawdlys Waedlyd
  • Bloody Statute
  • Blue-Grass State - Kentucky, bluegrass
  • Blue Laws of Connecticut
  • Bluff King Hal - Harri VIII, brenin Lloegr
  • Board of Control
  • Bobbing John
  • Bocca di Leone
  • Bocland
  • Body of Liberties
  • Bomba
  • Bombay, Cession of
  • Bonaght, See Coyne and Livery
  • Bond, See Afrikander
  • Bond-Blaine Convention
  • Bondevenner
  • Bondi
  • Book of Rates
  • Book of Sports
  • Booth's Conspiracy
  • Border Laws
  • Border States
  • Borough English, Custom of
  • Boston Massacre
  • Boston Port Act
  • Boston Tea Riots
  • Botany Bay
  • Boulangists
  • Bounty, Mutiny of the
  • Boustrapa
  • Bow Street Runners
  • Boxers
  • Boy Popes
  • Boyars
  • Boycotting - boicotio
  • Boys
  • Braemar Gathering, See Hunting of Braemar
  • Brahmins
  • Brahmo Somaj
  • Brandy Nan- Anne, brenhines Prydain Fawr
  • Bras de Fer
  • Bras Droit du Cardinal
  • Brass Band, The Pope's
  • Brave des Braves, Le Plus
  • Bread and Cheese War
  • Bread Riots
  • Breda, Compromise of
  • Breda, Declaration of
  • Breda, Peace of
  • Brehon Law
  • Breslau, Treaty of
  • Brétigny, Peace of
  • Breton Club
  • Bretts and Scots, Laws of the
  • Bretwalda
  • Brewer of Ghent
  • Bridal of Norwich
  • Bride of the Sea
  • Brig-bot
  • Brigham, Treaty of
  • Bright Clauses
  • Brilliant Madman
  • Brissotins
  • Bristol Riots
  • British Empire League
  • Broad-bottomed Administration
  • Brömsebro, Treaty of
  • Brother Jonathan
  • Brothers, Battle of the
  • Brownists
  • Brunnen, League of, See Perpetual League
  • Brussels Conference, 1874
  • Brussels Conference, 1876
  • Brussels Convention
  • Brussels, Union of
  • Buccaneers
  • Bucharest, Treaty of
  • Buckeye State - Ohio
  • Budchaz, Treaty of
  • Bulgarian Atrocities
  • Bulls, Papal, See Adrian, Ausculta Fili, Clericis Laicos, Cum exz Apostolatus, Decet Romanum, Demarcation, Deposition, Dominus ac Redemptor, Exsurge Domine, Golden, Greater, In Coena Domini, In Eminenti, Ineffabilis Deus, Inter Gravissimas, Lesser, Regimem Militantis, Unam Sanctam, Unigenitus, Vox in Excelso
  • Bundesrath
  • Bundschuh
  • Burgage
  • Burgfrieden
  • Burgher Senate
  • Burgos, Laws of
  • Burgundians, See Armagnacs
  • Burlaw, See Jedburgh Justice
  • Burning of Frendraught
  • Burnt Candlemas
  • Burr's Conspiracy
  • Burschenschaft
  • Butcher, The
  • Bye Plot
  • Bywoners
  • Ca Ira
  • Caaba
  • Cabal
  • Cabal, American
  • Cabanagem
  • Cabinet Noir
  • Cabochiens
  • Cacos
  • Cadan, Treaty of
  • Caen, Treaty of
  • Cahiers de Doléances
  • Casse de Poissy
  • Calatrava, Knights of
  • Calendar Act
  • Calixtines
  • Calvin, Institutes of
  • Camarilla
  • Cambray, League of
  • Cambray, Treaty of
  • Camel-driver of Mecca
  • Cameronians
  • Camissards
  • Camorra
  • Campo Formio, Treaty of
  • Canada Act
  • Canada, Confederation of
  • Canadian Fisheries Question
  • Canons of 1604
  • Canons of 1640
  • Canossa
  • Canossa Bill
  • Capitularies
  • Capitulations
  • Caporal Violet
  • Cappel, Treaty of
  • Carbonari
  • Carlisle, Statute of
  • Carlists
  • Carlowitz, Treaty of
  • Carlsbad, Congress of
  • Carlsbad Decrees
  • Carmagnole
  • Carmelites
  • Carolina, Proprietaries of
  • Caroline Islands Arbitration
  • Caroline Ordinance
  • Carpet-baggers
  • Cartel System
  • Cartellpartie
  • Carthage of the North
  • Carthusians
  • Carucage
  • Cas Royaux
  • Casenbrotspel, See Bread and Cheese War
  • Casket Letters
  • Cassini Convention
  • Castle Council
  • Catamaran Expedition
  • Câteau Cambrésis, Treaty of
  • Catégories de La Bourdonnaye
  • Catherine, Conspiracy of
  • Catholic Association
  • Catholic Emancipation Act
  • Catholic League (France), See League
  • Catholic League (Germany)
  • Catholic Relief Act
  • Catholic Rent
  • Cato Street Conspiracy
