Defnyddiwr:Jane023/TED talks

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AJ Jacobs: How healthy living nearly killed me A. J. Jacobs TEDMED 2011 2011-10-28 1312 Q22978012
AJ Jacobs: My year of living biblically A. J. Jacobs TED 2007-12-02 301 Q23663648
AJ Jacobs: The world's largest family reunion … we're all invited! A. J. Jacobs TED 2014-03-20 2021 Q23663062
Aakash Odedra: A dance in a hurricane of paper, wind and light Aakash Odedra TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-21 2147 Q22999982
Aaron Huey: America's native prisoners of war Aaron Huey TEDx conference 2010-09-19 1004 Q23465104
Aaron Koblin: Visualizing ourselves ... with crowd-sourced data Aaron Koblin TED2011 2011-03-02 1152 Q22985945
Aaron O'Connell: Making sense of a visible quantum object Aaron D. O'Connell TED2011 2011-03-02 1160 Q22986008
Abe Davis: New video technology that reveals an object's hidden properties Abe Davis TED2015 2015-03-17 2246 Q22991610
Abha Dawesar: Life in the "digital now" Abha Dawesar TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-14 1856 Q22999574
Abigail Washburn: Building US-China relations ... by banjo Abigail Washburn TED2012 2012-02-27 1420 Q22988076
Abraham Verghese: A doctor's touch Abraham Verghese TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-14 1231 Q22999199
Achenyo Idachaba: How I turned a deadly plant into a thriving business Achenyo Idachaba TEDWomen 2015 2015-05-27 2407 Q23415891
Adam Davidson: What we learned from teetering on the fiscal cliff Adam Davidson TED 2012-12-17 1638 Q23662913
Adam Garone: Healthier men, one moustache at a time Adam Garone TEDx conference 2011-11-14 1606 Q23469210
Adam Grosser: A mobile fridge for vaccines Adam Grosser TED2007 2007-02-02 285 Q22980102
Adam Ostrow: After your final status update Adam Ostrow TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-11 1201 Q22999157
Adam Sadowsky: How to engineer a viral music video Adam Sadowsky TEDx conference 2010-04-13 877 Q23465064
Adam Savage: My obsession with objects and the stories they tell Adam Savage TED 2008-12-12 488 Q23663674
Adam Spencer: Why I fell in love with monster prime numbers Adam Spencer TED2013 2013-02-27 1811 Q22989475
Aditi Shankardass: A second opinion on developmental disorders Aditi Shankardass TEDIndia 2009 2009-11-11 893 Q23000370
Adora Svitak: What adults can learn from kids Adora Svitak TED2010 2010-02-13 815 Q22980755
Afra Raymond: Three myths about corruption Afra Raymond TEDx conference 2012-12-12 1673 Q23470024
Ahn Trio: A modern take on piano, violin, cello Ahn Trio TEDWomen 2010 2010-12-08 1083 Q23000487
Aicha el-Wafi + Phyllis Rodriguez: The mothers who found forgiveness, friendship Aicha el-Wafi and Phyllis Rodriguez TEDWomen 2010 2010-12-12 1136 Q23000490
Aimee Mullins: Changing my legs - and my mindset Aimee Mullins TED 1998-02-02 443 Q23457774
Aimee Mullins: My 12 pairs of legs Aimee Mullins TED2009 2009-02-05 482 Q22980415
Aimee Mullins: The opportunity of adversity Aimee Mullins TEDMED 2009 2009-10-10 769 Q22976914
Ajit Narayanan: A word game to communicate in any language Ajit Narayanan TED2013 2013-02-27 1934 Q22989711
Al Gore: Averting the climate crisis
Al Gore newid yn amrywioldeb yr hinsawdd 16 TED2006 2006-02-25 1 Q22949514
Al Gore: New thinking on the climate crisis Al Gore TED2008 2008-03-03 243 Q22980157
Al Gore: What comes after An Inconvenient Truth? Al Gore An Inconvenient Truth TED2009 2009-02-06 535 Q22980499
Al Seckel: Visual illusions that show how we (mis)think Al Seckel TED2004 2004-02-26 78 Q22992600
Al Vernacchio: Sex needs a new metaphor. Here's one ... Al Vernacchio TED2012 2012-03-02 1761 Q22988213
Alaa Murabit: What my religion really says about women Alaa Murabit TEDWomen 2015 2015-05-29 2298 Q23414412
Alain de Botton: A kinder, gentler philosophy of success Alain de Botton TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-21 605 Q22998710
Alain de Botton: Atheism 2.0 Alain de Botton TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-13 1327 Q22999274
Alan Kay: A powerful idea about ideas Alan Kay TED2007 2007-03-03 228 Q22980083
Alan Russell: The potential of regenerative medicine Alan Russell TED2006 2006-02-02 142 Q22979780
Alan Siegel: Let's simplify legal jargon! Alan Siegel TED2010 2010-02-11 803 Q22980739
Alanna Shaikh: How I'm preparing to get Alzheimer's Alanna Shaikh TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-25 1498 Q22999304
Alastair Parvin: Architecture for the people by the people Alastair Parvin TED2013 2013-02-27 1749 Q22989210
Alberto Cairo: There are no scraps of men Alberto Cairo TEDx conference 2011-11-27 1311 Q23465942
Alec Soth + Stacey Baker: This is what enduring love looks like Alec Soth
Stacey Baker
TED2015 2015-03-18 2300 Q23419054
Alejandro Aravena: My architectural philosophy? Bring the community into the process Alejandro Alavena TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-09 2128 Q22999971
Alessandra Orofino: It’s our city. Let’s fix it Alessandra Orofino TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-07 2107 Q22999955
Alessandro Acquisti: What will a future without secrets look like? Alessandro Acquisti TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-14 1848 Q22999567
Alex Laskey: How behavioral science can lower your energy bill Alex Laskey TED2013 2013-02-28 1754 Q22989238
Alex Steffen: The route to a sustainable future Alex Steffen TEDGlobal 2005 2005-07-07 74 Q22978311
Alex Steffen: The shareable future of cities Alex Steffen TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-12 1207 Q22999166
Alex Tabarrok: How ideas trump crises Alex Tabarrok TED2009 2009-02-07 525 Q22980491
Alex Wissner-Gross: A new equation for intelligence Alex Wissner-Gross TEDx conference 2013-11-26 1922 Q23470900
Alexa Meade: Your body is my canvas Alexa Meade TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-13 1814 Q22999781
Alexander Tsiaras: Conception to birth -- visualized Alexander Tsiaras TED 2010-12-02 1270 Q23663920
Alexis Ohanian: How to make a splash in social media Alexis Ohanian TEDIndia 2009 2009-11-05 714 Q23000279
Ali Carr-Chellman: Gaming to re-engage boys in learning Ali Carr-Chellman TEDx conference 2010-10-21 1053 Q23465168
Alice Bows-Larkin: Climate change is happening. Here's how we adapt Alice Bows-Larkin TED 2015-06-16 2339 Q23663355
Alice Dreger: Is anatomy destiny? Alice Dreger TEDx conference 2010-12-15 1166 Q23465414
Alice Goffman: How we're priming some kids for college — and others for prison Alice Goffman TED2015 2015-03-19 2247 Q22991614
Alisa Miller: How the news distorts our worldview Alisa Miller TED2008 2008-03-03 248 Q22980168
Alison Gopnik: What do babies think? Alison Gopnik TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-13 1241 Q22999219
Alison Jackson: An unusual glimpse at celebrity Alison Jackson TEDGlobal 2005 2005-07-07 210 Q22978327
Alison Killing: There’s a better way to die, and architecture can help Alison Killing TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-20 2212 Q23000006
Alison Killing: What happens when a city runs out of room for its dead Alison Killing TEDx conference 2014-11-20 2393 Q23663623
Alix Generous: How I learned to communicate my inner life with Asperger's Alix Generous Syndrom Asperger TEDWomen 2015 2015-06-12 2310 Q23414942
Allan Adams: The discovery that could rewrite physics Allan Adams TED2014 2014-03-18 1963 Q22990222
Allan Jones: A map of the brain Allan Jones TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-13 1267 Q22999251
Allan Savory: How to fight desertification and reverse climate change Allan Savory TED2013 2013-02-28 1683 Q22988752
Allison Hunt: How to get (a new) hip Allison Hunt TED2007 2007-03-03 149 Q22979977
Alondra Berber's TEDx speech 2018-08-22 Q113168918
Alondra Berber: Where no one wants to be
psychological trauma
Camdrin plant yn rhywiol
Anhwylder Straen Wedi Trawma
TEDx conference 2018-08-22 Q113167301
Alwar Balasubramaniam: Art of substance and absence Alwar Balasubramaniam TEDIndia 2009 2009-11-06 950 Q23000382
Alyson McGregor: Why medicine often has dangerous side effects for women Alyson McGregor TEDx conference 2014-09-20 2349 Q23663614
Amanda Bennett: We need a heroic narrative for death Amanda Bennett TEDMED 2013 2013-04-18 1847 Q22978247
Amanda Burden: How public spaces make cities work Amanda Burden TED2014 2014-03-20 1966 Q22990244
Amanda Palmer: The art of asking Amanda Palmer TED2013 2013-02-27 1682 Q22988744
Amber Case: We are all cyborgs now Amber Case TEDWomen 2010 2010-12-08 1050 Q23000469
Ameenah Gurib-Fakim: Humble plants that hide surprising secrets Ameenah Gurib-Fakim TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-27 2127 Q22999970
Ami Klin: A new way to diagnose autism Ami Klin TEDx conference 2011-09-10 1472 Q23468230
Amit Sood: Building a museum of museums on the web Amit Sood TED2011 2011-03-02 1144 Q22985934
Amory Lovins: A 40-year plan for energy Amory Lovins TED 2012-03-22 1434 Q23662887
Amory Lovins: Winning the oil endgame Amory Lovins TED2005 2005-02-02 51 Q22979400
Amos Winter: The cheap all-terrain wheelchair Amos Winter TEDx conference 2012-06-22 1616 Q23469312
Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are Amy Cuddy TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-26 1569 Q22999372
Amy Lockwood: Selling condoms in the Congo Amy Lockwood TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-14 1228 Q22999195
Amy Purdy: Living beyond limits Amy Purdy TEDx conference 2011-05-19 1285 Q23465834
Amy Smith: Simple designs to save a life Amy B. Smith golosg 15 TED2006 2006-02-24 2 Q22965560
Amy Tan: Where does creativity hide? Amy Tan TED2008 2008-02-02 250 Q22980172
Amy Webb: How I hacked online dating Amy Webb TED 2013-04-11 1833 Q23662984
Anand Agarawala: Rethink the desktop with BumpTop Anand Agarawala TED2007 2007-03-03 131 Q22979962
Anand Giridharadas: A tale of two Americas. And the mini-mart where they collided Anand Giridharadas TED2015 2015-03-10 2219 Q22991385
Anand Varma: The first 21 days of a bee’s life Anand Varma TED2015 2015-03-18 2249 Q22991628
Ananda Shankar Jayant: Fighting cancer with dance Ananda Shankar Jayant TEDIndia 2009 2009-11-12 888 Q23000364
Anant Agarwal: Why massive open online courses (still) matter Anant Agarwal TED2013 2013-06-14 1913 Q22989671
Anas Aremeyaw Anas: How I named, shamed and jailed Anas Aremeyaw Anas TED2013 2013-02-28 1757 Q22989260
Anastasia Taylor-Lind: Fighters and mourners of the Ukrainian revolution Anastasia Taylor-Lind TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-14 2146 Q22999981
Anders Fjellberg: Two nameless bodies washed up on the beach. Here are their stories Anders Fjellberg TED 2015-09-29 2353 Q23663358
Anders Ynnerman: Visualizing the medical data explosion Anders Ynnerman TEDx conference 2010-11-20 1057 Q23465172
Andras Forgacs: Leather and meat without killing animals Andras Forgacs TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-13 1824 Q22999549
Andrea Ghez: The hunt for a supermassive black hole Andrea M. Ghez supermassive black hole TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-22 701 Q22998854
Andreas Ekström: The moral bias behind your search results Andreas Ekström TEDx conference 2015-01-29 2369 Q23663619
Andreas Raptopoulos: No roads? There’s a drone for that Andreas Raptopoulos TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-11 1876 Q22999582
Andreas Schleicher: Use data to build better schools Andreas Schleicher TEDGlobal 2012 2012-07-14 1667 Q22999428
Andres Lozano: Parkinson's, depression and the switch that might turn them off Andres Lozano TEDx conference 2013-01-18 1717 Q23470173
Andrew Bastawrous: Get your next eye exam on a smartphone Andrew Bastawrous TED2014 2014-03-17 1987 Q22990420
Andrew Bird: A one-man orchestra of the imagination Andrew Bird TED2010 2010-02-10 1001 Q22980846
Andrew Blum: Discover the physical side of the internet Andrew Blum TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-27 1576 Q22999382
Andrew Connolly: What's the next window into our universe? Andrew J. Connolly TED2014 2014-03-19 2069 Q22991035
Andrew Fitzgerald: Adventures in Twitter fiction Andrew Fitzgerald TED 2013-07-15 1841 Q23662990
Andrew McAfee: Are droids taking our jobs? Andrew McAfee TEDx conference 2012-06-04 1574 Q23468991
Andrew McAfee: What will future jobs look like? Andrew McAfee Cyflogaeth TED2013 2013-02-28 1759 Q22989286
Andrew Mwenda: Aid for Africa? No thanks. Andrew Mwenda TEDGlobal 2007 2007-06-06 159 Q22998330
Andrew Solomon: Depression, the secret we share Andrew Solomon TEDx conference 2013-10-23 1894 Q23470714
Andrew Solomon: How the worst moments in our lives make us who we are Andrew Solomon TED2014 2014-03-12 2005 Q22990840
Andrew Solomon: Love, no matter what Andrew Solomon TEDMED 2013 2013-04-24 1756 Q22978240
Andrew Stanton: The clues to a great story Andrew Stanton TED2012 2012-02-28 1379 Q22987993
Andrés Ruzo: How I found a mythical boiling river in the Amazon Andrés Ruzo Mayantuyacu TED 2014-10-06 2424 Q23663389
Andy Hobsbawm: Do the green thing Andy Hobsbawm TED2008 2008-02-02 407 Q22980292
Andy Puddicombe: All it takes is 10 mindful minutes Andy Puddicombe TED 2012-11-16 1640 Q23662915
Andy Yen: Think your email's private? Think again Andy Yen TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-08 2204 Q23000005
Angela Belcher: Using nature to grow batteries Angela Belcher TEDx conference 2011-01-14 1133 Q23465307
Angela Lee Duckworth: The key to success? Grit Angela Duckworth TED 2013-04-04 1733 Q23662946
Angela Patton: A father-daughter dance ... in prison Angela Patton TEDx conference 2012-11-30 1646 Q23469623
Angelo Vermeulen: How to go to space, without having to go to space Angelo Vermeulen TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-06 2197 Q23000002
Anil Ananthaswamy: What it takes to do extreme astrophysics Anil Ananthaswamy TED 2010-12-08 1129 Q23663901
Anil Gupta: India's hidden hotbeds of invention Anil Kumar Gupta TEDIndia 2009 2009-11-06 851 Q23000359
Ann Cooper: What's wrong with school lunches Ann Cooper TED 2007-12-12 348 Q23663654
Ann Morgan: My year reading a book from every country in the world Ann Morgan TED 2015-09-29 2382 Q23663370
AnnMarie Thomas: Hands-on science with squishy circuits AnnMarie Thomas TED2011 2011-03-02 1111 Q22985508
Anna Deavere Smith: Four American characters Anna Deavere Smith TED2005 2005-02-25 60 Q22979410
Anna Mracek Dietrich: A plane you can drive Anna Mracek Dietrich TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-15 1260 Q22999243
Anne Curzan: What makes a word "real"? Anne Curzan TEDx conference 2014-03-15 2022 Q23471142
Anne Milgram: Why smart statistics are the key to fighting crime Anne Milgram TED 2013-10-30 1914 Q23464832
Anne-Marie Slaughter: Can we all "have it all"? Anne-Marie Slaughter TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-11 1943 Q22999721
Annette Heuser: The 3 agencies with the power to make or break economies Annette Heuser TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-07 1937 Q22999712
Annie Lennox: Why I am an HIV/AIDS activist Annie Lennox TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-15 963 Q22999044
Annie Murphy Paul: What we learn before we're born Annie Murphy Paul TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-12 1289 Q22999266
Anote Tong: My country will be underwater soon -- unless we work together Anote Tong newid yn amrywioldeb yr hinsawdd
TED 2015-10-10 2379 Q23663984
Anthony Atala: Growing new organs Anthony Atala TEDMED 2009 2009-10-21 744 Q22976907
Anthony Atala: Printing a human kidney Anthony Atala TED2011 2011-03-03 1088 Q22985276
Antonio Damasio: The quest to understand consciousness António Damásio TED2011 2011-03-02 1308 Q22986162
Antonio Donato Nobre: The magic of the Amazon: A river that flows invisibly all around us Antonio Donato Nobre TEDx conference 2010-11-08 2088 Q23471370
Antony Gormley: Sculpted space, within and without Antony Gormley TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-26 1551 Q22999350
António Guterres: Refugees have the right to be protected António Guterres European migrant crisis TED 2015-12-08 2397 Q23663373
Anupam Mishra: The ancient ingenuity of water harvesting Anupam Mishra TEDIndia 2009 2009-11-06 702 Q23000273
Aomawa Shields: How we'll find life on other planets Aomawa Shields extraterrestrial life
TED2015 2015-03-16 2402 Q23419078
Aparna Rao: Art that craves your attention Aparna Rao TED 2013-08-06 1921 Q23663037
Aparna Rao: High-tech art (with a sense of humor) Aparna Rao TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-14 1265 Q22999248
Apollo Robbins: The art of misdirection Apollo Robbins TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-12 1821 Q22999545
Are DNA tests safe? Matt Artz genetic testing
TEDx conference 2020-03-07 62886 Q109614845
Arianna Huffington: How to succeed? Get more sleep Arianna Huffington TEDWomen 2010 2010-12-07 1044 Q23000466
Ariel Garten: Know thyself, with a brain scanner Ariel Garten TEDx conference 2011-09-23 1338 Q23466219
Aris Venetikidis: Making sense of maps Aris Venetikidis TEDx conference 2012-09-02 1582 Q23469015
Arthur Benjamin: A performance of "Mathemagic" Arthur T. Benjamin TED2005 2005-02-02 199 Q22979429
Arthur Benjamin: Teach statistics before calculus! Arthur T. Benjamin TED2009 2009-02-05 587 Q22980554
Arthur Benjamin: The magic of Fibonacci numbers Arthur T. Benjamin TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-12 1862 Q22999578
Arthur Ganson: Moving sculpture Arthur Ganson TED2002 2004-03-03 267 Q22992325
Arthur Potts Dawson: A vision for sustainable restaurants Arthur Potts Dawson TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-15 1020 Q22999096
Arunachalam Muruganantham: How I started a sanitary napkin revolution! Arunachalam Muruganantham TED 2012-05-20 1614 Q23464682
Arvind Gupta: Turning trash into toys for learning Arvind Gupta TED 2010-12-09 1135 Q23663915
Ash Beckham: We're all hiding something. Let's find the courage to open up Ash Beckham TEDx conference 2013-09-13 1932 Q23470957
Ash Beckham: When to take a stand -- and when to let it go Ash Beckham TEDx conference 2014-09-27 2282 Q23663607
Asha de Vos: Why you should care about whale poo Asha de Vos TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-06 2160 Q22999989
Asher Hasan: My message of peace from Pakistan Asher Hasan TEDIndia 2009 2009-11-06 719 Q23000288
Ashraf Ghani: How to rebuild a broken state Ashraf Ghani Affganistan 18 TEDGlobal 2005 2005-07-12 3 Q22965652
Aspen Baker: A better way to talk about abortion Aspen Baker erthyliad
TEDWomen 2015 2015-05-27 2297 Q23414385
Atul Gawande: How do we heal medicine? Atul Gawande TED2012 2012-03-01 1421 Q22988079
Aubrey de Grey: A roadmap to end aging Aubrey de Grey TEDGlobal 2005 2005-07-14 39 Q22978295
Auke Ijspeert: A robot that runs and swims like a salamander Auke Jan Ijspeert TED 2015-12-08 2419 Q23663385
Auret van Heerden: Making global labor fair Auret van Heerden TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-16 1005 Q22999084
Avi Reichental: What’s next in 3D printing Avi Reichental TED2014 2014-03-13 2026 Q22990991
Avi Rubin: All your devices can be hacked Avi Rubin TEDx conference 2011-10-29 1370 Q23466985
Ayah Bdeir: Building blocks that blink, beep and teach Ayah Bdeir TED2012 2012-02-27 1404 Q22988036
Aziz Abu Sarah: For more tolerance, we need more ... tourism? Aziz Abu Sarah TED2014 2014-03-19 2161 Q22991060
Aziza Chaouni: How I brought a river, and my city, back to life Aziza Chaouni Oued Bou Khrareb TED2014 2014-03-17 2064 Q22991029
BJ Miller: What really matters at the end of life BJ Miller TED2015 2015-03-20 2325 Q23419069
BLACK: My journey to yo-yo mastery Black TED2013 2013-02-27 1716 Q22988964
Baba Shiv: Sometimes it's good to give up the driver's seat Baba Shiv TEDx conference 2012-05-19 1514 Q23468611
Bandi Mbubi: Demand a fair trade cell phone Bandi Mbubi TEDx conference 2012-04-20 1567 Q23468965
Barat Ali Batoor: My desperate journey with a human smuggler Barat Ali Batoor TEDx conference 2014-04-26 2231 Q23471902
Barbara Block: Tagging tuna in the deep ocean Barbara Block TED 2010-04-16 973 Q23663715
Barbara Natterson-Horowitz: What veterinarians know that physicians don't Barbara Natterson-Horowitz TEDMED 2014 2014-09-16 2145 Q22978271
Barry Schuler: Genomics 101 Barry Schuler TED 2008-06-30 437 Q23663669
Barry Schwartz: Our loss of wisdom Barry Schwartz TED2009 2009-02-07 462 Q22980380
Barry Schwartz: The paradox of choice Barry Schwartz The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less TEDGlobal 2005 2005-07-15 93 Q22978317
Barry Schwartz: The way we think about work is broken Barry Schwartz TED2014 2014-03-19 2324 Q23418863
Barry Schwartz: Using our practical wisdom Barry Schwartz TED 2010-11-18 1043 Q23662828
Bart Knols: 3 new ways to kill mosquitoes Bart Knols TEDx conference 2012-04-02 1445 Q23467969
Bart Weetjens: How I taught rats to sniff out land mines Bart Weetjens TEDx conference 2010-06-04 1019 Q23465127
Barton Seaver: Sustainable seafood? Let's get smart Barton Seaver TED 2010-04-07 993 Q23663751
Bassam Tariq: The beauty and diversity of Muslim life Bassam Tariq TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-06 2169 Q22999994
Bastian Schaefer: A 3D-printed jumbo jet? Bastian Schaefer TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-10 1798 Q22999479
Beardyman: The polyphonic me Beardyman TED2013 2013-02-26 1804 Q22989440
Beau Lotto + Amy O'Toole: Science is for everyone, kids included Beau Lotto
Amy O'Toole
TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-26 1587 Q22999405
Beau Lotto: Optical illusions show how we see Beau Lotto TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-23 653 Q22998798
Becci Manson: (Re)touching lives through photos Becci Manson TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-26 1532 Q22999340
Becky Blanton: The year I was homeless Becky Blanton TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-23 669 Q22998820
Beeban Kidron: The shared wonder of film Beeban Kidron TED 2012-05-10 1476 Q23662891
Bel Pesce: 5 ways to kill your dreams Bel Pesce TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-07 2200 Q23000003
Ben Ambridge: 10 myths about psychology, debunked Ben Ambridge TEDx Youth 2014-11-05 2178 Q23471637
Ben Cameron: Why the live arts matter Ben Cameron TEDx conference 2010-02-26 952 Q23465085
Ben Dunlap: The life-long learner Benjamin B. Dunlap TED2007 2007-03-03 208 Q22980073
Ben Goldacre: Battling bad science Ben Goldacre TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-13 1234 Q22999206
Ben Goldacre: What doctors don't know about the drugs they prescribe Ben Goldacre TEDMED 2012 2012-06-05 1575 Q22978216
Ben Kacyra: Ancient wonders captured in 3D Ben Kacyra TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-14 1266 Q22999249
Ben Katchor: Comics of bygone New York Ben Katchor TED2002 2002-02-28 524 Q22992344
Ben Saunders: To the South Pole and back — the hardest 105 days of my life Ben Saunders TED2014 2014-03-20 2143 Q22991057
Ben Saunders: Why bother leaving the house? Ben Saunders TED 2012-11-07 1631 Q23662906
Ben Saunders: Why did I ski to the North Pole? Ben Saunders TED2005 2005-02-24 89 Q22979414
Ben Wellington: How we found the worst place to park in New York City -- using big data Ben Wellington TEDx conference 2014-11-01 2199 Q23471740
Benedetta Berti: The surprising way groups like ISIS stay in power Benedetta Berti TED2015 2015-03-17 2309 Q23419063
Benjamin Barber: Why mayors should rule the world Benjamin Barber TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-21 1825 Q22999551
Benjamin Wallace: The price of happiness Benjamin Wallace TED 2008-07-19 419 Q23663664
Benjamin Zander: The transformative power of classical music Benjamin Zander TED2008 2008-02-02 286 Q22980219
Benoit Mandelbrot: Fractals and the art of roughness Benoit Mandelbrot TED2010 2010-02-12 909 Q22980833
Bernie Krause: The voice of the natural world Bernie Krause TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-12 1788 Q22999470
Bertrand Piccard: My solar-powered adventure Bertrand Piccard TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-24 723 Q22998870
Beth Noveck: Demand a more open-source government Beth Simone Noveck TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-27 1558 Q22999362
Bettina Warburg: How the blockchain will radically transform the economy TED 2016-06-29 2626 Q43233660
Beverly + Dereck Joubert: Life lessons from big cats Dereck and Beverly Joubert TEDWomen 2010 2010-12-08 1039 Q23000464
Bilal Bomani: Plant fuels that could power a jet Bilal Bomani TEDx conference 2011-08-17 1332 Q23466159
Bill Clinton: My wish: Rebuilding Rwanda Bill Clinton TED2007 2007-03-08 85 Q22979954
Bill Davenhall: Your health depends on where you live Bill Davenhall TEDMED 2009 2009-10-25 748 Q22976909
Bill Doyle: Treating cancer with electric fields Bill Doyle TEDMED 2011 2011-10-25 1343 Q22978024
Bill Ford: A future beyond traffic gridlock William Clay Ford TED2011 2011-03-03 1174 Q22986022
Bill Gates: How state budgets are breaking US schools Bill Gates education in the United States 10 TED2011 2011-03-03 1087 Q22951377
Bill Gates: Innovating to zero!
Bill Gates Ynni niwclear 27 TED2010 2010-02-12 767 Q22951219
Bill Gates: Mosquitos, malaria and education Bill Gates Knowledge Is Power Program 20 TED2009 2009-02-02 451 Q22951343
Bill Gates: Teachers need real feedback Bill Gates TED 2013-05-07 1739 Q23662955
Bill Gates: The next outbreak? We’re not ready Bill Gates TED2015 2015-03-18 2225 Q22991439
Bill Gross: A solar energy system that tracks the sun Bill Gross TED2003 2003-02-02 450 Q22992449
Bill Gross: The single biggest reason why startups succeed Bill Gross TED2015 2015-03-19 2272 Q23419002
Bill Joy: What I'm worried about, what I'm excited about Bill Joy TED2006 2006-02-02 405 Q22979789
Bill Stone: I'm going to the moon. Who's with me? William Stone TED2007 2007-03-03 141 Q22979966
Bill T. Jones: The dancer, the singer, the cellist ... and a moment of creative magic Bill T. Jones TED2015 2015-03-18 2242 Q22991584
Bill and Melinda Gates: Why giving away our wealth has been the most satisfying thing we've done Bill Gates
Melinda Gates
TED2014 2014-03-18 1964 Q22990234
Billie Jean King: This tennis icon paved the way for women in sports Billie Jean King ffeministiaeth
anghydraddoldeb cymdeithasol
TEDWomen 2015 2015-05-28 2327 Q23415044
Billy Collins: Everyday moments, caught in time Billy Collins TED2012 2012-02-28 1398 Q22988027
Billy Collins: Two poems about what dogs think (probably) Billy Collins TED2014 2014-03-20 2031 Q22990999
Billy Graham: On technology and faith Billy Graham TED 1998-02-02 308 Q23457709
Birke Baehr: What's wrong with our food system Birke Baehr TEDx conference 2010-08-28 1016 Q23465121
Bjarke Ingels: 3 warp-speed architecture tales Bjarke Ingels TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-23 634 Q22998756
Bjarke Ingels: Hedonistic sustainability Bjarke Ingels TEDx conference 2011-05-09 1340 Q23466525
Bjorn Lomborg: Global priorities bigger than climate change Bjørn Lomborg TED2005 2005-02-02 62 Q22979411
Blaise Agüera y Arcas: Augmented-reality maps Blaise Agüera y Arcas TED2010 2010-02-11 766 Q22980661
Blaise Agüera y Arcas: How PhotoSynth can connect the world's images Blaise Agüera y Arcas Photosynth TED2007 2007-03-03 129 Q22979960
Boaz Almog: The levitating superconductor Boaz Almog TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-30 1495 Q22999300
Bob Mankoff: Anatomy of a New Yorker cartoon Robert Mankoff TED 2013-05-16 1776 Q23662972
Bobby Ghosh: Why global jihad is losing Bobby Ghosh TEDx conference 2012-09-29 1623 Q23469435
Bobby McFerrin: Watch me play ... the audience! Bobby McFerrin TED 2009-06-10 775 Q23663692
Boghuma Kabisen Titanji: Ethical riddles in HIV research Boghuma Kabisen Titanji TEDx conference 2012-05-05 1645 Q23469604
Boniface Mwangi: The day I stood up alone Boniface Mwangi TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-20 2221 Q23000008
Bonnie Bassler: How bacteria "talk" Bonnie Bassler TED2009 2009-02-06 509 Q22980468
Bono: My wish: Three actions for Africa Bono Affrica TED2005 2005-02-24 59 Q22979409
Bono: The good news on poverty (Yes, there's good news) Bono TED2013 2013-02-26 1691 Q22988791
Boyd Varty: What I learned from Nelson Mandela Boyd Varty Nelson Mandela TEDWomen 2013 2013-12-05 1890 Q23000695
Bran Ferren: To create for the ages, let's combine art and engineering Bran Ferren TED2014 2014-03-18 1956 Q22990143
Brenda Laurel: Why not make video games for girls? Brenda Laurel sex differences in psychology TED 1998-02-02 474 Q23457820
Brenda Romero: Gaming for understanding Brenda Romero TEDx conference 2011-11-11 1432 Q23467438
Brené Brown: Listening to shame Brené Brown TED2012 2012-03-02 1391 Q22988020
Brené Brown: The power of vulnerability Brené Brown TEDx conference 2010-06-06 1042 Q23465140
Brewster Kahle: A free digital library Brewster Kahle TED 2007-12-12 346 Q23663653
Brian Cox: CERN's supercollider Brian Cox Gwrthdrawydd hadronnau mawr TED2008 2008-03-03 253 Q22980179
Brian Cox: What went wrong at the LHC Brian Cox TED2009 2009-02-05 531 Q22980495
Brian Cox: Why we need the explorers Brian Cox TED 2010-04-19 876 Q23662816
Brian Dettmer: Old books reborn as art Brian Dettmer TEDYouth 2014-11-04 2180 Q23498446
Brian Goldman: Doctors make mistakes. Can we talk about that? Brian Goldman TEDx conference 2011-11-11 1337 Q23466198
Brian Greene: Is our universe the only universe? Brian Greene TED2012 2012-02-27 1426 Q22988086
Brian Greene: Making sense of string theory Brian Greene TED2005 2005-02-02 251 Q22979432
Brian Skerry: The ocean's glory -- and horror Brian Skerry TED 2010-04-16 873 Q23663706
Britta Riley: A garden in my apartment Britta Riley TEDx conference 2011-05-23 1284 Q23465810
Bruce Aylward: How we'll stop polio for good Bruce Aylward TED2011 2011-03-03 1153 Q22985947
Bruce Aylward: Humanity vs. Ebola. How we could win a terrifying war Bruce Aylward TEDx conference 2014-12-11 2177 Q23471620
Bruce Bueno de Mesquita: A prediction for the future of Iran Bruce Bueno de Mesquita TED2009 2009-02-07 507 Q22980467
Bruce Feiler: Agile programming -- for your family Bruce Feiler TED 2013-02-11 1675 Q23662932
Bruce Feiler: The council of dads Bruce Feiler TEDMED 2010 2010-10-10 1062 Q22977847
Bruce McCall: What is retro-futurism? Bruce McCall TED 2008-05-12 489 Q23663676
Bruce Schneier: The security mirage Bruce Schneier TEDx conference 2010-10-10 1132 Q23465238
Bruno Bowden + Rufus Cappadocia: Blindfold origami and cello Bruno Bowden
Rufus Cappadocia
TED2008 2008-02-02 322 Q22980245
Bruno Maisonnier: Dance, tiny robots! Bruno Maisonnier TEDx conference 2013-01-24 1677 Q23470061
Bruno Torturra: Got a smartphone? Start broadcasting Bruno Torturra TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-06 2154 Q22999987
Bryan Stevenson: We need to talk about an injustice Bryan Stevenson Equal Justice Initiative TED2012 2012-03-01 1378 Q22987990
Bunker Roy: Learning from a barefoot movement Bunker Roy TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-14 1248 Q22999227
Burt Rutan: The real future of space exploration Burt Rutan archwilio'r gofod 19 TED2006 2006-02-24 4 Q22965678
Béatrice Coron: Stories cut from paper Béatrice Coron TED2011 2011-03-01 1257 Q22986152
C.K. Williams: Poetry of youth and age C. K. Williams TED2001 2001-02-09 500 Q22992236
Caitlin Walker: Clean Questions and Metaphor Models Caitlin Walker TEDx conference 2012-02-04 Q113782410
Caitria + Morgan O'Neill: How to step up in the face of disaster Caitria O'Neill
Morgan O'Neill
TEDx conference 2012-06-22 1545 Q23468839
Caleb Chung: Playtime with Pleo, your robotic dinosaur friend Caleb Chung TED 2007-12-12 350 Q23663655
Cameron Herold: Let's raise kids to be entrepreneurs Cameron Herold TEDx conference 2010-03-13 887 Q23465067
Cameron Russell: Looks aren't everything. Believe me, I'm a model. Cameron Russell TEDx conference 2012-10-27 1647 Q23469644
Cameron Sinclair: My wish: A call for open-source architecture Cameron Sinclair TED2006 2006-02-26 54 Q22979724
Cameron Sinclair: The refugees of boom-and-bust Cameron Sinclair TED2009 2009-02-21 681 Q22980585
Camille Seaman: Haunting photos of polar ice Camille Seaman TED2011 2011-03-03 1171 Q22986019
Camille Seaman: Photos from a storm chaser Camille Seaman TED2013 2013-02-28 1763 Q22989324
Candy Chang: Before I die I want to ... Candy Chang TEDGlobal 2012 2012-07-23 1553 Q22999354
Carin Bondar: The birds and the bees are just the beginning Carin Bondar TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-12 1945 Q22999771
Carl Honoré: In praise of slowness Carl Honoré TEDGlobal 2005 2005-07-07 73 Q22978309
Carl Safina: The oil spill's unseen villains -- and victims Carl Safina TEDx conference 2010-06-28 914 Q23465079
Carl Safina: What are animals thinking and feeling? Carl Safina behavioural biology TED 2015-10-10 2373 Q23663981
Carl Schoonover: How to look inside the brain Carl Schoonover TED2012 2012-02-28 1450 Q22988135
Carlo Ratti: Architecture that senses and responds Carlo Ratti TED2011 2011-03-02 1137 Q22985899
Carmen Agra Deedy: Once upon a time, my mother ... Carmen Agra Deedy TED2005 2005-02-02 347 Q22979435
Carne Ross: An independent diplomat Carne Ross TED 2009-10-10 951 Q23663713
Carol Dweck: The power of believing that you can improve Carol S. Dweck TEDx conference 2014-11-11 2156 Q23471551
Caroline Casey: Looking past limits Caroline Casey TEDWomen 2010 2010-12-03 1116 Q23000489
Caroline Lavelle: Casting a spell on the cello Caroline Lavelle TED2005 2005-02-02 101 Q22979417
Caroline Phillips: Hurdy-gurdy for beginners Caroline Phillips TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-09 959 Q22999035
Carolyn Porco: Could a Saturn moon harbor life? Carolyn Porco TED2009 2009-02-06 551 Q22980518
Carolyn Porco: This is Saturn Carolyn Porco TED2007 2007-03-03 178 Q22980005
Carolyn Steel: How food shapes our cities Carolyn Steel TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-22 650 Q22998794
Carter Emmart: A 3D atlas of the universe Carter Emmart TED2010 2010-02-11 900 Q22980829
Cary Fowler: One seed at a time, protecting the future of food Cary Fowler TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-23 622 Q22998739
Catarina Mota: Play with smart materials Catarina Mota TEDGlobal 2012 2012-07-12 1692 Q22999432
Catherine Bracy: Why good hackers make good citizens Catherine Bracy TED 2013-09-20 1933 Q23663043
Catherine Crump: The small and surprisingly dangerous detail the police track about you Catherine Crump TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-14 2149 Q22999984
Catherine Mohr: Surgery's past, present and robotic future Catherine Mohr TED2009 2009-02-06 580 Q22980549
Catherine Mohr: The tradeoffs of building green Catherine Mohr TED2010 2010-02-13 828 Q22980765
Cesar Harada: A novel idea for cleaning up oil spills Cesar Harada TEDx conference 2012-06-25 1499 Q23468532
Cesar Harada: How I teach kids to love science Cesar Harada addysg
TED 2015-08-26 2363 Q23663971
Cesar Kuriyama: One second every day Cesar Kuriyama TED2012 2012-03-02 1663 Q22988211
Chade-Meng Tan: Everyday compassion at Google Chade-Meng Tan TED 2010-11-18 1113 Q23662841
Charity Tillemann-Dick: Singing after a double lung transplant Charity Sunshine Tillemann-Dick TEDMED 2010 2010-10-25 1055 Q22977843
Charles Anderson: Dragonflies that fly across oceans Charles Anderson TEDIndia 2009 2009-11-05 715 Q23000280
Charles Elachi: The story behind the Mars Rovers Charles Elachi TED 2008-05-07 399 Q23663659
Charles Fleischer: All things are Moleeds Charles Fleischer TED2005 2005-03-03 738 Q22979449
Charles Hazlewood: Trusting the ensemble Charles Hazlewood TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-13 1240 Q22999217
Charles Leadbeater: Education innovation in the slums Charles R. Leadbeater TED 2010-04-25 892 Q23662823
Charles Leadbeater: The era of open innovation Charles R. Leadbeater TEDGlobal 2005 2005-07-14 63 Q22978302
Charles Limb: Building the musical muscle Charles Limb TEDMED 2011 2011-10-28 1291 Q22977993
Charles Limb: Your brain on improv Charles Limb TEDx conference 2010-11-05 1046 Q23465162
Charles Moore: Seas of plastic Charles J. Moore TED2009 2009-02-05 470 Q22980393
Charles Robertson: Africa's next boom Charles Robertson TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-13 1851 Q22999570
Charlie Todd: The shared experience of absurdity Charlie Todd TEDx conference 2011-05-11 1269 Q23465710
Charmian Gooch: Meet global corruption's hidden players Charmian Gooch TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-14 1784 Q22999469
Charmian Gooch: My wish: To launch a new era of openness in business Charmian Gooch TED2014 2014-03-18 1949 Q22990080
Chelsea Shields: How I'm working for change inside my church Chelsea Shields crefydd TED 2015-08-26 2372 Q23663977
Cheryl Hayashi: The magnificence of spider silk Cheryl Y. Hayashi TED2010 2010-02-21 1296 Q22980850
Chieko Asakawa: How new technology helps blind people explore the world Chieko Asakawa TED 2015-10-15 2383 Q23663987
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: The danger of a single story Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-23 652 Q22998796
Chip Conley: Measuring what makes life worthwhile Chip Conley TED2010 2010-02-12 889 Q22980823
Chip Kidd: Designing books is no laughing matter. OK, it is. Chip Kidd TED2012 2012-03-01 1410 Q22988065
Chip Kidd: The art of first impressions -- in design and life Chip Kidd TED 2015-05-12 2287 Q23663953
Chris Abani: On humanity Chris Abani TED2008 2008-02-02 294 Q22980225
Chris Abani: Telling stories from Africa Chris Abani TEDGlobal 2007 2007-06-06 155 Q22998323
Chris Anderson: How web video powers global innovation Chris Anderson TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-15 955 Q22999030
Chris Anderson: TED's nonprofit transition Chris Anderson TED2002 2002-02-02 211 Q22992307
Chris Anderson: Technology's long tail Chris Anderson TED2004 2004-02-02 72 Q22992574
Chris Bangle: Great cars are great art Chris Bangle TED2002 2002-02-02 5 Q22992283
Chris Bliss: Comedy is translation Chris Bliss TEDx conference 2011-12-20 1365 Q23466943
Chris Burkard: The joy of surfing in ice-cold water Chris Burkard TED2015 2015-03-19 2255 Q22991682
Chris Domas: The 1s and 0s behind cyber warfare Chris Domas TEDx conference 2013-10-10 2035 Q23471187
Chris Downey: Design with the blind in mind Chris Downey TED 2013-10-11 1863 Q23663012
Chris Gerdes: The future race car -- 150mph, and no driver Chris Gerdes TEDx conference 2012-05-19 1506 Q23468561
Chris Hadfield: What I learned from going blind in space Chris Hadfield TED2014 2014-03-18 1951 Q22990094
Chris Jordan: Turning powerful stats into art Chris Jordan TED2008 2008-02-02 279 Q22980214
Chris Kluwe: How augmented reality will change sports ... and build empathy Chris Kluwe TED2014 2014-03-11 2007 Q22990897
Chris McKnett: The investment logic for sustainability Chris McKnett TED 2013-11-26 1927 Q23464836
Chris Milk: How virtual reality can create the ultimate empathy machine Chris Milk TED2015 2015-03-18 2228 Q22991472
Chris Urmson: How a driverless car sees the road Chris Urmson cludiant
Car diyrrwr
TED2015 2015-03-16 2291 Q23419023
Christien Meindertsma: How pig parts make the world turn Christien Meindertsma TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-09 960 Q22999038
Christina Warinner: Tracking ancient diseases using ... plaque Christina Warinner TED2012 2012-02-27 1425 Q22988083
Christine Sun Kim: The enchanting music of sign language Christine Sun Kim TED 2015-08-28 2357 Q23663966
Christoph Adami: Finding life we can't imagine Chris Adami TEDx conference 2011-02-19 1237 Q23465645
Christopher "moot" Poole: The case for anonymity online Christopher Poole TED2010 2010-02-12 874 Q22980805
Christopher C. Deam: The Airstream, restyled Christopher C. Deam TED2002 2002-02-02 503 Q22992335
Christopher Emdin: Teach teachers how to create magic Christopher Emdin TED 2013-10-08 1965 Q23464848
Christopher McDougall: Are we born to run? Christopher McDougall TEDx conference 2010-07-11 1067 Q23465174
Christopher Ryan: Are we designed to be sexual omnivores? Christopher Ryan TED2013 2013-02-28 1931 Q22989697
Christopher Soghoian: Government surveillance — this is just the beginning Christopher Soghoian TED 2013-08-12 1940 Q23663047
Christopher Soghoian: How to avoid surveillance ... with the phone in your pocket Christopher Soghoian TED2015 2015-03-17 2314 Q23419065
Christopher deCharms: A look inside the brain in real time Christopher deCharms TED2008 2008-02-29 236 Q22980149
Chrystia Freeland: The rise of the new global super-rich Chrystia Freeland TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-22 1791 Q22999475
Claron McFadden: Singing the primal mystery Claron McFadden TEDx conference 2010-11-11 1105 Q23465224
Clay Shirky: How cognitive surplus will change the world Clay Shirky TED 2010-06-22 896 Q23463814
Clay Shirky: How social media can make history Clay Shirky TED 2009-06-03 575 Q23463727
Clay Shirky: How the Internet will (one day) transform government Clay Shirky TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-26 1546 Q22999347
Clay Shirky: Institutions vs. collaboration Clay Shirky TEDGlobal 2005 2005-07-01 274 Q22978330
Clay Shirky: Why SOPA is a bad idea Clay Shirky Stop Online Piracy Act TED 2012-01-17 1329 Q23662868
Clayton Cameron: A-rhythm-etic. The math behind the beats Clayton Cameron TEDYouth 2013-11-15 1923 Q23498439
Clifford Stoll: The call to learn Clifford Stoll TED2006 2006-02-28 237 Q22979782
Clint Smith: How to raise a black son in America Clint Smith TED2015 2015-03-10 2240 Q22991564
Clint Smith: The danger of silence Clint Smith TED 2014-07-08 2059 Q23464851
Colin Camerer: When you're making a deal, what's going on in your brain? Colin Camerer TEDx conference 2013-01-18 1701 Q23470098
Colin Grant: How our stories cross over Colin Grant TEDx conference 2012-10-26 2074 Q23471351
Colin Powell: Kids need structure Colin Powell TEDx conference 2012-10-26 1649 Q23469679
Colin Stokes: How movies teach manhood Colin Stokes TEDx conference 2012-11-17 1650 Q23469697
Conrad Wolfram: Teaching kids real math with computers Conrad Wolfram TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-09 1007 Q22999087
Corneille Ewango: A hero of the Congo forest Corneille Ewango TEDGlobal 2007 2007-06-06 299 Q22998658
Cosmin Mihaiu: Physical therapy is boring -- play a game instead Cosmin Mihaiu TED2015 2015-03-10 2257 Q22991690
Courtney Martin: This isn't her mother's feminism Courtney E. Martin TEDWomen 2010 2010-12-10 1089 Q23000488
Craig Venter: On the verge of creating synthetic life Craig Venter TED2008 2008-02-28 227 Q22980137
Craig Venter: Sampling the ocean's DNA Craig Venter TEDGlobal 2005 2005-02-24 6 Q22978292
Craig Venter: Watch me unveil "synthetic life" Craig Venter TED 2010-05-21 863 Q23662814
Cristina Domenech: Poetry that frees the soul Cristina Domenech TEDx conference 2014-10-01 2163 Q23471584
Cynthia Breazeal: The rise of personal robots Cynthia Breazeal TEDWomen 2010 2010-12-08 1070 Q23000481
Cynthia Kenyon: Experiments that hint of longer lives Cynthia Kenyon TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-13 1274 Q22999256
Cynthia Schneider: The surprising spread of Idol TV Cynthia P. Schneider TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-07 684 Q22998838
Dale Dougherty: We are makers Dale Dougherty TED 2011-01-09 1065 Q23463882
Dalia Mogahed: The attitudes that sparked Arab Spring Dalia Mogahed TEDx conference 2012-04-19 1462 Q23468100
Dambisa Moyo: Economic growth has stalled. Let's fix it Dambisa Moyo TED 2015-12-08 2423 Q23663388
Dambisa Moyo: Is China the new idol for emerging economies? Dambisa Moyo TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-13 1842 Q22999565
Dame Ellen MacArthur: The surprising thing I learned sailing solo around the world Ellen MacArthur sailing
TED2015 2015-03-20 2292 Q23419039
Dame Stephanie Shirley: Why do ambitious women have flat heads? Steve Shirley TED2015 2015-03-18 2223 Q22991415
Damian Palin: Mining minerals from seawater Damian Palin TED2012 2012-02-27 1470 Q22988153
Damon Horowitz: Philosophy in prison Damon Horowitz TED2011 2011-03-04 1286 Q22986156
Damon Horowitz: We need a "moral operating system" Damon Horowitz TEDx conference 2011-05-14 1162 Q23465392
Dan Ariely: Are we in control of our own decisions? Dan Ariely TED 2008-12-12 548 Q23663679
Dan Ariely: Beware conflicts of interest Dan Ariely TED2011 2011-03-01 1212 Q22986076
Dan Ariely: How equal do we want the world to be? You'd be surprised Dan Ariely TED2015 2015-03-17 2229 Q22991476
Dan Ariely: Our buggy moral code Dan Ariely TED2009 2009-02-07 487 Q22980422
Dan Ariely: What makes us feel good about our work? Dan Ariely TEDx conference 2012-10-24 1706 Q23470119
Dan Barasch: A park underneath the hustle and bustle of New York City Dan Barasch TED 2014-07-09 2078 Q23464862
Dan Barber: A foie gras parable Dan Barber TED 2008-07-18 406 Q23663661
Dan Barber: How I fell in love with a fish Dan Barber TED2010 2010-02-10 790 Q22980732
Dan Berkenstock: The world is one big dataset. Now, how to photograph it ... Dan Berkenstock TED 2013-10-30 1919 Q23464833
Dan Buettner: How to live to be 100+ Dan Buettner TEDx conference 2009-09-02 727 Q23465014
Dan Cobley: What physics taught me about marketing Dan Cobley TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-15 941 Q22999009
Dan Dennett: Cute, sexy, sweet, funny Daniel Dennett TED2009 2009-02-05 485 Q22980420
Dan Dennett: Dangerous memes Daniel Dennett TED2002 2002-02-02 116 Q22992297
Dan Dennett: Let's teach religion -- all religion -- in schools Daniel Dennett TED2006 2006-02-02 94 Q22979761
Dan Dennett: The illusion of consciousness Daniel Dennett TED2003 2003-02-27 102 Q22992371
Dan Gilbert: The psychology of your future self Daniel Gilbert TED2014 2014-03-18 2012 Q22990971
Dan Gilbert: The surprising science of happiness Daniel Gilbert TED2004 2004-02-02 97 Q22992615
Dan Gilbert: Why we make bad decisions Daniel Gilbert TEDGlobal 2005 2005-07-07 420 Q22978333
Dan Meyer: Math class needs a makeover Dan Meyer TEDx conference 2010-03-06 855 Q23465057
Dan Pacholke: How prisons can help inmates live meaningful lives Dan Pacholke TEDx conference 2014-03-15 2057 Q23471310
Dan Pallotta: The way we think about charity is dead wrong Dan Pallotta TED2013 2013-03-01 1688 Q22988780
Dan Phillips: Creative houses from reclaimed stuff Dan Phillips TEDx conference 2010-10-12 1015 Q23465120
Dan Pink: The puzzle of motivation Daniel H. Pink TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-24 618 Q22998724
Daniel Goldstein: The battle between your present and future self Daniel Goldstein TED 2011-11-09 1310 Q23662864
Daniel Goleman: Why aren't we more compassionate? Daniel Goleman TED2007 2007-03-03 200 Q22980031
Daniel H. Cohen: For argument’s sake Daniel H. Cohen TEDx conference 2013-02-23 1805 Q23470462
Daniel Kahneman: The riddle of experience vs. memory Daniel Kahneman TED2010 2010-02-10 779 Q22980676
Daniel Kish: How I use sonar to navigate the world Daniel Kish TED2015 2015-03-17 2224 Q22991425
Daniel Kraft: A better way to harvest bone marrow Daniel Kraft TED2009 2009-02-06 601 Q22980573
Daniel Kraft: Medicine's future? There's an app for that Daniel Kraft TEDx conference 2011-04-04 1168 Q23465436
Daniel Levitin: How to stay calm when you know you'll be stressed Daniel Levitin TED 2015-09-29 2361 Q23663362
Daniel Libeskind: 17 words of architectural inspiration Daniel Libeskind TED2009 2009-02-06 589 Q22980558
Daniel Reisel: The neuroscience of restorative justice Daniel Reisel TED2013 2013-02-27 1946 Q22989737
Daniel Suarez: The kill decision shouldn't belong to a robot Daniel Suarez TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-11 1766 Q22999455
Daniel Tammet: Different ways of knowing Daniel Tammet TED2011 2011-03-03 1175 Q22986058
Daniel Wolpert: The real reason for brains Daniel M. Wolpert TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-13 1261 Q22999245
Daniele Quercia: Happy maps Daniele Quercia TED 2014-11-10 2162 Q23464914
Danielle de Niese: A flirtatious aria Danielle de Niese TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-12 1235 Q22999208
Danit Peleg: Forget shopping. Soon you'll download your new clothes Danit Peleg dillad TED 2015-11-14 2388 Q23663990
Danny Hillis: Back to the future (of 1994) William Daniel Hillis TED 1994-02-20 1346 Q23457846
Danny Hillis: The Internet could crash. We need a Plan B William Daniel Hillis TED2013 2013-02-27 1693 Q22988798
Danny Hillis: Understanding cancer through proteomics William Daniel Hillis TEDMED 2010 2010-10-26 1082 Q22977848
Daphne Bavelier: Your brain on video games Daphne Bavelier TEDx conference 2012-06-22 1618 Q23469371
Daphne Koller: What we're learning from online education Daphne Koller TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-26 1531 Q22999336
Daria van den Bercken: Why I take the piano on the road … and in the air Daria van den Bercken TED 2014-06-24 2100 Q23663106
Dave Eggers: My wish: Once Upon a School Dave Eggers TED2008 2008-02-28 233 Q22980143
Dave Isay: Everyone around you has a story the world needs to hear David Isay TED2015 2015-03-17 2222 Q22991407
Dave Meslin: The antidote to apathy Dave Meslin TEDx conference 2010-10-10 1119 Q23465230
Dave Troy: Social maps that reveal a city's intersections — and separations Dave Troy TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-13 2150 Q22999985
Dave deBronkart: Meet e-Patient Dave Dave deBronkart TEDx conference 2011-04-04 1181 Q23465511
David Agus: A new strategy in the war on cancer David Agus TEDMED 2009 2009-10-10 761 Q22976912
David Anderson: Your brain is more than a bag of chemicals David J. Anderson TEDx conference 2013-01-18 1689 Q23470082
David Binder: The arts festival revolution David Binder TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-26 1552 Q22999352
David Birch: A new way to stop identity theft David Birch TEDx conference 2012-04-27 1466 Q23468161
David Bismark: E-voting without fraud David Bismark TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-14 997 Q22999077
David Blaine: How I held my breath for 17 minutes David Blaine TEDMED 2009 2009-10-27 741 Q22976112
David Bolinsky: Visualizing the wonder of a living cell David Bolinsky TED2007 2007-03-03 147 Q22979975
David Brooks: Should you live for your résumé ... or your eulogy? David Brooks TED2014 2014-03-19 1973 Q22990298
David Brooks: The social animal David Brooks TED2011 2011-03-01 1094 Q22985285
David Byrne, Ethel + Thomas Dolby: "(Nothing But) Flowers" with string quartet David Byrne
Thomas Dolby
TED2010 2010-02-12 988 Q22980844
David Byrne: How architecture helped music evolve David Byrne TED2010 2010-02-12 883 Q22980817
David Cameron: The next age of government David Cameron TED2010 2010-02-10 768 Q22980665
David Carson: Design and discovery David Carson TED2003 2003-02-02 436 Q22992440
David Chalmers: How do you explain consciousness? David Chalmers TED2014 2014-03-18 2045 Q22991010
David Christian: The history of our world in 18 minutes David Christian TED2011 2011-03-04 1118 Q22985582
David Deutsch: A new way to explain explanation David Deutsch TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-23 666 Q22998816
David Deutsch: Chemical scum that dream of distant quasars David Deutsch TEDGlobal 2005 2005-07-14 47 Q22978301
David Eagleman: Can we create new senses for humans? David Eagleman TED2015 2015-03-17 2215 Q22991345
David Epstein: Are athletes really getting faster, better, stronger? David Epstein TED2014 2014-03-20 1986 Q22990407
David Gallo: Life in the deep oceans David Gallo TED 1998-02-28 343 Q23457731
David Gallo: Underwater astonishments David Gallo TED2007 2007-03-03 206 Q22980071
David Grady: How to save the world (or at least yourself) from bad meetings David Grady TED 2013-10-17 2135 Q23464909
David Griffin: How photography connects us David Griffin TED2008 2008-02-02 324 Q22980247
David Gruber: Glow-in-the-dark sharks and other stunning sea creatures David Gruber TED 2015-10-10 2414 Q23664021
David Hanson: Robots that "show emotion" David Hanson TED2009 2009-02-04 657 Q22980584
David Hoffman: Sputnik mania David Hoffman TED2007 2007-03-03 239 Q22980094
David Hoffman: What happens when you lose everything David Hoffman TED2008 2008-02-02 282 Q22980217
David Holt: The joyful tradition of mountain music David Holt TED2004 2004-03-01 413 Q22992695
David Keith: A critical look at geoengineering against climate change David Keith TED 2007-09-09 192 Q23662802
David Kelley: How to build your creative confidence David M. Kelley TED2012 2012-03-01 1449 Q22988133
David Kelley: Human-centered design David M. Kelley TED2002 2002-02-02 122 Q22992301
David Kwong: Two nerdy obsessions meet -- and it's magic David Kwong TED2014 2014-03-21 2027 Q22990994
David Lang: My underwater robot David Lang OpenROV TED2013 2013-02-25 1885 Q22989659
David Logan: Tribal leadership David Logan TEDx conference 2009-03-23 651 Q23465008
David MacKay: A reality check on renewables David MacKay TEDx conference 2012-03-12 1460 Q23468063
David Macaulay: An illustrated journey through Rome David Macaulay TED2002 2002-02-02 215 Q22992309
David McCandless: The beauty of data visualization David McCandless TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-09 937 Q22999004
David Merrill: Toy tiles that talk to each other David Merrill TED2009 2009-02-06 457 Q22980377