  • Caucus
  • Cautionary Towns
  • Cavalier Parliament, See Pensioned Parliament
  • Cavaliers
  • Cave, See Adullamites
  • Cawnpore, Massacre of
  • Cecil's Fast
  • Cent Jours, See Hundred Days
  • Centralists
  • Centralists
  • Centennial State - Colorado
  • Centro-Americana, Confederacion
  • Centrumsfraction
  • Centum Gravamina
  • Ceorl
  • Chambre Ardente
  • Chambre Introuvable
  • Champ de Mars
  • Chaperons Blancs
  • Chapter of Mitton
  • Charte La
  • Charter of 1826
  • Charters, See Acte Additionel, Aragon, Confirmatio, First, Forests, Fuero, Groote Privilegie, Irish, Joyeuse Entrée, Justice, Maryland, Magna, Massachusetts, People's, Pfaffenbrief, Priests', Virginia
  • Chartism - Siartiaeth
  • Chartres, Treaty of
  • Chastisement of Novgorod
  • Châteaubriand, Edict of
  • Châtillon, Congress of
  • Chauffeurs
  • Chaumont, Treaty of
  • Chauvinism - siofinyddiaeth
  • Chefoo Convention
  • Chester, County Palatine of
  • Chevalier Sans Peur et sans Reproche
  • Chevaliers du Poignard
  • Chiltern Hundreds
  • Chimney Money, See Hearth Money
  • Chinandega, Pacto de
  • Chinese Gordon
  • Chônin
  • Chouans
  • Chouiski, See Belski
  • Christ, Order of
  • Christian Alliance
  • Christinos
  • Chupatties
  • Cicero, The British
  • Cid, The - El Cid
  • Ci-devants
  • Cincinnatus, The American - George Washington
  • Cinq-Mars, Conspiracy of
  • Cinque Cento
  • Cinque Ports - Y Pum Porthladd
  • Cintra, Convention of
  • Circe of the Revolution
  • Circumspecte Agatis, Statute
  • Cisalpine Republic
  • Cispadane Republic
  • Civil Marriage Bill
  • Civil Rights Act
  • Claim of Right
  • Claimant, The
  • Clair-on-Epte, Treaty of
  • Clan Act
  • Clan Chattan and Clan Quhele
  • Clan-na-Gael
  • Clarendon Code
  • Clarendon, Council of, See Constitutions of Clarendon
  • Classes, Act of
  • Clayton-Bulwer Treaty
  • Clean the Causeway
  • Cleargrits
  • Clemency Canning
  • Clementine League, See Holy League
  • Clergy of France, Declaration of the
  • Clericis Laicos, Bull of
  • Clermont, Council of
  • Clicquot, King
  • Clontarf Meeting
  • Clouds, Battle above the
  • Closter Seven, Convention of
  • Club, The
  • Club Parliament
  • Clubmen
  • Coalition Ministry
  • Cockburn's Act
  • Cockerton Judgment
  • Cockpit of Europe
  • Code Napoleon
  • Codes
  • Codini
  • Coercion Act
  • Cœur de Lion
  • Cognac, League of, See Holy League
  • Collectivism
  • College of Justice
  • Colonial Conference
  • Colonies, Council for the
  • Coloquy of Poissy
  • Colorados, See Blanquillos
  • Coloured League
  • Comité de Salut Public
  • Comitia Paludata
  • Comitia Togata
  • Commando
  • Commendation
  • Commercial Treaty of 1786
  • Commission of Government
  • Commission of Grace
  • Commissions of Array
  • Committee of Religion
  • Commune, Paris
  • Communeros, Revolt of the, See Santa Junta
  • Compactata of Prague
  • Compagnies d'Ordonnance
  • Complaints of the Commons of Kent
  • Composition of Connaught
  • Compound Householder
  • Compounders
  • Compromise, The
  • Compromise Act
  • Compte Rendu
  • Compurgation
  • Concentration Camps
  • Conclave
  • Conclusions
  • Concordat
  • Concordat of 1516
  • Concordat of 1855
  • Concordats, See Aschaffenburg, Bec, German, Worms
  • Condottieri
  • Confederate Catholics
  • Confederate States
  • Confederation of 1573
  • Confederation, Treaty of
  • Confines, Audiencia de los
  • Confirmatio Cartarum
  • Conflans, Treaty of
  • Congé d'Elire
  • Congo Conference
  • Congregation, Lords of the
  • Congress
  • Congresses, See Aix-la-Chapelle, Arras, Berlin, Brussels, Carlsbad, Châtillon, Congo, General, Hague, Heilbronn, Kilkenny, Laibach, Troppau, Vienna, Verona
  • Conservative
  • Consistoriali
  • Consistorium
  • Consistory
  • Consolato del Mare
  • Conspiracies, Plots, etc.
  • Constance, Council of
  • Constance, Peace of
  • Constantinople, Conference of
  • Constantinople, Council of
  • Constantinople, Fourth Council of
  • Constitution of 1812
  • Constitutions
  • Constitutions of Clarendon
  • Consulta
  • Continental Blockade
  • Contra-Remonstrants
  • Contracting Out
  • Conventicle Act
  • Conventicles
  • Convention Parliament
  • Conventions Bill
  • Convicts Prevention Act
  • Conway's Cabal, See Cabal, American
  • Co-operation
  • Copperheads
  • Coppernose
  • Copyhold
  • Cordeliers
  • Corn Law of 1804
  • Corn Law of 1815
  • Corn Law of 1824
  • Corn Laws, Repeal of the
  • Cornwall, Duchy of
  • Coronation Stone
  • Corporal John
  • Corporation Act
  • Corsican Ogre
  • Cortes
  • Corti Compromise
  • Corvée
  • Cossacks
  • Cottereaux
  • Cotton Famine
  • Council of State
  • Councils
  • Councils, Church
  • Country Party
  • County Palatine
  • Coup d'Etat
  • Cour d'Héritage
  • Cours Plénières
  • Court Baron
  • Court Customary
  • Court Leet
  • Courte Paix, See Longjumeau
  • Courts
  • Coventry Act
  • Cowboys
  • Cowper-Temple Cause
  • Coyne and Livery
  • Cradle of Liberty
  • Craigmillar, Bond of
  • Crapaud, Jean
  • Creole State - Louisiana
  • Creoles
  • Cretan Convention
  • Crimes Act, 1882
  • Crimes Act, 1887
  • Croppies
  • Crown, Treaty of the
  • Crusade of Children - Croesgad y Plant
  • Cum ex Apostolatus Officio, Bull
  • Cumbernauld, Bond of
  • Cupar Justice, Jedburgh Justice
  • Curfew, or Couvrefeu
  • Curia Regis
  • Curt-Mantle
  • Custer Massacre
  • Custos Rotulorum
  • Cyprus Treaty
  • Dacoity
  • Daimios
  • Dalai Lama
  • Dancing Chancellor
  • Dandy King
  • Danegelt
  • Danelagh - Y Ddaenfro
  • Danites
  • Dannebrog, Order of the - Urdd y Dannebrog
  • Danube Navigation Commission
  • Dardanelles, Treaty of
  • Darien Scheme
  • Dauphin
  • De Facto King, Statute of
  • Death Ride
  • Debateable Land
  • Decamisados
  • December Emeute
  • December, Man of
  • December Rising
  • Decet Romanum Pontificum, Bull
  • Decimation
  • Declaration of Independence (America) - Datganiad Annibyniaeth yr Unol Daleithiau
  • Declaration of Independence (Brazil)
  • Declaration of Indulgence, 1673
  • Declaration of Indulgence, 1687
  • Declaration of Right
  • Declaration of Rights
  • Decretals, False
  • Defender of the Faith
  • Defenders
  • Defensionale
  • Deficit, Madame
  • Dekabrists
  • Delegations
  • Demarcation, Bull of
  • Demesne Lands
  • Demetrius, The False
  • Democrats (U.S.A.) - Y Blaid Ddemocrataidd (Unol Daleithiau)
  • Deogam, Treaty of
  • Deposition, Bull of, 1535
  • Deposition, Bull of, 1569
  • Derby Dilly
  • Despard's Plot
  • Des-ri
  • Destiny, Man of
  • Devil's Parliament
  • Devil's Wall
  • Devolution, Law of
  • Diamond, Battle of
  • Diamond Necklace
  • Diamond State - Delaware
  • Diamond Trade Act
  • Dictator of a Day