David Perry: Are games better than life? David Perry TED2006 2006-02-02 361 Q22979785
David Pizarro: The strange politics of disgust David Pizarro TEDx conference 2012-05-11 1597 Q23469118
David Pogue: 10 top time-saving tech tips David Pogue TED2013 2013-02-25 1725 Q22989005
David Pogue: Cool tricks your phone can do David Pogue TED 2008-12-12 495 Q23663677
David Pogue: Simplicity sells David Pogue TED2006 2006-02-24 7 Q22979693
David Pogue: The music wars David Pogue TED2007 2007-03-03 196 Q22980025
David Puttnam: Does the media have a "duty of care"? David Puttnam TEDx conference 2013-06-20 1924 Q23470919
David R. Dow: Lessons from death row inmates David R. Dow TEDx conference 2012-02-11 1480 Q23468324
David Rockwell: A memorial at Ground Zero David Rockwell TED2002 2002-02-02 8 Q22992285
David Rothkopf: How fear drives American politics David Rothkopf TED2015 2015-03-16 2326 Q23419071
David S. Rose: How to pitch to a VC David S. Rose TED2007 2007-03-01 353 Q22980110
David Sedlak: 4 ways we can avoid a catastrophic drought David Sedlak TEDx conference 2015-09-17 2404 Q23663626
David Sengeh: The sore problem of prosthetic limbs David Sengeh TED2014 2014-03-17 1971 Q22990272
David Steindl-Rast: Want to be happy? Be grateful David Steindl-Rast TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-25 1880 Q22999640
Dawn Landes: A song for my hero, the woman who rowed into a hurricane Dawn Landes TED2015 2015-03-18 2248 Q22991622
Dean Kamen: Luke, a new prosthetic arm for soldiers Dean Kamen TED2007 2007-03-09 82 Q22979949
Dean Kamen: The emotion behind invention Dean Kamen TEDMED 2009 2009-10-26 819 Q22977000
Dean Kamen: To invent is to give Dean Kamen TED2002 2002-02-02 9 Q22992287
Dean Ornish: Healing through diet Dean Ornish TED2004 2004-02-02 377 Q22992682
Dean Ornish: The killer American diet that's sweeping the planet Dean Ornish TED2006 2006-02-23 10 Q22979694
Dean Ornish: Your genes are not your fate Dean Ornish TED2008 2008-03-03 252 Q22980175
Deb Roy: The birth of a word Deb Roy TED2011 2011-03-04 1092 Q22985284
Deborah Gordon: The emergent genius of ant colonies Deborah M. Gordon TED2003 2003-02-02 145 Q22992393
Deborah Gordon: What ants teach us about the brain, cancer and the Internet Deborah M. Gordon TED2014 2014-03-20 1995 Q22990743
Deborah Rhodes: A test that finds 3x more breast tumors, and why it's not available to you Deborah Rhodes TEDWomen 2010 2010-12-08 1047 Q23000467
Deborah Scranton: An Iraq war movie crowd-sourced from soldiers Deborah Scranton TED2007 2007-03-03 171 Q22980000
Debra Jarvis: Yes, I survived cancer. But that doesn't define me Debra Jarvis TEDMED 2014 2014-09-10 2120 Q22978266
Dee Boersma: Pay attention to penguins P. Dee Boersma TED 2010-04-10 861 Q23663705
Del Harvey: Protecting Twitter users (sometimes from themselves) Del Harvey TED2014 2014-03-12 1958 Q22990156
Denis Dutton: A Darwinian theory of beauty Denis Dutton TED2010 2010-02-10 1008 Q22980848
Denise Herzing: Could we speak the language of dolphins? Denise L. Herzing TED2013 2013-02-27 1758 Q22989273
Dennis Hong: Making a car for blind drivers Dennis Hong TED2011 2011-03-04 1158 Q22986004
Dennis Hong: My seven species of robot -- and how we created them Dennis Hong TEDx conference 2009-09-10 820 Q23465049
Dennis vanEngelsdorp: A plea for bees Dennis vanEngelsdorp TED 2008-07-19 416 Q23663663
Derek Paravicini and Adam Ockelford: In the key of genius Derek Paravicini
Adam Ockelford
TEDx conference 2013-03-01 1808 Q23470484
Derek Sivers: How to start a movement Derek Sivers TED2010 2010-02-11 814 Q22980752
Derek Sivers: Keep your goals to yourself Derek Sivers TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-15 947 Q22999022
Derek Sivers: Weird, or just different? Derek Sivers TEDIndia 2009 2009-11-06 755 Q23000328
Devdutt Pattanaik: East vs. West -- the myths that mystify Devdutt Pattanaik TEDIndia 2009 2009-11-05 686 Q23000266
Diana Laufenberg: How to learn? From mistakes Diana Laufenberg TEDx conference 2010-11-05 1034 Q23465129
Diana Nyad: Extreme swimming with the world's most dangerous jellyfish Diana Nyad TEDMED 2011 2011-10-28 1336 Q22978018
Diana Nyad: Never, ever give up Diana Nyad TEDWomen 2013 2013-12-05 1896 Q23000704
Diane Benscoter: How cults rewire the brain Diane Benscoter TED2009 2009-02-06 578 Q22980547
Diane J. Savino: The case for same-sex marriage Diane Savino TED 2009-12-02 931 Q23663711
Diane Kelly: What we didn't know about penis anatomy Diane Kelly TEDMED 2012 2012-04-11 1468 Q22978208
Dianna Cohen: Tough truths about plastic pollution Dianna Cohen TED 2010-04-16 986 Q23663728
Didier Sornette: How we can predict the next financial crisis Didier Sornette TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-11 1768 Q22999459
Dilip Ratha: The hidden force in global economics: sending money home Dilip Ratha TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-07 2105 Q22999953
Dimitar Sasselov: How we found hundreds of potential Earth-like planets Dimitar Sasselov TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-15 920 Q22998911
Diébédo Francis Kéré: How to build with clay ... and community Diébédo Francis Kéré TED 2013-09-20 1888 Q23663028
Don Levy: A cinematic journey through visual effects TED2012 2012-02-28 1639 Q22988209
Don Norman: 3 ways good design makes you happy Donald Norman TED2003 2003-02-02 480 Q22992452
Don Tapscott: Four principles for the open world Don Tapscott TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-26 1492 Q22999296
Donald Hoffman: Do we see reality as it is? Donald Hoffman TED2015 2015-03-18 2277 Q23419007
Donald Sadoway: The missing link to renewable energy Donald Sadoway TED2012 2012-03-01 1401 Q22988028
Dong Woo Jang: The art of bow-making Dong Woo Jang TED2013 2013-02-28 1790 Q22989399
Doris Kearns Goodwin: Lessons from past presidents Doris Kearns Goodwin TED2008 2008-02-02 363 Q22980266
Doris Kim Sung: Metal that breathes Doris Kim Sung TEDx conference 2012-05-04 1598 Q23469140
Dorothy Roberts: The problem with race-based medicine Dorothy Roberts meddygaeth
TED 2015-11-18 2428 Q23663939
Douglas Adams: Parrots, the universe and everything Douglas Adams 5257 TED 2001-05-16 798 Q23663697
Drew Berry: Animations of unseeable biology Drew Berry TEDx conference 2011-05-28 1322 Q23466092
Drew Curtis: How I beat a patent troll Drew Curtis TED2012 2012-02-28 1422 Q22988081
Drew Dudley: Everyday leadership Drew Dudley TEDx conference 2010-09-23 1355 Q23466689
Dustin Yellin: A journey through the mind of an artist Dustin Yellin TED 2014-10-10 2319 Q23663954
Dyan deNapoli: The great penguin rescue Dyan deNapoli TEDx conference 2011-06-28 1208 Q23465579
E.O. Wilson: Advice to young scientists Edward O. Wilson TEDMED 2012 2012-04-19 1485 Q22978213
E.O. Wilson: My wish: Build the Encyclopedia of Life Edward O. Wilson TED2007 2007-03-08 83 Q22979950
Eames Demetrios: The design genius of Charles + Ray Eames Eames Demetrios Charles and Ray Eames TED2007 2007-02-02 590 Q22980114
Eben Bayer: Are mushrooms the new plastic? Eben Bayer TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-09 971 Q22999053
Ed Boyden: A light switch for neurons Edward Boyden TED2011 2011-03-03 1146 Q22985937
Ed Gavagan: A story about knots and surgeons Ed Gavagan TEDMED 2012 2012-04-11 1566 Q22978215
Ed Ulbrich: How Benjamin Button got his face Ed Ulbrich TED2009 2009-02-04 469 Q22980392
Ed Yong: Zombie roaches and other parasite tales Ed Yong TED2014 2014-03-20 1955 Q22990132
Eddi Reader: "Kiteflyer's Hill" Eddi Reader TED2003 2003-02-02 110 Q22992380
Eddi Reader: "What You've Got" Eddi Reader TED2003 2003-02-02 109 Q22992377
Eddie Obeng: Smart failure for a fast-changing world Eddie Obeng TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-26 1580 Q22999384
Eddy Cartaya: My glacier cave discoveries Eddy Cartaya TEDYouth 2013-11-16 1889 Q23498438
Edi Rama: Take back your city with paint Edi Rama TEDx conference 2012-05-12 1664 Q23469895
Edith Widder: Glowing life in an underwater world Edith Widder TED 2010-04-09 833 Q23663701
Edith Widder: How we found the giant squid Edith Widder TED2013 2013-02-26 1684 Q22988760
Edith Widder: The weird, wonderful world of bioluminescence Edith Widder TED2011 2011-03-03 1149 Q22985943
Eduardo Paes: The 4 commandments of cities Eduardo Paes TED2012 2012-02-29 1429 Q22988098
Eduardo Sáenz de Cabezón: Math is forever Eduardo Sáenz de Cabezón TEDx conference 2014-10-01 2186 Q23471673
Edward Burtynsky: My wish: Manufactured landscapes and green education Edward Burtynsky TED2005 2005-02-17 56 Q22979403
Edward Burtynsky: Photographing the landscape of oil Edward Burtynsky TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-21 683 Q22998832
Edward Snowden: Here's how we take back the Internet
Edward Snowden Rhyngrwyd TED2014 2014-03-18 1950 Q22946533
Edward Tenner: Unintended consequences Edward Tenner TED2011 2011-03-02 1217 Q22986083
Edwidge Danticat: Stories of Haiti Edwidge Danticat TED 2004-10-13 737 Q23663688
Einstein the Parrot: A talking, squawking parrot Einstein TED2006 2006-02-02 334 Q22979783
Elaine Morgan: I believe we evolved from aquatic apes Elaine Morgan TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-22 607 Q22998713
Eleanor Longden: The voices in my head Eleanor Longden TED2013 2013-02-28 1800 Q22989421
Eleni Gabre-Madhin: A commodities exchange for Ethiopia Eleni Zaude Gabre-Madhin TEDGlobal 2007 2007-06-06 185 Q22998639
Eli Beer: The fastest ambulance? A motorcycle Eli Beer TEDMED 2013 2013-04-16 1799 Q22978242
Eli Pariser: Beware online "filter bubbles" Eli Pariser TED2011 2011-03-03 1091 Q22985282
Elif Shafak: The politics of fiction Elif Şafak TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-14 917 Q22998905
Elizabeth Gilbert: Success, failure and the drive to keep creating Elizabeth Gilbert TED2014 2014-03-19 1983 Q22990381
Elizabeth Gilbert: Your elusive creative genius Elizabeth Gilbert TED2009 2009-02-05 453 Q22980375
Elizabeth Lesser: Take "the Other" to lunch Elizabeth Lesser TEDWomen 2010 2010-12-08 1052 Q23000472
Elizabeth Lev: The unheard story of the Sistine Chapel Elizabeth Lev TED 2015-12-08 2415 Q23663381
Elizabeth Lindsey: Curating humanity's heritage Elizabeth Kapu'uwailani Lindsey TEDWomen 2010 2010-12-08 1081 Q23000486
Elizabeth Loftus: How reliable is your memory? Elizabeth Loftus TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-11 1826 Q22999554
Elizabeth Murchison: Fighting a contagious cancer Elizabeth Murchison TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-14 1229 Q22999197
Elizabeth Nyamayaro: An invitation to men who want a better world for women Elizabeth Nyamayaro TEDWomen 2015 2015-05-28 2311 Q23414977
Elizabeth Pisani: Sex, drugs and HIV -- let's get rational Elizabeth Pisani TED2010 2010-02-12 818 Q22980757
Ellen Gustafson: Obesity + hunger = 1 global food issue Ellen Gustafson TEDx conference 2010-05-07 910 Q23465071
Ellen 't Hoen: Pool medical patents, save lives Ellen 't Hoen TEDx conference 2012-10-25 1627 Q23469460
Ellen Dunham-Jones: Retrofitting suburbia Ellen Dunham-Jones TEDx conference 2010-01-26 898 Q23465070
Ellen Jorgensen: Biohacking -- you can do it, too Ellen Jorgensen TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-22 1568 Q22999370
Elliot Krane: The mystery of chronic pain Elliot Krane TED2011 2011-03-02 1148 Q22985940
Elon Musk: The mind behind Tesla, SpaceX, SolarCity ... Elon Musk TED2013 2013-02-28 1695 Q22988814
Elora Hardy: Magical houses, made of bamboo Elora Hardy TED2015 2015-03-18 2251 Q22991647
Elyn Saks: A tale of mental illness -- from the inside Elyn Saks TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-27 1494 Q22999298
Eman Mohammed: The courage to tell a hidden story Eman Mohammed TED2014 2014-03-14 2095 Q22991053
Emiliano Salinas: A civil response to violence Emiliano Salinas TEDx conference 2010-11-01 1179 Q23465484
Emilie Wapnick: Why some of us don't have one true calling Emilie Wapnick multipotentiality TEDx conference 2015-04-18 2341 Q23663613
Emily Balcetis: Why some people find exercise harder than others Emily Balcetis TEDx conference 2014-11-01 2140 Q23471435
Emily Levine: A theory of everything Emily Levine TED2002 2002-02-02 510 Q22992340
Emily Oster: Flip your thinking on AIDS in Africa Emily Oster TED2007 2007-03-03 143 Q22979972
Emily Pilloton: Teaching design for change Emily Pilloton TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-16 1002 Q22999080
Emma Teeling: The secret of the bat genome Emma C. Teeling TEDx conference 2012-09-22 1605 Q23469187
Emmanuel Jal: The music of a war child Emmanuel Jal TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-23 615 Q22998721
Enric Sala: Glimpses of a pristine ocean Enric Sala TED 2010-04-10 854 Q23663704
Enrique Peñalosa: Why buses represent democracy in action Enrique Peñalosa TED 2013-09-20 1886 Q23663023
Eric Berlow and Sean Gourley: Mapping ideas worth spreading Eric Berlow
Sean Gourley
TED2013 2013-02-28 1823 Q22989498
Eric Berlow: Simplifying complexity Eric Berlow TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-15 1006 Q22999086
Eric Dishman: Health care should be a team sport Eric Dishman TED 2013-03-27 1711 Q23464741
Eric Dishman: Take health care off the mainframe Eric Dishman TEDMED 2009 2009-11-11 797 Q22976998
Eric Giler: A demo of wireless electricity Eric Giler TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-23 619 Q22998727
Eric Lewis: Chaos and harmony on piano Eric Lewis TED2009 2009-02-05 541 Q22980510
Eric Lewis: Piano jazz that rocks Eric Lewis TED2009 2009-02-06 478 Q22980410
Eric Liu: Why ordinary people need to understand power Eric Liu TED 2013-09-20 2060 Q23663088
Eric Mead: The magic of the placebo Eric Mead TEDMED 2009 2009-10-10 792 Q22976996
Eric Sanderson: New York -- before the City Eric W. Sanderson Welikia Project TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-22 655 Q22998802
Eric Topol: The wireless future of medicine Eric J. Topol TEDMED 2009 2009-10-10 772 Q22976994
Eric Whitacre: A virtual choir 2,000 voices strong Eric Whitacre TED2011 2011-03-01 1110 Q22985483
Eric Whitacre: Virtual Choir Live Eric Whitacre TED2013 2013-03-01 1697 Q22988821
Eric X. Li: A tale of two political systems Eric X. Li TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-12 1778 Q22999465
Erica Frenkel: The universal anesthesia machine Erica Frenkel TEDx conference 2011-12-02 1345 Q23466619
Erik Brynjolfsson: The key to growth? Race with the machines Erik Brynjolfsson TED2013 2013-02-26 1720 Q22988984
Erik Hersman: Reporting crisis via texting Erik Hersman TED2009 2009-02-06 523 Q22980489
Erik Johansson: Impossible photography Erik Johansson TED 2011-11-08 1353 Q23662883
Erik Schlangen: A "self-healing" asphalt Erik Schlangen TEDx conference 2012-10-05 1665 Q23469913
Erin McKean: Go ahead, make up new words! Erin McKean TEDYouth 2014-11-15 2158 Q23498441
Erin McKean: The joy of lexicography Erin McKean TED2007 2007-03-03 161 Q22979978
Ernest Madu: World-class health care Ernest Madu TEDGlobal 2007 2007-06-06 249 Q22998651
Ernesto Sirolli: Want to help someone? Shut up and listen! Ernesto Sirolli TEDx conference 2012-09-01 1617 Q23469345
Esta Soler: How we turned the tide on domestic violence (Hint: the Polaroid helped) Esta Soler TEDWomen 2013 2013-12-05 1918 Q23000728
Esther Duflo: Social experiments to fight poverty Esther Duflo TED2010 2010-02-12 847 Q22980780
Esther Perel: Rethinking infidelity ... a talk for anyone who has ever loved Esther Perel infidelity TED2015 2015-03-19 2252 Q22991657
Esther Perel: The secret to desire in a long-term relationship Esther Perel TED 2013-02-11 1669 Q23662930
Ethan Nadelmann: Why we need to end the War on Drugs Ethan Nadelmann TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-15 2130 Q22999974
Ethan Zuckerman: Listening to global voices Ethan Zuckerman TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-14 916 Q22998902
Ethel: A string quartet plays "Blue Room" ETHEL TED2006 2006-02-02 138 Q22979775
Euvin Naidoo: Why invest in Africa Euvin Naidoo TEDGlobal 2007 2007-06-04 154 Q22998321
Eva Vertes: Meet the future of cancer research Eva Vertes George TED2005 2005-02-26 12 Q22979372
Eva Zeisel: The playful search for beauty Eva Zeisel TED2001 2001-02-02 414 Q22992232
Evan Grant: Making sound visible through cymatics Evan Grant TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-23 626 Q22998744
Evan Williams: The voices of Twitter users Evan Williams TED2009 2009-02-05 473 Q22980399
Eve Ensler: Embrace your inner girl Eve Ensler TEDIndia 2009 2009-11-06 751 Q23000319
Eve Ensler: Happiness in body and soul Eve Ensler TED2004 2004-02-04 64 Q22992566
Eve Ensler: Suddenly, my body Eve Ensler TEDWomen 2010 2010-12-04 1205 Q23000492
Eve Ensler: What security means to me Eve Ensler TEDGlobal 2005 2005-07-07 217 Q22978328
Evelyn Glennie: How to truly listen Evelyn Glennie TED2003 2003-02-02 103 Q22992373
Evgeny Morozov: How the Net aids dictatorships Evgeny Morozov TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-23 641 Q22998771
Eythor Bender: Human exoskeletons -- for war and healing Eythor Bender TED2011 2011-03-02 1104 Q22985393
Fabian Hemmert: The shape-shifting future of the mobile phone Fabian Hemmert TEDx conference 2010-02-02 964 Q23465087
Fabian Oefner: Psychedelic science Fabian Oefner TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-12 1834 Q22999556
Fabien Cousteau: What I learned from spending 31 days underwater Fabien Cousteau TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-13 2116 Q22999959
Fahad Al-Attiya: A country with no water Fahad Al-Attiya TEDx conference 2012-04-22 1660 Q23469876
Faith Jegede: What I've learned from my autistic brothers Faith Jegede TED 2012-04-22 1600 Q23464603
Fawn Qiu: Easy DIY projects for kid engineers TED 2016-07-12 2623 Q43233640
Fei-Fei Li: How we're teaching computers to understand pictures Fei-Fei Li TED2015 2015-03-17 2218 Q22991370
Felix Dennis: Odes to vice and consequences Felix Dennis TED2004 2004-02-27 562 Q22992738
Fields Wicker-Miurin: Learning from leadership's missing manual Fields Wicker-Miurin TED 2009-09-21 692 Q23662809
Fiorenzo Omenetto: Silk, the ancient material of the future Fiorenzo Omenetto TED2011 2011-03-03 1142 Q22985932
Frances Larson: Why public beheadings get millions of views Frances Larson dienyddiad
TED 2015-06-16 2335 Q23663350
Francesco Sauro: Deep under the Earth's surface, discovering beauty and science Francesco Sauro TED 2015-09-29 2359 Q23663360
Francis Collins: We need better drugs -- now Francis Collins TEDMED 2012 2012-04-12 1696 Q22978220
Francis de los Reyes: Sanitation is a basic human right Francis de los Reyes TED 2013-08-14 2097 Q23663103
Franco Sacchi: A tour of Nollywood, Nigeria's booming film industry Franco Sacchi Nollywood TEDGlobal 2007 2007-06-06 403 Q22998676
Frank Gehry: A master architect asks, Now what? Frank Gehry TED2002 2002-02-28 13 Q22992291
Frank Gehry: My days as a young rebel Frank Gehry TED 1990-03-03 231 Q23457686
Frank Warren: Half a million secrets Frank Warren PostSecret TED2012 2012-02-29 1416 Q22988073
Frans Lanting: Photos that give voice to the animal kingdom Frans Lanting TED2014 2014-03-11 2117 Q22991055
Frans Lanting: The story of life in photographs Frans Lanting TED2005 2005-02-02 40 Q22979394
Frans de Waal: Moral behavior in animals Frans de Waal social inequity aversion TEDx conference 2011-11-04 1417 Q23467320
Fred Jansen: How to land on a comet Fred Jansen TED2015 2015-03-17 2230 Q22991482
Fred Swaniker: The leaders who ruined Africa, and the generation who can fix it Fred Swaniker TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-22 2113 Q22999958
Frederic Kaplan: How to build an information time machine Frederic Kaplan TEDx conference 2013-06-19 1902 Q23470751
Frederick Balagadde: Bio-lab on a microchip Frederick Balagadde TED2010 2010-02-11 836 Q22980766
Fredy Peccerelli: A forensic anthropologist who brings closure for the "disappeared" Fredy Peccerelli TEDYouth 2014-11-15 2164 Q23498442
Freeman Dyson: Let's look for life in the outer solar system Freeman Dyson TED2003 2003-02-02 306 Q22992409
Freeman Hrabowski: 4 pillars of college success in science Freeman A. Hrabowski III TED2013 2013-02-28 1710 Q22988944
Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly: Be passionate. Be courageous. Be your best. Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly TED2014 2014-03-21 1972 Q22990287
Gabe Barcia-Colombo: My DNA vending machine Gabe Barcia-Colombo TED 2013-08-19 1942 Q23663051
Gabriel Barcia-Colombo: Capturing memories in video art Gabe Barcia-Colombo TED2012 2012-02-27 1508 Q22988185
Gail Reed: Where to train the world's doctors? Cuba. Gail Reed TEDMED 2014 2014-09-10 2098 Q22978261
Garik Israelian: How spectroscopy could reveal alien life Garik Israelyan TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-23 648 Q22998783
Garrett Lisi: An 8-dimensional model of the universe Antony Garrett Lisi TED2008 2008-02-02 371 Q22980268
Garth Lenz: The true cost of oil Garth Lenz TEDx conference 2011-11-19 1362 Q23466920
Gary Flake: Is Pivot a turning point for web exploration? Gary William Flake TED2010 2010-02-02 783 Q22980677
Gary Greenberg: The beautiful nano details of our world Gary Greenberg TEDx conference 2012-04-10 1604 Q23469166
Gary Haugen: The hidden reason for poverty the world needs to address now Gary Haugen TED2015 2015-03-17 2239 Q22991538
Gary Kovacs: Tracking our online trackers Gary Kovacs TED2012 2012-02-29 1436 Q22988110
Gary Lauder's new traffic sign: Take Turns Gary Lauder TED2010 2010-02-02 789 Q22980730
Gary Slutkin: Let's treat violence like a contagious disease Gary Slutkin TEDMED 2013 2013-04-17 1840 Q22978244
Gary Vaynerchuk: Do what you love (no excuses!) Gary Vaynerchuk TED 2008-09-19 795 Q23663695
Gary Wolf: The quantified self Gary Wolf TED 2010-06-15 966 Q23463858
Gavin Pretor-Pinney: Cloudy with a chance of joy Gavin Pretor-Pinney TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-13 1780 Q22999467
Gavin Schmidt: The emergent patterns of climate change Gavin Schmidt TED2014 2014-03-12 1988 Q22990432
Gayle Tzemach Lemmon: Meet the women fighting on the front lines of an American war Gayle Tzemach Lemmon milwr
Rhyfel Affganistan
TEDWomen 2015 2015-05-29 2288 Q23414349
Gayle Tzemach Lemmon: Women entrepreneurs, example not exception Gayle Tzemach Lemmon TEDx conference 2011-12-02 1339 Q23466237
Ge Wang: The DIY orchestra of the future Ge Wang TEDx conference 2014-05-10 2033 Q23471171
Geena Rocero: Why I must come out Geena Rocero TED2014 2014-03-19 1961 Q22990193
Geert Chatrou: A whistleblower you haven't heard Geert Chatrou TEDx conference 2010-06-04 1073 Q23465178
Genevieve von Petzinger: Why are these 32 symbols found in ancient caves all over Europe? Genevieve von Petzinger TED 2015-08-26 2377 Q23663983
Geoff Mulgan: A short intro to the Studio School Geoff Mulgan TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-12 1232 Q22999201
Geoff Mulgan: Post-crash, investing in a better world Geoff Mulgan TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-24 625 Q22998742
Geoffrey Canada: Our failing schools. Enough is enough! Geoffrey Canada TED 2013-05-07 1732 Q23662943
Geoffrey West: The surprising math of cities and corporations Geoffrey West TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-12 1197 Q22999143
George Ayittey: Africa's cheetahs versus hippos George Ayittey TEDGlobal 2007 2007-06-05 151 Q22998316
George Dyson: The birth of the computer George Dyson TED2003 2003-03-03 278 Q22992402
George Dyson: The story of Project Orion George Dyson TED2002 2002-02-02 221 Q22992316
George Monbiot: For more wonder, rewild the world George Monbiot Dad-ddofi TEDGlobal 2013 2013-07-08 1816 Q22999540
George Papandreou: Imagine a European democracy without borders Giorgos Papandreou TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-11 1765 Q22999453
George Smoot: The design of the universe George F. Smoot TED 2008-05-08 404 Q23663660
George Takei: Why I love a country that once betrayed me George Takei TEDx conference 2014-06-04 2038 Q23471202
George Whitesides: A lab the size of a postage stamp George M. Whitesides TEDx conference 2009-07-28 760 Q23465020
George Whitesides: Toward a science of simplicity George M. Whitesides TED2010 2010-02-13 845 Q22980777
Georgette Mulheir: The tragedy of orphanages Georgette Mulheir TED 2012-05-10 1601 Q23662902
Geraldine Hamilton: Body parts on a chip Geraldine Hamilton TEDx conference 2013-06-25 1882 Q23470673
Gero Miesenboeck: Re-engineering the brain Gero Miesenböck TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-16 1000 Q22999079
Gever Tulley: 5 dangerous things you should let your kids do Gever Tulley TED2007 2007-03-03 202 Q22980035
Gever Tulley: Life lessons through tinkering Gever Tulley TED2009 2009-02-06 588 Q22980556
Gian Giudice: Why our universe might exist on a knife-edge Gian Francesco Giudice TEDx conference 2013-05-03 1853 Q23470588
Glenn Greenwald: Why privacy matters Glenn Greenwald TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-02 2106 Q22999954
Golan Levin: Art that looks back at you Golan Levin TED2009 2009-02-20 606 Q22980578
Golan Levin: Software (as) art Golan Levin TED2004 2004-02-27 14 Q22992495
Gordon Brown: Global ethic vs. national interest Gordon Brown TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-22 700 Q22998851
Gordon Brown: Wiring a web for global good Gordon Brown TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-21 604 Q22998708
Graham Hawkes: A flight through the ocean Graham Hawkes TED2005 2005-02-28 388 Q22979437
Graham Hill: Less stuff, more happiness Graham Hill TED2011 2011-03-01 1238 Q22986150
Graham Hill: Why I'm a weekday vegetarian Graham Hill TED2010 2010-02-10 860 Q22980793
Greg Asner: Ecology from the air Gregory Asner TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-12 1874 Q22999581
Greg Gage: How to control someone else's arm with your brain Greg Gage TED2015 2015-03-18 2244 Q22991603
Greg Lynn: Organic algorithms in architecture Greg Lynn TED2005 2005-02-02 430 Q22979447
Greg Stone: Saving the ocean one island at a time Greg Stone TED 2010-04-16 998 Q23663834
Gregory Heyworth: How I'm discovering the secrets of ancient texts TEDx conference 2015-10-31 2430 Q23663635
Gregory Petsko: The coming neurological epidemic Gregory Petsko TED2008 2008-02-02 408 Q22980296
Gregory Stock: To upgrade is human Gregory Stock TED2003 2003-02-02 515 Q22992455
Grégoire Courtine: The paralyzed rat that walked Grégoire Courtine TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-13 1860 Q22999577
Guillaume Néry: The exhilarating peace of freediving Guillaume Néry freediving TEDx conference 2013-03-16 2378 Q23663620
Gustavo Dudamel and the Teresa Carreño Youth Orchestra: El Sistema's top youth orchestra Gustavo Dudamel & Teresa Carreño Youth Orchestra TED2009 2009-02-05 466 Q22980386
Guy Hoffman: Robots with "soul" Guy Hoffman TEDx conference 2013-10-15 1908 Q23470793
Guy Winch: Why we all need to practice emotional first aid Guy Winch TEDx conference 2014-11-07 2193 Q23471707
Guy-Philippe Goldstein: How cyberattacks threaten real-world peace Guy-Philippe Goldstein TEDx conference 2010-01-30 1250 Q23465669
Haas&Hahn: How painting can transform communities Haas&Hahn TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-08 2129 Q22999972
Hadyn Parry: Re-engineering mosquitos to fight disease Hadyn Parry TED 2012-11-07 1641 Q23662919
Halla Tomasdottir: A feminine response to Iceland's financial crash Halla Tómasdóttir TEDWomen 2010 2010-12-08 1030 Q23000458
Halla Tómasdóttir: It's time for women to run for office Halla Tómasdóttir TED 2016-10-28 2621 Q43233626
Hamish Jolly: A shark-deterrent wetsuit (and it's not what you think) Hamish Jolly TEDx conference 2013-10-14 1981 Q23471021
Handspring Puppet Co.: The genius puppetry behind War Horse Handspring Puppet Company TED2011 2011-03-01 1108 Q22985437
Hanna Rosin: New data on the rise of women Hanna Rosin TEDWomen 2010 2010-12-07 1033 Q23000462
Hannah Brencher: Love letters to strangers Hannah Brencher TED 2012-06-07 1603 Q23464621
Hannah Fry: The mathematics of love Hannah Fry TEDx conference 2014-04-04 2153 Q23471508
Hans Rosling: Asia's rise -- how and when Hans Rosling Asia 15 TEDIndia 2009 2009-11-04 695 Q22949119
Hans Rosling: Global population growth, box by box Hans Rosling world population 10 2010-06-21 912 Q22949281
Hans Rosling: Insights on HIV, in stunning data visuals Hans Rosling firws diffyg imiwnedd dynol 10 TED2009 2009-02-06 540 Q22948156
Hans Rosling: Let my dataset change your mindset Hans Rosling developing country 19 2009-06-04 620 Q22949205
Hans Rosling: New insights on poverty
Hans Rosling tlodi 18 TED2007 2007-03-03 140 Q22947936
Hans Rosling: Religions and babies Hans Rosling population growth 13 2012-04-16 1455 Q22949392
Hans Rosling: The best stats you've ever seen Hans Rosling developing country 19 TED2006 2006-02-22 92 Q22949095
Hans Rosling: The good news of the decade? We're winning the war against child mortality Hans Rosling child mortality 15 2010-09-20 974 Q22948251
Hans Rosling: The magic washing machine Hans Rosling Peiriant golchi 9 TEDWomen 2010 2010-12-04 1101 Q22948328
Hans and Ola Rosling: How not to be ignorant about the world Hans Rosling
Ola Rosling
TED 2014-06-23 2090 Q23663101
Harald Haas: Forget Wi-Fi. Meet the new Li-Fi Internet Harald Haas TED 2015-09-29 2368 Q23663365
Harald Haas: Wireless data from every light bulb Harald Haas TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-13 1202 Q22999159
Harish Manwani: Profit’s not always the point Harish Manwani TED 2013-10-10 1904 Q23464808
Harry Baker: A love poem for lonely prime numbers Harry Baker TEDx conference 2014-02-11 2209 Q23471806
Harry Cliff: Have we reached the end of physics? Harry Cliff Gwrthdrawydd hadronnau mawr TED 2015-12-08 2396 Q23663371
Harsha Bhogle: The rise of cricket, the rise of India Harsha Bhogle TEDIndia 2009 2009-11-11 780 Q23000342
Harvey Fineberg: Are we ready for neo-evolution? Harvey V. Fineberg TED2011 2011-03-02 1131 Q22985895
Hasan Elahi: FBI, here I am! Hasan M. Elahi TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-14 1258 Q22999236
Hawa Abdi + Deqo Mohamed: Mother and daughter doctor-heroes Hawa Abdi & Deqo Mohamed TEDWomen 2010 2010-12-08 1071 Q23000482
Heather Barnett: What humans can learn from semi-intelligent slime Heather Barnett TED 2014-06-23 2048 Q23663082
Heather Brooke: My battle to expose government corruption Heather Brooke TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-28 1594 Q22999413
Heather Knight: Silicon-based comedy Heather Knight TEDWomen 2010 2010-12-08 1058 Q23000475
Hector Garcia: We train soldiers for war. Let's train them to come home, too TED 2015-11-04 2624 Q43233647
Hector Ruiz: The thinking behind 50x15 Hector Ruiz TEDGlobal 2007 2007-06-06 255 Q22998653
Helder Guimarães: A magical search for a coincidence Hélder Guimarães TED2014 2014-03-20 2206 Q22991051
Helen Fisher: The brain in love Helen E. Fisher TED2008 2008-02-02 307 Q22980236
Helen Fisher: Why we love, why we cheat Helen E. Fisher TED2006 2006-02-24 16 Q22979696
Hendrik Poinar: Bring back the woolly mammoth! Hendrik Poinar TEDx conference 2013-03-15 1751 Q23470229
Henry Evans and Chad Jenkins: Meet the robots for humanity Henry Evans TEDx conference 2013-10-26 1875 Q23470655
Henry Lin: What we can learn from galaxies far, far away Henry Lin TEDYouth 2013-11-19 1936 Q23498440
Henry Markram: A brain in a supercomputer Henry Markram TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-23 659 Q22998806
Herbie Hancock: An all-star set Herbie Hancock TED2009 2009-02-06 729 Q22980587
Heribert Watzke: The brain in your gut Heribert Watzke TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-16 984 Q22999065
Hetain Patel: Who am I? Think again Hetain Patel TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-11 1849 Q22999568
Hilary Cottam: Social services are broken. How we can fix them Hilary Cottam TED 2015-09-29 2364 Q23663363
Hillel Cooperman: Legos for grownups Hillel Cooperman Lego TED2010 2010-02-12 894 Q22980827
His Holiness Pope Francis: Why the only future worth building includes everyone Pab Ffransis 18 TED2017 2017-04-26 2744 Q29582221
His Holiness the Karmapa: The technology of the heart Ogyen Trinley Dorje TEDIndia 2009 2009-11-04 946 Q23000378
Hod Lipson: Building "self-aware" robots Hod Lipson TED2007 2007-03-06 165 Q22979984
Holly Morris: Why stay in Chernobyl? Because it's home. Holly Morris TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-12 1857 Q22999576
Homaro Cantu + Ben Roche: Cooking as alchemy Homaro Cantu
Ben Roche
TED2011 2011-03-01 1304 Q22986159
Honor Harger: A history of the universe in sound Honor Harger TED 2011-05-18 1177 Q23662851
Howard Rheingold: The new power of collaboration Howard Rheingold TED2005 2005-02-02 216 Q22979430
Hubertus Knabe: The dark secrets of a surveillance state Hubertus Knabe TED 2014-06-09 2053 Q23663084
Hugh Herr: The new bionics that let us run, climb and dance Hugh Herr TED2014 2014-03-12 1959 Q22990169
Hyeonseo Lee: My escape from North Korea Lee Hyeon-seo TED2013 2013-02-28 1694 Q22988805
Iain Hutchison: Saving faces: A facial surgeon's craft Iain Hutchison TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-14 1080 Q22999098
Ian Dunbar: Dog-friendly dog training Ian Dunbar TED 2007-12-03 328 Q23663650
Ian Goldin: Navigating our global future Ian Goldin TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-23 665 Q22998814
Ian Ritchie: The day I turned down Tim Berners-Lee Ian Ritchie TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-11 1244 Q22999222
Ilona Szabó de Carvalho: 4 lessons I learned from taking a stand against drugs and gun violence Ilona Szabó de Carvalho TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-28 2124 Q22999962
Imogen Heap: "Wait It Out" Imogen Heap TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-22 639 Q22998766
Improv Everywhere: A TED speaker's worst nightmare Colin Robertson
Improv Everywhere
TED2012 2012-03-01 1382 Q22987999
Inge Missmahl: Bringing peace to the minds of Afghanistan Inge Missmahl TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-15 968 Q22999051
Iqbal Quadir: How mobile phones can fight poverty Iqbal Quadir TEDGlobal 2005 2005-07-13 79 Q22978313
Irwin Redlener: How to survive a nuclear attack Irwin Redlener TED2008 2008-02-29 344 Q22980260
Isaac Mizrahi: Fashion and creativity Isaac Mizrahi TED2008 2008-02-02 396 Q22980280
Isabel Allende: How to live passionately—no matter your age Isabel Allende TED2014 2014-03-20 2070 Q22991038
Isabel Allende: Tales of passion Isabel Allende TED2007 2007-03-03 204 Q22980042
Isabel Behncke: Evolution's gift of play, from bonobo apes to humans Isabel Behncke TED2011 2011-03-02 1102 Q22985372
Ismael Nazario: What I learned as a kid in jail Ismael Nazario TEDx conference 2014-11-01 2207 Q23471774
Itay Talgam: Lead like the great conductors Itay Talgam TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-24 663 Q22998810
Ivan Krastev: Can democracy exist without trust? Ivan Krastev TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-28 1547 Q22999348
Ivan Oransky: Are we over-medicalized? Ivan Oransky TEDMED 2012 2012-04-11 1481 Q22978212
Iwan Baan: Ingenious homes in unexpected places Iwan Baan TED 2013-09-28 1846 Q23662998
J.J. Abrams: The mystery box J. J. Abrams TED2007 2007-03-03 205 Q22980069
JD Schramm: Break the silence for suicide attempt survivors JD Schramm TED 2011-03-03 1167 Q23662849
JP Rangaswami: Information is food J.P. Rangaswami TED 2012-04-09 1441 Q23464582
JR: My wish: Use art to turn the world inside out JR TED2011 2011-03-02 1085 Q22985272
JR: One year of turning the world inside out JR TED2012 2012-03-01 1451 Q22988138
Jaap de Roode: How butterflies self-medicate Jaap de Roode TEDYouth 2014-11-15 2181 Q23498448
Jacek Utko: Can design save newspapers? Jacek Utko TED2009 2009-02-05 501 Q22980458
Jack Andraka: A promising test for pancreatic cancer ... from a teenager Jack Andraka TED2013 2013-02-27 1787 Q22989389
Jack Choi: On the virtual dissection table Jack Choi TED2012 2012-02-29 1411 Q22988067
Jack Horner: Building a dinosaur from a chicken Jack Horner TED2011 2011-03-04 1163 Q22986010
Jack Horner: Where are the baby dinosaurs? Jack Horner TEDx conference 2011-11-11 1352 Q23466662
Jackie Savitz: Save the oceans, feed the world! Jackie Savitz TEDx conference 2013-10-25 2003 Q23471093
Jackson Browne: A song inspired by the ocean Jackson Browne TEDx conference 2010-11-04 1117 Q23465228
Jackson Katz: Violence against women—it's a men's issue Jackson Katz TEDx conference 2012-11-30 1753 Q23470250
Jacqueline Novogratz: A third way to think about aid Jacqueline Novogratz TED 2009-06-03 644 Q23463791
Jacqueline Novogratz: An escape from poverty Jacqueline Novogratz TED2009 2009-02-02 494 Q22980454
Jacqueline Novogratz: Inspiring a life of immersion Jacqueline Novogratz TEDWomen 2010 2010-12-08 1076 Q23000483
Jacqueline Novogratz: Invest in Africa's own solutions Jacqueline Novogratz Affrica TEDGlobal 2005 2005-07-01 91 Q22978316
Jacqueline Novogratz: Patient capitalism Jacqueline Novogratz TEDGlobal 2007 2007-06-05 157 Q22998325
Jae Rhim Lee: My mushroom burial suit Jae Rhim Lee TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-14 1247 Q22999226
Jaime Lerner: A song of the city Jaime Lerner TED2007 2007-03-03 213 Q22980076
Jake Barton: The museum of you Jacob Barton TED 2013-05-16 1817 Q23662976
Jake Wood: A new mission for veterans -- disaster relief Jake Wood TEDx conference 2011-12-21 1608 Q23469258
Jakob Trollback: A new kind of music video Jakob Trollbäck TED2007 2007-03-03 241 Q22980095
Jamais Cascio: Tools for a better world Jamais Cascio TED2006 2006-02-02 439 Q22979797
James A. White Sr.: The little problem I had renting a house James A. White Sr. TEDx conference 2014-11-07 2198 Q23471722
James B. Glattfelder: Who controls the world? James B. Glattfelder TEDx conference 2012-10-25 1668 Q23469949
James Balog: Time-lapse proof of extreme ice loss James Balog TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-23 628 Q22998748
James Burchfield: Playing invisible turntables James Burchfield TED2003 2003-02-02 364 Q22992430
James Cameron: Before Avatar ... a curious boy James Cameron TED2010 2010-02-12 785 Q22980680
James Flynn: Why our IQ levels are higher than our grandparents' James Flynn TED2013 2013-03-01 1828 Q22989521
James Geary: Metaphorically speaking James Geary TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-24 716 Q22998866
James Hansen: Why I must speak out about climate change James E. Hansen TED2012 2012-02-29 1380 Q22987995
James Howard Kunstler: The ghastly tragedy of the suburbs James Howard Kunstler TED2004 2004-02-02 121 Q22992636
James Lyne: Everyday cybercrime -- and what you can do about it James Lyne TED2013 2013-02-28 1820 Q22989487
James Nachtwey: Moving photos of extreme drug-resistant TB James Nachtwey TED 2008-10-03 360 Q23662806
James Nachtwey: My wish: Let my photographs bear witness James Nachtwey TED2007 2007-03-08 84 Q22979952
James Patten: The best computer interface? Maybe ... your hands James Patten TED 2013-08-20 1984 Q23663056
James Randi: Homeopathy, quackery and fraud James Randi TED2007 2007-02-02 835 Q22980115
James Stavridis: A Navy Admiral's thoughts on global security James Stavridis TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-26 1513 Q22999320
James Surowiecki: The power and the danger of online crowds James Surowiecki TED2005 2005-02-02 390 Q22979439
James Veitch: This is what happens when you reply to spam email James Veitch Sbam e-bost TED 2015-12-08 2405 Q23663378
James Watson: How we discovered DNA James Dewey Watson TED2005 2005-02-02 35 Q22979386
Jamie Bartlett: How the mysterious dark net is going mainstream Jamie Bartlett darknet TED 2015-06-16 2322 Q23663348
Jamie Drummond: Let's crowdsource the world's goals Jamie Drummond TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-27 1510 Q22999313
Jamie Heywood: The big idea my brother inspired James Heywood TEDMED 2009 2009-10-10 759 Q22976911
Jamie Oliver: Teach every child about food Jamie Oliver TED2010 2010-02-20 765 Q22980660
Jamil Abu-Wardeh: The Axis of Evil Middle East Comedy Tour Jamil Abu-Wardeh TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-15 934 Q22998998
Jamila Lyiscott: 3 ways to speak English Jamila Lyiscott TED 2014-02-12 2028 Q23663071
Jan Chipchase: The anthropology of mobile phones Jan Chipchase TED2007 2007-03-03 190 Q22980023
Jane Chen: A warm embrace that saves lives Jane Chen TEDIndia 2009 2009-11-05 752 Q23000324
Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin: A hilarious celebration of lifelong female friendship Jane Fonda
Lily Tomlin
TEDWomen 2015 2015-05-27 2394 Q23415867
Jane Fonda: Life's third act Jane Fonda TEDx conference 2011-12-07 1313 Q23465965
Jane Goodall: How humans and animals can live together Jane Goodall TEDGlobal 2007 2007-06-06 340 Q22998671
Jane Goodall: What separates us from chimpanzees? Jane Goodall TED2002 2002-03-01 11 Q22992289
Jane McGonigal: Gaming can make a better world Jane McGonigal TED2010 2010-02-12 799 Q22980735
Jane McGonigal: Massively multi-player… thumb-wrestling? Jane McGonigal TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-11 1866 Q22999579
Jane McGonigal: The game that can give you 10 extra years of life Jane McGonigal TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-28 1501 Q22999309
Jane Poynter: Life in Biosphere 2 Jane Poynter TEDx conference 2009-03-23 573 Q23465004
Janet Echelman: Taking imagination seriously Janet Echelman TED2011 2011-03-03 1164 Q22986015
Janet Iwasa: How animations can help scientists test a hypothesis Janet Iwasa TED2014 2014-03-19 2052 Q22991019
Janette Sadik-Khan: New York's streets? Not so mean any more Janette Sadik-Khan TED 2013-09-20 1838 Q23662987
Janine Benyus: Biomimicry in action Janine Benyus TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-22 614 Q22998719
Janine Benyus: Biomimicry's surprising lessons from nature's engineers Janine Benyus TED2005 2005-02-24 18 Q22979374
Janine Shepherd: A broken body isn't a broken person Janine Shepherd TEDx conference 2012-10-01 1621 Q23469415
Janine di Giovanni: What I saw in the war Janine di Giovanni TEDx conference 2012-12-01 1651 Q23469713
Janna Levin: The sound the universe makes Janna Levin TED2011 2011-03-01 1095 Q22985288
Jared Diamond: How societies can grow old better Jared Diamond TED2013 2013-03-14 1877 Q22989547
Jared Diamond: Why do societies collapse? Jared Diamond TED2003 2003-02-28 365 Q22992433
Jared Ficklin: New ways to see music (with color! and fire!) Jared Ficklin TED2012 2012-03-01 1505 Q22988183
Jarreth Merz: Filming democracy in Ghana Jarreth Merz TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-14 1233 Q22999204
Jarrett J. Krosoczka: How a boy became an artist Jarrett J. Krosoczka TEDx conference 2012-10-12 1644 Q23469585
Jarrett J. Krosoczka: Why lunch ladies are heroes Jarrett J. Krosoczka TED 2014-07-08 2062 Q23464853
Jason Clay: How big brands can help save biodiversity Jason Clay TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-09 929 Q22998982
Jason Fried: Why work doesn't happen at work Jason Fried TEDx conference 2010-10-18 1014 Q23465118
Jason McCue: Terrorism is a failed brand Jason McCue TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-26 1586 Q22999403
Jason Pontin: Can technology solve our big problems? Jason Pontin TED2013 2013-02-28 1835 Q22989537
Jason deCaires Taylor: An underwater art museum, teeming with life Jason deCaires Taylor cefnfor
TED 2015-10-10 2395 Q23664012
Jay Bradner: Open-source cancer research Jay Bradner TEDx conference 2011-05-26 1256 Q23465689
Jay Silver: Hack a banana, make a keyboard! Jay Silver TED 2013-04-24 1743 Q23662968
Jay Walker: My library of human imagination Jay S. Walker TED2008 2008-02-29 418 Q22980302
Jay Walker: The world's English mania Jay S. Walker TED2009 2009-02-05 554 Q22980525
Jean-Baptiste Michel + Erez Lieberman Aiden: What we learned from 5 million books Jean-Baptiste Michel
Erez Lieberman Aiden
TEDx conference 2011-07-24 1227 Q23465622
Jean-Baptiste Michel: The mathematics of history Jean-Baptiste Michel TED2012 2012-02-27 1448 Q22988131
Jean-Paul Mari: The chilling aftershock of a brush with death Jean-Paul Mari trais
TEDx conference 2015-03-28 2374 Q23663926
Jedidah Isler: How I fell in love with quasars, blazars and our incredible universe Jedidah Isler TED2015 2015-03-17 2237 Q22991524
Jedidah Isler: The untapped genius that could change science for the better Jedidah Isler astroffiseg
TED 2015-08-26 2387 Q23663989
Jeff Bezos: The electricity metaphor for the web's future Jeff Bezos TED2003 2003-02-02 105 Q22992375
Jeff Bezos: What matters more than your talents Jeff Bezos TED 2010-05-15 923 Q23663709
Jeff Han: The radical promise of the multi-touch interface Jefferson Han TED2006 2006-02-06 65 Q22979729
Jeff Hancock: The future of lying Jeff Hancock TEDx conference 2012-09-13 1612 Q23469286
Jeff Hawkins: How brain science will change computing Jeff Hawkins TED2003 2003-02-02 125 Q22992384
Jeff Iliff: One more reason to get a good night’s sleep Jeff Iliff TEDMED 2014 2014-09-18 2103 Q22978262
Jeff Skoll: My journey into movies that matter Jeff Skoll TED2007 2007-03-03 170 Q22979997
Jeff Smith: Lessons in business ... from prison Jeff Smith TED 2012-06-07 1624 Q23464718
Jeff Speck: The walkable city Jeff Speck walkability TED 2013-09-20 1843 Q23662992
Jeffrey Brown: How we cut youth violence in Boston by 79 percent Jeffrey Brown TED2015 2015-03-19 2261 Q22991704
Jehane Noujaim: My wish: A global day of film Jehane Noujaim TED2006 2006-02-26 55 Q22979726
Jenna McCarthy: What you don't know about marriage Jenna McCarthy TEDx conference 2011-11-11 1357 Q23466711
Jenni Chang and Lisa Dazols: This is what LGBT life is like around the world Jenni Chang & Lisa Dazols TEDWomen 2015 2015-05-27 2370 Q23415807
Jennifer 8. Lee: The hunt for General Tso Jennifer 8. Lee TED 2008-07-07 424 Q23663665
Jennifer Brea: What happens when you have a disease doctors can't diagnose TED 2016-06-27 2627 Q43233665
Jennifer Doudna: We can now edit our DNA. But let's do it wisely Jennifer Doudna TED 2015-09-29 2354 Q23663359
Jennifer Golbeck: The curly fry conundrum: Why social media “likes” say more than you might think Jen Golbeck TEDx conference 2013-10-01 1957 Q23471003
Jennifer Granholm: A clean energy proposal -- race to the top! Jennifer Granholm TED2013 2013-02-26 1679 Q22988735
Jennifer Healey: If cars could talk, accidents might be avoidable Jennifer Healey TED 2013-04-08 1724 Q23464743
Jennifer Lin: Improvising on piano, aged 14 Jennifer Lin TED2004 2004-02-26 46 Q22992535
Jennifer Pahlka: Coding a better government Jennifer Pahlka TED2012 2012-02-29 1381 Q22987997
Jennifer Senior: For parents, happiness is a very high bar Jennifer Senior TED2014 2014-03-21 1974 Q22990311
Jeremy Gilley: One day of peace Jeremy Gilley TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-15 1209 Q22999169
Jeremy Heimans: What new power looks like Jeremy Heimans TED 2014-06-23 2121 Q23663112
Jeremy Howard: The wonderful and terrifying implications of computers that can learn Jeremy Howard TEDx conference 2014-12-01 2155 Q23471532
Jeremy Jackson: How we wrecked the ocean Jeremy B. C. Jackson TED 2010-04-09 850 Q23663703
Jeremy Kasdin: The flower-shaped starshade that might help us detect Earth-like planets N. Jeremy Kasdin TED2014 2014-03-19 1976 Q22990325
Jessa Gamble: Our natural sleep cycle is nothing like what we do now Jessa Gamble TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-15 957 Q22999033
Jessi Arrington: Wearing nothing new Jessi Arrington TED 2011-03-03 1161 Q23662847
Jessica Green: Are we filtering the wrong microbes? Jessica Green TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-14 1204 Q22999163
Jessica Green: We're covered in germs. Let's design for that. Jessica Green TED2013 2013-02-25 1698 Q22988827
Jessica Jackley: Poverty, money -- and love Jessica Jackley TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-14 983 Q22999063
Jessica Shortall: The US needs paid family leave -- for the sake of its future Jessica Shortall TEDx conference 2015-10-17 2384 Q23663621
Ji-Hae Park: The violin, and my dark night of the soul Ji-hae Park TED2013 2013-02-27 1750 Q22989223
Jill Bolte Taylor: My stroke of insight
Jill Bolte Taylor TED2008 2008-02-27 229 Q22980139
Jill Farrant: How we can make crops survive without water Jill Farrant TED 2015-12-08 2412 Q23663379
Jill Heinerth: The mysterious world of underwater caves Jill Heinerth TED 2015-11-14 2409 Q23664016
Jill Shargaa: Please, please, people. Let's put the 'awe' back in 'awesome' Jill Shargaa TED 2014-07-09 2071 Q23464859
Jill Sobule + Julia Sweeney: The Jill and Julia Show Jill Sobule
Julia Sweeney
TED2007 2007-03-03 222 Q22980079
Jill Sobule: Global warming's theme song, "Manhattan in January" Jill Sobule TED2006 2006-02-26 99 Q22979766
Jill Tarter: Join the SETI search Jill Tarter TED2009 2009-02-05 468 Q22980390
Jim Al-Khalili: How quantum biology might explain life’s biggest questions Jim Al-Khalili quantum biology TED 2015-06-16 2316 Q23663345
Jim Fallon: Exploring the mind of a killer James H. Fallon TED2009 2009-02-05 602 Q22980575
Jim Holt: Why does the universe exist? Jim Holt TED2014 2014-03-13 2072 Q22991040
Jim Simons: A rare interview with the mathematician who cracked Wall Street Jim Simons TED2015 2015-03-17 2323 Q23419068
Jim Toomey: Learning from Sherman the shark Jim Toomey TED 2010-04-12 939 Q23663712
Jimmy Carter: Why I believe the mistreatment of women is the number one human rights abuse Jimmy Carter hawliau merched TEDWomen 2015 2015-05-29 2293 Q23414354
Jimmy Nelson: Gorgeous portraits of the world's vanishing people Jimmy Nelson Chukchi people
TED 2014-10-09 2264 Q23663338
Jimmy Wales: The birth of Wikipedia Jimmy Wales Wicipedia 20 TEDGlobal 2005 2005-07-14 37 Q22939901
Jinha Lee: Reach into the computer and grab a pixel Lee Jin-ha TED2013 2013-02-27 1781 Q22989336
Jinsop Lee: Design for all 5 senses Jinsop Lee TED2013 2013-02-27 1806 Q22989453
JoAnn Kuchera-Morin: Stunning data visualization in the AlloSphere JoAnn Kuchera-Morin TED2009 2009-02-05 516 Q22980479
Joachim de Posada: Don't eat the marshmallow! Joachim de Posada TED2009 2009-02-05 553 Q22980520
Joan Halifax: Compassion and the true meaning of empathy Joan Halifax TEDWomen 2010 2010-12-03 1216 Q23000493
Jody Williams: A realistic vision for world peace Jody Williams TEDWomen 2010 2010-12-08 1049 Q23000468
Joe DeRisi: Solving medical mysteries Joseph DeRisi TED2006 2006-02-02 445 Q22979801
Joe Kowan: How I beat stage fright Joe Kowan TED 2013-11-18 1912 Q23464830
Joe Landolina: This gel can make you stop bleeding instantly Joe Landolina TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-14 2138 Q22999977
Joe Madiath: Better toilets, better life Joe Madiath TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-21 2173 Q22999996
Joe Sabia: The technology of storytelling Joe Sabia TED 2011-05-24 1282 Q23663921
Joe Smith: How to use a paper towel Joe Smith TEDx conference 2012-03-31 1431 Q23467421
Joel Burns: A message to gay teens: It gets better Joel Burns TED 2010-10-12 982 Q23663717
Joel Levine: Why we need to go back to Mars Joel Levine TEDx conference 2009-11-20 804 Q23465047
Joel Selanikio: The surprising seeds of a big-data revolution in healthcare Joel Selanikio TEDx conference 2013-02-09 1779 Q23470326
Joey Alexander: An 11-year-old prodigy performs old-school jazz Joey Alexander TED2015 2015-03-25 2273 Q23419004
Johan Rockstrom: Let the environment guide our development Johan Rockström TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-16 945 Q22999014
Johann Hari: Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong Johann Hari TED 2015-06-16 2299 Q23663339
Johanna Blakley: Lessons from fashion's free culture Johanna Blakley TEDx conference 2010-04-13 866 Q23465058
Johanna Blakley: Social media and the end of gender Johanna Blakley TEDWomen 2010 2010-12-08 1066 Q23000478
John Bohannon: Dance vs. powerpoint, a modest proposal John Bohannon TEDx conference 2011-11-22 1290 Q23465856
John Delaney: Wiring an interactive ocean John Delaney TED 2010-04-14 926 Q23663710
John Doerr: Salvation (and profit) in greentech John Doerr TED2007 2007-03-03 128 Q22979959
John Francis: Walk the earth ... my 17-year vow of silence John Francis TED2008 2008-02-02 391 Q22980273
John Gerzema: The post-crisis consumer John Gerzema TEDx conference 2009-08-20 661 Q23465010
John Graham-Cumming: The greatest machine that never was John Graham-Cumming TEDx conference 2012-03-24 1517 Q23468643
John Green: The nerd's guide to learning everything online John Green addysg TEDx conference 2012-11-19 2305 Q23663923
John Hardy: My green school dream John Hardy TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-15 1010 Q22999089
John Hockenberry: We are all designers John Hockenberry TED2012 2012-03-01 1474 Q22988169
John Hodgman: Aliens, love -- where are they? John Hodgman TED2008 2008-02-02 374 Q22980270
John Hodgman: Design, explained. John Hodgman TED2012 2012-03-01 1471 Q22988168
John Hunter: Teaching with the World Peace Game John Hunter TED2011 2011-03-04 1127 Q22985892
John Kasaona: How poachers became caretakers John Kasaona TED2010 2010-02-10 879 Q22980811
John La Grou: A plug for smart power outlets John La Grou TED2009 2009-02-06 566 Q22980539
John Legend: "True Colors" John Legend TED 2013-05-07 1740 Q23662964
John Lloyd: An inventory of the invisible John Lloyd TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-23 635 Q22998764
John Maeda: Designing for simplicity John Maeda TED2007 2007-03-03 172 Q22980003
John Maeda: How art, technology and design inform creative leaders John Maeda TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-26 1571 Q22999376
John Maeda: My journey in design John Maeda TED 2008-05-05 427 Q23663666
John McWhorter: Txtng is killing language. JK!!! John McWhorter TED2013 2013-02-28 1718 Q22988969
John Q. Walker: Great piano performances, recreated John Q. Walker TED 2007-12-12 329 Q23663651
John Searle: Our shared condition -- consciousness John Searle TEDx conference 2013-05-08 1794 Q23470386
John Underkoffler: Pointing to the future of UI John Underkoffler TED2010 2010-02-11 872 Q22980803
John Wilbanks: Let's pool our medical data John Wilbanks TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-29 1585 Q22999392
John Wooden: The difference between winning and succeeding John Wooden TED2001 2001-02-01 498 Q22992234
Johnny Lee: Free or cheap Wii Remote hacks Johnny Lee TED2008 2008-02-28 245 Q22980164
Joi Ito: Want to innovate? Become a "now-ist" Joi Ito TED2014 2014-03-14 2041 Q22991005
Jok Church: A circle of caring Jok Church TED2007 2007-03-03 1176 Q22980117
Jon Gosier: The problem with "trickle-down techonomics" Jon Gosier TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-16 2202 Q23000004
Jon Mooallem: How the teddy bear taught us compassion Jon Mooallem TED2014 2014-03-19 2006 Q22990867
Jon Nguyen: Tour the solar system from home Jon Nguyen Eyes on the Solar System TEDx conference 2011-12-03 1488 Q23468408
Jon Ronson: Strange answers to the psychopath test Jon Ronson TED2012 2012-03-01 1544 Q22988188
Jon Ronson: When online shaming spirals out of control Jon Ronson social media
online shaming
TED 2015-06-16 2302 Q23663340
Jonas Eliasson: How to solve traffic jams Jonas Eliasson TEDx conference 2012-09-13 1620 Q23469392
Jonas Gahr Støre: In defense of dialogue Jonas Gahr Støre TEDx conference 2011-11-11 1321 Q23466069
Jonathan Drori: Every pollen grain has a story Jonathan Drori TED2010 2010-02-11 821 Q22980758
Jonathan Drori: The beautiful tricks of flowers Jonathan Drori TED 2011-05-18 1185 Q23662853
Jonathan Drori: What we think we know Jonathan Drori TED2007 2007-02-02 333 Q22980106
Jonathan Drori: Why we're storing billions of seeds Jonathan Drori TED2009 2009-02-06 556 Q22980526
Jonathan Foley: The other inconvenient truth Jonathan Foley TEDx conference 2010-10-13 1412 Q23467079
Jonathan Haidt: Can a divided America heal? Jonathan Haidt TED 2016-11-02 2625 Q43233651
Jonathan Haidt: How common threats can make common (political) ground Jonathan Haidt TED 2012-12-19 1642 Q23662922
Jonathan Haidt: Religion, evolution, and the ecstasy of self-transcendence Jonathan Haidt TED2012 2012-02-29 1389 Q22988004
Jonathan Haidt: The moral roots of liberals and conservatives Jonathan Haidt TED2008 2008-03-01 341 Q22980256
Jonathan Harris: The Web's secret stories Jonathan Harris TED2007 2007-03-03 144 Q22979973