  • Dingaan's Day
  • Directoire
  • Disarming Act
  • Disarming the Highlands, Act for
  • Disastrous Peace
  • Discipline, Books of
  • Discoverers
  • Disinherited
  • Dissolution of Monasteries - diddymu'r mynachlogydd
  • Divine Right
  • Dix-huit Brumaire
  • Dix-huit Fructidor
  • Dixie's Land
  • Doctrinaires
  • Domesday Book - Llyfr Dydd y Farn
  • Dominicans
  • Dominus ac Redemptor noser, Bull
  • Don Pacifico
  • Donation of Charles
  • Donation of Constantine
  • Donation of Pepin
  • Donauwörth, Troubles of
  • Dongan Charter
  • Donis Conditionalibus, Statute De
  • Doom-Book
  • Doppers
  • Dorr's Rebellion
  • Dort, Synod of
  • Douglas Larder
  • Douglas Wars
  • Dover, Treaty of
  • Dózsa Revolt
  • Draft Riots
  • Dragonnades
  • Dred Scott Case
  • Dreikaiserbund
  • Dreyfus Case - achos Dreyfus
  • Drifts, Closing the
  • Drogheda, Statute of
  • Drunken Parliament
  • Dual Alliance
  • Dual Control
  • Duclair Incident
  • Duel, Trial by
  • Dukhobors
  • Dulcigno Arrangement
  • Dumb Captain
  • Dunces, Parliament of
  • Dungannon Convention
  • Dupes, Journée des
  • Durham, County Palatine of
  • Dutch East India Company - Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie
  • Dutch Plot
  • Dysiefald
  • Eadgar's Law
  • Eagle of Brittany
  • Ealdorman
  • Earthquake, Council of the
  • East India Company
  • Ecclesiastical Reservation
  • Ecclesiastical Titles Acts
  • Economists
  • Ecorcheurs
  • Edict of Nantes
  • Edicts
  • Edinburgh, Treaties of
  • Edmunds Law
  • Education Act, 1870
  • Education Act, 1902
  • Egalité
  • Eight Cantons, League of the
  • Eikon Basilike
  • El Dorado, See Manoa
  • Elephant, Order of the
  • Eleven Articles
  • Eltchi, The Great
  • Emancipation Act
  • Emancipation, Edict of
  • Emancipation Proclamation
  • Embargo Act, First
  • Embargo Act, Second
  • Embassy, The
  • Emigrés
  • Eminence Grise, L'
  • Emmett's Rebellion
  • Empire State - Talaith Efrog Newydd
  • Empire State of the South - Georgia (talaith UDA)
  • Employers' Liability Bill, 1893
  • Employers' Liability Act, 1897
  • Encomiendas
  • Encumbered Estates Act
  • Encyclopædia
  • Enfant de la Fortune
  • Enfants de Dieu
  • Engagement
  • Englishry, Law of
  • Enragés, Club des
  • Entail
  • Eperons d'Or, Journée des, See Spurs
  • Episcopal Ordination Act (Scotland)
  • Equador, Confederação do
  • Era of Good Feeling
  • Erastians
  • Eric
  • Erie Ring
  • Escheat
  • Escuage, See Scutage
  • Essex Junto
  • Est-it-possible
  • Estates of Scotland
  • Estatuto Real
  • Etablissements de St. Louis
  • Etas
  • Etcetera Oath
  • Ethel
  • Etruria, Kingdom of
  • Eureka Stockade
  • European Association
  • Ever Victorious Army
  • Evil May-day
  • Evora, Convention of
  • Excelsior State - Talaith Efrog Newydd
  • Exchequer
  • Exclusion Bill
  • Executors, See Sixteen, Council of
  • Exsurge Domine, Bull