Jonathan Harris: The web as art Jonathan Harris TED2007 2007-12-12 316 Q22980104
Jonathan Klein: Photos that changed the world Jonathan Klein TED2010 2010-02-11 826 Q22980763
Jonathan Trent: Energy from floating algae pods Jonathan Trent TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-27 1561 Q22999364
Jonathan Zittrain: The Web as random acts of kindness Jonathan Zittrain TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-22 640 Q22998770
Jorge Soto: The future of early cancer detection? Jorge Soto TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-09 2109 Q22999956
Jose Antonio Abreu: The El Sistema music revolution José Antonio Abreu TED2009 2009-02-05 464 Q22980383
Jose Miguel Sokoloff: How Christmas lights helped guerrillas put down their guns Jose Miguel Sokoloff TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-07 2126 Q22999969
Joseph DeSimone: What if 3D printing was 100x faster? Joseph DeSimone TED2015 2015-03-16 2216 Q22991355
Joseph Kim: The family I lost in North Korea. And the family I gained. Joseph Kim TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-13 1771 Q22999462
Joseph Lekuton: A parable for Kenya Joseph Lekuton TEDGlobal 2007 2007-06-06 220 Q22998647
Joseph Nye: Global power shifts Joseph Nye TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-09 992 Q22999069
Joseph Pine: What consumers want B. Joseph Pine II TED2004 2004-02-29 434 Q22992715
Josette Sheeran: Ending hunger now Josette Sheeran TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-14 1199 Q22999151
Josh Luber: The secret sneaker market -- and why it matters Josh Luber marchnata TED 2015-10-15 2371 Q23663973
Joshua Foer: Feats of memory anyone can do Joshua Foer TED2012 2012-02-29 1443 Q22988119
Joshua Klein: A thought experiment on the intelligence of crows Joshua Klein TED2008 2008-03-03 261 Q22980185
Joshua Prager: In search of the man who broke my neck Joshua Prager TED2013 2013-03-01 1715 Q22988957
Joshua Prince-Ramus: Behind the design of Seattle's library Joshua Ramus TED2006 2006-02-23 49 Q22979720
Joshua Prince-Ramus: Building a theater that remakes itself Joshua Ramus TEDx conference 2009-10-10 750 Q23465019
Joshua Silver: Adjustable liquid-filled eyeglasses Joshua Silver TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-23 623 Q22998740
Joshua Walters: On being just crazy enough Joshua Walters TED 2011-05-24 1178 Q23663918
Joy Sun: Should you donate differently? Joy Sun TED 2014-07-08 2114 Q23464881
Juan Enriquez: The life code that will reshape the future Juan Enríquez TED2003 2003-02-02 80 Q22992369
Juan Enriquez: The next species of human Juan Enríquez TED2009 2009-02-04 463 Q22980381
Juan Enriquez: Using biology to rethink the energy challenge Juan Enríquez TED 2007-09-09 193 Q23662804
Juan Enriquez: Will our kids be a different species? Juan Enríquez TEDx conference 2012-04-26 1467 Q23468207
Juan Enriquez: Your online life, permanent as a tattoo Juan Enríquez TED2013 2013-02-26 1730 Q22989015
Judson Brewer: A simple way to break a bad habit Judson Brewer seicoleg
Ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar
TED 2015-11-18 2420 Q23663936
Judy MacDonald Johnston: Prepare for a good end of life Judy MacDonald Johnston TED2013 2013-02-27 1744 Q22989031
Julia Bacha: Pay attention to nonviolence Julia Bacha TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-13 1214 Q22999180
Julia Sweeney: It's time for "The Talk" Julia Sweeney TED2010 2010-02-12 856 Q22980786
Julia Sweeney: Letting go of God Julia Sweeney TED2006 2006-02-24 86 Q22979758
Julian Assange: Why the world needs WikiLeaks Julian Assange TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-16 918 Q22998908
Julian Baggini: Is there a real you? Julian Baggini TEDx Youth 2011-11-03 1334 Q23466178
Julian Treasure: 5 ways to listen better Julian Treasure TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-11 1200 Q22999154
Julian Treasure: How to speak so that people want to listen Julian Treasure TEDGlobal 2013 2013-02-27 2034 Q22999775
Julian Treasure: Shh! Sound health in 8 steps Julian Treasure TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-09 965 Q22999047
Julian Treasure: The 4 ways sound affects us Julian Treasure TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-21 660 Q22998808
Julian Treasure: Why architects need to use their ears Julian Treasure TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-26 1564 Q22999369
Juliana Machado Ferreira: The fight to end rare-animal trafficking in Brazil Juliana Machado Ferreira TED2010 2010-02-02 802 Q22980738
Juliana Rotich: Meet BRCK, Internet access built for Africa Juliana Rotich TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-11 1770 Q22999460
Julie Burstein: 4 lessons in creativity Julie Burstein TED2012 2012-02-29 1613 Q22988195
Julie Taymor: Spider-Man, The Lion King and life on the creative edge Julie Taymor TED2011 2011-03-02 1801 Q22986166
Justin Hall-Tipping: Freeing energy from the grid Justin Hall-Tipping TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-13 1249 Q22999229
Kailash Satyarthi: How to make peace? Get angry Kailash Satyarthi TED2015 2015-03-25 2233 Q22991485
Kakenya Ntaiya: A girl who demanded school Kakenya Ntaiya TEDx conference 2012-10-26 1672 Q23470004
Kaki King: A musical escape into a world of light and color Kaki King TEDWomen 2015 2015-05-27 2366 Q23415775
Kaki King: Playing "Pink Noise" on guitar Kaki King TED2008 2008-03-01 557 Q22980307
Kamal Meattle: How to grow fresh air Kamal Meattle TED2009 2009-02-05 490 Q22980426
Kare Anderson: Be an opportunity maker Kare Anderson TED 2014-09-15 2122 Q23464885
Karen Armstrong: Let's revive the Golden Rule Karen Armstrong TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-24 647 Q22998780
Karen Armstrong: My wish: The Charter for Compassion Karen Armstrong TED2008 2008-02-28 234 Q22980144
Karen Bass: Unseen footage, untamed nature Karen Bass TED2012 2012-03-01 1442 Q22988116
Karen Thompson Walker: What fear can teach us Karen Thompson Walker TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-28 1637 Q22999425
Karen Tse: How to stop torture Karen I. Tse TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-13 1288 Q22999263
Karima Bennoune: When people of Muslim heritage challenge fundamentalism Karima Bennoune TEDx conference 2014-03-24 2042 Q23471217
Kartick Satyanarayan: How we rescued the "dancing" bears" Kartick Satyanarayan TEDIndia 2009 2009-11-06 734 Q23000302
Kary Mullis: A next-gen cure for killer infections Kary Mullis TED2009 2009-02-05 594 Q22980566
Kary Mullis: Play! Experiment! Discover! Kary Mullis TED2002 2002-02-02 426 Q22992333
Kate Hartman: The art of wearable communication Kate Hartman TED2011 2011-03-02 1222 Q22986146
Kate Orff: Reviving New York's rivers -- with oysters! Kate Orff TEDWomen 2010 2010-12-08 1064 Q23000477
Kate Stone: DJ decks made of ... paper Kate Stone TED2013 2013-02-27 1793 Q22989409
Katherine Fulton: You are the future of philanthropy Katherine Fulton TED2007 2007-03-10 585 Q22980113
Kathryn Schulz: Don't regret regret Kathryn Schulz TED 2011-11-09 1287 Q23662861
Kathryn Schulz: On being wrong Kathryn Schulz TED2011 2011-03-04 1126 Q22985890
Kavita Ramdas: Radical women, embracing tradition Kavita Ramdas TEDIndia 2009 2009-11-05 842 Q23000354
Kees Moeliker: How a dead duck changed my life Kees Moeliker TED2013 2013-02-28 1703 Q22988846
Keith Barry: Brain magic Keith Barry TED2004 2004-02-02 310 Q22992655
Keith Bellows: The camel's hump Keith Bellows TED2002 2002-02-02 345 Q22992329
Keith Chen: Could your language affect your ability to save money? Keith Chen TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-23 1670 Q22999430
Keller Rinaudo: A mini robot -- powered by your phone
Keller Rinaudo TED2013 2013-02-26 1709 Q22988940
Kelli Swazey: Life that doesn't end with death Kelli Swazey TEDMED 2013 2013-04-17 1832 Q22978243
Kelly McGonigal: How to make stress your friend Kelly McGonigal TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-11 1815 Q22999538
Ken Goldberg: 4 lessons from robots about being human Ken Goldberg TEDx conference 2012-02-04 1459 Q23468042
Ken Jennings: Watson, Jeopardy and me, the obsolete know-it-all Ken Jennings TEDx conference 2013-02-10 1708 Q23470138
Ken Kamler: Medical miracle on Everest Kenneth Kamler TEDMED 2009 2009-10-10 791 Q22976995
Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution! Ken Robinson TED2010 2010-02-06 865 Q22980798
Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity? Ken Robinson TED2006 2006-02-25 66 Q22979731
Ken Robinson: How to escape education's death valley Ken Robinson TED 2013-04-23 1738 Q23662953
Kenichi Ebina: My magic moves Kenichi Ebina TED2007 2007-03-03 179 Q22980007
Kenneth Cukier: Big data is better data Kenneth Cukier TED 2014-06-23 2094 Q23663102
Kenneth Shinozuka: My simple invention, designed to keep my grandfather safe Kenneth Shinozuka TEDYouth 2014-11-15 2184 Q23498451
Kent Larson: Brilliant designs to fit more people in every city Kent Larson TEDx conference 2012-06-22 1559 Q23468915
Keren Elazari: Hackers: the Internet's immune system Keren Elazari TED2014 2014-03-18 2019 Q22990985
Kevin Allocca: Why videos go viral Kevin Allocca TEDYouth 2011-11-19 1371 Q23498433
Kevin Bales: How to combat modern slavery Kevin Bales TED2010 2010-02-12 807 Q22980743
Kevin Breel: Confessions of a depressed comic Kevin Breel TEDx conference 2013-05-05 1830 Q23470566
Kevin Briggs: The bridge between suicide and life Kevin Briggs TED2014 2014-03-18 1997 Q22990761
Kevin Kelly: How technology evolves Kevin Kelly TED2005 2005-02-24 19 Q22979376
Kevin Kelly: Technology's epic story Kevin Kelly TEDx conference 2009-11-20 770 Q23465024
Kevin Kelly: The next 5,000 days of the web Kevin Kelly TED 2007-12-12 319 Q23663649
Kevin Rudd: Are China and the US doomed to conflict? Kevin Rudd TED2015 2015-03-16 2226 Q22991461
Kevin Slavin: How algorithms shape our world Kevin Slavin TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-13 1194 Q22999137
Kevin Stone: The bio-future of joint replacement Kevin R. Stone TED2010 2010-02-11 922 Q22980840
Kevin Surace: Eco-friendly drywall Kevin Surace TED2009 2009-02-06 565 Q22980537
Khadija Gbla: My mother’s strange definition of empowerment Khadija Gbla TEDx conference 2014-10-11 2175 Q23471600
Khalida Brohi: How I work to protect women from honor killings Khalida Brohi TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-15 2152 Q22999986
Kim Gorgens: Protecting the brain against concussion Kim Gorgens TEDx conference 2010-05-13 1012 Q23465115
Kimberley Motley: How I defend the rule of law Kimberley Motley TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-10 2118 Q22999960
Kimberlé Crenshaw: The urgency of intersectionality TED 2016-10-27 2629 Q43233678
Kiran Sethi: Kids, take charge Kiran Bir Sethi TEDIndia 2009 2009-11-06 735 Q23000306
Kirby Ferguson: Embrace the remix Kirby Ferguson TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-29 1535 Q22999345
Kirk Citron: And now, the real news Kirk Citron TED2010 2010-02-11 811 Q22980744
Kitra Cahana: A glimpse of life on the road Kitra Cahana TED2014 2014-03-17 2009 Q22990927
Kitra Cahana: My father, locked in his body but soaring free Kitra Cahana TEDMED 2014 2014-09-15 2111 Q22978263
Krista Donaldson: The $80 prosthetic knee that's changing lives Krista Donaldson TEDWomen 2013 2013-12-05 1895 Q23000699
Krista Tippett: Reconnecting with compassion Krista Tippett TED 2010-11-18 1074 Q23662837
Kristen Ashburn: The face of AIDS in Africa Kristen Ashburn TED2003 2003-02-28 381 Q22992435
Kristen Marhaver: How we're growing baby corals to rebuild reefs Kristen Marhaver TED 2015-10-10 2385 Q23663988
Kristina Gjerde: Making law on the high seas Kristina Gjerde TED 2010-04-16 1011 Q23663860
Kwabena Boahen: A computer that works like the brain Kwabena Boahen TEDGlobal 2007 2007-06-06 320 Q22998662
Kwame Anthony Appiah: Is religion good or bad? (This is a trick question) Kwame Anthony Appiah TED 2014-05-15 2011 Q23663061
LZ Granderson: The myth of the gay agenda LZ Granderson TEDx conference 2012-05-09 1478 Q23468276
LaToya Ruby Frazier: A visual history of inequality in industrial America LaToya Ruby Frazier TED2015 2015-03-23 2280 Q23419009
Lakshmi Pratury: The lost art of letter-writing Lakshmi Pratury TED2007 2007-03-03 201 Q22980032
Lalitesh Katragadda: Making maps to fight disaster, build economies Lalitesh Katragadda TEDIndia 2009 2009-11-09 736 Q23000311
Larry Brilliant: My wish: Help me stop pandemics Larry Brilliant TED2006 2006-02-23 58 Q22979728
Larry Brilliant: The case for optimism Larry Brilliant TED 2007-01-01 177 Q23663642
Larry Burns: The future of cars Larry Burns TED2005 2005-02-28 411 Q22979443
Larry Page: Where’s Google going next? Larry Page
Charlie Rose
TED2014 2014-03-20 1953 Q22990105
Larry Smith: Why you will fail to have a great career Larry Smith TEDx conference 2011-11-12 1384 Q23467005
Latif Nasser: The amazing story of the man who gave us modern pain relief Latif Nasser TED2015 2015-03-24 2285 Q23419013
Laura Boushnak: For these women, reading is a daring act Laura Boushnak TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-14 2195 Q23000000
Laura Carstensen: Older people are happier Laura L. Carstensen TEDx conference 2011-12-06 1424 Q23467380
Laura Schulz: The surprisingly logical minds of babies Laura Schulz TED2015 2015-03-10 2265 Q23419000
Laura Snyder: The Philosophical Breakfast Club Laura J. Snyder TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-19 1712 Q22999433
Laura Trice: Remember to say thank you Laura Trice TED2008 2008-02-02 349 Q22980261
Laurel Braitman: Depressed dogs, cats with OCD — what animal madness means for us humans Laurel Braitman TED 2014-07-16 2066 Q23663097
Lauren Hodge, Shree Bose + Naomi Shah: Award-winning teenage science in action Lauren Hodge
Shree Bose
Naomi Shah
TEDx conference 2011-12-08 1320 Q23466047
Lauren Zalaznick: The conscience of television Lauren Zalaznick TEDWomen 2010 2010-12-03 1224 Q23000495
Laurie Garrett: Lessons from the 1918 flu Laurie Garrett TED2007 2007-02-02 529 Q22980112
Laurie Santos: A monkey economy as irrational as ours Laurie R. Santos TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-16 927 Q22998919
Lawrence Lessig: Laws that choke creativity Lawrence Lessig TED2007 2007-03-03 187 Q22980017
Lawrence Lessig: Re-examining the remix Lawrence Lessig TEDx conference 2010-04-10 871 Q23465061
Lawrence Lessig: The unstoppable walk to political reform Lawrence Lessig TED2014 2014-03-20 1960 Q22990181
Lawrence Lessig: We the People, and the Republic we must reclaim Lawrence Lessig TED2013 2013-02-27 1702 Q22988844
Leah Buechley: How to "sketch" with electronics Leah Buechley TEDYouth 2011-11-19 1609 Q23498435
Leana Wen: What your doctor won’t disclose Leana Wen TEDMED 2014 2014-09-18 2133 Q22978268
Lee Cronin: Making matter come alive Leroy Cronin TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-13 1218 Q22999182
Lee Cronin: Print your own medicine Leroy Cronin TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-26 1661 Q22999427
Lee Hotz: Inside an Antarctic time machine Robert Lee Hotz TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-14 938 Q22999007
Lee Mokobe: A powerful poem about what it feels like to be transgender Lee Mokobe barddoniaeth
TEDWomen 2015 2015-05-28 2281 Q23414337
Lee Smolin: Science and democracy Lee Smolin TED2003 2003-02-02 394 Q22992437
Lemn Sissay: A child of the state Lemn Sissay TEDx conference 2012-06-22 1596 Q23469091
Lemon Andersen: Please don't take my Air Jordans Lemon Andersen TEDYouth 2011-11-19 1625 Q23498437
Lennart Green: Close-up card magic with a twist Lennart Green TED2005 2005-02-02 327 Q22979433
Leonard Susskind: My friend Richard Feynman Leonard Susskind TEDx conference 2011-01-14 1145 Q23465347
Lesley Hazleton: On reading the Koran Lesley Hazleton TEDx conference 2010-10-10 1045 Q23465159
Lesley Hazleton: The doubt essential to faith Lesley Hazleton TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-12 1772 Q22999464
Leslie Morgan Steiner: Why domestic violence victims don't leave Leslie Morgan Steiner TEDx conference 2012-11-10 1654 Q23469782
Leslie T. Chang: The voices of China's workers Leslie T. Chang TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-26 1554 Q22999355
Lewis Pugh: How I swam the North Pole Lewis Pugh TEDGlobal 2009 2009-09-09 629 Q22998751
Lewis Pugh: My mind-shifting Everest swim Lewis Pugh TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-15 928 Q22998923
Leyla Acaroglu: Paper beats plastic? How to rethink environmental folklore Leyla Acaroglu TED2013 2013-02-28 1926 Q22989685
Leymah Gbowee: Unlock the intelligence, passion, greatness of girls Leymah Gbowee TED2012 2012-03-02 1403 Q22988033
Lian Pin Koh: A drone's-eye view of conservation Lian Pin Koh TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-11 1872 Q22999580
Linda Cliatt-Wayman: How to fix a broken school? Lead fearlessly, love hard Linda Cliatt-Wayman TEDWomen 2015 2015-05-29 2276 Q23414335
Linda Hill: How to manage for collective creativity Linda A. Hill TEDx conference 2014-09-12 2210 Q23471822
Linda Liukas: A delightful way to teach kids about computers Linda Liukas TEDx conference 2015-10-09 2417 Q23663631
Lisa Bu: How books can open your mind Lisa Bu TED2013 2013-02-28 1755 Q22989250
Lisa Gansky: The future of business is the "mesh" Lisa Gansky TED 2011-01-08 1077 Q23463903
Lisa Harouni: A primer on 3D printing Lisa Harouni TED 2011-11-10 1335 Q23662873
Lisa Kristine: Photos that bear witness to modern slavery Lisa Kristine TEDx conference 2012-01-22 1541 Q23468757
Lisa Margonelli: The political chemistry of oil Lisa Margonelli TEDx conference 2010-06-28 940 Q23465084
Liu Bolin: The invisible man Liu Bolin TED2013 2013-02-28 1721 Q22988993
Liz Coleman: A call to reinvent liberal arts education Elizabeth Coleman TED2009 2009-02-07 558 Q22980529
Liz Diller: A new museum wing ... in a giant bubble Elizabeth Diller TED2012 2012-03-01 1433 Q22988104
Liz Diller: The Blur Building and other tech-empowered architecture Elizabeth Diller TED 2007-12-12 359 Q23663656
Liza Donnelly: Drawing on humor for change Liza Donnelly TEDWomen 2010 2010-12-07 1061 Q23000476
Lord Nicholas Stern: The state of the climate — and what we might do about it Nicholas Stern, Baron Stern of Brentford TED 2014-09-17 2093 Q23464865
Loretta Napoleoni: The intricate economics of terrorism Loretta Napoleoni TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-15 712 Q22998860
Lorrie Faith Cranor: What’s wrong with your pa$$w0rd? Lorrie Cranor TEDx conference 2014-03-31 2030 Q23471159
Louie Schwartzberg: Hidden miracles of the natural world Louis Schwartzberg TED2014 2014-03-19 1969 Q22990260
Louie Schwartzberg: Nature. Beauty. Gratitude. Louis Schwartzberg TEDx conference 2011-06-11 1283 Q23465773
Louie Schwartzberg: The hidden beauty of pollination Louis Schwartzberg TED2011 2011-03-02 1140 Q22985903
Louise Fresco: We need to feed the whole world Louise Fresco TED2009 2009-02-05 537 Q22980504
Louise Leakey: A dig for humanity's origins Louise Leakey TED2008 2008-02-02 315 Q22980239
Luca Turin: The science of scent Luca Turin TED2005 2005-02-02 393 Q22979442
Lucianne Walkowicz: Finding planets around other stars Lucianne Walkowicz TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-11 1210 Q22999171
Lucien Engelen: Crowdsource your health Lucien Engelen TEDx conference 2011-04-04 1359 Q23466736
Lucy McRae: How can technology transform the human body? Lucy McRae TED2012 2012-02-27 1413 Q22988069
Ludwick Marishane: A bath without water Ludwick Marishane TED 2012-05-03 1611 Q23464660
Luis von Ahn: Massive-scale online collaboration Luis von Ahn TEDx conference 2011-04-03 1295 Q23465902
Luke Syson: How I learned to stop worrying and love "useless" art Luke Syson TEDx conference 2013-10-16 1907 Q23470771
Maajid Nawaz: A global culture to fight extremism Maajid Nawaz TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-12 1189 Q22999124
Mac Barnett: Why a good book is a secret door Mac Barnett TEDx conference 2014-06-14 2091 Q23471382
Mac Stone: Stunning photos of the endangered Everglades Mac Stone TEDx conference 2015-03-21 2334 Q23663611
Madeleine Albright: On being a woman and a diplomat Madeleine Albright TEDWomen 2010 2010-12-08 1078 Q23000485
Mae Jemison: Teach arts and sciences together Mae Jemison TED2002 2002-02-02 533 Q22992346
Magnus Larsson: Turning dunes into architecture Magnus Larsson TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-24 698 Q22998849
Maira Kalman: The illustrated woman Maira Kalman TED2007 2007-03-03 182 Q22980011
Majora Carter: 3 stories of local eco-entrepreneurship Majora Carter TEDx conference 2010-09-10 1041 Q23465135
Majora Carter: Greening the ghetto Majora Carter TED2006 2006-02-26 53 Q22979722
Malcolm Gladwell: Choice, happiness and spaghetti sauce Malcolm Gladwell TED2004 2004-02-26 20 Q22992509
Malcolm Gladwell: The strange tale of the Norden bombsight Malcolm Gladwell TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-14 1255 Q22999234
Malcolm Gladwell: The unheard story of David and Goliath Malcolm Gladwell TED 2013-09-19 1831 Q23662979
Malcolm London: "High School Training Ground" Malcolm London TED 2013-05-07 1737 Q23662951
Mallika Sarabhai: Dance to change the world Mallika Sarabhai TEDIndia 2009 2009-11-04 688 Q23000268
Malte Spitz: Your phone company is watching Malte Spitz TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-27 1518 Q22999324
Manal al-Sharif: A Saudi woman who dared to drive Manal al-Sharif TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-11 1767 Q22999456
Mandy Len Catron: Falling in love is the easy part Mandy Len Catron TEDx conference 2015-08-20 2330 Q23663609
Manu Prakash: A 50-cent microscope that folds like origami Manu Prakash Foldscope 9 TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-26 1941 Q22938728
Manuel Lima: A visual history of human knowledge Manuel Lima visualization
TED2015 2015-03-13 2296 Q23419042
Marc Abrahams: A science award that makes you laugh, then think Marc Abrahams TEDMED 2014 2014-09-12 2115 Q22978265
Marc Goodman: A vision of crimes in the future Marc Goodman TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-28 1496 Q22999301
Marc Koska: 1.3m reasons to re-invent the syringe Marc Koska TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-24 664 Q22998812
Marc Kushner: Why the buildings of the future will be shaped by ... you Marc Kushner TED2014 2014-03-10 2183 Q22991062
Marc Pachter: The art of the interview Marc Pachter TED 2008-01-09 708 Q23663683
Marcel Dicke: Why not eat insects? Marcel Dicke TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-14 1018 Q22999094
Marcin Jakubowski: Open-sourced blueprints for civilization Marcin Jakubowski TED2011 2011-03-01 1122 Q22985889
Marco Annunziata: Welcome to the age of the industrial internet Marco Annunziata TED 2013-10-30 1893 Q23464799
Marco Tempest: A cyber-magic card trick like no other Marco Tempest TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-28 1602 Q22999415
Marco Tempest: A magical tale (with augmented reality) Marco Tempest TED2012 2012-03-01 1405 Q22988037
Marco Tempest: And for my next trick, a robot Marco Tempest TED2014 2014-03-20 1991 Q22990696
Marco Tempest: Augmented reality, techno-magic Marco Tempest TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-13 1262 Q22999246
Marco Tempest: The electric rise and fall of Nikola Tesla Marco Tempest TED2012 2012-03-01 1482 Q22988178
Marco Tempest: The magic of truth and lies (and iPods) Marco Tempest TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-14 1211 Q22999175
Marcus Byrne: The dance of the dung beetle Marcus Byrne TEDx conference 2012-08-23 1628 Q23469486
Marcus du Sautoy: Symmetry, reality's riddle Marcus du Sautoy TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-24 670 Q22998823
Margaret Gould Stewart: How YouTube thinks about copyright Margaret Gould Stewart TED2010 2010-02-10 885 Q22980821
Margaret Gould Stewart: How giant websites design for you (and a billion others, too) Margaret Gould Stewart TED2014 2014-03-19 2039 Q22991001
Margaret Heffernan: Dare to disagree Margaret Heffernan Alice Stewart
European Committee on Radiation Risk
TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-29 1533 Q22999342
Margaret Heffernan: The dangers of "willful blindness" Margaret Heffernan TEDx conference 2013-03-22 1773 Q23470288
Margaret Heffernan: Why it's time to forget the pecking order at work Margaret Heffernan sefydliad TEDWomen 2015 2015-05-28 2283 Q23414340
Margaret Wertheim: The beautiful math of coral Margaret Wertheim TED2009 2009-02-06 519 Q22980484
Maria Bezaitis: The surprising need for strangeness Maria Bezaitis TED 2013-04-07 1742 Q23464773
Marian Bantjes: Intricate beauty by design Marian Bantjes TED2010 2010-02-12 891 Q22980824
Mariana Mazzucato: Government -- investor, risk-taker, innovator Mariana Mazzucato TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-26 1855 Q22999573
Marina Abramović: An art made of trust, vulnerability and connection Marina Abramović TED2015 2015-03-16 2381 Q23419077
Marisa Fick-Jordan: The wonder of Zulu wire art Marisa Fick-Jordan TEDGlobal 2007 2007-06-06 313 Q22998660
Mark Applebaum: The mad scientist of music Mark Applebaum TEDx conference 2012-05-19 1526 Q23468703
Mark Bezos: A life lesson from a volunteer firefighter Mark Bezos TED2011 2011-03-02 1096 Q22985291
Mark Bittman: What's wrong with what we eat Mark Bittman TED 2007-12-12 263 Q23663644
Mark Forsyth: What's a snollygoster? A short lesson in political speak Mark Forsyth TEDx conference 2012-06-22 1548 Q23468866
Mark Kendall: Demo: A needle-free vaccine patch that's safer and way cheaper Mark Kendall TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-19 1905 Q22999672
Mark Pagel: How language transformed humanity Mark Pagel TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-13 1203 Q22999161
Mark Plotkin: What the people of the Amazon know that you don’t Mark Plotkin TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-10 2141 Q22999979
Mark Ronson: How sampling transformed music Mark Ronson TED2014 2014-03-17 1994 Q22990731
Mark Roth: Suspended animation is within our grasp Mark Roth TED2010 2010-02-02 796 Q22980734
Mark Shaw: One very dry demo Mark Shaw TED2013 2013-02-28 1700 Q22988838
Markham Nolan: How to separate fact and fiction online Markham Nolan TED 2012-11-07 1630 Q23662904
Markus Fischer: A robot that flies like a bird Markus Fischer TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-15 1195 Q22999138
Marla Spivak: Why bees are disappearing Marla Spivak TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-12 1822 Q22999548
Marlene Zuk: What we learn from insects’ kinky sex lives Marlene Zuk insect sex TEDWomen 2015 2015-05-28 2301 Q23414878
Martin Hanczyc: The line between life and not-life Martin Hanczyc TED 2011-05-18 1264 Q23662859
Martin Jacques: Understanding the rise of China Martin Jacques TED 2010-10-10 1059 Q23662832
Martin Pistorius: How my mind came back to life — and no one knew Martin Pistorius cyfathrebu
TEDx conference 2015-08-29 2338 Q23663924
Martin Rees: Can we prevent the end of the world? Martin Rees TED2014 2014-03-13 2067 Q22991032
Martin Rees: Is this our final century? Martin Rees TEDGlobal 2005 2005-07-14 42 Q22978296
Martin Seligman: The new era of positive psychology Martin Seligman TED2004 2004-02-02 312 Q22992662
Martin Villeneuve: How I made an impossible film Martin Villeneuve TED2013 2013-02-27 1760 Q22989297
Martine Rothblatt: My daughter, my wife, our robot, and the quest for immortality Martine Rothblatt TED2015 2015-03-18 2258 Q22991698
Marvin Minsky: Health and the human mind Marvin Minsky TED2003 2003-02-02 351 Q22992414
Mary Lou Jepsen: Could future devices read images from our brains? Mary Lou Jepsen TED2013 2013-03-12 1939 Q22989724
Mary Norris: The nit-picking glory of The New Yorker's Comma Queen Mary Norris ysgrifen
TED2016 2016 Q25933191
Mary Roach: 10 things you didn't know about orgasm Mary Roach orgasm TED2009 2009-02-06 549 Q22980515
Mary Robinson: Why climate change is a threat to human rights Mary Robinson newid yn amrywioldeb yr hinsawdd
hawliau dynol
TEDWomen 2015 2015-05-28 2331 Q23415152
Maryn McKenna: What do we do when antibiotics don’t work any more? Maryn McKenna TED2015 2015-03-25 2289 Q23419021
Massimo Banzi: How Arduino is open-sourcing imagination Massimo Banzi TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-26 1491 Q22999294
Mathias Jud: Art that lets you talk back to NSA spies Mathias Jud TED 2015-09-29 2365 Q23663364
Mathieu Lehanneur: Science-inspired design Mathieu Lehanneur TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-23 691 Q22998839
Matt Cutts: Try something new for 30 days Matt Cutts TED2011 2011-03-03 1183 Q22986067
Matt Kenyon: A secret memorial for civilian casualties Matt Kenyon Rhyfel Irac TED2015 2015-03-17 2306 Q23419062
Matt Killingsworth: Want to be happier? Stay in the moment Matt Killingsworth TEDx conference 2011-11-11 1607 Q23469234
Matt Mills: Image recognition that triggers augmented reality Matt Mills TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-26 1515 Q22999322
Matt Ridley: When ideas have sex Matt Ridley TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-13 915 Q22998900
Matt Weinstein: What Bernie Madoff couldn't steal from me Matt Weinstein TED 2009-03-14 733 Q23663687
Matthew Carter: My life in typefaces Matthew Carter TED2014 2014-03-18 1977 Q22990335
Matthew Childs: 9 life lessons from rock climbing Matthew Childs rock climbing TED2009 2009-02-05 518 Q22980481
Matthew O'Reilly: “Am I dying?” The honest answer. Matthew O'Reilly TED 2014-07-08 2096 Q23464868
Matthew White: The modern euphonium Matthew White TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-23 672 Q22998826
Matthew Williams: Special Olympics let me be myself -- a champion Matthew Williams TEDx conference 2015-11-14 2426 Q23663634
Matthieu Ricard: How to let altruism be your guide Matthieu Ricard TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-17 2168 Q22999993
Matthieu Ricard: The habits of happiness Matthieu Ricard TED2004 2004-02-02 191 Q22992650
Maurizio Seracini: The secret lives of paintings Maurizio Seracini paentio
The Battle of Anghiari
TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-29 1588 Q22999407
Max Little: A test for Parkinson's with a phone call Max Little TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-26 1534 Q22999343
May El-Khalil: Making peace is a marathon May El-Khalil TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-22 1812 Q22999780
Maya Beiser: A cello with many voices Maya Beiser TED2011 2011-03-02 1173 Q22986021
Maya Penn: Meet a young entrepreneur, cartoonist, designer, activist … Maya Penn TEDWomen 2013 2013-12-05 1917 Q23000723
Maysoon Zayid: I got 99 problems ... palsy is just one Maysoon Zayid TEDWomen 2013 2013-12-04 1898 Q23000710
Maz Jobrani: A Saudi, an Indian and an Iranian walk into a Qatari bar ... Maz Jobrani TEDx conference 2012-04-22 1629 Q23469508
Maz Jobrani: Did you hear the one about the Iranian-American? Maz Jobrani TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-16 935 Q22999000
Meaghan Ramsey: Why thinking you're ugly is bad for you Meaghan Ramsey TED 2014-09-17 2102 Q23464872
Mechai Viravaidya: How Mr. Condom made Thailand a better place for life and love Mechai Viravaidya TEDx conference 2010-09-20 970 Q23465090
Meera Vijayann: Find your voice against gender violence Meera Vijayann TEDx conference 2014-06-27 2068 Q23471328
Meg Jay: Why 30 is not the new 20 Meg Jay TED2013 2013-02-28 1741 Q22989027
Megan Kamerick: Women should represent women in media Megan Kamerick TEDx conference 2011-09-10 1473 Q23468255
Megan Washington: Why I live in mortal dread of public speaking Megan Washington TEDx conference 2014-04-26 2054 Q23471255
Meklit Hadero: The unexpected beauty of everyday sounds Meklit Hadero Meklit cerddoriaeth
TED 2015-08-28 2351 Q23663958
Melati and Isabel Wijsen: Our campaign to ban plastic bags in Bali Melati and Isabel Wijsen TED 2015-09-29 2418 Q23663384
Melinda Gates: Let's put birth control back on the agenda Melinda Gates TEDx conference 2012-04-05 1418 Q23467341
Melinda Gates: What nonprofits can learn from Coca-Cola Melinda Gates TEDx conference 2010-09-20 977 Q23465095
Melissa Fleming: A boat carrying 500 refugees sunk at sea. The story of two survivors Melissa Fleming TEDx conference 2015-05-23 2358 Q23663617
Melissa Fleming: How to help refugees rebuild their world Melissa Fleming TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-08 2110 Q22999957
Melissa Marshall: Talk nerdy to me Melissa Marshall TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-26 1592 Q22999410
Mellody Hobson: Color blind or color brave? Mellody Hobson TED2014 2014-03-20 1990 Q22990470
Melvin Russell: I love being a police officer, but we need reform Melvin Russell TEDx conference 2015-09-25 2406 Q23663627
Memory Banda: A warrior’s cry against child marriage Memory Banda child marriage TEDWomen 2015 2015-05-29 2295 Q23414359
Mena Trott: Meet the founder of the blog revolution Mena Grabowski Trott TED2006 2006-02-23 21 Q22979698
Mia Birdsong: The story we tell about poverty isn't true Mia Birdsong anghydraddoldeb cymdeithasol
TEDWomen 2015 2015-05-29 2328 Q23415084
Michael Anti: Behind the Great Firewall of China Michael Anti TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-29 1523 Q22999330
Michael Archer: How we'll resurrect the gastric brooding frog, the Tasmanian tiger Mike Archer TEDx conference 2013-03-15 1777 Q23470306
Michael Dickinson: How a fly flies Michael Dickinson TEDx conference 2013-01-18 1674 Q23470044
Michael Green: How we can make the world a better place by 2030 Michael Green TED 2015-09-29 2348 Q23663357
Michael Green: What the Social Progress Index can reveal about your country Michael Green TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-08 2134 Q22999976
Michael Green: Why we should build wooden skyscrapers Michael Green TED2013 2013-02-27 1785 Q22989363
Michael Hansmeyer: Building unimaginable shapes Michael Hansmeyer TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-27 1519 Q22999326
Michael Kimmel: Why gender equality is good for everyone — men included Michael Kimmel gender equality TEDWomen 2015 2015-05-29 2329 Q23415114
Michael McDaniel: Cheap, effective shelter for disaster relief Michael McDaniel TEDx conference 2012-02-11 1452 Q23467991
Michael Merzenich: Growing evidence of brain plasticity Michael Merzenich TED2004 2004-02-28 526 Q22992730
Michael Metcalfe: We need money for aid. So let’s print it. Michael Metcalfe TED 2013-11-06 1929 Q23464838
Michael Moschen: Juggling as art ... and science Michael Moschen TED2002 2002-03-03 260 Q22992322
Michael Norton: How to buy happiness Michael Norton TEDx conference 2011-11-18 1427 Q23467397
Michael Pawlyn: Using nature's genius in architecture Michael Pawlyn pensaernïaeth TED 2010-11-10 1072 Q23662834
Michael Pollan: A plant's-eye view Michael Pollan TED2007 2007-03-03 214 Q22980078
Michael Porter: The case for letting business solve social problems Michael Porter TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-14 1837 Q22999560
Michael Pritchard: How to make filthy water drinkable Michael Pritchard TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-22 613 Q22998718
Michael Rubinstein: See invisible motion, hear silent sounds Michael Rubinstein TEDx conference 2014-11-13 2159 Q23471570
Michael Sandel: The lost art of democratic debate Michael Sandel TED2010 2010-02-11 878 Q22980807
Michael Sandel: What's the right thing to do? Michael Sandel TED 2005-09-01 721 Q23663684
Michael Sandel: Why we shouldn't trust markets with our civic life Michael Sandel TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-14 1836 Q22999558
Michael Shermer: The pattern behind self-deception Michael Shermer TED2010 2010-02-10 884 Q22980819
Michael Shermer: Why people believe weird things Michael Shermer TED2006 2006-02-23 22 Q22979700
Michael Specter: The danger of science denial Michael Specter TED2010 2010-02-11 824 Q22980761
Michael Tilson Thomas: Music and emotion through time Michael Tilson Thomas TED2012 2012-03-01 1440 Q22988113
Michel Laberge: How synchronized hammer strikes could generate nuclear fusion Michel Laberge TED2014 2014-03-20 1979 Q22990355
Michelle Obama: A plea for education Michelle Obama TED 2009-04-04 555 Q23663680
Mick Cornett: How an obese town lost a million pounds Mick Cornett TEDMED 2013 2013-04-08 1865 Q22978252
Mick Ebeling: The invention that unlocked a locked-in artist Mick Ebeling TED 2011-03-03 1115 Q23662844
Mick Mountz: What happens inside those massive warehouses? Mick Mountz TEDx conference 2011-06-28 1341 Q23466546
Miguel Nicolelis: A monkey that controls a robot with its thoughts. No, really. Miguel Nicolelis TEDMED 2012 2012-04-11 1671 Q22978219
Miguel Nicolelis: Brain-to-brain communication has arrived. How we did it Miguel Nicolelis TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-15 2172 Q22999995
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: Flow, the secret to happiness Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi TED2004 2004-02-29 366 Q22992669
Mike Biddle: We can recycle plastic Mike Biddle TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-14 1239 Q22999215
Mike Matas: A next-generation digital book Mike Matas TED2011 2011-03-02 1134 Q22985897
Mike Rowe: Learning from dirty jobs Mike Rowe TED 2008-12-12 477 Q23663672
Mike Velings: The case for fish farming Mike Velings TED 2015-10-10 2427 Q23664025
Mike deGruy: Hooked by an octopus Mike deGruy TED 2010-04-07 830 Q23663700
Mikko Hypponen: Fighting viruses, defending the net Mikko Hyppönen TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-14 1192 Q22999131
Mikko Hypponen: How the NSA betrayed the world's trust -- time to act Mikko Hyppönen TEDx conference 2013-10-28 1861 Q23470636
Mikko Hypponen: Three types of online attack Mikko Hyppönen TEDx conference 2011-11-17 1328 Q23466136
Milton Glaser: Using design to make ideas new Milton Glaser TED 1998-02-02 455 Q23457799
Mina Bissell: Experiments that point to a new understanding of cancer Mina Bissell TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-29 1509 Q22999311
Miru Kim: My underground art explorations Miru Kim TED 2008-12-12 472 Q23663671
Misha Glenny: Hire the hackers! Misha Glenny TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-13 1221 Q22999189
Misha Glenny: How global crime networks work Misha Glenny TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-23 633 Q22998755
Mitch Resnick: Let's teach kids to code Mitchel Resnick TEDx conference 2012-11-17 1657 Q23469818
Mitchell Besser: Mothers helping mothers fight HIV Mitchell Besser TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-15 962 Q22999042
Mitchell Joachim: Don't build your home, grow it! Mitchell Joachim TED2010 2010-02-12 901 Q22980831
Miwa Matreyek: Glorious visions in animation and performance Miwa Matreyek TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-14 995 Q22999071
Mohamed Ali: The link between unemployment and terrorism Mohamed Ali TED 2013-09-20 1864 Q23663019
Mohamed Hijri: A simple solution to the coming phosphorus crisis Mohamed Hijri TEDx conference 2013-10-03 1783 Q23470344
Molly Crockett: Beware neuro-bunk Molly J. Crockett TED 2012-11-07 1633 Q23662911
Molly Stevens: A new way to grow bone Molly Stevens TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-27 1845 Q22999566
Monica Lewinsky: The price of shame Monica Lewinsky TED2015 2015-03-19 2217 Q22991362
Monika Bulaj: The hidden light of Afghanistan Monika Bulaj TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-12 1301 Q22999269
Morgan Spurlock: The greatest TED Talk ever sold Morgan Spurlock TED2011 2011-03-02 1114 Q22985557
Morgana Bailey: The danger of hiding who you are Morgana Bailey TED 2014-11-20 2171 Q23464917
Morley: "Women of Hope" Morley TEDx conference 2011-12-01 1323 Q23466113
Moshe Safdie: Building uniqueness Moshe Safdie TED2002 2002-03-03 219 Q22992314
Moshe Safdie: How to reinvent the apartment building Moshe Safdie TED2014 2014-03-19 2092 Q22991050
Mundano: Pimp my ... trash cart? Mundano TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-06 2157 Q22999988
Munir Virani: Why I love vultures Munir Virani TED 2012-05-05 1610 Q23464638
Murray Gell-Mann: Beauty, truth and ... physics? Murray Gell-Mann TED2007 2007-03-03 194 Q22980024
Murray Gell-Mann: The ancestor of language Murray Gell-Mann TED2007 2007-03-03 276 Q22980101
Mustafa Akyol: Faith versus tradition in Islam Mustafa Akyol TEDx conference 2011-03-03 1155 Q23465367
Myriam Sidibe: The simple power of hand-washing Myriam Sidibe TED 2014-09-10 2108 Q23464874
Nadia Al-Sakkaf: See Yemen through my eyes Nadia Al-Sakkaf TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-13 1191 Q22999129
Nadine Burke Harris: How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime Nadine Burke Harris TEDMED 2014 2014-09-10 2194 Q22978273
Naif Al-Mutawa: Superheroes inspired by Islam Naif Al-Mutawa TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-13 919 Q22998910
Nalini Nadkarni: Conserving the canopy Nalini Nadkarni TED2009 2009-02-06 476 Q22980406
Nalini Nadkarni: Life science in prison Nalini Nadkarni TED2010 2010-02-11 911 Q22980836
Nancy Etcoff: Happiness and its surprises Nancy Etcoff TED2004 2004-02-02 570 Q22992743
Nancy Frates: Meet the mom who started the Ice Bucket Challenge Nancy Frates TEDx conference 2014-10-02 2137 Q23471418
Nancy Kanwisher: A neural portrait of the human mind Nancy Kanwisher TED2014 2014-03-14 2077 Q22991045
Nancy Lublin: Texting that saves lives Nancy Lublin TED2012 2012-02-29 1430 Q22988102
Nancy Lublin: The heartbreaking text that inspired a crisis help line Nancy Lublin TEDWomen 2015 2015-05-27 2362 Q23415741
Nandan Nilekani: Ideas for India's future Nandan Nilekani TED2009 2009-02-04 545 Q22980512
Naomi Klein: Addicted to risk Naomi Klein TEDWomen 2010 2010-12-08 1054 Q23000473
Naomi Oreskes: Why we should trust scientists Naomi Oreskes TED 2014-05-22 2032 Q23663074
Natalie Jeremijenko: The art of the eco-mindshift Natalie Jeremijenko TED 2009-10-09 980 Q23663716
Natalie MacMaster: Cape Breton fiddling in reel time Natalie MacMaster TED2002 2002-02-02 117 Q22992299
Natalie MacMaster: Fiddling in reel time Natalie MacMaster TED2003 2003-02-02 447 Q22992446
Natalie Merchant: Singing old poems to life Natalie Merchant TED2010 2010-02-12 823 Q22980760
Natasha Tsakos: A multimedia theatrical adventure Natasha Tsakos TED2009 2009-02-06 621 Q22980580
Nate Silver: Does racism affect how you vote? Nate Silver TED2009 2009-02-07 521 Q22980485
Nathalie Cabrol: How Mars might hold the secret to the origin of life Nathalie Cabrol TED2015 2015-03-17 2235 Q22991501
Nathalie Miebach: Art made of storms Nathalie Miebach TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-11 1252 Q22999231
Nathan Myhrvold: Archeology, animal photography, BBQ ... Nathan Myhrvold TED2007 2007-03-03 271 Q22980100
Nathan Myhrvold: Cooking as never seen before Nathan Myhrvold TED2011 2011-03-03 1184 Q22986069
Nathan Myhrvold: Could this laser zap malaria? Nathan Myhrvold TED2010 2010-02-12 853 Q22980784
Nathan Wolfe: The jungle search for viruses Nathan Wolfe TED2009 2009-02-05 499 Q22980455
Nathan Wolfe: What's left to explore? Nathan Wolfe TED2012 2012-02-27 1454 Q22988142
Nathaniel Kahn: Scenes from "My Architect" Nathaniel Kahn TED2002 2002-02-02 506 Q22992337
Naturally 7: A full-band beatbox Naturally 7 TED2009 2009-02-04 544 Q22980511
Navi Radjou: Creative problem-solving in the face of extreme limits Navi Radjou TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-09 2167 Q22999992
Neil Burgess: How your brain tells you where you are Neil Burgess TED 2011-11-11 1349 Q23662879
Neil Gershenfeld: Unleash your creativity in a Fab Lab Neil Gershenfeld TED2006 2006-02-02 90 Q22979760
Neil Harbisson: I listen to color Neil Harbisson TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-27 1512 Q22999318
Neil MacGregor: 2600 years of history in one object Neil MacGregor TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-13 1364 Q22999276
Neil Pasricha: The 3 A's of awesome Neil Pasricha TEDx conference 2010-09-30 1048 Q23465164
Neil Turok: My wish: Find the next Einstein in Africa Neil Turok TED2008 2008-02-28 232 Q22980141
Nellie McKay: "Mother of Pearl," "If I Had You" Nellie McKay TED2008 2008-02-02 296 Q22980232
Nellie McKay: "The Dog Song" Nellie McKay TED2008 2008-02-02 325 Q22980249
Neri Oxman: Design at the intersection of technology and biology Neri Oxman TED2015 2015-03-19 2344 Q23419075
Newton Aduaka: The story of Ezra Newton Aduaka TEDGlobal 2007 2007-06-06 386 Q22998673
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala: Aid versus trade Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala TEDGlobal 2007 2007-06-07 152 Q22998318
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala: Want to help Africa? Do business here Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala TED2007 2007-03-03 127 Q22979956
Niall Ferguson: The 6 killer apps of prosperity Niall Ferguson TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-14 1226 Q22999193
Nic Marks: The Happy Planet Index Nic Marks TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-16 944 Q22999012
Nicholas Christakis: How social networks predict epidemics Nicholas A. Christakis TED 2010-06-21 958 Q23463837
Nicholas Christakis: The hidden influence of social networks Nicholas A. Christakis TED2010 2010-02-12 852 Q22980783
Nicholas Negroponte: 5 predictions, from 1984 Nicholas Negroponte TED 1984-02-02 230 Q23457664
Nicholas Negroponte: A 30-year history of the future Nicholas Negroponte TED2014 2014-03-19 2043 Q22991008
Nicholas Negroponte: One Laptop per Child Nicholas Negroponte TED2006 2006-02-23 41 Q22979708
Nicholas Negroponte: One Laptop per Child, two years on Nicholas Negroponte TED 2007-12-12 288 Q23663646
Nick Bostrom: A philosophical quest for our biggest problems Nick Bostrom TEDGlobal 2005 2005-07-14 44 Q22978300
Nick Bostrom: What happens when our computers get smarter than we are? Nick Bostrom TED2015 2015-03-18 2243 Q22991594
Nick Hanauer: Beware, fellow plutocrats, the pitchforks are coming Nick Hanauer TED 2014-08-06 2055 Q23663087
Nick Sears: Demo: The Orb Nick Sears TED2007 2007-03-03 412 Q22980111
Nick Veasey: Exposing the invisible Nick Veasey TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-24 726 Q22998872
Nicolas Perony: Puppies! Now that I’ve got your attention, complexity theory Nicolas Perony TEDx conference 2013-10-03 1916 Q23470810
Nicole Paris and Ed Cage: A beatboxing lesson from a father-daughter duo Nicole Paris & Ed Cage bît-bocsio TED 2015-11-14 2392 Q23664008
Niels Diffrient: Rethinking the way we sit down Niels Diffrient TED2002 2002-02-02 520 Q22992342
Nigel Marsh: How to make work-life balance work Nigel Marsh TEDx conference 2010-05-28 1069 Q23465177
Nikolai Begg: A tool to fix one of the most dangerous moments in surgery Nikolai Begg TEDx conference 2013-11-12 2046 Q23471237
Nilofer Merchant: Got a meeting? Take a walk Nilofer Merchant TED2013 2013-02-26 1726 Q22989008
Nina Jablonski: Skin color is an illusion Nina G. Jablonski TED2009 2009-02-05 603 Q22980576
Nina Tandon: Caring for engineered tissue Nina Tandon TED2011 2011-03-02 1187 Q22986072
Nina Tandon: Could tissue engineering mean personalized medicine? Nina Tandon TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-26 1626 Q22999418
Nirmalya Kumar: India's invisible innovation Nirmalya Kumar TEDx conference 2012-04-27 1489 Q23468442
Nizar Ibrahim: How we unearthed the Spinosaurus Nizar Ibrahim TEDYouth 2014-11-15 2238 Q23498454
Noah Feldman: Politics and religion are technologies Noah Feldman TED2003 2003-02-02 358 Q22992424
Noah Wilson-Rich: Every city needs healthy honey bees Noah Wilson-Rich TEDx conference 2012-06-22 1522 Q23468673
Noel Bairey Merz: The single biggest health threat women face C. Noel Bairey Merz TEDx conference 2011-12-01 1396 Q23467031
Nonny de la Peña: The future of news? Virtual reality Nonny de la Peña TEDWomen 2015 2015-05-27 2376 Q23415838
Noreena Hertz: How to use experts -- and when not to Noreena Hertz TED 2010-11-04 1079 Q23662840
Norman Foster: My green agenda for architecture Norman Foster TED 2007-01-01 174 Q23663639
Norman Spack: How I help transgender teens become who they want to be Norman Spack TEDx conference 2013-11-27 1947 Q23470979
Noy Thrupkaew: Human trafficking is all around you. This is how it works Noy Thrupkaew TED2015 2015-03-19 2275 Q23419006
Olafur Eliasson: Playing with space and light Ólafur Elíasson TED2009 2009-02-06 599 Q22980571
Ole Scheeren: Why great architecture should tell a story Ole Scheeren Category:Ole Scheeren buildings TED 2015-09-29 2375 Q23663367
Oliver Sacks: What hallucination reveals about our minds Oliver Sacks TED2009 2009-02-05 637 Q22980582
Omar Ahmad: Political change with pen and paper Omar Ahmad TED2010 2010-02-10 838 Q22980774
Onora O'Neill: What we don't understand about trust Onora O'Neill, y farwnes O'Neill o Bengarve TEDx conference 2013-06-25 1829 Q23470549
Onyx Ashanti: This is beatjazz Onyx Ashanti TED 2011-05-24 1172 Q23663916
Oren Yakobovich: Hidden cameras that film injustice in the world’s most dangerous places Oren Yakobovich TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-14 2142 Q22999980
Ory Okolloh: How I became an activist Ory Okolloh TEDGlobal 2007 2007-06-06 330 Q22998669
Oscar Schwartz: Can a computer write poetry? TEDx conference 2015-05-20 2411 Q23663629
P.W. Singer: Military robots and the future of war P. W. Singer TED2009 2009-02-04 504 Q22980463
Paddy Ashdown: The global power shift Paddy Ashdown TEDx conference 2011-12-28 1314 Q23465989
Pamela Meyer: How to spot a liar Pamela Meyer TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-13 1246 Q22999224
Pamela Ronald: The case for engineering our food Pamela Ronald TED2015 2015-03-18 2241 Q22991573
Pamelia Kurstin: The untouchable music of the theremin Pamelia Kurstin TED2002 2002-02-02 218 Q22992312
Pankaj Ghemawat: Actually, the world isn't flat Pankaj Ghemawat TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-28 1593 Q22999412
Paola Antonelli: Design and the Elastic Mind Paola Antonelli TED 2007-12-12 372 Q23663657
Paola Antonelli: Treat design as art Paola Antonelli TED2007 2007-03-03 207 Q22980072
Paola Antonelli: Why I brought Pac-Man to MoMA Paola Antonelli TED 2013-05-16 1752 Q23662970
Paolo Cardini: Forget multitasking, try monotasking Paolo Cardini TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-27 1622 Q22999417
Parag Khanna: Mapping the future of countries Parag Khanna TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-23 645 Q22998777
Pardis Sabeti: How we'll fight the next deadly virus Pardis C. Sabeti TEDWomen 2015 2015-05-27 2425 Q23415917
Parul Sehgal: An ode to envy Parul Sehgal TED 2013-07-25 1852 Q23663001
Patience Mthunzi: Could we cure HIV with lasers? Patience Mthunzi TED2015 2015-03-18 2313 Q23419064
Patricia Burchat: Shedding light on dark matter Patricia Burchat TED2008 2008-02-02 326 Q22980251
Patricia Kuhl: The linguistic genius of babies Patricia K. Kuhl TEDx conference 2010-10-12 1075 Q23465179
Patricia Ryan: Don't insist on English! Patricia Ryan TEDx conference 2010-12-04 1106 Q23465226
Patrick Awuah: How to educate leaders? Liberal arts Patrick Awuah, Jr. TEDGlobal 2007 2007-06-06 156 Q22998324
Patrick Chappatte: The power of cartoons Patrick Chappatte TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-15 987 Q22999067
Patrícia Medici: The coolest animal you know nothing about ... and how we can save it Patrícia Medici animal welfare TED 2015-08-26 2367 Q23663972
Patsy Rodenburg: Why I do theater Patsy Rodenburg TED 2008-10-09 806 Q23663698
Pattie Maes + Pranav Mistry: Meet the SixthSense interaction Pattie Maes
Pranav Mistry
TED2009 2009-02-06 481 Q22980413
Paul Bennett: Design is in the details Paul Bennett TEDGlobal 2005 2005-07-14 43 Q22978298
Paul Bloom: Can prejudice ever be a good thing? Paul Bloom TED 2014-01-15 2037 Q23663081
Paul Bloom: The origins of pleasure Paul Bloom TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-13 1198 Q22999149
Paul Collier: New rules for rebuilding a broken nation Paul Collier TED 2009-06-06 584 Q23463748
Paul Collier: The "bottom billion" Paul Collier TED2008 2008-03-03 270 Q22980204
Paul Conneally: How mobile phones power disaster relief Paul Conneally TEDx conference 2011-11-27 1361 Q23466899
Paul Debevec: Animating a photo-real digital face Paul Debevec TEDx conference 2009-03-23 662 Q23465012
Paul Ewald: Can we domesticate germs? Paul W. Ewald TED2007 2007-03-03 259 Q22980097
Paul Gilding: The Earth is full Paul Gilding TED2012 2012-02-28 1374 Q22987980
Paul Greenberg: The four fish we're overeating -- and what to eat instead Paul Greenberg pysgota TED 2015-10-10 2389 Q23663999
Paul Kemp-Robertson: Bitcoin. Sweat. Tide. Meet the future of branded currency. Paul Kemp-Robertson TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-22 1795 Q22999476
Paul MacCready: A flight on solar wings Paul MacCready TED2003 2003-02-02 176 Q22992395
Paul MacCready: Nature vs. humans Paul MacCready TED 1998-02-02 379 Q23457755
Paul Moller: My dream of a flying car Paul Moller TED2004 2004-02-02 429 Q22992711
Paul Nicklen: Tales of ice-bound wonderlands Paul Nicklen TED2011 2011-03-02 1141 Q22985930
Paul Pholeros: How to reduce poverty? Fix homes Paul Pholeros TEDx conference 2013-05-04 1769 Q23470267
Paul Piff: Does money make you mean? Paul Piff TEDx conference 2013-10-02 1897 Q23470733
Paul Romer: The world's first charter city? Paul M. Romer TED2011 2011-03-03 1165 Q22986016
Paul Romer: Why the world needs charter cities Paul M. Romer TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-22 608 Q22998715
Paul Root Wolpe: It's time to question bio-engineering Paul Root Wolpe TEDx conference 2010-11-11 1103 Q23465223
Paul Rothemund: DNA folding, in detail Paul W. K. Rothemund TED2008 2008-02-02 331 Q22980253
Paul Rothemund: Playing with DNA that self-assembles Paul W. K. Rothemund TED2007 2007-03-03 183 Q22980012
Paul Sereno: Digging up dinosaurs Paul Sereno TED2005 2005-02-28 428 Q22979445
Paul Snelgrove: A census of the ocean Paul Snelgrove TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-14 1372 Q22999278
Paul Stamets: 6 ways mushrooms can save the world Paul Stamets TED2008 2008-03-03 258 Q22980180
Paul Tudor Jones II: Why we need to rethink capitalism Paul Tudor Jones TED2015 2015-03-17 2234 Q22991493
Paul Zak: Trust, morality -- and oxytocin? Paul J. Zak TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-13 1259 Q22999238
Paula Johnson: His and hers … healthcare Paula Johnson TEDWomen 2013 2013-12-05 1910 Q23000719
Paula Scher: Great design is serious, not solemn Paula Scher TED 2008-05-05 435 Q23663668
Pavan Sukhdev: Put a value on nature! Pavan Sukhdev TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-14 1303 Q22999270
Pawan Sinha: How brains learn to see Pawan Sinha TEDIndia 2009 2009-11-05 776 Q23000337
Pearl Arredondo: My story, from gangland daughter to star teacher Pearl Arredondo TED 2013-05-07 1734 Q23662948
Penelope Boston: There might just be life on Mars Penelope Boston TED2006 2006-02-02 421 Q22979790
Pete Alcorn: The world in 2200 Pete Alcorn TED2009 2009-02-05 563 Q22980535
Peter Attia: Is the obesity crisis hiding a bigger problem? Peter Attia TEDMED 2013 2013-04-05 1774 Q22978241
Peter Diamandis: Abundance is our future Peter Diamandis TED2012 2012-02-28 1375 Q22987982
Peter Diamandis: Our next giant leap Peter Diamandis TEDGlobal 2005 2005-07-07 335 Q22978331
Peter Diamandis: Stephen Hawking's zero g flight Peter Diamandis TED2008 2008-02-02 292 Q22980222
Peter Donnelly: How juries are fooled by statistics Peter Donnelly jury
TEDGlobal 2005 2005-07-14 67 Q22978303
Peter Doolittle: How your "working memory" makes sense of the world Peter Doolittle TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-10 1878 Q22999583
Peter Eigen: How to expose the corrupt Peter Eigen TEDx conference 2009-11-30 763 Q23465023
Peter Gabriel: Fight injustice with raw video Peter Gabriel TED2006 2006-02-23 23 Q22979702
Peter Haas: Haiti's disaster of engineering Peter Haas TED 2010-07-13 978 Q23662827
Peter Hirshberg: The web is more than "better TV" Peter Hirshberg TED 2007-12-12 339 Q23663652
Peter Molyneux: Meet Milo, the virtual boy Peter Molyneux TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-09 932 Q22998992
Peter Norvig: The 100,000-student classroom Peter Norvig TED2012 2012-02-28 1487 Q22988180
Peter Reinhart: The art and craft of bread Peter Reinhart TED 2008-07-17 433 Q23663667
Peter Saul: Let's talk about dying Peter Saul TEDx conference 2011-11-12 1399 Q23467057
Peter Singer: The why and how of effective altruism Peter Singer TED2013 2013-03-01 1746 Q22989185
Peter Tyack: The intriguing sound of marine mammals Peter Tyack TED 2010-04-15 886 Q23663707
Peter Ward: A theory of Earth's mass extinctions Peter D. Ward TED2008 2008-02-27 440 Q22980305
Peter van Manen: How can Formula 1 racing help ... babies? Peter van Manen TEDx conference 2013-04-18 1802 Q23470424
Peter van Uhm: Why I chose a gun Peter van Uhm TEDx conference 2011-11-25 1342 Q23466572
Phil Borges: Photos of endangered cultures Phil Borges TED2006 2006-02-23 34 Q22979705
Phil Hansen: Embrace the shake Phil Hansen TED2013 2013-02-26 1747 Q22989199
Phil Plait: How to defend Earth from asteroids Phil Plait TEDx conference 2011-09-05 1280 Q23465752
Philip Evans: How data will transform business Philip Evans TED 2013-11-11 1938 Q23464844
Philip K. Howard: Four ways to fix a broken legal system Philip K. Howard TED2010 2010-02-13 771 Q22980668
Philip Rosedale: Life in Second Life Philip Rosedale TED 2008-05-08 410 Q23663662
Philip Zimbardo: The demise of guys? Philip Zimbardo TED2011 2011-03-01 1206 Q22986074
Philip Zimbardo: The psychology of evil Philip Zimbardo TED2008 2008-02-02 272 Q22980207
Philip Zimbardo: The psychology of time Philip Zimbardo TED2009 2009-02-06 582 Q22980550
Philippe Petit: The journey across the high wire Philippe Petit TED2012 2012-03-01 1456 Q22988145
Philippe Starck: Design and destiny Philippe Starck TED2007 2007-03-03 197 Q22980029
Pia Mancini: How to upgrade democracy for the Internet era Pia Mancini TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-07 2104 Q22999951
Pico Iyer: The art of stillness Pico Iyer TED 2014-08-12 2025 Q23663068
Pico Iyer: Where is home? Pico Iyer TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-20 1789 Q22999472
Pilobolus: A dance of "Symbiosis" Pilobolus TED2005 2005-02-25 24 Q22979379
Pranav Mistry: The thrilling potential of SixthSense technology Pranav Mistry TEDIndia 2009 2009-11-05 685 Q23000265
Péter Fankhauser: Meet Rezero, the dancing ballbot Péter Fankhauser TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-13 1281 Q22999260
Qi Zhang: An electrifying organ performance Qi Zhang TEDx conference 2009-03-23 581 Q23465006
Quixotic Fusion: Dancing with light Quixotic Fusion TED2012 2012-02-28 1464 Q22988149
Quyen Nguyen: Color-coded surgery Quyen Nguyen TEDMED 2011 2011-10-28 1302 Q22978006
R.A. Mashelkar: Breakthrough designs for ultra-low-cost products Raghunath Anant Mashelkar TEDIndia 2009 2009-11-02 991 Q23000386
Rachel Armstrong: Architecture that repairs itself? Rachel Armstrong TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-24 667 Q22998819
Rachel Botsman: The case for collaborative consumption Rachel Botsman TEDx conference 2010-05-22 1037 Q23465132
Rachel Botsman: The currency of the new economy is trust Rachel Botsman TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-26 1572 Q22999378
Rachel Pike: The science behind a climate headline Rachel Pike TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-24 682 Q22998830
Rachel Sussman: The world's oldest living things Rachel Sussman TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-15 948 Q22999025
Raffaello D'Andrea: The astounding athletic power of quadcopters Raffaello D'Andrea TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-10 1764 Q22999452
Raghava KK: My 5 lives as an artist Raghava KK TED2010 2010-02-12 777 Q22980674
Raghava KK: Shake up your story Raghava KK TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-12 1219 Q22999184
Raghava KK: What's your 200-year plan? Raghava KK TEDx conference 2012-04-16 1484 Q23468378
Rainer Strack: The workforce crisis of 2030 -- and how to start solving it now Rainer Strack TED 2014-10-20 2144 Q23464911
Rajesh Rao: A Rosetta Stone for a lost language Rajesh P.N. Rao TED2011 2011-03-02 1180 Q22986060
Rajiv Maheswaran: The math behind basketball's wildest moves Rajiv Maheswaran Pêl-fasged
TED2015 2015-03-17 2294 Q23419041
Ralph Langner: Cracking Stuxnet, a 21st-century cyber weapon Ralph Langner TED2011 2011-03-03 1107 Q22985415
Ramanan Laxminarayan: The coming crisis in antibiotics Ramanan Laxminarayan TEDMED 2014 2014-09-18 2132 Q22978267
Ramesh Raskar: Imaging at a trillion frames per second Ramesh Raskar TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-28 1520 Q22999328
Ramona Pierson: An unexpected place of healing Ramona Pierson TEDx conference 2011-05-13 1305 Q23465919
Ramsey Musallam: 3 rules to spark learning Ramsey Musallam TED 2013-04-17 1731 Q23662939
Rana el Kaliouby: This app knows how you feel -- from the look on your face Rana el Kaliouby seicoleg
TEDWomen 2015 2015-05-28 2279 Q23414336
Randall Munroe: Comics that ask "what if?" Randall Munroe TED2014 2014-03-20 1993 Q22990718
Randy Pausch: Really achieving your childhood dreams Randy Pausch TED 2007-09-18 730 Q23663686
Raspyni Brothers: Juggle and jest Raspyni Brothers TED2002 2002-02-02 223 Q22992319
Raul Midon: "Peace on Earth" Raul Midón TED2007 2007-03-03 298 Q22980103
Raul Midon: "Tembererana" Raul Midón TED2007 2007-03-03 188 Q22980021
Ravin Agrawal: 10 young Indian artists to watch Ravin Agrawal TEDIndia 2009 2009-11-06 743 Q23000315
Ray Anderson: The business logic of sustainability Ray Anderson TED2009 2009-02-02 547 Q22980514
Ray Kurzweil: A university for the coming singularity Ray Kurzweil TED2009 2009-02-07 560 Q22980530
Ray Kurzweil: Get ready for hybrid thinking Ray Kurzweil TED2014 2014-03-20 2015 Q22990979
Ray Kurzweil: The accelerating power of technology Ray Kurzweil TED2005 2005-02-24 38 Q22979391
Ray Zahab: My trek to the South Pole Ray Zahab TED2009 2009-02-06 586 Q22980553
Raymond Wang: How germs travel on planes -- and how we can stop them Raymond Wang awyren
Llygredd aer
TED 2015-11-14 2391 Q23664004
Read Montague: What we're learning from 5,000 brains Read Montague TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-27 1573 Q22999380
Rebecca MacKinnon: Let's take back the Internet! Rebecca MacKinnon TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-12 1188 Q22999121
Rebecca Onie: What if our healthcare system kept us healthy? Rebecca Onie TEDMED 2012 2012-04-11 1475 Q22978210
Rebecca Saxe: How we read each other's minds Rebecca Saxe TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-22 630 Q22998753
Reed Kroloff: A tour of modern architecture Reed Kroloff TED2003 2003-02-02 318 Q22992411
Reggie Watts: Beats that defy boxes Reggie Watts TED2012 2012-02-29 1458 Q22988146
Regina Dugan: From mach-20 glider to hummingbird drone Regina E. Dugan TED2012 2012-03-01 1402 Q22988031
Regina Hartley: Why the best hire might not have the perfect resume Regina Hartley TED 2015-09-02 2380 Q23663986
Renata Salecl: Our unhealthy obsession with choice Renata Salecl TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-13 2044 Q22999776
Renny Gleeson: 404, the story of a page not found Renny Gleeson TED2012 2012-02-28 1444 Q22988123
Renny Gleeson: Our antisocial phone tricks Renny Gleeson TED2009 2009-02-06 511 Q22980471
Reuben Margolin: Sculpting waves in wood and time Reuben Heyday Margolin TED2012 2012-03-01 1435 Q22988107
Ric Elias: 3 things I learned while my plane crashed Ric Elias TED2011 2011-03-04 1130 Q22985894
Ricardo Semler: How to run a company with (almost) no rules Ricardo Semler TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-16 2182 Q22999999
Rich Benjamin: My road trip through the whitest towns in America Rich Benjamin Unol Daleithiau America
TEDWomen 2015 2015-05-28 2308 Q23414911
Richard Baraniuk: The birth of the open-source learning revolution Richard G. Baraniuk TED2006 2006-02-23 25 Q22979704
Richard Branson: Life at 30,000 feet Richard Branson TED2007 2007-03-03 181 Q22980009
Richard Dawkins: Growing up in the universe Richard Dawkins TED 1991-12-20 746 Q23663689
Richard Dawkins: Militant atheism Richard Dawkins TED2002 2002-02-02 113 Q22992293
Richard Dawkins: Why the universe seems so strange Richard Dawkins bydysawd TEDGlobal 2005 2005-07-07 98 Q22978318
Richard Feynman: Physics is fun to imagine Richard Feynman TED 1983-07-08 784 Q23663694
Richard Ledgett: The NSA responds to Edward Snowden’s TED Talk Richard Ledgett Edward Snowden: Here's how we take back the Internet 33 TED2014 2014-03-20 1952 Q22947017
Richard Preston: The mysterious lives of giant trees Richard Preston TED2008 2008-02-02 409 Q22980300
Richard Pyle: A dive into the reef's Twilight Zone Richard L. Pyle TED2004 2004-02-02 471 Q22992726
Richard Resnick: Welcome to the genomic revolution Richard Resnick TEDx conference 2011-07-06 1223 Q23465599
Richard Sears: Planning for the end of oil Richard Sears TED2010 2010-04-10 862 Q22980795
Richard Seymour: How beauty feels Richard Seymour TED 2011-05-18 1243 Q23662854
Richard St. John: 8 secrets of success Richard St. John TED2005 2005-02-23 70 Q22979413
Richard St. John: Success is a continuous journey Richard St. John TED2009 2009-02-06 572 Q22980542
Richard Turere: My invention that made peace with lions Richard Turere TED2013 2013-02-27 1699 Q22988832
Richard Weller: Could the sun be good for your heart? Richard Weller TEDx conference 2012-03-04 1648 Q23469660
Richard Wilkinson: How economic inequality harms societies Richard Wilkinson TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-12 1253 Q22999233
Rick Guidotti: From stigma to supermodel Rick Guidotti TEDx conference 2011-11-11 1439 Q23467507
Rick Smolan: The story of a girl Rick Smolan TED 2007-12-12 297 Q23663647
Rick Warren: A life of purpose Rick Warren TED2006 2006-02-25 71 Q22979737
Rishi Manchanda: What makes us get sick? Look upstream Rishi Manchanda TED 2014-08-07 2076 Q23663099
Rita Pierson: Every kid needs a champion Rita F. Pierson TED 2013-05-07 1728 Q23662937
Rives: A mockingbird remix of TED2006 Rives TED2006 2006-02-02 108 Q22979768
Rives: A story of mixed emoticons Rives TED2008 2008-02-02 383 Q22980272
Rives: If I controlled the Internet Rives TED 2006-11-30 26 Q23662796
Rives: Reinventing the encyclopedia game Rives TEDx conference 2012-04-19 1490 Q23468499
Rives: The 4 a.m. mystery Rives TED2007 2007-03-03 148 Q22979976
Rives: The Museum of Four in the Morning Rives TED 2014-03-25 2000 Q23663058
Rob Dunbar: Discovering ancient climates in oceans and ice Rob Dunbar TED 2010-04-15 954 Q23663714
Rob Forbes: Ways of seeing Rob Forbes TED2006 2006-02-02 431 Q22979793
Rob Harmon: How to keep rivers and streams flowing Rob Harmon TEDx conference 2010-11-04 1093 Q23465221
Rob Hopkins: Transition to a world without oil Rob Hopkins TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-24 696 Q22998845
Rob Knight: How our microbes make us who we are Rob Knight TED2014 2014-02-20 2201 Q22991064
Rob Legato: The art of creating awe Robert Legato TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-26 1524 Q22999332
Rob Reid: The $8 billion iPod Robert Reid TED2012 2012-03-01 1390 Q22988018
Robert Ballard: The astonishing hidden world of the deep ocean Robert Ballard TED2008 2008-02-29 264 Q22980186
Robert Fischell: My wish: Three unusual medical inventions Robert Fischell TED2005 2005-02-24 57 Q22979406
Robert Full: Learning from the gecko's tail Robert Full TED2009 2009-02-05 571 Q22980541
Robert Full: Robots inspired by cockroach ingenuity Robert Full TED2002 2002-02-02 280 Q22992327
Robert Full: The secrets of nature's grossest creatures, channeled into robots Robert Full TED2014 2014-03-18 2014 Q22990975
Robert Full: The sticky wonder of gecko feet Robert Full TED2005 2005-02-02 195 Q22979427
Robert Gordon: The death of innovation, the end of growth Robert J. Gordon TED2013 2013-02-26 1719 Q22988972
Robert Gupta + Joshua Roman: On violin and cello, "Passacaglia" Robert Gupta
Joshua Roman
TED2011 2011-03-02 1156 Q22986003
Robert Gupta: Between music and medicine Robert Gupta TEDMED 2012 2012-04-15 1577 Q22978217
Robert Gupta: Music is medicine, music is sanity Robert Gupta TED2010 2010-02-10 805 Q22980741
Robert Hammond: Building a park in the sky Robert Hammond TED2011 2011-03-03 1182 Q22986063
Robert Lang: The math and magic of origami Robert J. Lang TED2008 2008-02-02 321 Q22980243
Robert Muggah: How to protect fast-growing cities from failing Robert Muggah TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-13 2139 Q22999978
Robert Neuwirth: The hidden world of shadow cities Robert Neuwirth TEDGlobal 2005 2005-07-14 36 Q22978294
Robert Neuwirth: The power of the informal economy Robert Neuwirth TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-28 1555 Q22999358
Robert Palmer: The Panama Papers exposed a huge global problem. What's next? Robert Palmer Papurau Panama TED 2016-04-08 Q23768150
Robert Swan: Let's save the last pristine continent Robert Swan TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-10 2165 Q22999990
Robert Thurman: We can be Buddhas Robert Thurman TED 2006-12-01 130 Q23662800
Robert Waldinger: What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness Robert J. Waldinger TEDx conference 2015-11-14 2399 Q23663624
Robert Wright: Progress is not a zero-sum game Robert Wright TED2006 2006-02-02 68 Q22979734
Roberto D'Angelo + Francesca Fedeli: In our baby's illness, a life lesson Roberto D'Angelo & Francesca Fedeli TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-11 1796 Q22999477
Robin Chase: Excuse me, may I rent your car? Robin Chase TEDGlobal 2012 2012-07-14 1632 Q22999424
Robin Chase: The idea behind Zipcar (and what comes next) Robin Chase TED2007 2007-03-03 212 Q22980075
Robin Ince: Science versus wonder? Robin Ince TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-13 1276 Q22999257
Robin Morgan: 4 powerful poems about Parkinson's and growing older Robin Morgan TEDWomen 2015 2015-05-29 2336 Q23415188
Robin Murphy: These robots come to the rescue after a disaster Robin Murphy robotics TEDWomen 2015 2015-05-28 2318 Q23415009
Robin Nagle: What I discovered in New York City trash Robin Nagle TED 2013-09-20 1858 Q23663005
Robyn Stein DeLuca: The good news about PMS Robyn Stein DeLuca TEDx conference 2014-11-19 2214 Q23471860
Rodney Brooks: Robots will invade our lives Rodney Brooks TED2003 2003-02-02 355 Q22992421
Rodney Brooks: Why we will rely on robots Rodney Brooks TED2013 2013-02-26 1762 Q22989315
Rodney Mullen: Pop an ollie and innovate! Rodney Mullen TEDx conference 2012-05-04 1479 Q23468301
Rodrigo Bijou: Governments don't understand cyber warfare. We need hackers Rodrigo Bijou TED 2015-06-16 2398 Q23663374
Rodrigo Canales: The deadly genius of drug cartels Rodrigo Canales TED 2013-10-01 1859 Q23663008
Roger Antonsen: Math is the hidden secret to understanding the world Roger Antonsen TED 2015-01-29 Q43233620
Roger Ebert: Remaking my voice Roger Ebert TED2011 2011-03-04 1121 Q22985887
Roger Stein: A bold new way to fund drug research Roger Stein TED 2013-11-06 1901 Q23464804
Rogier van der Heide: Why light needs darkness Rogier van der Heide TEDx conference 2010-10-10 1098 Q23465222
Roman Mars: Why city flags may be the worst-designed thing you've never noticed Roman Mars vexillography TED2015 2015-03-25 2253 Q22991669
Romina Libster: The power of herd immunity Romina Libster TEDx conference 2014-11-20 2185 Q23471655
Romulus Whitaker: The real danger lurking in the water Romulus Whitaker TEDIndia 2009 2009-11-05 728 Q23000297
Ron Eglash: The fractals at the heart of African designs Ron Eglash TEDGlobal 2007 2007-06-06 198 Q22998641
Ron Finley: A guerilla gardener in South Central LA Ron Finley TED2013 2013-02-28 1685 Q22988765
Ron Gutman: The hidden power of smiling Ron Gutman TED2011 2011-03-02 1143 Q22985933
Ron McCallum: How technology allowed me to read Ron McCallum TEDx conference 2013-07-08 1818 Q23470532
Ronny Edry: Israel and Iran: A love story? Ronny Edry TEDx conference 2012-09-06 1636 Q23469527
Rory Bremner: A one-man world summit Rory Bremner TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-24 706 Q22998856
Rory Stewart: Time to end the war in Afghanistan Rory Stewart TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-15 1196 Q22999141
Rory Stewart: Why democracy matters Rory Stewart TEDx conference 2012-06-12 1595 Q23469041
Rory Sutherland: Life lessons from an ad man Rory Sutherland TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-23 658 Q22998804
Rory Sutherland: Perspective is everything Rory Sutherland TEDx conference 2011-12-03 1437 Q23467461
Rory Sutherland: Sweat the small stuff Rory Sutherland TED 2010-04-19 880 Q23662821
Rose George: Inside the secret shipping industry Rose George TED 2013-10-18 1887 Q23464792
Rose George: Let's talk crap. Seriously. Rose George TED2013 2013-02-27 1713 Q22988948
Rose Goslinga: Crop insurance, an idea worth seeding Rose Goslinga TED 2014-06-23 2065 Q23663095
Roselinde Torres: What it takes to be a great leader Roselinde Torres TED 2013-10-30 1930 Q23464841
Rosie King: How autism freed me to be myself Rosie King TEDMED 2014 2014-09-09 2136 Q22978269
Ross Lovegrove: Organic design, inspired by nature Ross Lovegrove TED2005 2005-02-25 27 Q22979381
Roxane Gay: Confessions of a bad feminist Roxane Gay TEDWomen 2015 2015-05-28 2284 Q23414345
Roy Gould + Curtis Wong: A preview of the WorldWide Telescope Roy Gould
Curtis Wong
WorldWide Telescope TED2008 2008-02-27 224 Q22980136
Roz Savage: Why I'm rowing across the Pacific Roz Savage TED 2010-04-08 844 Q23663702
Ruby Wax: What's so funny about mental illness? Ruby Wax TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-26 1584 Q22999391
Rufus Griscom + Alisa Volkman: Let's talk parenting taboos Rufus Griscom & Alisa Volkman TEDWomen 2010 2010-12-08 1036 Q23000463
Rupal Patel: Synthetic voices, as unique as fingerprints Rupal Patel TEDWomen 2013 2013-12-05 1928 Q23000733
Russell Foster: Why do we sleep? Russell G. Foster TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-13 1810 Q22999778
Ruth Chang: How to make hard choices Ruth Chang TED 2014-05-15 2023 Q23663067
Ryan Holladay: To hear this music you have to be there. Literally Ryan Holladay TED 2013-10-30 1903 Q23464807
Ryan Lobo: Photographing the hidden story Ryan Lobo TEDIndia 2009 2009-11-06 713 Q23000277
Ryan Merkley: Online video -- annotated, remixed and popped Ryan Merkley TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-26 1581 Q22999386
Sakena Yacoobi: How I stopped the Taliban from shutting down my school Sakena Yacoobi TEDWomen 2015 2015-05-28 2337 Q23415704
Saki Mafundikwa: Ingenuity and elegance in ancient African alphabets Saki Mafundikwa TED2013 2013-02-28 1807 Q22989464
Sally Kohn: Don't like clickbait? Don't click Sally Kohn TED 2014-07-08 2073 Q23464861
Sally Kohn: Let’s try emotional correctness Sally Kohn TED 2013-10-14 1883 Q23464786
Salman Khan: Let's use video to reinvent education Sal Khan TED2011 2011-03-02 1090 Q22985279
Salvatore Iaconesi: What happened when I open-sourced my brain cancer Salvatore Iaconesi TED 2013-06-09 2303 Q23663934
Sam Harris: Science can answer moral questions Sam Harris TED2010 2010-02-11 801 Q22980736
Sam Martin: Claim your "manspace" Sam Martin TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-24 654 Q22998800
Sam Richards: A radical experiment in empathy Sam Richards TEDx conference 2010-10-10 1125 Q23465235
Samantha Power: A complicated hero in the war on dictatorship Samantha Power TED2008 2008-02-02 395 Q22980276
Samuel Cohen: Alzheimer's is not normal aging — and we can cure it Samuel Cohen TED 2015-06-30 2340 Q23663956
Sandi Toksvig: A political party for women's equality Sandi Toksvig TED 2016-10-27 2628 Q43233670
Sandra Aamodt: Why dieting doesn't usually work Sandra Aamodt TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-11 1900 Q22999662
Sandrine Thuret: You can grow new brain cells. Here's how Sandrine Thuret neurogenesis TED 2015-06-30 2342 Q23663957
Sangu Delle: In praise of macro -- yes, macro -- finance in Africa Sangu Delle TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-06 2213 Q23000007
Sanjay Dastoor: A skateboard, with a boost Sanjay Dastoor TED2013 2013-02-27 1704 Q22988850
Sanjay Pradhan: How open data is changing international aid Sanjay Pradhan linked open data
data sharing
international aid
14 TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-26 1599 Q22946228
Sara Lewis: The loves and lies of fireflies Sara Lewis TED2014 2014-03-20 2001 Q22990800
Sarah Bergbreiter: Why I make robots the size of a grain of rice Sarah Bergbreiter TEDYouth 2014-11-15 2170 Q23498444
Sarah Jones: A one-woman global village Sarah Jones TED2009 2009-02-05 527 Q22980493
Sarah Jones: One woman, five characters, and a sex lesson from the future Sarah Jones TED2015 2015-03-19 2278 Q23419008
Sarah Jones: What does the future hold? 11 characters offer quirky answers Sarah Jones TED2014 2014-03-21 1989 Q22990450
Sarah Kaminsky: My father the forger Sarah Kaminsky Adolfo Kaminsky TEDx conference 2010-01-30 1120 Q23465233
Sarah Kay: If I should have a daughter ... Sarah Kay TED2011 2011-03-03 1100 Q22985293
Sarah Lewis: Embrace the near win Sarah Lewis TED2014 2014-03-20 1978 Q22990447
Sarah Parcak: Archaeology from space Sarah Parcak TED2012 2012-03-01 1477 Q22988173
Sarah-Jayne Blakemore: The mysterious workings of the adolescent brain Sarah-Jayne Blakemore TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-25 1563 Q22999367
Sasa Vucinic: Why we should invest in a free press Saša Vučinić TEDGlobal 2005 2005-07-14 75 Q22978312
Saul Griffith: Everyday inventions Saul Griffith TED2006 2006-02-23 48 Q22979717
Saul Griffith: High-altitude wind energy from kites! Saul Griffith TED2009 2009-02-06 492 Q22980452
Scilla Elworthy: Fighting with nonviolence Scilla Elworthy TEDx conference 2012-04-20 1542 Q23468816
Scott Dinsmore: How to find work you love Scott Dinsmore TEDx conference 2012-10-10 2332 Q23663610
Scott Fraser: Why eyewitnesses get it wrong Scott Fraser TEDx conference 2012-05-04 1560 Q23468941
Scott Kim: The art of puzzles Scott Kim TED 2008-12-11 705 Q23663681
Scott McCloud: The visual magic of comics Scott McCloud TED2005 2005-02-28 432 Q22979448
Sean Carroll: Distant time and the hint of a multiverse Sean M. Carroll TEDx conference 2011-01-14 1139 Q23465325
Sean Follmer: Shape-shifting tech will change work as we know it Sean Follmer TEDx conference 2015-10-09 2410 Q23663628
Sean Gourley: The mathematics of war Sean Gourley TED2009 2009-02-05 532 Q22980497
Sebastian Deterding: What your designs say about you Sebastian Deterding TEDx conference 2011-11-16 1463 Q23468122
Sebastian Junger: Why veterans miss war Sebastian Junger TED 2014-01-16 1999 Q23663057
Sebastian Seung: I am my connectome Sebastian Seung TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-16 967 Q22999049
Sebastian Thrun: Google's driverless car Sebastian Thrun TED2011 2011-03-02 1109 Q22985460
Sebastian Wernicke: 1,000 TED Talks in six words Sebastian Wernicke TEDx conference 2011-11-10 1315 Q23466011
Sebastian Wernicke: How to use data to make a hit TV show Sebastian Wernicke TEDx conference 2015-06-18 2403 Q23663625
Sebastian Wernicke: Lies, damned lies and statistics (about TEDTalks) Sebastian Wernicke TED2010 2010-02-10 846 Q22980779
Sebastião Salgado: The silent drama of photography Sebastião Salgado TED2013 2013-02-26 1729 Q22989012
Sendhil Mullainathan: Solving social problems with a nudge Sendhil Mullainathan TEDIndia 2009 2009-11-04 757 Q23000333
Sergei Lupashin: A flying camera ... on a leash Sergei Lupashin TED 2014-07-24 2119 Q23663111
Sergey Brin + Larry Page: The genesis of Google Sergey Brin
Larry Page
TED2004 2004-02-02 118 Q22992624
Sergey Brin: Why Google Glass? Sergey Brin TED2013 2013-02-27 1745 Q22989035
Seth Berkley: HIV and flu -- the vaccine strategy Seth Berkley TED2010 2010-02-05 869 Q22980801
Seth Berkley: The troubling reason why vaccines are made too late ... if they're made at all Seth Berkley TED2015 2015-03-18 2317 Q23419067
Seth Godin: How to get your ideas to spread Seth Godin TED2003 2003-02-27 28 Q22992362
Seth Godin: The tribes we lead Seth Godin TED2009 2009-02-04 538 Q22980507
Seth Priebatsch: The game layer on top of the world Seth Priebatsch TEDx conference 2010-07-29 936 Q23465081
Seth Shostak: ET is (probably) out there -- get ready Seth Shostak TEDx conference 2012-04-14 1465 Q23468142
Severine Autesserre: To solve mass violence, look to locals Séverine Autesserre TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-16 2174 Q22999997
Seyi Oyesola: A hospital tour in Nigeria Seyi Oyesola TEDGlobal 2007 2007-06-06 268 Q22998655
Shabana Basij-Rasikh: Dare to educate Afghan girls Shabana Basij-Rasikh TEDx conference 2012-12-01 1666 Q23469929
Shaffi Mather: A new way to fight corruption Shaffi Mather TEDIndia 2009 2009-11-05 717 Q23000285
Shai Agassi: A new ecosystem for electric cars Shai Agassi TED2009 2009-02-05 512 Q22980474
Shai Reshef: An ultra-low-cost college degree Shai Reshef TED2014 2014-03-14 2050 Q22991017
Shaka Senghor: Why your worst deeds don’t define you Shaka Senghor TED2014 2014-03-20 2029 Q22990997
Shane Koyczan: To This Day ... for the bullied and beautiful Shane Koyczan TED2013 2013-02-28 1687 Q22988770
ShaoLan: Learn to read Chinese ... with ease! Shaolan Hsueh TED2013 2013-02-26 1736 Q22989023
Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy: Inside a school for suicide bombers Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy TED2010 2010-02-10 868 Q22980800
Shashi Tharoor: Why nations should pursue soft power Shashi Tharoor TEDIndia 2009 2009-11-07 689 Q23000271
Shawn Achor: The happy secret to better work Shawn Achor TEDx conference 2011-05-11 1344 Q23466596
Shea Hembrey: How I became 100 artists Shea Hembrey TED2011 2011-03-03 1169 Q22986017
Sheena Iyengar: How to make choosing easier Sheena Iyengar TED 2011-11-09 1330 Q23662871
Sheena Iyengar: The art of choosing Sheena Iyengar selection 27.29 TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-15 924 Q22998917
Sheikha Al Mayassa: Globalizing the local, localizing the global Al-Mayassa bint Hamad Al-Thani TEDWomen 2010 2010-12-02 1351 Q23000496
Sheila Nirenberg: A prosthetic eye to treat blindness Sheila Nirenberg TEDMED 2011 2011-10-12 1309 Q22978008
Sheila Patek: The shrimp with a kick! Sheila Patek TED2004 2004-02-25 77 Q22992591
Shekhar Kapur: We are the stories we tell ourselves Shekhar Kapur TEDIndia 2009 2009-11-11 800 Q23000346
Shereen El Feki: A little-told tale of sex and sensuality Shereen El Feki TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-13 1909 Q22999681
Shereen El Feki: Pop culture in the Arab world Shereen El Feki TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-12 710 Q22998858
Shereen El-Feki: HIV -- how to fight an epidemic of bad laws Shereen El Feki TEDx conference 2012-04-18 1457 Q23468017
Sherry Turkle: Connected, but alone? Sherry Turkle TED2012 2012-02-29 1409 Q22988064
Sherwin Nuland: How electroshock therapy changed me Sherwin B. Nuland TED2003 2001-02-02 189 Q22992397
Sherwin Nuland: The extraordinary power of ordinary people Sherwin B. Nuland TED2003 2003-02-02 441 Q22992444
Sheryl Sandberg: So we leaned in ... now what? Sheryl Sandberg TEDWomen 2013 2013-12-05 1906 Q23000715
Sheryl Sandberg: Why we have too few women leaders Sheryl Sandberg TEDWomen 2010 2010-12-08 1040 Q23000465
Sheryl WuDunn: Our century's greatest injustice Sheryl WuDunn TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-15 930 Q22998987
Shigeru Ban: Emergency shelters made from paper Shigeru Ban TEDx conference 2013-05-01 1809 Q23470499
Shih Chieh Huang: Sculptures that’d be at home in the deep sea Shih Chieh Huang TED2014 2014-03-17 2047 Q22991012
Shilo Shiv Suleman: Using tech to enable dreaming Shilo Shiv Suleman TED 2011-12-09 1366 Q23663922
Shimon Schocken: The self-organizing computer course Shimon Schocken TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-26 1570 Q22999375
Shimon Schocken: What a bike ride can teach you Shimon Schocken TEDx conference 2010-04-29 1009 Q23465109
Shimon Steinberg: Natural pest control ... using bugs! Shimon Steinberg TEDx conference 2010-04-26 994 Q23465101
Shimpei Takahashi: Play this game to come up with original ideas Shimpei Takahashi TEDx conference 2013-05-31 2208 Q23471792
Shirin Neshat: Art in exile Shirin Neshat TEDWomen 2010 2010-12-04 1154 Q23000491
Shlomo Benartzi: Saving for tomorrow, tomorrow Shlomo Benartzi TED 2011-11-09 1367 Q23662885
Shonda Rhimes: My year of saying yes to everything Shonda Rhimes TED 2016-02-19 shonda_rhimes_my_year_of_saying_yes_to_everything Q24051763
Shubhendu Sharma: How to grow a tiny forest anywhere Shubhendu Sharma TED2014 2014-03-16 2075 Q22991043
Shukla Bose: Teaching one child at a time Shukla Bose TEDIndia 2009 2009-11-06 809 Q23000350
Shyam Sankar: The rise of human-computer cooperation Shyam Sankar TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-27 1556 Q22999359
Siddhartha Mukherjee: Soon we'll cure diseases with a cell, not a pill Siddhartha Mukherjee TED2015 2015-03-18 2343 Q23419074
Siddharthan Chandran: Can the damaged brain repair itself? Siddharthan Chandran TEDGlobal 2013 2013-07-15 1935 Q22999702
Siegfried Woldhek: The search for the true face of Leonardo Siegfried Woldhek TED2008 2008-02-29 235 Q22980146
Simon Anholt: Which country does the most good for the world? Simon Anholt TED 2014-06-23 2036 Q23663076
Simon Berrow: How do you save a shark you know nothing about? Simon Berrow TEDx conference 2010-03-29 1360 Q23466877
Simon Lewis: Don't take consciousness for granted Simon Lewis TED 2010-12-01 1186 Q23663919
Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action Simon Sinek TEDx conference 2009-09-17 848 Q23465053
Simon Sinek: Why good leaders make you feel safe Simon Sinek TED2014 2014-03-14 1998 Q22990780
Sirena Huang: An 11-year-old's magical violin Sirena Huang TED2006 2006-02-23 45 Q22979710
Skylar Tibbits: Can we make things that make themselves? Skylar Tibbits TED2011 2011-02-24 1215 Q22986080
Skylar Tibbits: The emergence of "4D printing" Skylar Tibbits TED2013 2013-02-25 1707 Q22988938
Sleepy Man Banjo Boys: Bluegrass virtuosity from ... New Jersey? Sleepy Man Banjo Boys TED2013 2013-02-26 1782 Q22989350
Sleepy Man Banjo Boys: Teen wonders play bluegrass Sleepy Man Banjo Boys TED 2012-06-07 1619 Q23464701
Sonaar Luthra: Meet the Water Canary Sonaar Luthra TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-14 1326 Q22999272
Sonia Shah: 3 reasons we still haven’t gotten rid of malaria Sonia Shah TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-22 1819 Q22999543
Sophal Ear: Escaping the Khmer Rouge Sophal Ear TED2009 2009-02-06 592 Q22980563
Sophie Hunger: Songs of secrets and city lights Sophie Hunger TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-23 870 Q22998875
Sophie Scott: Why we laugh Sophie Scott TED2015 2015-03-20 2236 Q22991511
Spencer Wells: A family tree for humanity Spencer Wells TEDGlobal 2007 2007-06-06 323 Q22998667
Srdja Popovic: How to topple a dictator Srđa Popović TEDx conference 2011-11-23 1294 Q23465879
Stacey Kramer: The best gift I ever survived Stacey Kramer TED2010 2010-02-12 975 Q22980842
Stanley McChrystal: Listen, learn ... then lead Stanley A. McChrystal TED2011 2011-03-04 1112 Q22985532
Stanley McChrystal: The military case for sharing knowledge Stanley A. McChrystal TED2014 2014-03-20 1992 Q22990707
Stefan Larsson: What doctors can learn from each other Stefan Larsson TED 2013-10-10 1873 Q23464781
Stefan Sagmeister: 7 rules for making more happiness Stefan Sagmeister TED 2010-06-11 1159 Q23463925
Stefan Sagmeister: Designing with slogans Stefan Sagmeister TED2008 2008-02-02 356 Q22980264
Stefan Sagmeister: Happiness by design Stefan Sagmeister TED2004 2004-02-02 50 Q22992551
Stefan Sagmeister: The power of time off Stefan Sagmeister TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-23 649 Q22998792
Stefan Wolff: The path to ending ethnic conflicts Stefan Wolff TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-15 1003 Q22999082
Stefana Broadbent: How the Internet enables intimacy Stefana Broadbent TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-25 680 Q22998828
Stefano Mancuso: The roots of plant intelligence Stefano Mancuso TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-15 976 Q22999058
Stefon Harris: There are no mistakes on the bandstand Stefon Harris TED 2011-11-09 1298 Q23662863
Stella Young: I’m not your inspiration, thank you very much Stella Young TEDx conference 2014-04-26 2017 Q23471123
Stephen Burt: Why people need poetry Stephanie Burt TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-20 2013 Q22999772
Stephen Cave: The 4 stories we tell ourselves about death Stephen Cave TEDx conference 2013-07-18 1891 Q23470692
Stephen Coleman: Non-lethal weapons, a moral hazard? Stephen Coleman TEDx conference 2011-09-24 1350 Q23466643
Stephen Friend: The hunt for "unexpected genetic heroes" Stephen Friend TED2014 2014-03-18 2004 Q22990818
Stephen Hawking: Questioning the universe Stephen Hawking TED2008 2008-02-27 242 Q22980152
Stephen Lawler: Tour Microsoft's Virtual Earth Stephen Lawler TED2007 2007-03-03 139 Q22979963
Stephen Palumbi: Hidden toxins in the fish we eat Stephen Palumbi TED 2010-04-10 899 Q23663708
Stephen Petranek: 10 ways the world could end Stephen Petranek TED2002 2002-02-02 167 Q22992303
Stephen Ritz: A teacher growing green in the South Bronx Stephen Ritz TEDx conference 2012-02-01 1530 Q23468732
Stephen Wolfram: Computing a theory of all knowledge Stephen Wolfram TED2010 2010-02-12 843 Q22980775
Steve Howard: Let's go all-in on selling sustainability Steve Howard TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-14 1850 Q22999569
Steve Jurvetson: Model rocketry Steve Jurvetson TED2007 2007-03-03 225 Q22980081
Steve Keil: A manifesto for play, for Bulgaria and beyond Steve Keil TEDx conference 2011-01-08 1170 Q23465461
Steve Ramirez and Xu Liu: A mouse. A laser beam. A manipulated memory. Steve Ramirez
Xu Liu
TEDx conference 2013-06-25 1813 Q23470516
Steve Silberman: The forgotten history of autism Steve Silberman TED2015 2015-03-18 2286 Q23419018
Steve Truglia: A leap from the edge of space Steve Truglia TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-22 627 Q22998745
Steven Cowley: Fusion is energy's future Steven Cowley TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-22 718 Q22998868
Steven Addis: A father-daughter bond, one photo at a time Steven Addis TED2012 2012-02-29 1634 Q22988207
Steven Johnson: How the "ghost map" helped end a killer disease Steven Johnson The Ghost Map TED 2006-11-30 61 Q23662799
Steven Johnson: The Web as a city Steven Johnson TED2003 2003-02-02 362 Q22992426
Steven Johnson: Where good ideas come from Steven Johnson TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-15 961 Q22999040
Steven Levitt: Surprising stats about child carseats Steven D. Levitt child safety seat TEDGlobal 2005 2005-07-12 30 Q22978293
Steven Levitt: The freakonomics of crack dealing Steven D. Levitt TED2004 2004-02-27 29 Q22992522
Steven Pinker and Rebecca Newberger Goldstein: The long reach of reason Steven Pinker
Rebecca Goldstein
TED2012 2012-02-19 1948 Q22988215
Steven Pinker: Human nature and the blank slate Steven Pinker TED2003 2003-02-28 354 Q22992416
Steven Pinker: The surprising decline in violence Steven Pinker TED2007 2007-03-03 163 Q22979980
Steven Pinker: What our language habits reveal Steven Pinker TEDGlobal 2005 2005-07-07 164 Q22978326
Steven Schwaitzberg: A universal translator for surgeons Steven Schwaitzberg TEDx conference 2012-11-17 1652 Q23469729
Steven Strogatz: The science of sync Steven H. Strogatz TED2004 2004-02-02 422 Q22992705
Steven Wise: Chimps have feelings and thoughts. They should also have rights Steven M. Wise TED2015 2015-03-25 2254 Q22991676
Stew: "Black Men Ski" Stew TED2006 2006-03-03 119 Q22979772
Stewart Brand + Mark Z. Jacobson: Debate: Does the world need nuclear energy? Stewart Brand
Mark Z. Jacobson
TED2010 2010-02-12 881 Q22980813
Stewart Brand: 4 environmental 'heresies' Stewart Brand TED 2009-06-03 598 Q23463771
Stewart Brand: The Long Now Stewart Brand TED2004 2004-02-02 402 Q22992688
Stewart Brand: The dawn of de-extinction. Are you ready? Stewart Brand TED2013 2013-02-26 1690 Q22988787
Stewart Brand: What squatter cities can teach us Stewart Brand TED2006 2006-02-02 123 Q22979774
Sting: How I started writing songs again Sting TED2014 2014-03-18 2010 Q22990955
Stuart Brown: Play is more than just fun Stuart L. Brown TED 2008-05-08 483 Q23663673
Stuart Firestein: The pursuit of ignorance Stuart Firestein TED2013 2013-02-28 1827 Q22989507
Sue Austin: Deep sea diving ... in a wheelchair Sue Austin TEDx conference 2012-12-01 1643 Q23469544
Sugata Mitra: Build a School in the Cloud Sugata Mitra TED2013 2013-02-26 1678 Q22988726
Sugata Mitra: Kids can teach themselves Sugata Mitra TED 2007-02-02 175 Q23663640
Sugata Mitra: The child-driven education Sugata Mitra TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-15 949 Q22999027
Suheir Hammad: Poems of war, peace, women, power Suheir Hammad TEDWomen 2010 2010-12-08 1068 Q23000480
Sunitha Krishnan: The fight against sex slavery Sunitha Krishnan TEDIndia 2009 2009-11-05 704 Q23000275
Sunni Brown: Doodlers, unite! Sunni Brown TED2011 2011-03-03 1230 Q22986149
Susan Blackmore: Memes and "temes" Susan Blackmore TED2008 2008-02-29 269 Q22980202
Susan Cain: The power of introverts Susan Cain TED2012 2012-02-28 1377 Q22987986
Susan Colantuono: The career advice you probably didn’t get Susan Colantuono TEDx conference 2013-11-16 2099 Q23471399
Susan Etlinger: What do we do with all this big data? Susan Etlinger TED 2014-09-25 2112 Q23464878
Susan Lim: Transplant cells, not organs Susan Lim TED 2010-12-07 1124 Q23663880
Susan Savage-Rumbaugh: The gentle genius of bonobos Sue Savage-Rumbaugh TED2004 2004-02-02 76 Q22992586
Susan Solomon: The promise of research with stem cells Susan L. Solomon TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-28 1562 Q22999365
Suzana Herculano-Houzel: What is so special about the human brain? Suzana Herculano-Houzel TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-12 1879 Q22999584
Suzanne Barakat: Islamophobia killed my brother. Let's end the hate Suzanne Barakat TED 2016-10-28 2622 Q43233632
Suzanne Lee: Grow your own clothes Suzanne Lee TED2011 2011-03-02 1138 Q22985901
Suzanne Talhouk: Don't kill your language Suzanne Talhouk TEDx conference 2012-12-18 1803 Q23470442
Svante Pääbo: DNA clues to our inner neanderthal Svante Pääbo Dyn Neanderthal TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-14 1213 Q22999177
Sxip Shirey + Rachelle Garniez: A performance with breath, music, passion Sxip Shirey
Rachelle Garniez
TED2008 2008-02-12 290 Q22980221
Sylvia Earle: My wish: Protect our oceans Sylvia Earle Mission Blue TED2009 2009-02-05 467 Q22980388
T. Boone Pickens: Let's transform energy -- with natural gas T. Boone Pickens TED2012 2012-03-01 1394 Q22988022
TED staff: It's TED, the Musical The TED Staff public speaking
TED 2014-04-01 1962 Q23663052
Taiye Selasi: Don't ask where I'm from, ask where I'm a local Taiye Selasi diwylliant TED 2014-10-07 2333 Q23663349
Takaharu Tezuka: The best kindergarten you’ve ever seen Takaharu Tezuka TEDx conference 2014-09-28 2232 Q23471922
Tal Danino: Programming bacteria to detect cancer (and maybe treat it) Tal Danino TED2015 2015-03-16 2245 Q22991607
Tal Golesworthy: How I repaired my own heart Tal Golesworthy TEDx conference 2011-10-11 1419 Q23467359
Tali Sharot: The optimism bias Tali Sharot TED2012 2012-02-29 1447 Q22988124
Talithia Williams: Own your body's data Talithia Williams TEDx conference 2014-02-12 2056 Q23471271
Tan Le: A headset that reads your brainwaves Tan Le TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-16 921 Q22998913
Tan Le: My immigration story Tan Le TEDx conference 2011-12-01 1368 Q23466961
Tania Luna: How a penny made me feel like a millionaire Tania Luna TED 2012-07-12 1797 Q23464776
Tania Simoncelli: Should you be able to patent a human gene? Tania Simoncelli biological patent TEDx conference 2014-11-15 2416 Q23663630
Taryn Simon: Photographs of secret sites Taryn Simon TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-23 643 Q22998775
Taryn Simon: The stories behind the bloodlines Taryn Simon TED 2011-11-10 1423 Q23662886
Tasso Azevedo: Hopeful lessons from the battle to save rainforests Tasso Azevedo TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-16 2166 Q22999991
Tavi Gevinson: A teen just trying to figure it out Tavi Gevinson TEDx conference 2012-03-31 1438 Q23467485
Taylor Mali: What teachers make Taylor Mali TED 2005-11-12 747 Q23663691
Taylor Wilson: My radical plan for small nuclear fission reactors Taylor Wilson TED2013 2013-02-27 1727 Q22989010
Taylor Wilson: Yup, I built a nuclear fusion reactor Taylor Wilson TED2012 2012-03-01 1397 Q22988024
Teddy Cruz: How architectural innovations migrate across borders Teddy Cruz TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-12 1920 Q22999692
Teitur: Home is a song I've always remembered Teitur Lassen TED2015 2015-03-19 2345 Q23419076
Temple Grandin: The world needs all kinds of minds Mary Temple Grandin TED2010 2010-02-10 773 Q22980671
Terry Moore: How to tie your shoes Terry Moore TED2005 2005-02-02 1150 Q22979451
Terry Moore: Why is 'x' the unknown? Terry Moore TED2012 2012-02-28 1469 Q22988150
Thandie Newton: Embracing otherness, embracing myself Thandiwe Newton TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-13 1193 Q22999134
The LXD: In the Internet age, dance evolves ... The LXD TED2010 2010-02-02 786 Q22980681
The Lady Lifers: A moving song from women in prison for life The Lady Lifers TEDx conference 2014-11-21 2250 Q23471944
The interspecies internet? An idea in progress Diana Reiss
Peter Gabriel
Neil Gershenfeld
Vint Cerf
TED2013 2013-02-28 1786 Q22989376
Theaster Gates: How to revive a neighborhood: with imagination, beauty and art Theaster Gates TED2015 2015-03-18 2220 Q22991398
Thelma Golden: How art gives shape to cultural change Thelma Golden TED2009 2009-02-10 831 Q22980589
Theo Jansen: My creations, a new form of life Theo Jansen TED2007 2007-03-03 162 Q22979979
They Might Be Giants: Wake up! They Might Be Giants TED2007 2007-03-03 254 Q22980096
Thom Mayne: How architecture can connect us Thom Mayne TED2005 2005-02-25 31 Q22979382
Thomas Barnett: Let's rethink America's military strategy Thomas P. M. Barnett TED2005 2005-02-02 33 Q22979384
Thomas Dolby: "Love Is a Loaded Pistol" Thomas Dolby TED2010 2010-02-10 849 Q22980782
Thomas Goetz: It's time to redesign medical data Thomas Goetz TEDMED 2010 2010-10-10 1060 Q22977844
Thomas Heatherwick: Building the Seed Cathedral Thomas Heatherwick TED2011 2011-03-02 1147 Q22985939
Thomas Hellum: The world's most boring television ... and why it's hilariously addictive Thomas Hellum TEDx conference 2014-08-15 2148 Q23471459
Thomas Insel: Toward a new understanding of mental illness Thomas R. Insel TEDx conference 2013-01-18 1714 Q23470155
Thomas P. Campbell: Weaving narratives in museum galleries Thomas P. Campbell TED2012 2012-03-01 1579 Q22988194
Thomas Piketty: New thoughts on capital in the twenty-first century Thomas Piketty TED 2014-06-23 2101 Q23663108
Thomas Suarez: A 12-year-old app developer Thomas Suarez TEDx conference 2011-10-22 1272 Q23465733
Thomas Thwaites: How I built a toaster -- from scratch Thomas Thwaites TED 2010-11-11 1051 Q23662830
Thulasiraj Ravilla: How low-cost eye care can be world-class Thulasiraj Ravilla TEDIndia 2009 2009-11-05 709 Q23000276
Tierney Thys: Swim with the giant sunfish Tierney Thys TED2003 2003-02-02 126 Q22992388
Tim Berners-Lee: A Magna Carta for the web Tim Berners-Lee TED2014 2014-03-12 2061 Q22991023
Tim Berners-Lee: The next web Tim Berners-Lee 965 TED2009 2009-02-05 484 Q22980417
Tim Berners-Lee: The year open data went worldwide
Tim Berners-Lee linked open data 5
TED2010 2010-02-10 788 Q22946133
Tim Brown: Designers -- think big! Tim Brown TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-22 646 Q22998778
Tim Brown: Tales of creativity and play Tim Brown TED 2008-05-07 392 Q23663658
Tim Ferriss: Smash fear, learn anything Timothy Ferriss TED 2008-12-05 517 Q23663678
Tim Harford: How frustration can make us more creative Tim Harford TED 2015-09-29 2401 Q23663376
Tim Harford: Trial, error and the God complex Tim Harford TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-13 1190 Q22999127
Tim Jackson: An economic reality check Tim Jackson TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-15 972 Q22999055
Tim Leberecht: 3 ways to (usefully) lose control of your brand Tim Leberecht TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-25 1591 Q22999408
Timothy Bartik: The economic case for preschool Timothy J. Bartik TEDx conference 2012-09-14 1735 Q23470208
Timothy Prestero: Design for people, not awards Timothy Prestero TEDx conference 2012-06-22 1549 Q23468892
Toby Eccles: Invest in social change Toby Eccles TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-12 1881 Q22999652
Toby Shapshak: You don't need an app for that Toby Shapshak TEDGlobal 2013 2013-07-17 1944 Q22999732
Tod Machover + Dan Ellsey: Inventing instruments that unlock new music Tod Machover
Dan Ellsey
TED2008 2008-03-03 246 Q22980167
Todd Humphreys: How to fool a GPS Todd Humphreys TEDx conference 2012-02-11 1507 Q23468588
Todd Kuiken: A prosthetic arm that "feels" Todd Kuiken TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-14 1251 Q22999230
Tom Chatfield: 7 ways games reward the brain Tom Chatfield TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-14 996 Q22999073
Tom Honey: Why would God create a tsunami? Tom Honey TED2005 2005-02-02 112 Q22979425
Tom Rielly: A comic sendup of TED2006 Tom Rielly TED2006 2006-02-02 114 Q22979770
Tom Shannon, John Hockenberry: The painter and the pendulum Thomas Shannon
John Hockenberry
TED 2009-05-05 762 Q23662812
Tom Shannon: Anti-gravity sculpture Thomas Shannon TED2003 2003-02-27 534 Q22992458
Tom Thum: The orchestra in my mouth Tom Thum TEDx conference 2013-05-04 1792 Q23470364
Tom Uglow: An Internet without screens might look like this Tom Uglow TEDx conference 2015-05-20 2356 Q23663616
Tom Wujec: 3 ways the brain creates meaning Tom Wujec TED2009 2009-02-06 591 Q22980560
Tom Wujec: Build a tower, build a team Tom Wujec TED2010 2010-02-14 837 Q22980768
Tom Wujec: Got a wicked problem? First, tell me how you make toast Tom Wujec TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-10 2179 Q22999777
Tom Wujec: Learn to use the 13th-century astrolabe Tom Wujec TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-23 694 Q22998842
Toni Griffin: A new vision for rebuilding Detroit Toni Griffin TED 2013-10-11 1892 Q23663032
Tony Fadell: The first secret of design is ... noticing Tony Fadell TED2015 2015-03-25 2274 Q23419005
Tony Porter: A call to men Tony Porter TEDWomen 2010 2010-12-07 1031 Q23000460
Tony Robbins: Why we do what we do Tony Robbins TED2006 2006-02-02 96 Q22979763
Tony Wyss-Coray: How young blood might help reverse aging. Yes, really Tony Wyss-Coray heneiddio
TED 2015-06-16 2315 Q23663344
Topher White: What can save the rainforest? Your used cell phone Topher White TEDx conference 2014-09-24 2203 Q23471754
Torsten Reil: Animate characters by evolving them Torsten Reil TED2003 2003-03-03 300 Q22992406
Tracy Chevalier: Finding the story inside the painting Tracy Chevalier TED 2012-05-10 1521 Q23662894
Trevor Aaronson: How this FBI strategy is actually creating US-based terrorists Trevor Aaronson TED2015 2015-03-16 2263 Q23418999
Tristram Stuart: The global food waste scandal Tristram Stuart TED 2012-05-10 1565 Q23662898
Tristram Wyatt: The smelly mystery of the human pheromone Tristram Wyatt TEDx conference 2013-09-17 2002 Q23471055
Trita Parsi: Iran and Israel: Peace is possible Trita Parsi TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-26 1839 Q22999563
Two young scientists break down plastics with bacteria Miranda Wang
Jeanny Yao
TED2013 2013-02-28 1722 Q22989004
Tyler DeWitt: Hey science teachers -- make it fun Tyler DeWitt TEDx conference 2012-11-17 1655 Q23469802
Tyrone Hayes + Penelope Jagessar Chaffer: The toxic baby Tyrone Hayes
Penelope Jagessar Chaffer
TEDWomen 2010 2010-12-02 1356 Q23000497
Ueli Gegenschatz: Extreme wingsuit flying Ueli Gegenschatz TED2009 2009-02-06 502 Q22980462
Uldus Bakhtiozina: Wry photos that turn stereotypes upside down Uldus Bakhtiozina TED2014 2014-03-20 2089 Q22991048
Uri Alon: Why truly innovative science demands a leap into the unknown Uri Alon TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-13 2020 Q22999774
Ursus Wehrli: Tidying up art Ursus Wehrli TED2006 2006-02-02 400 Q22979787
Usman Riaz + Preston Reed: A young guitarist meets his hero Usman Riaz
Preston Reed
TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-28 1500 Q22999306
VS Ramachandran: 3 clues to understanding your brain Vilayanur S. Ramachandran TED2007 2007-03-03 184 Q22980014
Van Jones: The economic injustice of plastic Van Jones TEDx conference 2010-11-14 1056 Q23465169
Vernā Myers: How to overcome our biases? Walk boldly toward them Vernā Myers TEDx conference 2014-11-15 2151 Q23471478
Vicki Arroyo: Let's prepare for our new climate Vicki Arroyo TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-27 1583 Q22999388
Vijay Kumar: Robots that fly ... and cooperate Vijay Kumar quadrotor TED2012 2012-02-29 1376 Q22987984
Vijay Kumar: The future of flying robots Vijay Kumar robotics TEDx conference 2015-04-12 2346 Q23663925
Vik Muniz: Art with wire, sugar, chocolate and string Vik Muniz TED2003 2003-02-27 32 Q22992364
Vikram Patel: Mental health for all by involving all Vikram Patel TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-27 1557 Q22999361
Viktor Frankl: Why believe in others Viktor Frankl TEDYouth 1972-05-14 857 Q23498430
Vilayanur Ramachandran: The neurons that shaped civilization Vilayanur S. Ramachandran TEDIndia 2009 2009-11-05 724 Q23000293
Vincent Cochetel: I was held hostage for 317 days. Here's what I thought about… Vincent Cochetel TEDx conference 2014-12-11 2211 Q23471840
Vincent Moon and Naná Vasconcelos: Hidden music rituals around the world Vincent Moon
Naná Vasconcelos
TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-09 2131 Q22999975
Virginia Postrel: On glamour Virginia Postrel TED2004 2004-02-02 375 Q22992675
Vishal Vaid: Hypnotic South Asian improv music Vishal Vaid TED2006 2006-02-09 631 Q22979812
Vusi Mahlasela: "Thula Mama" Vusi Mahlasela TEDGlobal 2007 2007-06-07 158 Q22998327
Vusi Mahlasela: "Woza" Vusi Mahlasela TEDGlobal 2007 2007-06-08 169 Q22998638
Wade Davis: Dreams from endangered cultures Wade Davis TED2003 2003-02-03 69 Q22992367
Wade Davis: The worldwide web of belief and ritual Wade Davis TED2008 2008-02-02 273 Q22980210
Wael Ghonim: Inside the Egyptian revolution Wael Ghonim TED2011 2011-03-04 1086 Q22985274
Wael Ghonim: Let's design social media that drives real change Wael Ghonim TED 2015-12-08 2400 Q23663375
Wayne McGregor: A choreographer's creative process in real time Wayne McGregor TEDGlobal 2012 2012-06-27 1527 Q22999334
Wendy Chung: Autism — what we know (and what we don’t know yet) Wendy Chung TED2014 2014-03-20 1985 Q22990393
Wendy Freedman: This new telescope might show us the beginning of the universe Wendy Freedman Giant Magellan Telescope TED 2014-10-09 2320 Q23663346
Wes Moore: How to talk to veterans about the war Wes Moore TED 2014-01-16 2008 Q23663060
Will Marshall: Tiny satellites show us the Earth as it changes in near-real-time Will Marshall TED2014 2014-03-20 1982 Q22990366
Will Potter: The secret US prisons you've never heard of before Will Potter carchar TED 2015-08-28 2352 Q23663962
Will Potter: The shocking move to criminalize nonviolent protest Will Potter TED2014 2014-03-17 2018 Q22990983
Will Wright: Spore, birth of a game Will Wright TED2007 2007-03-03 146 Q22979974
Willard Wigan: Hold your breath for micro-sculpture Willard Wigan TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-21 610 Q22998717
William Black: How to rob a bank (from the inside, that is) William K. Black TEDx conference 2013-09-09 1996 Q23471038
William Kamkwamba: How I built a windmill William Kamkwamba TEDGlobal 2007 2007-06-05 153 Q22998320
William Kamkwamba: How I harnessed the wind William Kamkwamba TEDGlobal 2009 2009-07-23 642 Q22998774
William Li: Can we eat to starve cancer? William Li TED2010 2010-02-10 859 Q22980788
William McDonough: Cradle to cradle design William McDonough TED2005 2005-02-02 104 Q22979418
William Noel: Revealing the lost codex of Archimedes William Noel TEDx conference 2012-04-16 1461 Q23468081
William Ury: The walk from "no" to "yes" William Ury TEDx conference 2010-10-17 1017 Q23465124
Willie Smits: How to restore a rainforest Willie Smits TED2009 2009-02-06 475 Q22980402
Wingham Rowan: A new kind of job market Wingham Rowan TED 2012-11-08 1656 Q23662925
Wolfgang Kessling: How to air-condition outdoor spaces Wolfgang Kessling TEDx conference 2012-04-17 1483 Q23468353
Woody Norris: Hypersonic sound and other inventions Woody Norris TED2004 2004-02-02 442 Q22992720
Xavier Vilalta: Architecture at home in its community Xavier Vilalta TEDGlobal 2013 2013-06-11 1854 Q22999571
Yang Lan: The generation that's remaking China Yang Lan TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-13 1236 Q22999213
Yanis Varoufakis: Capitalism will eat democracy -- unless we speak up Yanis Varoufakis TED 2015-12-08 2413 Q23663380
Yann Arthus-Bertrand: A wide-angle view of fragile Earth Yann Arthus-Bertrand TED2009 2009-02-04 561 Q22980533
Yann Dall'Aglio: Love -- you're doing it wrong Yann Dall'Aglio TEDx conference 2012-10-12 1925 Q23470940
Yasheng Huang: Does democracy stifle economic growth? Yasheng Huang TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-12 1220 Q22999186
Yassmin Abdel-Magied: What does my headscarf mean to you? Yassmin Abdel-Magied TEDx conference 2014-12-10 2262 Q23471967
Yoav Medan: Ultrasound surgery -- healing without cuts Yoav Medan TEDMED 2011 2011-10-24 1297 Q22977999
Yochai Benkler: The new open-source economics Yochai Benkler open source TEDGlobal 2005 2005-07-07 247 Q22978329
Yoruba Richen: What the gay rights movement learned from the civil rights movement Yoruba Richen TED2014 2014-03-13 2016 Q22990982
Yossi Vardi: We're worried about local warming ... in your lap Yossi Vardi TED2007 2007-03-07 203 Q22980039
Young-ha Kim: Be an artist, right now! Kim Young-ha TEDx conference 2010-07-24 1653 Q23469746
Yuval Noah Harari: What explains the rise of humans? Yuval Harari TED 2015-06-12 2307 Q23663341
Yves Behar: A supercharged motorcycle design Yves Béhar TED2009 2009-02-06 552 Q22980519
Yves Behar: Designing objects that tell stories Yves Béhar TED2008 2008-02-29 266 Q22980190
Yves Morieux: As work gets more complex, 6 rules to simplify Yves Morieux TED 2013-10-22 1911 Q23464811
Yves Morieux: How too many rules at work keep you from getting things done Yves Morieux TED 2015-07-01 2321 Q23663955
Yves Rossy: Fly with the Jetman Yves Rossy TEDGlobal 2011 2011-07-13 1271 Q22999254
Zach Kaplan + Keith Schacht: Toys and materials from the future Zach Kaplan
Keith Schacht
TED2005 2005-02-02 385 Q22979436
Zahra' Langhi: Why Libya's revolution didn't work -- and what might Zahra' Langhi TEDx conference 2012-12-01 1659 Q23469856
Zainab Salbi: Women, wartime and the dream of peace Zainab Salbi TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-16 1013 Q22999091
Zak Ebrahim: I am the son of a terrorist. Here's how I chose peace. Zak Ebrahim TED2014 2014-03-12 2024 Q22990987
Ze Frank: Are you human? Ze Frank TED2014 2014-03-20 2049 Q22991015
Ze Frank: My web playroom Ze Frank TEDGlobal 2010 2010-07-09 981 Q22999061
Ze Frank: Nerdcore comedy Ze Frank TED2004 2004-02-24 87 Q22992609
Zeresenay Alemseged: The search for humanity's roots Zeresenay Alemseged TEDGlobal 2007 2007-06-07 168 Q22998332
Zeynep Tufekci: Online social change: easy to organize, hard to win Zeynep Tüfekçi TEDGlobal 2014 2014-10-13 2176 Q22999998
Ziauddin Yousafzai: My daughter, Malala Ziauddin Yousafzai TED2014 2014-03-17 1954 Q22990118
Ziyah Gafić: Everyday objects, tragic histories Ziyah Gafić TED2014 2014-03-17 2063 Q22991026
eL Seed: Street art with a message of hope and peace eL Seed TED2015 2015-03-16 2304 Q23419060
iO Tillett Wright: Fifty shades of gay iO Tillett Wright TEDx conference 2012-12-01 1658 Q23469837
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